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1、硕士学位论文用学视角下的国际商务口译上海海事大学SHANGHAI MARITIME UNIVERSITY硕 士 学 位 论 文MASTERS DISSERTATION论文题目:语用学视角下的国际商务口译 学位专业:外国语言学及应用语言学 作者姓名:徐慧敏 指导教师:史燕燕副教授 完成日期:二O O九年六月On International Business Interpreting from the Perspective of Pragmatics ByXu HuiminSupervisorAssociate Professor Shi YanyanA Thesis Submitted tot

2、he College of Foreign Languages Shanghai Maritime Universityin Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree of Master of ArtsJune, 2009ACKNOWLEGEMENTSI am greatly indebted to my supervisor, Professor Shi Yanyan. She read my first and second drafts of this thesis and provided me with invalua

3、ble advice, which I do find stimulating, thought-provoking, and rewarding. Its my good fortune to study under her guidance.I would like to offer my sincerest gratitude to my family and my girlfriend for their invaluable feedback and suggestions, as well as their continued support, patience and under

4、standing.Sincere gratitude also goes to other professors: Han Zhonghua, Wang Dawei, Zheng Lixin, Weng Fengxiang and Yuan Yongfang. Their lectures have a great impact on my way to academic study of the English language, especially interpreting. Furthermore, their individual characteristics impress me

5、 so much that the experience of my postgraduate study makes a lifelong treasure.Finally, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the authors and the compilers of the relevant literature whose pioneering study has constructed a well-founded road to my exploration.摘 要口译作为跨文化交际的重要手段,在国际交往中发挥着重要

6、的作用。一直以来,虽然口译研究得到了国内外学者的广泛关注,但同西方相比,我国的口译研究才刚刚起步。近几年来,对口译进行跨学科研究已经成为国外口译理论研究的热点领域,尤其是把语用学运用于口译研究更为令人关注,鉴于此,本文试图将语用学与商务口译研究结合起来,深化这一领域的探讨。美国哲学家格赖斯 ( H.P.Grice ) 在20世纪60年代后期首次提出了著名的“合作原则”(the Cooperative Principle)。合作原则要求每一个交谈参与者在整个交谈过程中表现出合作态度,尽量达到自己交谈的目标和方向。正是交谈者的这种合作使得他们能够持续地进行有意义的语言交际。在实际生活中,为了更有效

7、地表达自己意欲表达的言外之意,引起交际对象的注意,交际中的一方可能会故意在表面上违反合作原则,但谈话参与者的合作关系仍然存在。这时,交际中的另一方就要根据当时的语境,推断出说话人表面违反准则的隐含意义及目的。国际商务口译中,“合作”是谈判者共同的谈话目的或方向,所以合作原则作为会话交际的基本准则就同样适用于国际商务口译。商务口译与其他翻译一样,是一项跨语言、跨国界、跨文化的交际活动,它不仅是个语言转化过程,还是个大商务形势下推进商务各方理解与沟通的过程,也是发展国际交流与合作的过程,这就对口译员的素质及知识结构提出了更高的要求。本论文以国际商务语言环境和交往活动为背景,同时以格赖斯 ( H.P

8、.Grice ) 的“合作原则”(the Cooperative Principle)为理论基础,首先对口译的基本知识进行了介绍,并对国际商务口译做了进一步阐述。然后全面详细地介绍了格赖斯的合作原则及其四大准则,并结合所收集的语料将合作原则用于指导国际商务口译,探讨了译员如何主动有效地运用合作原则以帮助双方建立起某种合作关系。最后对译员在商务口译过程中的角色扮演、文化素质及知识结构等方面提出相应的要求。关键词:国际商务口译 合作原则 口译员 ABSTRACTWith the rapid increase in international exchanges, interpreting, as

9、an inter-lingual and cross-cultural communication mediated by the interpreter, has witnessed a fast and profound development in the past decades. Accordingly, research on interpreting has gained more and more attention. Recently, with the research going on, interdisciplinary studies on interpreting

10、has become a hotspot field both at home and abroad, and special attention has been given to the application of pragmatics in the study of interpreting. H.P.Grice, an American philosopher, firstly put forward his famous “Cooperative Principle” in late 1960s. It is a general principle that all convers

11、ational participants are expected to observe according to its four maxims: Quantity, Quality, Relation and Manner. However, people sometimes violate them in actual conversations in order to express his/her underlying assumption more effectively so as to arouse the attention of the communicating obje

12、cts, which leads to conversational implicature. Even so, there still exists a cooperation relationship between the two parties involved. Cooperative Principle is thus applicable to international business interpreting, in that the participants involved also need to achieve their common purpose of “co

13、operation”. In addition, the interpreter, no longer merely passively playing the role of a messenger enabling mutual understanding, is supposed to get actively involved in the conversation as a facilitator, given the fact that misunderstanding or conflicts out of differing cultural backgrounds and v

14、alue concepts inevitably take place in the context of international business process. Based on the theory of H.P. Grices Cooperative Principle, this paper sets its background under international business language and communicating activities. At the beginning of the thesis, basic knowledge of interp

15、reting is introduced and further elaboration of international business interpreting is provided. Then the author presents Grices Cooperative Principle and its four maxims in details and applies the CP to guiding international business interpreting with collected data. Suggestions are put forward acc

16、ordingly about how interpreters can make effective use of the CP to help both parties in business interactions to establish a certain cooperation relationship. Finally, the interpreters role during the international business interpreting and the requirements of an interpreters quality and knowledge

17、structure are analyzed in detail.Key words: Interpreter International Business Interpreting The Cooperative PrincipleCONTENTSIntroduction 1Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge about Interpreting 31.1 Definition of Interpreting 31.2 Overview of Interpreting 41.2.1 Origin of Interpreting 41.2.2 Interpreting in t

18、he West 51.2.3 Interpreting in China 71.3 Features of Interpreting 81.4 Criteria of Interpreting 101.4.1 Accuracy (The closest equivalence) 101.4.2 Fluency (The proper speed of rendering) 11Chapter 2 Overview of International Business Interpreting 122.1 Definition of International Business Interpret

19、ing 122.2 Main Categories of International Business Interpreting 132.2.1 International Business Negotiation Interpreting 132.2.2 International Business Meeting Interpreting 132.2.3 International Business Escort Interpreting 142.3 Features of International Business Interpreting 142.3.1 Interactivenes

20、s 152.3.2 Fidelity Fidelity on Literal Level Fidelity on Semantic Level Fidelity on Functional Level 162.3.3 Flexibility 162.3.4 Professionalism 172.4 Criterion of International Business Interpreting 182.4.1 Accuracy of Information 192.4.2 Completeness of information 19

21、2.4.3 Effectiveness of information 19Chapter Three Business Interpreting from the Perspective of Pragmatics 213.1 Pragmatics and Business Interpreting 213.1.1 Brief Introduction to Pragmatics 213.1.2 Pragmatic Perspective of Business Interpreting 223.2 The Cooperative Principle (CP) 233.2.1 The Fram

22、ework of Cooperative Principle The Notion of Cooperative Principle The Maxims of Cooperative Principle 253.2.2 Violation of the Maxims 273.3 The Application of the CP in International Business Interpreting 313.3.1 The Maxim of Quantity in International Business Interpreting 333.3

23、.2 The Maxim of Quality in International Business Interpreting 343.3.3 The Maxim of Relevance in International Business Interpreting 363.3.4 The Maxim of Manner in International Business Interpreting 373.4 Interpreting Quality Assessment Criteria in terms of CP 383.4.1 The Maxim of Quantity 403.4.2

24、The Maxim of Quality 423.4.3 The Maxim of Relation 443.4.4 The Maxim of Manner 45Chapter Four Qualification Requirements for the International Business Interpreter 484.1 The Interpreters Role in International Business 484.2 Qualification Requirements for International Business Interpreter 504.2.1 Li

25、nguistic Competence 504.2.2 Extensive Professional Knowledge 514.2.3 Favorable Interpreting Skills 514.2.4 Cultural Awareness 524.2.5 Professional Ethics 52Chapter 5 Conclusion 545.1 Summary and Findings 545.2 Limitations of the Research 555.3 Future Research Directions 56Bibliography 57Introduction

26、As a cross-cultural verbal communication activity, interpreting is a fundamental communicative tool for people speaking different languages. Lagging far behind written translation studies, interpreting is a relatively new region of study that started only a few decades ago. In the past,interpreting

27、was usually studied from the perspective of real life practice and experiences,but lack of in-depth academic analysis from other disciplines. However,with the fast development of world economy and cultural exchanges, interpreting studies from an interdisciplinary perspective becomes both a necessary

28、 trend and a hotspot for researchers.International business refers to all commercial transactions between two or more countries for the purpose of satisfying the need of individuals and organizations with mutual benefits. The Interpreter, bridging the gaps between different languages and cultures, a

29、re playing an important role in doing international businesses. In such a complicated information process like international business interpreting, the interpreter is responsible for the exact comprehension of the source utterance and faithfully transferring messages from target to source languages.

30、 One inappropriate choice of words or expressions may cause great losses to business interactions. So research of international business interpreting from the perspective of pragmatics is of great significance and may certainly offer some insights to interpreters.In 1967, when giving lectures at Har

31、vard, Herbert Grice formulated his Conversational Implicature Theory in which The Cooperative Principle (CP) and its four maxims were originally put forward. As a key principle of Conversational Implicature Theory in pragmatics, the CP makes great contribution to guiding conversational communication

32、. Undoubtedly, the international business interpreting, a special conversational process mediated by an interpreter, can also be guided with the CP. In the process of international business, “cooperation” is the common purpose of all participants, including the interpreter. This makes CP a general principle that all conversational participants are expected to observe. Therefore, it will be of great value and necessity to conduct a systematic study on this m

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