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1、英语阅读能力测试丽水学院20102011学年第一学期英语阅读能力试卷课程 英语阅读(1) 使用班级 英语本科11级班级: 学号: 姓名:Part I Cloze 20%Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A、B、C and D on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Every livi

2、ng thing has what scientists call a biological clock that controls behavior. It tells plants when to_1_flowers and insects when to leave protective cocoon(茧) and fly away. And it tells animals and human beings when to_2_, sleep and seek food. It controls our body temperatures, the_3_of some hormones

3、 and even dreams. Events_4_the plant and animal affect its actions. Scientists recently found that a tiny animal called Siberian hamster changes the color of its_5_because of the number of hours of_6_. In shorter days of winter its fur becomes white. The fur becomes gray-brown in longer_7_of dayligh

4、t in summer. _8_signals control other biological clocks. German scientists found that some internal one seems to order birds to begin their_9_ flights two times each year. Birds prevented from flying become_10_when it is time for the trip. _11_they become can again when the time of the flight has en

5、ded. A mix of outside and internal events controls some biological clocks;such things as heartbeat and the daily change from sleep to walking take place because of both external and internal signals. Scientists are beginning to learn_12_parts of the brain contain the biological clocks. A researcher

6、at Harvard University, Dr. Martin Moore Ede, said a small group of cells near the front of the brain seemed to control the_13_of some of our actions. Probably there are other cells to control other body activities. He is studying_14_they affect the way we do our work. Most of us have great difficult

7、y if we _15_often change to different work hours._16_can take many days for a human body to_17_a major change in work hours. Industrial officials should have a better_18_of biological clocks and how they affect workers. He said such an understanding could_19_sickness and accidents at work, and would

8、 help increase_20_. 1. A. form B. bloom C. blossom D. boom2. A. walk B. cry C. guard D. awaken3. A. reaction B. release C. relief D. recovery4. A. beside B. inside C. outside D. aside5. A. skin B. feather C. peel D. fur6. A. night B. daylight C. 1igh D. day7. A. days B. 1ights C. times D. hours8. A.

9、 Inward B. Outer C. Inner D. Other9. A. migration B. immigration C. emigration D. transportation10. A. ruthless B. annoyed C. restless D. anxious11. A. And B. So C. Then D. But12. A. what B. which C. why D. how many13. A. motion B. rhythm C. step D. timing14. A. why B. how C. when D. where15. A. may

10、 B. can C. must D. might16. A. He B. They C. It D. This17. A. adapt B. adjust C. adopt D. accept18. A. admit B. understanding C. information D. knowledge19. A. decrease B. diminish C. decline D. reduce20. A. product B. production C. productivity D. producerPart II Reading ComprehensionSection A: Ski

11、mming and scanning (10 minutes) 14%Directions: In this part, you will have 10minutes to go over the passages quickly and answer the questions Sound EffectsSnorers(打鼾的人) have always been made jokes. In cartoons,their nasal roar 1ifts the roof off houses. In situation comedies,theres the wife who roll

12、s her eves at her snoring bedmate. But in reality,its not all that funny. In fact,snoring can be a nightmare for snorers and their troubled partners, who may wake up several times a night to poke,and maybe hoist loved ones onto their sides for a 1ittle relief. Risks of Snoring Problems But the night

13、ly racket is more than a potential relationship strain. According to the latest research, an increasingly older and heavier population may make this condition an even greater health risk than we previously thought. For Maggie Moss-Tucker, successful treatment for a longtime snoring problem came almo

14、st by accident. One fall morning in 2005,she saw a sign at her local gym seeking snorers as volunteers for a study at Bostons Brigham &Womens Hospital. Moss-Tucker, now 56, was intrigued. She had started snoring nearly a decade earlier. “Id tried everything to stop.” she says, from sleeping upright

15、to using nose strips or a mouth guard. But to her and her husbands dismay, nothing worked. When she signed up for the study and spent a night at a suburban Boston sleep lab, she found out why. After reviewing her sleep patterns and oxygen levels, researchers told her that her snoring was actually an

16、 indication of something worse. She suffered from a sleep apnea(呼吸暂停),a condition in which patients stop breathing repeatedly as they sleep and can wake up as many as 100 times a nightoften without remembering it. That kind of revelation has led to doctors re-evaluating a condition once treated as l

17、ittle more than a nuisance. “In the past, snoring has been treated like a joking matter:you never talked about it with your doctor,” says Dr. David Rapoport, medical director of the Sleep Disorders Center at New York University Medical Center (NYC). “But when it becomes very prominent or such that i

18、t wakes you up often interferes with breathing,it can be a problem. “ Sleep apnea,in which the airway becomes blocked of, 1ess often, the brain fails to properly control breathing during sleeping. It can be viewed as one extreme of the snoring spectrum. Soft snoring, which is not generally considere

19、d a health hazard, would be at the other end. As the sound and persistence of a patients snoring grows,so do the health concerns. A study published in the March I issue of the journal Sleep found that loud snorers had a 40 percent greater risk than non-snorers of suffering from high blood pressure,

20、34 percent greater odds of having a heart attack and a 67 percent greater chance of having a stroke. Thats a problem given the number of noisy sleepers out there. In a recent poll by the National Sleep Foundation, about one third of US working adults reported snoring at least a few nights in the pre

21、vious month. Snoring generally worsens with age so the rate is even higher among the elderly. And,contrary to common perceptions,its nearly as common in women as men. Menopause(更年期) appears to be a factor,as is weight. Being overweight can cause thickness in the airway tube, holding back the flow of

22、 oxygen. Treatment of Snoring Problems Yet many who regularly snore dont realize that it could be bad for their health. The research linking hypertension, cardiac problems and loud snoring is relatively new. And though awareness of sleep apnea is growing, specialists say the condition is still vastl

23、y undertreated. Primary-care physicians dont routinely ask patients about the quality of their sleepthough that is beginning to change and few patients think to tell their doctors that theyre snoring, unless it becomes hazardous to their partner. Sleep specialists estimate that between 12 million an

24、d 18 million Americans have some form of sleep apnea but many of them, like Moss-Tucker,remain undiagnosed for years. Research from the National Sleep Foundation indicates that only half of those with sleep apnea are being treated. Since it is a progressive condition,says Michael Twery,director of t

25、he National Institutes of Healths National Center on Sleep Disorders Research, “The person whos affected is usually not aware of how severe the condition is.” Moss-Tucker remembers being drowsy during the day sometimes,but she blamed it on her busy life. When researchers at the sleep lab asked if sh

26、e had ever fallen asleep while driving,she laughed initially. But then she recalled long drives during which shed had to pull over every 45 minutes to take a cat nap(打盹) to avoid dozing off at the wheel. Shed also become accustomed to taking daily 25-minute naps each afternoon. But once she was diag

27、nosed and began using a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure(or CPAP)machine,the most common treatment for sleep apnea,she says, “My life changed.” Moss-Tucker no longer needed naps and her energy levels,mental clarity and general moods improvedso much so that she cannot imagine one night without the

28、 CPAP,a machine with a mask that attaches to the nose,mouth or both, helping to force oxygen into the airway while the patient sleeps. If its used properly,it is nearly 100 percent effective. But CPAPs (or BiPaps, which deliver alternating levels of oxygen),which cost about $500 or more with the mas

29、k, can be not easy to use and the noise may be as disruptive to sleeping partners as snoring. Despite its efficiency,estimates of overall long-term usage rates remain between 50 to 70 percent. For snorers who dont appear to have sleep apnea,there are other measures to avoid bad nights. They include:

30、avoiding big meals and alcohol before bed;sleeping on ones side instead of the back;treating conditions like allergies and colds that can cause or worsen snoring, and maintaining a healthy weight. There are also devices which push the lower jaw forward to help keep the airway open. “They are effecti

31、ve in a fair number of snoring cases,”says NYUs Rapoport,but he cautions that they need to be custom fitted by dentist and can be expensive if not covered by insurance. Surgery on Snoring Problems Surgery to widen the airways or improve nasal airflow is also an option,though it also may not be cover

32、ed by insurance and SUCCESS rates vary. UPPP, in which a surgeon removes tissue at the back of the throat, can require a hospital stay and a long recovery;its typically used for patients with moderate obstructive sleep apnea. But other procedures can be performed under local anesthesia in a surgeons office, including laser-assisted LAUP,a modification of UPPP in which the surgeon uses a laser to cut the uvula. Patients who get LAUP can generally resume their normal routine almost immediately

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