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1、六年级上册教案U1Unit1 How can I get there?单元教学目标:知识、技能目标:1.能听懂、会说“Where is the museum shop? Its near the door. Where is the post office? Its next to the museum. How can we get there? Turn left at the bookstore. Then turn right at the hospital.”要求模仿正确,语调自然;2.能运用句子 “Where is the museum shop? How can we get t

2、here?”在现实的场景中进行询问;并且能准确地对这些问题作出回答.3.能听、说、读、写四会单词science museumpost officebookstorecinemahospitalcrossingturn leftgo straightturn right 4.能掌握一些简单的拼音规则,能关注句子的升降调;5.了解Story time部分的内容并能表演出来.词汇:1.能够听说读写本单元的黑体词四会单词science, museum, post office ,book store, cinema, hospital,Crossing ,turn, left, straight, r

3、ight。2.能够正确使用上述单词和词组描述城市设施及位置。语音:知道英语句子有升降调,并能使用正确的语调朗读不同类型的句子。情感态度、文化意识、学习策略目标:1.能够在迷路时主动寻求帮助。 2.能够适度饮食,不暴饮暴食。3.了解英国代表性建筑“伦敦眼”,著名河流泰晤士河以及特色快餐“Fish and chips”。4.能够通过看图捕捉主要信息,并根据提示做出听前预测。5.能够通读文段,获取主旨大意,通过相关细节猜测词义。单元教学课时安排:第一课时:Part A Lets try Lets talk 第二课时: Part A Lets learn make a map and talk第三课时

4、:Part B Lets try Lets talk 第四课时:Part B lets learnBe a tour guide第五课时:Part B Read and write 第六课时:Lets check/Lets wrap it up Part C story time/时间: 9.1 周课时数 课时总数: 课型:新授 主备人:陈杰 Unit1 How can I get there? Part A Lets try Lets talk 教学目标:1.知识目标:Be able to understand and read the sentences “ Where is the mu

5、seum? Its near the door. Is there a school near here?” 能理解句子了解对话大意. 2.能力目标:Be able to use the sentences in the certain condition.能在特定的场景中正确的运用句子.3.情感目标:培养学生乐于助人的品质. 教材分析: 本节课是六年级上册的起始单元,本单元主要通过学习地带你和方位词,让学生初步学习简单的询问路线和正确的表达路线的有关知识,培养学生问路及指路的交际能力。涉及问路的主要句型有Where is? How can I get to? 其中 Where is? 这个句

6、型学生在三年级下册已经接触过。教师在教学本部分内容时,可以结合学生的认知水平进行适当的拓展。教学重难点:1. 句子Where is the museum? 以及对其的回答 “Its near the”2.一般疑问句 “ Is there a hospital near here?”的询问和回答.学情分析:问路是学生比较感兴趣的话题,此话题学生在实际生活中使用较广,且与生活联系十分紧密。六年级学生已掌握一些生活中的关于交通工具的词汇。教师应设计教学环节激活学生背景知识和储备词汇。六年级上册开始渗透句子语音训练,教师应充分挖掘学生已掌握知识,学习新知的同时不忘复习旧知。教学方法和学习方法:情境激趣

7、法和直观教学法。 游戏法,合作交流法教学准备:教师自制课件。 集体备课个人创新展示 Step I: Warming up 1. Sing the song “ Where is the hospital”2. Review the words “ near, next to , behind, in front of , beside”教师出示图片,在句子中操练单词。 Free talk: S1: Where is the fishbowl?S2: Its on the table.Step II:Presentation1. Lets try. 教师出示主情景图的图片,带领学生观看图片,让学

8、生根据图片对try部分的场景进行预测。引出try部分出现的新词,带领学生学习新词汇。T : Our old friend Wu Yifan and Robin are looking at some robots. Listen and answer the question here. Show the ppt, listen and tick. (1)Where are they? (2) Is Grandpa there?2. Lets talk T shows a postcard. Let ss read and understand the word postcard. I wan

9、t to send the postcard. Ss read the word s-end. Where can I go? I should go to the post office. Is there a post office near here? Ss learn to read the sentence. Is there. S: Yes! Where is the post office? I want to send the postcard. T shows some pictures, cake, fruit, book Let ss make a dialogue li

10、ke this: S1: I want to buy some fruit. Where is the fruit shop? S2: Its behind the post office.( the map)3. The text(1) Listen to the tape and answer: Where is the post office? Where is the museum shop?(2)Read after the tape and then read together.(3) Read the dialogue freely and then read in pairs.

11、(4)Make a new dialogue. Make a similar dialogue with your partner.A: I want to _. Is there ? Where is the _? B: Its_A: Thank you! B: You are welcome.Pair work and feedback.Step III:consolidation Finish the book on P10. Lets wrap it up. Then check the answers.Step IV:Assessment and homework1).Read th

12、e text 5times and try to recite it. 2)finish the exercises on the book. 3)Write the sentences on the exercises book.板书设计:Unit One How can I get there? Where is the? museum shop post office bookstore Its near the near next to beside课后反思:时间: 9.2 周课时数 课时总数: 课 型:新授 主 备人:陈杰Part A Lets learn make a map an

13、d talk 教学目标:1.知识目标:Be able to understand , read and write the words “ science museum, post office, bookstore, cinema and hospital” 能在确定的场景中进行熟练运用. Where is the cinema? Its next to the bookstore.2.能力目标:Be able to understand and use the words “ near, next to, in front of, behind, beside,” to located s

14、ome places.3.情感目标:培养学生生活中的方向感.教材分析:本节课是一节词汇教学课,学生在以往的学习中接触过交通工具的词汇。本节课学习的介词词组,介词词组本身对学生来说难度不太,关键是如何让学生准确的使用这些词组与人进行真实性的交际活动。教学重难点: 1. 掌握单词science museum, post office, bookstore, cinema and hospital” 2. 能在确定的场景中进行熟练运用. Where is the cinema? Its next to the bookstore.学情分析:六年级的学生通过三年的学习有了一定的知识积累,他们愿意用英语

15、和伙伴交流,愿意展现自己。以此本节课老师可以结合刚刚结束的暑假,询问学生暑假去了哪里,是如何出行的。激发学生已有的知识储备,讨论自己的出行方式。在已有知识储备的基础上自然过渡到介词词组的学习。教学方法和学习方法:情境激趣法和任务教学法。 游戏法,合作交流法教学准备:教师自制课件。 集体备课个人创新展示Step I: Warming up 1.GreetingsT: Hello, boys and girls.In summer vacation, some students went out for a trip. T: Yes! So, where did you go? SS: Shang

16、hai, Beijing Ask a few questions about the trips. T: Wow, travelling is amazing! And today, well talk about How can I get there?Read the sentence for several times.Have the students understand the adv.there.2. Review the words “ near, next to , behind, in front of , beside” T shows some the picture

17、(bear) : Lets help Teddy to find his ball. Where is his ball? (lets wrap it up)SS: Its near/next to.Let ss say and review the words. Step II:Presentation 1. hospital, bookstore, cinema After the song, teacher show five pictures Mall, park, bookstore, cinema and hospital Which picture is the park/mal

18、l/bookstore/hospital/cinema? (1 park &mall Ss read mall, understand the meaning of mall. Shopping mall : raise some examples. (2 hospital Whats this? S: Its a hospital. Ss learn to read the word “ hospital” , let some ss read the word. Let ss raise some examples. Pet hospital, animal hospital, Zheja

19、ng No1 hospital, ect. (3 cinema I want to see the new film. So we can go to the cinema. Ss learn to read the word. Examples of cinema. Where is the cinema?( ppt) Its near the.( let ss try to say) (4 bookstore T shows a library. Is this a bookstore? No, it is a library. T shows a bookstore. Its a boo

20、kstore. Ss learn to read the word. Bookstore Do you know some bookstores in Jinan? bookstore Xin hua bookstore,ect. Where is the bookstore? Its. (write down) (5 post office T: The bookstore is behind the post office. Ss learn the word: post-office. T shows the signs of some countries post office. (6

21、 science museum Near the post office, what can you see? Yes, a science museum. Ss learn the words science-museum. Hangzhou has a lot of museums, how many museums do you know? Ss raise the examples.Step III:Practice and consolidation 1.T shows a picture within the new words ( science museum, post off

22、ice, bookstore, cinema, hospital) Ss read &review the new words. 2. Enjoy a song “ Where is the hospital?” 3. T; I am new here, I want to go to the hospital. Is there a hospital here? Where is the hospital?S: Its near the. T: pair work S1: I am new here. Is there a .here? S2: Yes, there is. S1: Wher

23、e is it? S2: Its. Let ss practice and feedback.Step IV:Assessment and homework1).write down the new words and phrases. 2) Prepare for the dictation. 3)finish the exercises on the book.板书设计:课后反思:时间: 9.5 周课时数 课时总数: 课 型:新授 主备人:陈杰Part B Lets try Lets talk 教学目标:1. 能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意,并回答对话下面的问题。2. 能够用正确的语

24、音、语调朗读对话,并能进行角色表演。3. 能够听、说、读、写,并在情景中运用以下句型:How can we get there? Turn left/right. 问路或作答。4. 能够在语境中理解生词interesting, Italian, restaurant, pizza, street, get的意思,并能正确发音。5. 能完成本页介绍自己喜欢的餐厅或影院的活动。 教材分析: 本对话有两个核心信息点:一是吴一凡和Mike看完电影后要去的地方,二是问路。前者学生在A部分已经学过,学生可以通过预测和听文本找到信息,后者是新内容,在没有铺垫的情况下,学生可能理解有困难。因此,建议老师先引导

25、学生围绕第一个信息点进行预测,让学生理解好对话的前半部分,再进入后部分的教学。教学重难点:词汇:interesting, Italian, restaurant, pizza, street, get句型:How can we get there? Turn left/right.学情分析:两个核心信息点:一是吴一凡和Mike看完电影后要去的地方,二是问路。前者学生在A部分已经学过,学生可以通过预测和听文本找到信息,后者是新内容。用旧知带动新知的学习,激发学生的兴趣,降低学习的难度。教学方法和学习方法:情境激趣法和直观教学法。 游戏法,合作交流法教学准备:教师自制课件。 集体备课个人创新展示

26、Step I: Warming up 1. Sing the song “ Where is the hospital”2. Review the words “ science museum, post office, bookstore, cinema, hospital”T shows some pictures and let the SS read the words together.3. Lets talk看图片做对话。Where is the? Its Step II:Presentation 1. lets try.(1)听前预测:教师展示对话插图,引导学生进行预测Who a

27、re the two boys? Where are they? Where is the place? 带领学生看图片预测。讨论。(2)Listen to the tape , tick or cross.听音,回答问题。 Do they really go there? Lets listen to the dialogue.(3)订正答案Check the answer.2.Lets talk从呈现完整对话到处理局部语言。(1) 听前预测。教师介绍对话背景: Wu Yifan and Mike saw an interesting film. Where do they want to

28、go now? Why? Where is the place? 然后组织学生回答问题。(2) 教师播放动画,检查学生是否能找到地点和方位的信息。(3) 教师出示一副根据对话内容绘制的街区见图,引导学生看图读图,引出问路句型和回答的词组。Look, the restaurant is there. If Im here, how can I get there? 同时引出turn left turn right, Dongfang Street等。学生理解后,跟读录音。(4) 教师再次出示上面的街区简图,提问: Where are Wu Yifan and Mike?要求学生进行预测,或给学生

29、发一张对话内容的简图,要求学生根据自己的想法先在图上标出Yifan 和Mike现在所处的位置,在听录音验证。(5) 组织学生分角色朗读并表演对话。(6) 语言点梳理活动at the bookstore on Dongfang Streetat the hospital on Zhangshan StreetStep III:Practice and consolidation1. 文本再构。 教师在课件中呈现打乱顺序的对话文本,让学生重新排序。提示学生关注语篇中句子的逻辑关系。2. 教师请学生根据重建的文本进行个性化的改造,创编新的对话。3. 教师提供语言支持完成课本第六页的活动。 I lik

30、eHow can I get to the?Turn leftrightStep IV:Assessment and homework1.记住两个用法 at the bookstore at the hospital on Dongfang Street on Zhangshan Street2.听读对话并背诵对话。板书设计:课后反思:时间: 9.6 周课时数 课时总数: 课 型:新授 主备人:陈杰 Part B lets learn Be a tour guide教学目标:1. 能够听、说、读、写描述方位的单词和词组:crossing, turn left, go straight, turn right。2. 能够正确使用上述单词和词组为他人指路。3. 学生通过角色扮演,运用本单元的词汇句型指路并简单介绍景点。 教材分析: 本部分学习的单词和词组是: crossing, turn left, go straight, turn right教材利用Mike问路的对话呈现以上单词及词组的词形和意义。这部分词汇学生在以往的学习中都没有接触过,有一定的难度。教学重难点:1 掌握四会单词crossing, turn left, go straight, turn right的认读和书写,尤其在地图上能准确运用这些词顺利找到目标

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