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1、大学英语六级考试试题2002年6月大学英语六级考试试题 试卷一 Part I Listening Comprehension 20 minutes Section A Directions In this section you will hear 10 short conversation . At the end of each conversation a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After ea

2、ch question there will be a pause. During the parse you must read the four choices marked A B C and D and decided which is the best answer. Then marked the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. Example You will hear You will read A 2 hours B 3 hours C 4 hour

3、s D 5 hours From the conversation we know that the two are talking about some work they will start at 9 oclock in the morning and have to finish at 2 in the afternoon. Therefore D “5 hours” is the correct answer. You should choose D on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the cent

4、re . Sample AnswerA B C D 1. A Registering for course . B Getting directions . C Buying a new computer . D Studying sociology . 2. A The man will probably have to find a roommate . B The man is unlikely to live in the suburbs . C The man will probably have to buy a car . D The man is unlikely to fin

5、d exactly what he desires. 3. A Painting a picture. B Hosting a program. C Designing a studio. D Taking a photograph. 4. A The woman doesnt think it a problem to get her passport renewed . B The woman has difficulty renewing her passport. C The woman hasnt renewed her passport yet. D The womans pass

6、port is still valid . 5. A A prediction of the future of mankind . B A new drug that may benefit mankind . C An opportunity for a good job . D An unsuccessful experiment . 6. A A lesson requires students active involvement. B Students usually take an active part in a lecture. C More knowledge is cov

7、ered in a lecture . D There is a larger group of people interested in lessons. 7. A Neither of their watches keeps good time. B The womans watch stopped 3 hours ago . C The mans watch goes too fast . D Its too dark for the woman to read her watch . 8. A Shes proud of being able to do many things at

8、the same time . B She is sure to finish al the things in a few hours. C She dreams of becoming a millionaire someday . D Shes been kept extremdly busy . 9. A He wants his students to be on time for class . B He doesnt allow his students to tell jokes in class. C He is always punctual for his class .

9、 D He rarely notices which students are late . 10. A He is nervous about the exam . B He is looking for a job . C He doesnt dare to tell lies. D He doesnt know how to answer the questions. Section B Directions In this section you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage you will hear s

10、ome questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question you must choose the best answer form the four choices marked A B C and D . Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. Passage One Question 11 to 14

11、 are based on the passage you have just heard . 11. A She was bored with her idle life at home . B She was offered a good job by her neighbour . C She wanted to help with the familys finances. D Her family would like to see her more involved in social life . 12. A Doing housework . B Looking after h

12、er neighbours children. C Reading papers and watching TV. D Taking good care of her husband . 13. A Jane got angry at Bills idle life. B Bill failed to adapt to the new situation . C Bill blamed Jane for neglecting the family . D The children were not taken good care of . 14. A Neighbours should hel

13、p each other . B Women should have their own careers. C Man and wife should share household duties. D Parents should take good care of their children. Passage Two Question 15 to 17 are base don the passage you have just heard . 15. A To predict natural disasters that can cause vast destruction . B T

14、o limit the destruction that natural disasters may cause . C To gain financial support from the United Nations. D to propose measures to hold back natural disasters. 16. A There is still a long way to go before man can control natural disasters. B International cooperation can minimize the destructi

15、ve force of natural disasters. C Technology can help reduce the damage natural disasters may cause. D Scientists can successfully predict earthquakes. 17. A There were fatal mistakes in its design . B The builder didnt observe the building codes of the time . C The traffic load went beyond its capac

16、ity . D It was built according to less strict earthquake-resistance standards. Passage Three Questions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard. 18. A By judging to what extent they can eliminate the risks. B By estimating the possible loss of lives and property . C By estimating the fr

17、equency of volcanic eruptions. D By judging the possible risks against the likely benefits. 19. A One of Etnas recent eruptions made many people move away . B Etnas frequent eruptions have ruined most of the local farmland . C Etnas eruptions are frequent but usually mild . D There are signs that Et

18、na will erupt again in the near future. 20. A They will remain where they are . B They will leave this area for ever. C They will turn to experts for advice. D They will seek shelter in nearby regions. Part Reading Comprehension (35 minutes) Directions There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage

19、 is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A B C and D . You should decided on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. Passage One Question 21 to 25 are base on the follo

20、wing passage When global warming finally came it stuck with a vengeance(异乎寻常地). In some regions temperatures rose several degrees in less than a century. Sea levels shot up nearly 400 feet flooding coastal settlements and forcing people to migrate inland. Deserts spread throughout the world as veget

21、ation shifted drastically in North America Europe and Asia. After driving many of the animals around them to near extinction people were forced to abandon their old way of life for a radically new survival strategy that resulted in widespread starvation and disease. The adaptation was farming the gl

22、obal-warming crisis that gave rise to it happened more than 10 000 years ago. As environmentalists convene in Rio de Janeiro this week to ponder the global climate of the future earth scientists are in the midst of a revolution in understanding how climate has changed in the past - and how those cha

23、nges have transformed human existence. Researchers have begun to piece together an illuminating picture of the powerful geological and astronomical forces that have combined to change the planets environment from hot to cold wet to dry and back again over a time period stretching back hundreds of mi

24、llions of years. Most important scientists are beginning to realize that the climatic changes have had a major impact on the evolution of the human species. New research now suggests that climate shifts have played a key role in nearly every significant turning point in human evolution from the dawn

25、 of primates (灵长目动物) some 65 million years ago to human ancestors rising up to walk on two legs from the huge expansion of the human brain to the rise of agriculture . Indeed the human history has not been merely touched by global climate change some scientists argue it has in some instances been dr

26、iven by it. The new research has profound implications for he environmental summit in Rio . Among other things the findings demonstrate that dramatic climate changes is nothing new for planet Earth. The benign (宜人的) global environment that has existed over the past 10 000 years -during which agricul

27、ture writing cities and most other features of civilization appeared -is a mere bright spot in a much larger pattern of widely varying climate over the ages. In fact the pattern of climate change in the past reveals that Earths climate will almost certainly go through dramatic changes in the future

28、- even without the influence of human activity. 21. Farming emerged as a survival strategy because man had been obliged . A to give up his former way of life B to leave the coastal areas C to follow the ever-shifting vegetation D to abandon his original settlement 22. Earth scientists have come to u

29、nderstand that climate . A is going through a fundamental change B has been getting warmer for 10 000 years C will eventually change from hot to cold D has gone through periodical changes 23. Scientists believe that human evolution . A has seldom been accompanied by climatic changes B has exerted li

30、ttle influence on climatic changes C has largely been effected by climatic changes D has had a major impact on climatic changes 24. Evidence of past climatic changes indicates that . A human activities have accelerated changes of Earths environment B Earths environment will remain mild despite human

31、 interference C Earths climate is bound to change significantly in the future D Earths climate is unlikely to undergo substantial changes in the future 25. The message the author wishes to convey in the passage is that . A human civilization remains glorious though it is affected by climatic changes B mankind is virtually helpless in

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