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1、仁爱版八册英语八个单元复习导学八年级上(Unit 12)复习要点导学词汇部分: (共3课时)1)cheer v“加油,欢呼,喝彩”cheer sb.on 为加油例:Our teacher will cheer us on .我们老师将要来给我们加油。cheer up 精神振作2)区分:win “赢,获胜”后接表比赛项目的词,不能加指人的词。如:win the match /game. beat相当于defeat“打败,击败”后接表指人的词,不能加指比赛项目的词。如:beat him/the team Lose“输”lose to sb. In the match , we lost to th

2、eir team . We lost the match to their team.3)prefer更喜欢,宁愿=like better.prefer doing /to do sth = like to do / doing 喜欢做某事。如:I prefer walking /to walk by the river after supper .prefer+名/v-ing to+名/v-ing =like+名/v-ing better than+名/v-ing (两者比较起来),比较喜欢如:I prefer spring to summer=I like spring better th

3、an summer . I prefer watching TV to listening to the radio .prefer to do rather than do 宁愿干,而不愿干 同:Would rather do than do .宁愿也不。如:I prefer to stay at home rather than go out . Id rather stay at home than go out .4)bit : a bit =a little +adj . /adv. (或比较级)“有点儿”a bit /a little colder /faster.a bit of

4、 =a little +不可数名词。“一点”a bit of / a little water quite a bit of / quite a lot of +可数名词复数或不可数名词 quite a few of +可数名词复数 “相当多”5)join 动. “加入”加入某一组织/团体/党派。区分“take part in ”=join in参加会议/活动/比赛等。 “和一起”=be with 如:Would you like to join us ? be / go with us 和时间段连用时,须变为延续性动词be in / be a member of I join the foo

5、tball team last year . I have been in / on the football team since last year . 6)grow 动词: “成长 ,生长” grow up 成长,长大 The crops grow fine . 庄稼长得很好。 When I grow up . I want to be a teacher . “增长”The worlds population is growing faster and faster . “种植”grow vegetables .7)in the future 在将来,未来。8)“到达”get to 、

6、 arrive at /in 、reach +地点 reach 后直接加地点。不加介词。 当地点省略时,只能用arrive .如:The train arrived at 6:00 p.m. arrive at +小地点。 arrive in +大地点 get to 后有副词时,to省去。如: get home.9)against 介词“对着,反对”play against sb. 和某人比赛。fight against sb.和某人作斗争Well play against No.1 Middle School. We ran home against the strong wind and

7、the heavy rain.10)leave : 离开 leave for +地点“动身去某地”。leave for 离开去留下,忘记 He left his book in the garden . (不能用forget ) Please leave your address . 使处于状态 leave sb/sth +adjLeave the door open . 让门开着。 Leave the light on . 让灯亮着。名词+left .“剩下的” Theres little time left , Lets harry up .11)shame “羞愧”名词. What a

8、shame !多羞啊!shame on sb 为某人感到羞愧pity 同情、遗憾、怜悯 What a pity ! Its a pity.12)pretty: “相当,颇”=quite 如:pretty well 相当好。 “漂亮的”=beautiful.13)popular :流行的,受欢迎的。be popular with受到的欢迎如:This new type of TV set is very popular with people in China .14)heart 心,心脏.from the bottom of ones heart +发自某人内心深处mind :思想,主意,头脑

9、,念头。make up ones mind to do sth .下决心干某事。动词“介意,反对”mind doing .如:-Which do you prefer to drink , milk or coffee ? -I dont mind ,_ is OK. -Do / Would you mind opening the door , sir ? Do / Would you mind my opening the door , sir ?Do / Would you mind if I open the door , sir ? -Certainly not . /Of cour

10、se not . / Not at all .不介意时的回答。 Youd better not . / sorry , Im afraid yo cant .介意时的回答。 - Would you mind not smoking here ? -Sorry , Ill go somewhere else .15) health 名词“健康”Walking is good for your health . Healthy adj .“健康的”=fit keep healthy healthily副词,“健康地”16) do sb . a favor =help sb = give sb. a

11、 hand .帮助某人如:Would / Could you please do me a favor / help me / give me a hand ?17) far from 离远near to 离近18)care : 名“关心,爱护,照管” take care of =look after = care for #care about 关心,在乎 如:He cares about nothing but money. take care “小心,保重” careful adj . careless粗心的 (carelessness 名词“粗心”) carefully adv.-ca

12、relessly adv.19)be angry with sb. be pleased with sb. / sth . be angry at sth . 20) right away =at once 立刻,马上 right now = now =at the moment 现在 just now = a moment ago 刚才21) be important / useful /helpful / friendly / kind |to sb .对某人22)instead 副词“代替,顶替,反而,而”单独位于句首或句尾。如: LiLei is ill . Ill ask Tom t

13、o come instead . He didnt answer me , instead went away . instead of +替代对象(名/代/动+ing)Mr Green will go to England instead of Germany . LiLei is ill , Ill ask Tom to come instead of him .23) 可能 maybe 常放在句首。副词 may be 常放在句中,情态动词24)pick 采,摘。 pick flowers / apples . pick up 把拾起/捡起/开车接某人 Ill pick you up at

14、 5:00.25) be fond of 喜欢,对满意 Im fond of picking flowers.26)lift 举起,抬起 lift the basket . (烟,云)消散 The cloud will lift soon. 名“电梯”28) check over =look over =examine 体检,检查(病人)30)give up /give up doing 放弃31) 区分 among 在(三个以上)之间 between 在(两者)之间32)区分on ones /the way to 在某人去的路上 by the way 顺便说一下/问一下 in the way

15、 用这种方法 in many ways在许多方面33) ask for (sick)leave 请(病)假34)shout to sb . 朝大声喊 shout at sb. 斥责某人36)say sorry to sb. 向某人道谦be sorry for/about sth . 为感到抱谦/遗憾八年级上(Unit 12)知识要点语法项目: (共2课时)习题:1) His uncle _ in three days . A returns B has returned C returned D will return2) -Please tell me when we _ an Englis

16、h party. -Next Sunday. A are going to have B had C have D have had3)-Shall we go shopping now ? -Sorry , I cant . I _ my shirts . A wash B washes C washed D am washing4)Frank _ to see his grandma if he _ free tomorrow. A will come , will be B comes , is C will come , is D comes , will be5)-_you_ TV

17、at the moment ? -No , you can turn it off . A Did , watch B Are , watching C Do , watch D Have , watched6)-Hurry up ! Were all waiting for you . -I _ for an important phone call . Go without me . A wait B was waiting C am waiting D waited7)No one helped Millie . She did it all by _. A myself B herse

18、lf C himself D yourself8)-_I visit my grandparents this weekend , Mum ? -Certainly , if your homework is finished . A Must B Should C May D Need9)When I was young , I _ go to school on foot because I _ afford a bike .A had to , couldnt B had better , cant C would like to ,cant D must , couldnt 10)-_

19、 I smoke here ? -No , you _ . You _ do it outside the room , if you like . A Must , neednt , may B May , mustnt can C Can , neednt , may D Need , mustnt , must 11)-Listen ! Helen is singing in the next room . -It _ be Helen . She has gone to BeiJing. A cant B mustnt C neednt D may not12)To make our

20、city more beautiful , rubbish _ everywhere . A cant throw B may not throw C neednt be thrown D mustnt be thrown13)-Must I come back every month ? -No , you _ . You _ come back once half a year . A mustnt , may B mustnt , can C neednt , can D dont have to , must .交际用语部分:一 请求允许:1)-May / Can I come in

21、?2) -Can / Could / May I borrow your book ?3) -Would / Do you mind my smoking here ?4) -Could / Would you please help me to plant trees ?答:肯定:Yes , please . / Sure / Certainly / OK / All right . / Of course , you can .否定:Im sorry , Im afraid you / I cant Im sorry , but I cant .Sorry , Its not allowe

22、d .二 提出建议: -Lets +v.原 .Shall we +v.原?Why not +v.原?Why dont you +v.原?What / how about +v.-ing ?如:What about going shopping ?Youd better (not )+v.原.You should / shouldnt +v.原. -Sure . / Great / Certainly / OK. / All right .等.No , Lets .Sorry , Im afraid I cant .三 计划及约会:1)-Will you be free tomorrwo ? /

23、 Are you free tomorrow ? -Yes , Ill be free . / I think so .2)-Do you have time this afternoon ? -Yes , I do . (Im afraid I have no time then.)3)-How about tomorrow morning ? -OK.4) -What are you going to do this weekend ? -Nothing muck .Do you have any ideas? -Shall we go for a picnic ? -OK.5)-When

24、 and where shall we meet ? -At 6:00 outside our school gate . -Im afraid not . I have to finish my homework first . -Lets make it 7:00 / a little later .四 道歉: -Sorry . / Im sorry . Im late . -Thats ok / Thats all right .Im sorry Im late . Nerer mind / It doesnt matter . / Its nothing .五 看病:1)-Whats

25、wrong with you ? You dont look very well . -I have a toothache . -Im sorry to hear that . Youd better / Should go to see a doctor at once . -Thanks , I will .2)-How are you feeling now ? -Much better . / Even worse .3) -Whats wrong with you ? / Whats your trouble ? / Whats the matter with you ?-I ha

26、ve a headache / a cold / a cough / a fever . I feel terrible . / Ive got a pain here . -How long have you been like this ?-Ever since last night . -Have you taken your temperature ? /Did you take your temperature ?-Yes . I took it a moment ago . It seems all night .或:Its a little high . -Have you ea

27、ten anything ? / Did you eat anything ?- No , I dont /didnt feel like eating anything . -Did you sleep well last night ? / Do you sleep well ? -No , I cant sleep well . Its nothing serious , Youve just a cold . -Take this medicine / these pills three times a day . Drink more water and have a good re

28、st . Youll be better soon .-Thank you very much . Lie down and Let me look you over / check you .八年级上Unit 34复习要点导学词汇部分:1) collect 动“收集,搜集”collect waste paper and bottles . collect stamps 集邮 其名词为collection2)used to +v.原形 过去常常做某事如:I used to walk along the river after supper . Mr Green used to be a his

29、tory teacher .句式变化时按时态变或在used 上进行变化都可。如:I didnt use to walk along I usednt to walk along 否定句Did you use to walk along? Used you to walk along? 一般疑问句区分:used to do sth . 过去常常做某事 be used to do =be used for doing sth .被用来做某事 be used to +名词/v.-ing . 习惯于(做)某事如:This room _ play pingpong now . Tom has _ liv

30、ing in China .John _ live in China , but he is in Cauada now . Are you _ the food here ?3) go fishing /swimming / skating / hiking / shopping / boating 去干 do (some / the ) shopping / cleaning / cooking 做4)go on doing sth .=go on with sth . 继续干某事(前后所做事情一样,但有中断) go on to do sth .继续干某事(前后所做事情不一致,有中断) keep doing 持续,连续不断干某事 keep on doing 继续干某事,无中断。 continae

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