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1、冀教版小学三年级英语下册全册教案2冀教版小学三年级英语下册全册教案2 教师手指书中挂图提问。T: hats this?S1: PpT: es, Its a bttle f ppT: H an bttles f pp?S1: TenT: es, ten bttles f ppT: There are ten bttles f pp(8)播放录音,让学生看书跟读。五、板书设计Lessn 9 : Lets eat ! Lets drin !straberr, apple, grapes, range, banana, eln六、后反思:Lessn10: In the Restaurant一、教学目标

2、1、知识(1)听懂会说单词bl up glass plate spn 数字1620。(2)听懂会用句子:I uld lie a _2、能力(1)能够听懂会说本会话,做到学以致用。(2)通过创设情境使学生感受并学会运用语言,进一步培养学生的口语表达能力。3、情感养成在家帮助父母做家务,饭后洗餐具的好习惯。二、教学重点难点1、教学重点(1)听懂会说单词bl up glass plate spn(2)听懂会用句子:I uld lie a _2、教学难点(1)听懂会说单词bl up glass plate spn(2)听懂会说I uld lie a _有关的句型。三、教具、学具1、教具(1)有关本餐具

3、的挂图或实物。(2)录音机。2、学具:学生准备(六人一组)一个餐具。四、教学过程1、复习数字120让全班每个学生数120,然后让他们一个接一个站起,按正确顺序每人说出一个数字。2、新授(1)出示实物或挂图T: L, hat are these?Ss:BlsT: es, The are blsT: H an bls are there?Ss: Sixteen blsT: es, sixteen bls领读几遍T: hat are thse?(指plates)S1: PlatesT: es, plates H an plates are there?S1:Seventeen platesT: es

4、, there are seventeen plates领读几遍。T: hat are these?(指glasses)S2:GlassesT: es, glasses H an glasses are there?S2: Eighteen T: es, there are eighteen glasses领读几遍。T: hat are thse?(指spns)S3: SpnsT: es, spns H an spns are there?S3: NineteenT: es, there are nineteen spns(领读几遍)T: hat are these?(指up)S4: upsT

5、: TentT: es, tent ups There are tent ups(2)同学二人之间对话练习。S1: H an bls are there?S2: There are sixteen blsS3: H an plates are there?S4: There are seventeen platesS: H an glasses are there?S6: There are eighteen glassesS7: H an spns are there?S8: There are nineteen spnsS9: H an ups are there?S10: There a

6、re tent ups(3)教师边读单词边在黑板上进行板书Bl, a bl f rie, Plate, a plate f fish,Glass, a glass f ater/uie,up, a up f tea(4)教师扮演饭店服务员与学生对话:T: Are u read t rder?S1: es, please I uld lie a bl f rie, a plate f fish, a glass f uieT: Are u read t rder?S2: es, please I uld lie a bl f ndles, a up f tea()二同学之间进行对话练习:S3:

7、hat uld u lie?S4: I uld lie a bl f rie, pleaseS: hat uld u lie?S6: I uld lie a plate f fishS7: hat uld u lie?S8: I uld lie a glass f ater(6)听录音学生看书跟读。五、板书设计Lessn10: In the RestaurantSixteen bls seventeen platesEighteen glasses ninteen spnsTent upsI uld lie a _六、后反思: Lessn11: Pizza and Haburgers一、教学目

8、标1、知识(1)听懂会说单词hien Frenhfries haburger pizza pp(2)听懂会用句子hat uld u lie? Id lie _2、能力(1)能够听懂会说本会话,做到学以致用。(2)通过创设情境使学生感受并学会运用语言,进一步培养学生的口语表达能力。3、情感了解中西餐的相同和不同之处,进一步了解西方人的饮食化,为进一步学好外语打下坚实的基础。二、教学重点难点1、教学重点(1)听懂会说hien Frehfries haburger pizza pp(2)听懂会说hat uld u lie? Id lie _2、教学难点(1)听懂会说hien Frehfries ha

9、burger pizza pp(2)听懂会说有关hat uld u lie? Id lie _三、教具学具1、教具(1)有关本的教学挂图或幻灯片。(2)Frehfries haburger实物。(3)录音机。2、学具(1)学生准备有关Frehfries haburger pp的外包装盒。(2)画一些实物卡片。四、教学过程1、复习bread hien ies fruit uie eat il sandih sup教师出示挂图与学生问答练习。T: D u lie hien?S1: esT: uld u lie t eat fruit?S2: es, I uld lieT: D u lie Sand

10、ih?S3: N, I uld nt2、新授(1)出示实物或挂图T: hats this?(指haburger)Ss: Haburger(学生可能读音不准,教师适当纠正。)T: es, its a haburgerT: hats that?(指Frehfries)Ss:Frenhfries(教师给予纠正发音)T: hats this?(指pizza)Ss: Pizza(纠正读音)T: hats that? (指pp)Ss: Pp(这个词学生读起可能容易些)(2)围绕四个单词(haburger Frenhfries pizza pp)师生进行对话练习。教师站在讲台桌前利用食物或包装盒与自告奋勇的

11、学生进行表演。教师扮演售货员,学生扮演顾客。T: hat uld u lie? Haburger r Frehfries?S1: Haburger, pleaseT: h, u uld lie habrugerS1: es, Id lie haburger然后师生互换角色。S1: hat uld u lie? Frenhfries?T: Pizza, please Id lie pizza(3)游戏(猜单词,用手语表示)Haburger Frenhfries pizza pp看一看哪个同学反应最快,回答最准确。教师用手语表示出吃汉堡,吃薯条,吃比萨饼,喝汽水的动作。(4)学习对话Salt r

12、pepper?教师先用面包片蘸果酱和馒头片蘸果酱向学生渗透I lie _n_ I dnt lie _n_T: I lie a n bread I dnt lie a n stea bread教师表演几遍后让同学们看书,跟录音机朗读对话I lie salt五、板书设计Lessn11: Pizza and Haburgershien Frenhfries hanburger pizza pphat uld u lie?Id lie _六、后反思: Lessn 12 : HtDgs and Dnuts一、教学目标1、知识(1)听懂会说单词dnut ht dg(2)听懂会用句子:a I have _?

13、 Sure! Thans, ure ele2、能力(1)能够听懂会说本会话,做到学以致用。(2)通过创设情境,使学生感受并学会运用语言,进一步培养学生的口语表达能力。3、情感懂得用餐礼貌用语,养成良好的用餐习惯。二、教学重点、难点1、教学重点:(1)听懂会说dnut htdg(2)听懂会说a I have _? Sure! Thans, ure ele2、教学难点(1)听懂会说dnut htdg。(2)听懂会说a I have _? Sure! Thans, ure ele三、教具、学具1、教具(1)有关本的挂图或。(2)dnut htdg实物。(3)录音机。2、学具(1)学生准备dnut h

14、tdg图片或包装盒。(2)实物托盘。四、教学过程1、复习以前学过的有关食物的单词。Pizza haburger Frenhfries ndles duplings教师出示这些实物的挂图与学生进行对话练习。T: hat uld u lie? Pizza r haburger?S1: Pizza, Id lie pizzaT: D u lie Frenhfries?S2: es, Id lie FrenhfriesT: D u lie duplings?S3: N, I dnt lie duplings Id lie ndles2、新授(1)出示挂图T: There are an gd fd in

15、 the shp hats this?(手指dnut)Ss: Dnut(发音可能不准,教师给予帮助)T: es, dnut(板书音标,领读几遍)教师走向一位学生T: D u lie dnut?S1: es, I lie itT: es, I lie dnut, tT: hats that?(手指htdg)Ss: Htdg(这个词学生发音可能容易些)T: es, htdg(领读并板书)Its a htdg(热狗)教师手拿实物可图片走近一同学T: D u lie htdg?S2: es, I lie htdgT: I lie htdg ver uh(2)同学二人自由结组表演对话。S1: hat u

16、ld u lie?(手指dnut htdg)S2: Id lie htdgS2: D u lie dnut?S1: es, I lie dnut Id lie it ver uh(3)学习ure ele让学生端着实物,教师先说句型。T: a I have a htdg, please?S1: esT: h, sure, I a have a htdg(假装拿起就吃)T: ThansS1: ure ele!(同学可能说不好,教师可替学生说出全句)T: ure eleS1: ure ele!T: ure ele!(重复并板书)Ss: ure ele!(4)同学二人一组表演对话S1: L, angH

17、ai, dnutsS2: h, favurite(学生不会教师提示)S2: h, fvurite(同学重复一遍)a I have ne?S1: SureS2: ThansS1: ure ele!()听录音,跟录音学唱歌曲。Lets sing a sng五、板书设计Lessn 12: HtDgs and DnutsDnut HtDga I have _?Sure! Thansure ele六、后反思:Lessn 13 : H uh?一、教学目标1、知识(1)听懂会说H uh fr ne _? _uanIll tae _, please Thanu(2)听懂并会灵活运用H uh fr ne _?I

18、ll tae _, please2、能力(1)能够听懂会说本会话,做到学以致用。(2)通过创设情境,使学生感受并学会运用语言,进一步培养学生的口语表达能力。3、情感懂得在购买商品时应该使用的明礼貌用语,做到讲明懂礼貌。二、教学重点、难点1、教学重点:听懂会说H uh fr ne _? _uanIll tae _, please Thanu2、教学难点听懂会说H uh fr ne _? _uanIll tae _, please Thanu及正确使用。三、教具、学具1、教具(1)有关里出现的htdg dnut 实物,托盘。(2)有关的。(3)录音机。(4)挂图2、学具服装(售货员用的帽子、围裙)

19、四、教学过程1、复习以前学过的句型及单词。教师用托盘端着dnut htdg走到同学面前T: hat uld u lie? HtDg r dnut?S1: HtDg, pleaseT: h, here u are(递给)S2: ThansT: ure ele2、新授(1)让学生头戴售货员帽子,腰围着围裙与教师展开对话:教师走到同学面前问:T: H uh fr ne dnut?Ss: ne uanT: h, ne uan(琢磨一下) Ill tae telve, please(掏钱并递给同学,接过托盘)Thans, I lie dnuts a lt!教师板书:H uh fr ne _?Ill ta

20、e _, please教师领读几遍。(2)同学二人用H uh fr ne _?Ill tae _, please展开对话。S1: H uh fr ne htdg?S2: Five uanS1: Ill tae five, pleaseS2: H uh fr ne dnut?S1:T uanS2: Ill tae six, please(3)听录音,同学看书跟读。五、板书设计Lessn 13: H uh?H uh fr ne _?Ill tae _, please六、后反思: Lessn 14: H uh Are The? 教学目标:1 学习新句型H uh is/are the _? 认识词汇e

21、xpensive, n sale。2 能运用新句型。3 培养学生爱学英语,热爱生活的感情。教学重点、难点:句型H uh is/are the _?教具准备:一些食物,录音机。教学时间:一时。教学过程:lass pening and revieGreetinghant: Salt and pepper shaeSing: D u n the dnut an? (边唱边复习食物词汇)Pratie in pairs H uh fr ne _? _ uan Ill tae _, pleaseNe nepts1H uh is the _? H uh are the _?Denstrate 教师示范到商店

22、里买东西,拿起一东西,先用H uh fr ne _? 提问价格,然后再用新句型H uh is the _? 提问价格。使同学们明白这两句话的意思相同。Drill板书新句型并操练。Denstrate 继续演示买东西,教师指着一对东西说:H uh are the _?使同学们理解要问多的东西的价格应使用这一句型。板书新句型并领读几遍。pare让同学们比较这三个句型,然后再说一说。Student b: L14, N1解释生词,读。2 Expensive, n saleRle-pla介绍单词和短语expensive和n sale。翻译这两个词,然后利用手偶完成对话。T: H uh are the _?

23、P: _uanT: H N, thans, thats expensive Is/Are the _n sale?P: esT: h, Ill tae _, please操练这两个词汇。Student b: L14, N2读,检查理解情况。lass lsingAtivit b: L14板书:Lessn 14: H uh Are The? H uh fr ne _? _ uan expensiveH uh is the _? Ill tae _, please n saleH uh are the _?教学反思:练习:一读一读,连一连。1H uh are the dnuts? A ure ele

24、2Than u B Five uan 3D u have an bananas? es!4Are the penils n sale? D es, lts f bananas二选择。1当你认为一东西很贵时,你会说:( )A Sure B Thats Thats expensive2当你想买两个苹果时,你会说:( )A D u have an apples?B H uh is the apple? Ill tae t, pleaseD ThansLessn 1:Lets ae Sup!教学目标:1学习新句型:a I brr _? e need _ Lets brr _学习故事:The agi s

25、tne2理解并能运用本新句型,理解故事内容。3让学生体验英语学习的乐趣,并能够体验到劳动的乐趣。教学重点、难点:学习新句型:a I brr _? e need _ Lets brr _教具准备:录音机。教学时间:一时。教学过程:lass pening and revie问候:唱:Its tie fr lunh做游戏:复习食物词汇。Ne nepts1a I brr_?e need _ Lets brr _角色扮演:借助已知句型:D u have an _? a I have _, please? 学习新句型a I brr _? e need _ Lets brr _教科书:L1, N1一对一练习

26、: 演练新句型。2e need se _角色扮演: T: I hungr I ant t eat se sup Bs and girls, lets ae sup! ! Ss: T: But e have nthing hat d e need?e need se(出示ater) e need se (出示vegetables) T: Sa after ee need se ater, e need se vegetables操练: 操练这个句型。3Str: The agi Stne告诉学生这个故事的大概内容,让他们自己先看一遍,然后说一说。精读故事,解释故事内容。讨论故事。 lass lsi

27、ng 做活动手册。板书:Lessn 1:Lets ae Sup!a I have _, please? e need _ Lets brr _a I brr_?练习:选择合适的句子补全对话。Liing: _enn: SureLiing:_ Thansenn:_A:I need a penil Ba I brr ur penil?u are ele DN I an dra se trees教学反思:Lessn 16: Again, Please!教学目标:1复习本单元重点词汇和句型。2知道并能运用本单元所学知识。3培养学生及时总结复习的良好学习习惯。教学重点、难点:复习本单元重点词汇和句型。教具

28、准备:单词卡片,录音机。教学时间:一时。教学过程:lass pening and revie1问候。2唱Its tie fr lunh3 游戏:hats issing (复习本单元词汇)4复习本单元句型。用角色扮演形式。 D u have an _? H uh is/are the _? _ uan Ill tae _, please Thans ure ele hat uld u lie? Id lie _ and _ Test 学生独立完成测试。lass lsing 唱一首他们喜欢的歌曲。板书:Lessn 16: Again, Please!apple banana grapes D u have an _?eln H uh is/are the _? _ uan Ill tae _, please Thans ure ele hat uld u lie? Id lie _ and _ 练习:1选择。当你想问面包圈的价格时,你怎么说AH uh dnuts?BH uh fr the dnuts?H is the dnut?你喜欢把胡椒洒在薯条上,你会说

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