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北师大版四年级英语下册Unit 10Lets go教案.docx

1、北师大版四年级英语下册Unit 10 Lets go教案北师大版四年级英语下册Unit 10 Lets go!教案 题Unit 10 Lets g!型新授1教学目标1 知识目标:学习新单词vie, auseent par, useu, ne, bus, dinsaur, start, lse, free, enugh以及词组far aa, b bus b ar2能力目标:学生能够与生活实际结合理解词意,在句型中应用所学单词。 3情感目标:培养学生用英语描述事物的习惯,乐于开口说英语。 重点关于地点的单词和乘坐的交通工具难点 Auseent par useu dinsaur 的发音与拼写教学方法

2、听说法、 、教具准备磁带、卡片、电脑板 书设 计 Unit Lets g! 本单元的单词卡片 教与学的的过程设计意图增删调补ar-upSing a sng Spelling gae: Spell the rds in teasresentatinHave the hildren l page 41Pla the sng ne Have the hildren tuh the rds as the listenAnd then as se questin abut the sngT:hat an u see in the piture? here d the g?Ss: I an see vie

3、 The g the the viesPresent the flashard vie Explain the eanings and repeat it after uExplain Lets g t the vie then, as the hildren ae a ne sentene Eg: Lets g t the zRepeat the sae predure and present ther ne rds: auseent par useu, ne, bus, dinsaur3Prdutin:As the hildren ae se sentenes :Lets g t the

4、z I an see dinsaur in the z I g t the z b busReturn t the sng Listen t the tape again, this tie stpping after eah line Have the hildren pratie singing eah line after the hear it n the tapereate a ne sngPratie:Diret the hildrens attentin t the pitures at the btt f the pageHave the hildren tal abut th

5、e piture in pairsExplain t the hildren that the ill hear a sentene n the tape and the ust ath it t the rret pitureSuar:Have the hildren pen the bs at page40As u pla the tape, have the hildren tuh the athing rdsPla the tape again, stpping after eah rd Have the hildren repeat the rds after hearing the

6、 n the tape6HersListen and repeat the rds at page40p the ne rds利用英语歌曲将同学带入堂。拼写单词比赛,复习所学过的单词,激发学习兴趣。利用英语歌曲设置情景,让同学们在情景中学习单词 把词汇的教学放在句子当中进行练习。运用所学单词,创设新的英语歌曲,培养学生的创造能力。听力练习,检测学生对今天所学知识的掌握情况。教学反思: 题Unit 10 Lets g!型新授2教学目标1知识目标:能够理解和正确表达功能句型:Lets Shall e D e have enugh tie? es, e d N, e dnt2能力目标:学生能够在创设

7、的情景中进行交流,能够建议做某事。 3情感目标:引导学生注意语言的功能,即语言的实际意义 重点etsShall e D e have enugh ?难点 根据不同的情景进行语言交流教学方法听说法、 、交际法教具准备磁带、卡片、电脑板 书设 计 Unit Lets g!LetsShall eD e have enugh? 教与学的的过程设计意图增删调补ar-upSing a sng Gae: Ht seatresentatinHave the hildren turn t page42 Dra their attentin t the auseent par n tp f the page Sh

8、 ur p f the page As the hildren hat the thin is thining abut As, “ here d u thin ants t g?” Tr t eliit t the auseent parEliit the del strutures:Lets g t the auseent parD e have enugh tie?Shall e g t a vie?Read alud the dialg in pairs3Prdutin:Divide the lass int t grups ne grup is and the ther grup i

9、s en Have the repeat the dialgEnurage the hildren t substitute different suggestins fr Lets g t _ The an use the exaples given in rd t learn del fur situatins : vie theater, auseent par, si it and green par Have the hildren hse ne t ae a dialguePratie:Dra the hildrens attentin t page42 Have the tal

10、abut the five pituresListen and repeat the sentenesListen again and nuber the pituresSuar:L at Unle Bs Blabard, read alud it6HersListen and repeat the text at page40-4p the ne strutures利用英语歌曲将同学带入堂。通过Ht seat 游戏,复习所学过的句型,激发学习兴趣。利用情景,让同学们在情景中理解主要句型并学会应用。请同学们分角色表演中的小对话,培养学生的表演能力根据情景创设一段新的对话,培养学生的创造能力归纳

11、总结一下本主要句型。教学反思:题 Unit 10 Lets g!型新授3教学目标1 知识目标:通过整篇的故事情景感悟、理解新的语言结构的用法与意义,学会提建议的表达方式。2 能力目标:能够对小故事进行复述,能够运用主句型进行交流。 3情感目标:整体语言的输入与输出,培养学生的口语表达能力。 重点在情景中运用主要功能句型难点 复述小故事的内容教学方法听说法、 表演法、交际法教具准备磁带、卡片、电脑、挂图板 书设 计 Unit 10 Lets g!Lets g t a vieD e have enugh tie?Shall e g t the z? 教与学的的过程设计意图增删调补ar-upSing

12、 a sng Gae: Ht seatresentatinSet the sene In hinese as the hildren hat the usuall d n Sunda As the if the lie t g t the vies, r t an auseent parPresent the vies n page38Have the hildren tuh the rds and the strutures as the listenL at the pitures and anser se questins:hat an u see in the pitures?hat

13、d the d?D the g t the vie theater?hat tie des the vie start?D the have enugh ne?Shall the g t the useu?an the see dinsaurs there?hat tie des useu lse?Pla the tape again and have the hildren l at the pitures as the listenPausing at eah piture Have the hildren repeat the rds eah tie3Prdutin:Divide the

14、 lass int t grups Have the repeat the dialgEnurage the hildren t at Pratie:Have the hildren pen their bs at page47 Tell the that is inviting Peter t g t the useu tgetherPint t the speeh bubble and enurage the hildren t read the sentene Then the teaher read alud and have the hildren repeatPint t the

15、table bel the pitures Tell the hildren that the need t plan three ativities fr the ing eeend And rite the in the tableHersListen and repeat the text at page38-39Retell the str利用英语歌曲将同学带入堂。通过Ht seat 游戏,复习所学过的句型,激发学习兴趣。利用情景,让同学们在情景中理解主要句型并学会应用。请同学们分角色表演中的小对话,培养学生的表演能力本活动体现了用英语做事情的理念。活动对学生具有一定的挑战性。他们要通

16、过成功地邀请自己的朋友一起做某事,才能完成表格的填写。鼓励用英语完成任务的学生。教学反思: 题 Unit 10 Lets g!型新授4教学目标1 知识目标:学习语音/air/的发音。掌握本单元列举出的语音词汇。 2 能力目标:通过反复听、说练习掌握/air/的发音规律。 3情感目标:总结规律,树立同学们的学习自信心。 重点/air/的发音与相关语音词汇难点 在不同单词中进行辩析教学方法听说法、 教具准备磁带、卡片、电脑、板 书设 计 Unit 9 Da and nighthair hair stairspear bear square 教与学的的过程设计意图增删调补ar-upSing a sn

17、g Gae: 吊小人resentatinDra the hildrens attentin t the pitures n page44 Explain t the hildren that the ill hear rds that have the /air/sundPla the tape and have hildren sa the rds aludhe that the hildrens prnuniatin is rret b asing individual hild t repeat the rds after u r after the tapehair hair stai

18、rspear bear square3 Prdutin:Sh ur p f the page and pint t the first r f pitures Tell the hildren that three f the rds have an /air/ sund in the but n rd desnt Have the hildren find utPla the first fur rds n the tape Have the hildren pint t eah piture illustrating a rd ith an /air/ sund as the hear t

19、he rdPla the tape again This tie have the hildren rss the rd that desnt have the /air/ sundRepeat the predure fr the send rSuar:air fair pair hair repairear sear are dare share reading exerisesN diret their attentin t the text Have the read the text b theselves silentlRead the text sll again t the h

20、ildren As hildren ihi piture athes these paragraphL at the send ativit Tell the t anser the questins And that the text ntains the infratin fr the questins6Hersp the rds n page 44利用英语歌曲将同学带入堂。通过游戏,复习所学过的单词,激发学习兴趣。初识含有/air/音的单词,让同学们自己感悟其中的规律。通过听音练习,检测同学们对本语音词汇的掌握情况。综合性阅读训练,培养学生观察能力,预测能力,提高阅读短的能力。教学反思:

21、 题 Unit 10 Lets g!型练习教学目标1知识目标:进一步巩固本单元的单词与句型,通过后练习题检与评估学生对本单元的学习情况。 2能力目标: 能够灵活运用本单元的单词与句型进行交流,能够认读、拼写主要单词与句型,能够读懂后的小故事。3情感目标:总结归纳规律,树立学习英语的自信心。 重点nle Bs strtie 后检测练习难点对本主要单词、句型的拼写教学方法听说法、 读写法教具准备磁带、卡片、电脑,板 书设 计 Unit 10 Lets g Vabular Strutures 教与学的的过程设计意图增删调补ar-upSing a sng Gae: 吊小人Lets hantTell t

22、he hildren that e are ging t learn a hant Have hildren pen their bs and l at the pitures at the tp f this pagePla the hant straight thrugh Then as hildren hat the heard in the tape Eliit ansers fr hildrenPla the tape again This tie nl pla the first part Explain the eaning fr the hildrenRepeat ith th

23、e send partPla the tape again, stpping after eah line Have the hildren repeatPla the tape ithut stp Have hildren sa the hant tgether2 Unle Bs strtieL at the piture Have the hildren listen and tuh ever rds the listenedExplain the str b studentsPratie in pairsRetell the str3: Self-assessentD the exeri

24、ses n page 494 Suarvie, auseent par, useu, ne, bus, dinsaur, start, lse, free, enugh以及词组far aa, b bus b arLets g t a vieD e have enugh tie?Shall e g t the z?hair hair stairs pear bear squareHersxb1 Revie the Unit 10Reite all the rds and strutures利用英语歌曲将同学带入堂。通过游戏,复习所学过的单词,激发学习兴趣。通过说唱歌谣可以活跃堂气氛。歌谣内容贴近学生生活,可以指导学生对歌谣进行改编,灵活运用已学知识,同时培养学生的创造能力。综合性阅读训练,培养学生观察能力,预测能力,提高阅读短的能力。教学反思:

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