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1、高中英语教师学科专业素养二级考核样题高中英语教师学科专业素养二级考核样题模块二 高中英语知识与技能试题一、单项选择 (每题1分,共60分)1.It is in the Beijing National Stadium _ was completed in November, 2006 _ the 2008 Olympic Games will be held .A. where; that B. that; when C. where; which D. which; that2. Where did they suggest during the summer holidays?A.shal

2、l we go B.should we goC.we go D.we will go 3. There is still 20 minutes left; we_here. A neednt hurryB did not need have hurried C did not need hurryD neednt have hurried 4. Without your teachers help,you couldnt have succeeded in the examination.I cant thank him _ much for his help.A. too B. very C

3、. quite D. that5. Can you imagine _more than 560,000 people _to be volunteers at the Beijing Olympic and Paralympic Games?A.there beingto have applied B. there beinghaving applied C.there to behaving applied D.there to bewho have applied6.My suggestion is that the book _ in Professor Wangs lecture _

4、 as soon as possible.A.referred tocome out referred tobe come out C. is referred to will come out D. referred tobe come out7. No agreement was made between the factory and the village _ the factory promised to solve the problem of river pollution.Aif only Bexcept that Con condition that Dnow th

5、at8. As far as Im concerned, the way he has thought _ those who often play truant is a great failure. Ato dismiss Bof dismissing Cof to dismiss Dof having dismissed What do you think of the novel?Oh, excellent. Its worth than that one I read last week.A. more; to read B. more; reading C. better; bei

6、ng read D. better; reading10.We cried when it was time to say goodbye,but_each other we would see each other the next year, when the 2008 Olympic Games would be held.A.remembered B.revealed C.reminded D.recalled11. What made you so upset?I got up early and went _ all the way to the station only _ th

7、e train had runfinding B.runningto find runfound D.runningfind12. It was evening. I _ outside the teachers office the whole afternoon,but the teacher didnt turn up.A.waited B.had been waiting C.was waiting D.would wait13.Tom had been working hard at his lessons and it _. He was admitt

8、ed into Oxford University last year.A.paid out B.paid up C.paid off D.paid down14.The naughty boy stepped into the department store and then quite by chance stopped _ a small crowd of people had gathered .A.where B.when D. that15.Even now, two years later, the memory of the boys brown eyes and

9、up-lifting smile is as clear to me as if I _ him yesterday.A.saw B. had seen C. have seen D. was seeing 16. What matters is that you must give up smoking. If , it will do you great harm,I think.A. continuing B. to continue C. continued D. continues17.Its high time that the local government _ some me

10、asures to prevent the trees from being cut.A.takes B. took C.has taken D.taking18.The woman couldnt bear her husband _ an affair with the young lady, so she _ him. A.havingdivorced havedivorced C. havinggot divorced havegot divorced19Generally speaking, the lower the stock markets fall, _.

11、A. the higher the gold price raises B. higher the price of gold priceC. the higher the price of gold rises D. higher the gold price raises20. Last week my mother-in-law stayed at my home for 2 days, _she did a big cleaning for my family. A.during which time time of which C.where D.whenever21. I

12、 hope the decoration project _ will be completed as soon as possible because the noises almost drive me mad.A.carried out B. to be carried out C.being carried out D.carrying out22.The students who had been fighting ran away _ the teacher order that that C. the moment D.even if23._

13、 that he set up new branches in many big cities in China.A. So successful was Li Nings business B. So successful Li Nings business wasC. So Li Nings business was successful D. So was Li Nings successful business2.Thank you for reminding me of what I would _have forgotten.A.therefore B.otherwise C.wh

14、enever D.however25.Nowadays, more and more English abbreviations _ in Chinese, _ them an important part of the contempory language.A.are being usedmade B. are being usedmakingC. have been usedmade D. will be usedmaking26.Racing, much like swimming, _ one of the sports that _ by black people. But Lew

15、is Hanmilton has become the first black driver in the history of “modern” motor racing.A.arehave never been challenged B. ishave never been challengedC. ishas never been challenged D. arehas never been challenged27. Mr Brown, I just cant work out the problem. Perhaps theres something wrong with my p

16、roblem-solving ideas. Oh, let me see. Ah, I dont think that is it is. Your problem-solving processhas gone wrong.A. why B. when C.where D. which28.Cleaning women in big cities get _ by the hour.A. pay B. paying C. paid D. to pay 29. _ the general state of his health, it may take him a while to recov

17、er from the operation.A. Given B. To give C. Giving D. Having given30.My advisor encouraged _ a summer course to improve my writing skill. A. for me taking B. me taking C. for me to take D. me to take 二、选择when、before、 since或 until填空(每空2分,共10分)。1) Few people will pay full attention to their health _

18、they get certain incurable disease.2) Let me take down what you have said _ I forget.3) It may take ten years or more _ the scientists can find a cure for AIDS. 4) It is several weeks _ my father got drunk last time.5) We were chatting happily on the Internet _ the light went out.三、选择动词“done”或“is do

19、ne”的形式填空(每空2分,共10分)。1) If _(elect), the mayor promises that he will spare no effort to improve peoples housing.2) E-shopping, when properly _(do), can save us a lot of time and energy.3) When e-shopping _(do) properly, it can save us a lot of time and energy.4) When _ (question) by the police, the m

20、urderer confessed all his crimes.5) If he _ (give) time, he will make a very good table tennis player. 四、英语语法理论填空。(每空1分,共20分)1、多个形容词作定语的排列顺序一般为 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 被修饰名词。2、三种常见倍数表达法公式为:_ _ _3、在时间、地点、条件、方式或让步状语从句中如果谓语动词 ,_或_时,主语和be均可以省略。4、请列出it句式(至少5个)_ 模块三 高中英语学科教学设计试题一 选择题1教师的日常教学工作是由多项环节组成的一个系统,这个系统

21、主要包括三个要素,即教学的设计、教学的实施和_。A.教学的安排 B.教学的思考 C. 教学的评价 D. 教学的策略(C2教学设计是一项复杂的工作,成功的教学设计必须综合考虑多方面的因素。教学设计的依据一般可有教学理论、学生特点、教师经验和_。A.教学实际需要 B.教学目的 C.教学要求 D. 教学内容(A3._是确定教学问题、探索解决教学问题的必由之路,也是教师明确教学任务,确立教学总目标的先导,它是我们解决教学问题过程中的第一步。A.教学内容分析 B.学习需要分析 C教学方法分析 D.学生基础分析(B4. 学生特征分析的内容主要是两方面:学习准备分析和_。A. 学生知识分析 B.学生技能分析

22、C学习风格分析. D.学生心理发展水平分析(C5._的目的是促进进一步的回忆并巩固学习结果。具体表现为对学生完成的作业的评定以及对学生学业成绩的测试。A诱导行为 . B.评定行为 C.提供反馈 D.学习指导(B6. 设计教学目标,首先,要钻研课程标准(或教学大纲),分析教材内容。其次,要分析学生已有的学习状态。最后,_。确定教学目标分类.A.确定教学内容B.确定教学方法C确定教学时间.D确定教学目标分类.(D7. 从教学设计的角度考虑,一般将知识分为以下三类: 陈述性知识,程序性知识,和_。A. 计算性知识 B.概括性知识 C.总结性知识 D.策略性知识(D8._是教学设计的中心环节。A教学方

23、法设计 B.教学时间设计 C.教学内容设计 D.教学评价设计(A9. 教学设计的基本特征之一是具有_,既教学设计是教学的基本依据,对教学活动起到指导、约束和控制的作用。A系统性. B创造性. C. 操作性 D.指导性(D10. 教学设计为教学理论与教学实践的有效结合提供了现实的结合点,它既有一定的理论色彩,又有明确的教学实践指向。这一点体现了教学设计的_。A.创造性 B具体性. C操作性. D.实践性(C二是非题1. 教学设计就是对教学过程的设计。 ( )2教学设计的各种方案,我们称之为教学模式,教学设计成品就是教学模式。 ( )3 所谓教学设计,简单地说,就是指教师为达成一定的教学目标,对教

24、学活动进行的系统规划、安排与决策。 ( )4教学设计所关注的是使教学程序化、合理化和精确化,它并不强调教学实践的自由和教学创造性。 ( )5教学设计从根本上讲是为了满足教学活动的实际需要,所以,离开了教学活动的现实需要,也就不存在教学设计。 ( )6教学评价设计在教学设计中的地位并不重要,有些情况下可以省略。 ( )7课堂教学效果是看单位时间内教学的质和量,教学时间利用得是否合理有效是衡量教学效果的一个重要尺度。 ( )8教学设计的前期分析主要指的是学习内容分析。 ( )9教学过程是课堂教学的主旋律,是教学的出发点和落脚点,是所有的教学活动的精要。 ( )10所谓教学设计,简单地说,就是指教师

25、为达成一定的教学目标,对教学活动进行的系统规划、安排与决策。 ( )三填空题1所谓教学设计,简单地说,就是指教师为达成一定的_,对教学活动进行的系统规划、安排与决策。2教学设计是教师为组织和指导教学活动而精心设计的_,教师有关教学活动的设想都反映在教学设计中。3教师进行教学设计,实际上是对实际教学活动的_,如同演员上台表演节目一样,在正式演出前,都要经过多次的排练。4 _是确定教学问题、探索解决教学问题的必由之路,也是教师明确教学任务,确立教学总目标的先导,它是我们解决教学问题过程中的第一步。5所谓_,是指在新的教学活动开始之前,对学生原有的知识、技能水平及心理生理发展水平对新学习适合性的分析

26、。6一般说来,课堂教学设计的内容主要包括_、内容、方法、措施、时间、评价等。7设计教学目标,首先,要钻研课程标准(或教学大纲),分析_。8我国新课程改革中将课堂教学目标定位于知识技能、_、情感态度与价值观的要求,都为我们制定教学目标提供了指导与参考。9教学内容不等于教材内容,教师应在了解学生、分析教材的基础上,对教材所提供的内容进行再选择、再组织、_,这样才能符合教学的实际。10策略性知识分为一般与高级两种,前者主要是一般学习活动的策略性知识,如调控注意的策略、记忆策略和提取策略等,后者主要指-知识。11. 教学方法设计是教学设计的中心环节。我们这里讲的教学方法的设计,既是指课堂教学中各环节的

27、设计安排,又是指课堂教学中各_ 的使用。12. 各种教学方法都有各自的优势,也存在各自的局限性,最好的教学方法就是根据教学实际合理选择,扬长避短,_,这也就是为什么要进行教学方法设计的根本目的。13. 课堂教学效果是看单位时间内教学的质和量,_利用得是否合理有效是衡量教学效果的一个重要尺度。14课堂教学评价的目的是为了获取教学活动的信息,检测学生学到了什么,学到何种程度,教学是否达成了_等等。15教学设计是以教师和学生为阐述主体,从关注_出发,强调学生是学习的主体,教学目标是教学活动中师生共同追求的,而不是由教师所操纵的。四简答题1什么是教学设计?2教学设计的依据是什么? 3在进行教学设计时首

28、先要分析学习者的需要,什么是分析学习者的需要?4构建教学过程的具体步骤是什么?5简答教学目标设计的重要性五论述题1教学设计不同于教案,它们之间的区别是什么?2如何进行教学评价?3试论述教学设计的内容?4.请论述教学设计的基本程序5如何在教学设计中安排教学活动过程操作题:1、 据教学目标设计的相关要求,以人教版必修1第五单元Nelson Mandela A modern Hero为例,设计一个本单元的课堂教学目标。2、 任务型教学方式,结合实际,设计出一个阅读课课堂教学的几个主要步骤。3、 以名词性从句为例,设计一个便于操作的语法教学的主要过程。 模块五 三维目标试题一、 选择题( )1、上一堂好课是每位老师追求的目标,而一堂好课的最高境界就是_。 A.达到教学目标 B.解决学生的困惑 C.营造平等的师生关系 D.引起学生主动学习 ( )2、对于学生的差异,下列说法正确的是_. A

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