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1、功能目的论在电影字幕翻译中的运用滨 州 学 院毕业设计(论文)题 目 功能目的论在电影字幕翻译中的运用系 (院) 外语系 专 业 英 语 班 级 2010级1班 学生姓名 沈 晨 学 号 * 指导教师 孟丽华 职 称 教 授 二一四年六月十日Application of Skopos Theory in Film Subtitle TranslationA Thesis Submittedto Foreign Languages Department of Binzhou Universityin Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the D

2、egree of Bachelor of ArtsByShen ChenSupervisor:Meng lihuaJune 10, 2014独 创 声 明本人郑重声明:所呈交的毕业设计(论文),是本人在指导老师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果,成果不存在知识产权争议。尽我所知,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本设计(论文)不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体均已在文中以明确方式标明。本声明的法律后果由本人承担。 作者签名: 二一四年六月十日毕业设计(论文)使用授权声明本人完全了解滨州学院关于收集、保存、使用毕业设计(论文)的规定。本人愿意按照

3、学校要求提交学位论文的印刷本和电子版,同意学校保存学位论文的印刷本和电子版,或采用影印、数字化或其它复制手段保存设计(论文);同意学校在不以营利为目的的前提下,建立目录检索与阅览服务系统,公布设计(论文)的部分或全部内容,允许他人依法合理使用。(保密论文在解密后遵守此规定)作者签名: 二一四年六月十日功能目的论在电影字幕翻译中的运用摘 要随着全球一体化进程的不断深入,电影作为一种文化载体在国际间的交流日益频繁,电影翻译的重要性也日益凸显。电影翻译可以使观众更全面地了解外国电影的内容,为电影在世界范围内理想地实现其传播功能提供帮助。事实上,大部分中国人都不具备直接欣赏外语影片的能力,而很多影片却

4、恰恰是原声发音、外语字幕。本文从目的论的角度对电影字幕翻译进行综合分析,指出电影翻译是一个专业领域,不仅是受翻译理论约束,还受影片自身约束。本文试图用功夫熊猫这一案例,以功能目的论为视角对电影字幕翻译进行研究。文章首先分析了电影中的中国元素及其语言特征。从语言、风格和文化不同方面,通过具体的例子对翻译理论进行探讨。同时结合字幕自身的特点和限制,总结出字幕翻译中所需要用到的翻译策略,最后指出,功能目的论给译者提供了一个全新的视角,为电影字幕翻译提供理论参考。关键词:字幕翻译;功能目的论;翻译策略;功夫熊猫Application of Skopos Theory in Film Subtitle

5、Translation AbstractAlong with the deepening of globalization, film, as a kind of cultural carrier, has been a way to communicate frequently among different countries. Therefore, the significance of movie translation is increasingly growing. Film translation can make the audience fully understand th

6、e content of foreign films, and help the film to realize its communication function all over the world. In fact, most Chinese people dont have the ability to appreciate foreign film directly, but lots of films apply original pronunciation with English subtitles. This paper analyzes film subtitle tra

7、nslation from the perspective of skopos theory, pointing out that film translation is a professional field, which is not only bound by the translation theory but also by the film itself. This paper attempts to take Kung Fu Panda as a case, to study film subtitle translation by skopos theory. Initial

8、ly, this paper analyses the Chinese elements in the movie and its linguistic features. From different aspects of language, style and culture, it utilizes concrete examples to discuss this translation theory. This thesis analyzing the characteristics and limitations of subtitle, summarizes the transl

9、ational strategies for its translation, and finally points out that functional skopos theory gives a new perspective to translators and provides theoretical reference for the film subtitle translation.Key words: subtitle translation; skopos theory; translational strategies;Kung Fu PandaContentsIntro

10、ductionNowadays, with the speeding up of globalization, the intercultural communication between China and other countries has become more and more frequently. Many Chinese famous films are translated into English and many English films are translated into Chinese. Therefore, the importance of film s

11、ubtitle translation has been reflected more deeply than ever before. It is necessary to overcome the obstacles of language and cultural issues in the process of enjoying English films. Subtitling has played an unprecedentedly important role for Chinas economic growth and technical restrictions exert

12、ed on film translation. A lot of attention has been paid into subtitle translation and studies in this field have been executed more widely and centrally in the western countries, so treaties are founded in terms of strategies and quality measures. Professors like Delabastita, Ian Mason, Aline Remea

13、l and Anne Jackel dedicate their time into subtitle translation. Some periodicals and articles about researches of film subtitle translation, international meetings, drilling curriculums for subtitle translators and MA projects for theoretical side of subtitle translation have symbolized the rise of

14、 its impact. On the contrary, studies in this area have a comparatively short history in China. Chinese subtitle translators began their work in 1949. Changchun Film Studio brought in a Russian movie which is the first achievement in subtitle translation. Then numerous foreign movies have been intro

15、duced into China after 21st century, meanwhile, film subtitle translation has started booming. For instance, Qian Shaochang, an expert in film subtitle translation, has implemented an operational research in this point named “Audio-Visual TranslationAn Important Area in the Field of Translation Stud

16、ies”. He briefly states the significance of film subtitle translation and appeals the translators to pay close attention to it. Thus more and more attention on subtitle translation has been draw from domestic translation professors. This thesis provides a case analysis of a famous American movie Kun

17、g Fu Panda. Skopos theory is applied as a basic theoretical foundation of the study. Effort will be made to give skopos-oriented method for the subtitle translation through a case analysis followed for further explanation.Chapter One Theoretical Basis of the Study1.1 An overview of skopos theorySkop

18、os theory is a method to translation from functionalism which was first put forward in Germany by Reiss and her student Vermeer (1984) in their book General Foundations of Translation Theory. It shows a general change from primary language and official translation theories to a more purposeful and s

19、ocio-culturally guided notion of translation. This change derives afflatus from text theory, text linguistics, action theory and communication theory, as well as from activity in literary studies toward reception theories (Baker, 2004, p. 235). The word “skopos” rooted in Greek is an academic jargon

20、 for the goal or objective of translation. At present, skopos theory is the foremost theory for functionalism as well as the base of the functionalist means to translation. Reiss and Vermeer have played important roles in establishing the skopos theory.Reiss first brought a functional directory into

21、 her “objective approach to translation criticism” in 1971, which is regarded as the origin for professionally analyzing translation in Germany. In his point of view, a qualified translation should be one “in which the aim in target language is equivalence as regards the conceptual content, linguist

22、ic form and communicative function of a source-language”. And she put such translation as “integral communicative performance” (Nord, 2001, p. 9). Her student-Hans J. Vermeer made a further study in this field. It is Vermeer who brought “skopos” into translation theory and promoted the development o

23、f skopos theory which is considered as the core of the functional translation theory. It seems to him that translation is not just a single pass between different languages but a more complicated movement. It is a kind of unique action with aims carried out by human and a conversion in which communi

24、cative verbal and non-verbal symbols are switched from one language to another. Besides, Christiane Nord is a professional translator and great scholar who also make a great contribution in skopos theory. In her book Translating as a Purposeful Activity-Functionalist Approaches Explained, Nord intro

25、duced the “loyalty principle” into functionalist pattern (Nord, 2001).1.2 Rules of skopos theoryTranslation is only a kind of translational activity. Therefore, translation is depicted as a purposeful, communicative, partially verbal and inter-cultural interaction on account of the source text (Nord

26、, 2001). According to this concept, Vermeer comes up with his translation rules, involving the skopos rule, the fidelity rule and the coherence rule. The skopos rule is considered as the guiding principle, while the fidelity rule and the coherence rule are subordinate principles. 1.2.1 The skopos ru

27、leSkopos theory holds that all translation activities should follow “skopos theory”, that is to say, translation should take effect in the way which is expected by the target receptor. The purpose determines the translation action, namely the result determines the method. Due to this rule, many tran

28、slational activities have a variety of skopos and maybe they associate to each other in a scalar sequence. The translators have the right to justify a specific purpose according to a particular situation. For translators, to know why a source article to be translated and what the goal of the target

29、article is will be fatal in this rule.1.2.2 The coherence rule and fidelity ruleCoherence rule means that the translation must be consistent with the intra-textual coherence standard, namely readability and acceptability, which can make the recipient understanding and have significance in the target

30、 culture and the use of communicative context. An interpersonal communication can be effective only if the recipients explain it as being suitably consistent with their situation. While fidelity rule means that inter-textual coherence should exist between the source text and the target text. This is

31、 equivalent to the translation theory what is so-called faithful to the original text, but the degree and form of the fidelity depend on the purpose of the translation and the translators understanding. In some situation, one probable kind of inter-textual coherence needs a supremely faithful simula

32、tion of the source text.1.3 Significance of the skopos theoryThe skopos theory means the innovation in modern translational theories. This transfer of emphasis is very popular in other translational theories and performs frequently in recent decades. In addition, uniformity that lies in skopos theory and other translational theories can offer a reason for skopos theory.1.3.1 Translating as a purposeful human actionOn account of the skopos theory, translation activity is an interpersonal and intercult

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