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1、翻译作业11Priya: my brother - hes got a big crush on Bernadette.我的哥哥深深地暗恋着伯纳黛特Leonard: youre moving back to India?你要回印度吗Leonard: whats going on?这是怎么回事Penny: its its not what it looks like.反正不是你们看上去的那样Sheldon: what does it looks like?到底看上去像怎么样Sheldon: its not what it looks like. Its not what it looks lik

2、e.不是你们看上去的那样。不是你们看上去的那样Leonard: what are you grinding about?你在碎碎念什么啊Pennys brain teaser this morning. She and koothrappali emerge from your bedroom. She is disheveled and raj is dressed only in a sheet. The sale clue: its not what looks is like.佩妮今早留下的头脑风暴悬念,她跟库帕斯里从你的卧室走出,衣衫不整,拉杰只裹了个床单,唯一的线索只有“不是你们看

3、上去的那样”Leonard: just let it go. Sheldon.别纠结了,谢尔顿Sheldon:if I could.i would.but I I,kowning penny,the obvious answers is,they engaged in,butsince,thats what it looked like.we can rule that out. Lets put out thingking cap,shall we? Raj is from india, a tropical country. third world hy

4、giene. parasitic infections are common. such as pinworms. the procedure for diagnosing pinworms is to wait until the subject is asleep. and the worms crawl out of the rectum for air.yes,just like that.penny could have inspecting rajs and region for parasitcs.oh,boy,thats a ture blue friend.纠结不是我想停就能

5、停的。目前的信息表明,佩妮,最明显的答案当然是两人交媾了,但是,鉴于那是“看上去的那样”,我们可以排除这个可能性。让我们戴上智能帽子考虑一下吧,如何?拉杰来自印度,一个热带国家,第三世界的卫生条件,寄生病感染司空见惯,例如蛲虫病。诊断蛲虫病的步骤就是等待。直到宿主陷入沉睡状态。然后蛲虫从宿主的直肠爬出来透气。没错,就像你刚才那样。佩妮可能在观测寄生虫从拉杰的菊花爬出来呢!真是位称职的蓝颜知己啊!Leonard:they slept together ,Sherlock.他们上床了,大神探!Sheldon:no,you werent listening,she said its not what

6、 it looks like.不,你没认真听。她说了“不是你们看上去的那样”Leonard:she lied.她撒谎了Sheldon:oh,dont I look silly sitting wearing this!呃。那我坐在这还戴着这东西岂不是弱爆了Sheldon:Leonard,is it awkward for you,knowing that one of your dear friends had sexual,intercourse with a woman you used to love in the very place you lay your head.莱纳德,现在对

7、你而言,看到你的挚友跟你曾经爱过的女人就在你每天睡觉的地方交媾是否觉得很尴尬?Leonard:no,Im fine with it.不,我能接受Sheldon:thats sounds like sarcasm,but Im going to disregard it.because I have an agendapaintball.specfically,the interdepartmental tournament this order to function better as a fighting unit,I thought we should establ

8、ish a chain of,it goes without saying,that I would outrank the three of you,but the question remains,by how much?now,I dont see me as a some four-star general,back at HQ riding a desk,and playing golf with the Secretary Of Defense.but I also cant be sergeant cooper,because that might lea

9、d you to think of me as just a regular Joe.this might take some thoughts,as you were.那听起来像讽刺啊,但是我绝对无视他。因为我还有其他安排:玩彩弹枪。本周来点特别的,搞个不同部门间的比赛。为了成为更有效率的作战小队,我认为我们有必要建立一个领导机制,当然自不待言,我的地位理应高于你们三位。但问题高多少呢?我认为我不该充当那种在指挥部桌前发号施令,只会跟国防部打高尔夫的四星将的角色。但我也不能当库珀中士,这可能会误导你们把我看成小人物,这事可能需要动点脑筋,交给你们了。Leonard:what the hell

10、 is wrong with you?你到底有什么毛病啊Howard:yeah,how could you do that?是啊,你怎么能这么做呢Raj:what is it to you?跟你有什么关系Howard:I got this back.我挺他啊Raj:yeah,rightyoure just jealous because it turns out Im pennys number two choice after Leonard.嗯,是吗?你应该是嫉妒。我因为事实证明我才是佩妮仅次于莱纳德的第二选择Howard:hey,if I wasnt engaged to Bernade

11、tte that totally could have been me.拜托,如果我没跟伯纳黛特订婚,二号选择完全可能是我Leonard:please,Sheldon would have been before you ,and he might not even have genitals.拜托,谢尔顿都有可能在你之前,他说不定连生殖器都没有呢Raj:why do you care so much? Youre dating my sister and penny and I are in love.你为何这么关心我啊啊?你还跟我妹妹约会啊,况且佩妮和我相恋了Howard&Leonard:

12、what?什么Sheldon:gentlemen.if I may interject,Ive decided my rank will be captain,its good enough for me.先生们,容我插一句,我决定我的军阶为上尉了。如果科克船长、嘎嘣脆船长和袋鼠船长都能胜任此职,那对我而言也不错Howard:youre not in love with penny.你有没有跟佩妮相恋Raj:yes,I am.the god kamadeva has shot us with his flowery arrows of love.有,我有,伟大的天神加摩天用他的爱之花箭射中了我

13、们Howard:who?谁?Raj:hes the hindu verson of cupid.but may better because he rides a giant parrot.他是印度的丘比特。但他帅多了,因为他骑着一只硕大的鹦鹉Leonard:raj,come on,you fall in love with any girl who smiles ay you.a mouth ago,you were writing poems about his fiance.拜托,拉杰,哪个女孩子对你笑你就会爱上谁。一个月前你还给他未婚妻写情诗呢Howard:I am sorry,wha

14、t?什么?他啥意思啊Raj:rubbish,thes talking rubbish.胡说,他胡说八道Leonard:oh,Bernadette,please play my clarinet.哦,伯纳黛特,请给我吹箫吧Raj:that could have been about anyone.besides,you have nothing to worry about ,because now Im the dusky half of koothrapenny.那也可以是别人吗。况且你没必要担心,我现在是库佩恋的主角之一Sheldon:for the record,I do have ge

15、nitals.theyre functional and aesthetionally pleasing.说明一下,我有生殖器,不但功能强劲,而且外形健美Penny:oh,coming.yup,thats good wine glasses should have handles.少来吧你。说到底还是一醉解千愁。Amy:keeping accurate track of your alcohol idea considering how trampy you get when youre had a few.准确记录你得酒精摄入量。鉴于你的酒后乱性程度,这么做很聪明P

16、enny:you heard what I do?你听说我干的事啦Amy:well,I heard who you did.我听说你做了谁了Penny:oh,my god,I screwed up everything.i hurt Leonard,I hurt raj.i mean,what is wrong with me?i feel like two totally different peopleDr.jekyll and Mrs.whore.老天那。我全搞砸了。我伤害了莱纳德,伤害了拉杰,我真是有毛病啊我,我感觉自己完全是两个不同的人,华娼博士Amy:Dont be so hard

17、 on you know the story of Catherine the great?别太自责了,你知道凯萨琳大帝的故事吗?Penny:no.不知道Amy:she ruled Russia in the late 1700s.and one night,when she was feeling particularly randy.she used an intricate system of pulleys to have intimate relations with a horse.她是俄罗斯18世纪后期的统治者。一天晚上,她感觉性欲特别强,她用一个复杂的轮

18、滑系统跟一匹马发生了亲密关系Penny:Im sorry,what does this have to do with me?咦?这跟我有什么关系?Amy:she engaged in interspecies hanky-panky,and penple still call he “great”,Im sure your reputation can survive,you shagging a little Indian boy.她跟不同物种发生过关系,但人们依然尊称她为“大帝”啊!我相信你的名誉不会因为一个小印度男而毁掉的Bernadette:you jerk face!what di

19、d you tell howard?!did you say there was something going on between us?because he thinks there is!hes completely freaking out!你个不要脸的东西,你跟霍华德说什么了。你跟他说我们之间有奸情是不是?他现在就是这么想的,他整个人都抓狂了Raj:please,come in.请进Bernadette : at the hell is wrong with you ?!你这人有毛病啊Raj:wellyou were always so nice to me,I thought m

20、aybe you liked me. 你总是对我这么好,我以为你喜欢我吗。Bernadette:Im nice to everyone!我对谁都这么好啊Raj:Im sorry.对不起Bernadette:damn sorry.youre sorry.and you tell howard theres never been anything between us!没错,你是对不起我,你去跟霍华德说我们之间没有任何暧昧之情Raj:I will,hey , Bernadette.我会的,但伯纳黛特Bernadette:what?怎么了?Raj:do you think I shot with p

21、enny ? 你觉得我和佩妮有机会吗Bernadette:of course you do.youre a cute pie!any girl would be lucky to have you .当然啦,你那么可爱,哪个女孩子遇到你真是三生有幸啊Penny:you know,Ive done this before in kindergarten.i was supposed to marry Jason Sorensen at recess,but by the time my class got out there,he was already engaged to Chelsea h

22、 what did I do? the monkey bars, let all the boys see my underpants.你知道吗?我以前就犯过这种错,在幼儿园的时候,我本来要在下课期间嫁给杰森索伦森,但等同学们都出来的时候,他已经和切尔西辛莫法订婚了。知道我怎么做吗?我倒挂在猴架上,让全部男生看我内裤。Amy:you cant blame yourself when your prefrontal cortex fails to make you happy.promiscuity rewards you with the needed flood of

23、 dopamine-we neurobiologists refer to this as the “skank reflex”.你不能责怪自己,当你的前额皮质无法使你开心时滥交能给你带来大量所需的多巴胺。我们神经生物学家称之为“下流反射”Penny:you know what?lets get out of here.这样吧,我们出去玩Amy:where are we going?我们去哪玩Penny:somewhere where no ones seen me naked.we may have to drive a while.去没有人看过我裸体的地方,可能得开一会车才行Sheldon

24、:subtlety isnt her strong suit,is it?聪敏就不是她的强项对吧Penny:can I stay at your place for a few nights?我能去你家睡几晚吗Amy:really? A best friend sleepover? Yay.真的吗?闺蜜来过夜,好耶Penny:yeah,sure,yay!当然,好耶Amy:well make popcorn,stay up all night,and Ill teach you my secret language.op.我们弄点爆米花,玩他个通宵。我会教你说我的密语,表嗷话Penny:soun

25、ds great.听上去不错Amy:nope,sounds “gtop rop e a top”.错,应该是听上去“表嗷错哦”Penny:yeah,tm gonna go back a bag.好耶,我去收个包Amy:no, youre not,youre gonno “pop a cop kop a bop a gop”.不,错了,你是去“收个表嗷哦”Leonard:do we really have to wear the camouflage crap to play paintball?我们真要穿这蠢爆了的迷彩服去打彩弹吗Sheldon:who said that?leonard,I

26、can heard your voice,but I cant see you.谁在说话?莱纳德,我能听到你但看不到你Leonard:Im not in the mood, Sheldon.我没那心情,谢尔顿Sheldon:oh,there you are!leonard,I know youre upset about recent events and I have someone here to help.哎呀,你在这啊。莱纳德,我知道你为最近的事不开心,所以我找了人来帮你Leonard:I dont want to talk to amy.我不想和艾米说话Sheldon:no,its

27、not amy.不,那不是艾米Lmum:hello,dear.你好,宝贝Leonard:you called my mother.你叫了我妈Sheldon:oh,Leonard,is it nexessary to caption the obvious?莱纳德,非要说的这么明显吗Lmum:hes been like that since he was a toddler.look,mommya butterfly,maddening.他还是小孩时就这样了。看啊,妈咪,一只蝴蝶,真闹心Leonard:whats going on?what do you want.怎么了,你有什么事Lmum:S

28、heldon informed me that youre experiencing an emotional uphearal and Im here to help.谢尔顿告诉我说 你正在遭遇感情上的剧变,所以我来帮忙Leonard:thats so nice.你真贴心Lmum:and weve back to the,whats up?这不又是明摆着的么。好吧,怎么了Leonard:welluh.okay.i dont want to get back together with penny,we tried it,it was crazy,it didnt wo

29、rk.but I cant deal with the fact that she slept with my friend raj,and the I find out the rajsister priya who Ive been going out with eight mouths is wrong back ti Imjust completely confused and alone.那个 额我不想和佩妮复合,我们尝试过,很疯狂,效果很糟糕,但我也不能接受她和我朋友拉杰上床了,我还发现拉杰的妹妹普里亚,我和她交往了八个月,而她现在要回印度,所以我完全迷茫和寂寞

30、了。Lmum:I understand.我理解Leonard:got any advice?有什么建议吗Lmum:yes,buck up!当然有啦,振作起来Leonard:excuse me,youre a world-renowned expert in parenting and child development and all youre got is “buck up”?啥?你是一个世界知名的育儿和儿童成长专家,能给的建议就是“振作起来”吗?Lmum:sorry,buck up,sissy pants.不好意思,振作起来,小娘跑Leonard:thanks,mother,I feel

31、 much better.多谢,妈妈,我感觉好多了Lmum:if you need any more help from books are available on amazon.logging off!如果你需要我的更多帮助,就去亚马逊上买我的书。下了Amy: ninety-nine,one hundred.its like a waterfall of liquid gold,my turn.99,100,秀发如瀑布一般倾泻而下。轮到我了。Penny:you know,I dont even know what the point of me satying in L.A. I havent gotten a single acting job since I moved out here.the close I came was last mouth I got a callback for a hemorrhoid commercial.我都不知道我干嘛要住在洛杉矶,自我搬到这后连一次演员工作机会都没有。最接近的就是上个月,一个做痔疮广告的打了电话给我Amy:oh,I could so se

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