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1、高三英语一轮复习Unit2Poems课时作业新人教版选修2019-2020年高三英语一轮复习Unit2Poems课时作业新人教版选修.阅读理解 A(xx南昌市NCS0607项目第三次模拟)A Yorkshire village in England has created what could be the worlds smallest museum. The museum has been created by transforming a disused phone box. The attraction in Warley Town only has enough room for o

2、ne visitor at a time. Despite the limitations of space, it features etched (风化的) glass, old photographs and a selection of personal items from the local people that tell the history of the village. Visitors can explore the museum and learn about the history and culture of the village. The phone box

3、was redesigned by members of Warley munity Association (WCA). After researching the uses of other phone boxes, including book exchanges and cafes, the group decided to create the museum. The work and planning were carried out by Mrs. Bailey, her carpenter husband Doug Bailey, and Warley artists Paul

4、 and Chris Czainski. And the museum was unveiled (揭牌)by mayor Howard Blagbrough. Kathryn Gallagher from WCA, said,“We just started talking about what we could do with the phone box and came up with the idea. Many people are excited to e and look at it.” The theme is currently local history, but the

5、group plans to make changes every three months. WCA has also submitted an application for the museum to be included in the Guinness Book of World Records. Eliana Bailey, WCA chairwoman, said:“Weve had a positive response. People thought it was amazing. When they saw the inside of the museum they cou

6、ld not believe it. Its so great to show the history and culture of the village.” 【文章大意】这是一篇说明文。文中介绍了英国约克郡(Yorkshire) Warley Town由废弃的电话亭改造而成的小博物馆。【难句分析】Despite the limitations of space,it features etched(风化的) glass,old photographs and a selection of personal items from the local people that tell the

7、history of the village.分析:这是一个主从复合句。句中that引导定语从句,其先行词为personal items。译文:尽管空间有限,小博物馆还是独特地展现了风化的玻璃、老照片以及一些反映村庄历史的当地人的私人物件。背景知识:约克郡(Yorkshire)是英格兰东北部的一个郡,是英国的“纺织之乡”以及重要的文化、农业之乡。它曾被分为三个地区:北区、东区和西区。1974年它被划分为北约克郡、南约克郡、西约克郡、亨伯赛德郡和克利夫兰郡。约克郡是见证英格兰历史的重要地区。1. Whats the museum created from?AA cafe. BA bookstor

8、e.CA library. DA telephone booth.答案与解析:D考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“The museum has been created by transforming a disused phone box”可知,小博物馆是由废弃的电话亭改造而成的。所以D项正确。2. Whats the theme of the museum at present?ALocal history. BBook exchanges.CLocal people. DWorld records.答案与解析:A考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“The theme is currently lo

9、cal history, but the group plans to make changes every three months”可知,目前小博物馆的主题是当地历史。所以A项正确。3. What can we learn about the museum?AIt was redesigned by Doug Bailey.BOnly one person can visit it at a time.CIt displays some paintings of famous people.DIt has been included in the Guinness Book of Worl

10、d Records.答案与解析:B考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“The attraction in Warley Town only has enough room for one visitor at a time”可知,小博物馆的空间很小,一次只能容纳一个人参观。所以B项正确。4. What may be the best title of the passage?AWCAs New DesignBLets Reuse the Disused ItemCThe Worlds Smallest MuseumDThe New Museum of a Yorkshire Village答案与解析

11、:C考查主旨大意。文章主要介绍了Warley Town由废弃的电话亭改造而成的小博物馆,亮点在于其创意和狭小的空间,所以C项最适合作文章标题。故C项正确。B(xx济南市高三针对性训练)The modern pizza was originally invented in Naples, Italy, but the word pizza is Greek in origin, derived from the Greek word pktos meaning solid or clotted. The ancient Greeks covered their bread with oils,

12、herbs and cheese. The first major innovation that led to flatbread pizza was the use of tomato as a topping. It was mon for the poor of the area around Naples to add tomatoes to their yeastbased flatbread, and so the pizza began. While it is difficult to say for sure who invented the pizza, it is ho

13、wever believed that modern pizza was first made by baker Raffaele Esposito of Naples. In fact, a popular urban legend holds that the archetypal (原型的) pizza, Pizza Margherita, was invented in 1890, when the Royal Palace of Capodimonte asked the Neapolitan pizzaiolo Raffaele Esposito to create a pizza

14、 in honor of the visiting Queen Margherita. Of the three different pizzas he created, the Queen strongly preferred a pie wrapped in the colors of the Italian flag: red (tomato), green (basil), and white (mozzarella). Supposedly, this kind of pizza was then named after the Queen as Pizza Margherita.

15、Later, the dish has bee popular in many parts of the world: The first pizzeria, Antica Pizzeria PortAlba, was opened in 1830 in Naples.In North America,the first pizzeria was opened in 1905 by Gennaro Lombardi at 53 Spring Street in New York City. The first Pizza Hut, the chain of pizza restaurants

16、appeared in the United States in 1958. Nowadays, many varieties of pizza exist worldwide, along with several dish variants based upon pizza.【文章大意】本文主要介绍了比萨的历史渊源。【难句分析】While it is difficult to say for sure who invented the pizza,it is however believed that modern pizza was first made by baker Raffael

17、e Esposito of Naples.分析:本句是一个复合句。While引导让步状语从句;who引导宾语从句,连接代词在从句中作主语;it作形式主语,that引导主语从句。译文:尽管很难肯定地说是谁发明了比萨,然而人们普遍认为现代比萨最初是由那不勒斯的烘焙师Raffaele Esposito所发明的。5. Whats mainly talked about in the text?AWays of making pizza. BThe history of pizza.CVarieties of pizza. DStories about pizza.答案与解析:B考查主旨大意。根据第一段

18、的“The modern pizza was originally invented in Naples,Italy,but the word pizza is Greek in origin”以及文章的整体内容可知,本文主要介绍了比萨的历史起源。A项错在比萨的制作方法,文章提到了其制作方法,这并不是文章的重点所在;C项错在比萨的种类,文章中虽然提到有各种各样的比萨,但这不是本文的核心;D项错在关于比萨的故事,这也是解释比萨的渊源,故排除。6. What can replace the underlined word“derived” in Paragraph 1? ASeparated. B

19、Adapted.COriginated. DTransformed.答案与解析:C考查词义猜测。根据第一段的“The modern pizza was originally invented in Naples, Italy”可知,此处说的是比萨起源于希腊单词“pktos”,故画线词意为“发源,开始”,故选C。7. How was pizza first started? AAncient Greeks covered, their bread with oils, herbs and cheese.BPeople in Naples added tomatoes to their bread

20、 as a topping.CRaffaele Esposito wrapped a pie in the colors of the Italian flag.DQueen Margherita awarded her name to pizza in the Royal Palace.答案与解析:B考查细节理解。根据第一段最后两句“The first major innovation that led to flatbread pizza was the use of tomato as a topping. It was mon for the poor of the area arou

21、nd Naples to add tomatoes to their yeastbased flatbread, and so the pizza began”可知,那不勒斯人先在面包上用西红柿作为配料,由此开创了比萨这种食品,故选B。8. What can be learned from the text?APizza remains popular around the world.BThe first Pizza Hut was opened in Naples.CThe taste of pizza stays the same over time.DGennaro Lombardi

22、was the first to make pizza.答案与解析:A考查细节理解。根据文中的“Later, the dish has bee popular in many parts of the world”和“Nowadays, many varieties of pizza exist worldwide, along with several dish variants based upon pizza”可知,比萨现在在全世界依然很受欢迎,故选A。.七选五(xx江西赣中五校高三第一次联合考试)More and more people are working remotely. He

23、re are some tips to keep in mind to stay focused on your work when working at home: Set and keep regular office hours. _1_ Then try your best to leave work at the “office” and turn your phone on silent and enjoy the rest of your day. Give yourself some time to recharge so you can be as productive as

24、 possible. Plan and structure your workdays. Structure your workdays to maximize(使最大化) efficiency. Take advantage of your bodys natural rhythms._2_ If you know you focus best in the morning, resist the temptation to check email until 10 am. or later.Set aside a designated(指定的) work area. Try to work

25、 at the same spot every day. _3_ And make it a place you enjoy going to each day, an area where you can focus and do your best work. Take breaks. Schedule time for frequent breaks throughout the day. Rise from your desk, stretch or walk around the house or down the street. _4_ If you need social act

26、ivities, go out to lunch with friends or clients. Avoid distractions(使人分心的事). One challenge of working at home is distraction. With no colleagues or partners nearby, its easy to bee distracted. Stay focused on work throughout the day to maintain consistent productivity._5_ AIt could be a spare bedro

27、om that youve turned into a home office.BPlan your work around your most productive hours.CDo your best to set work hours and stick to them.DTake a lunch break and enjoy a midday meal.EIt is more fortable to stay at home.FSome interruptions cant be avoided.GAvoid online distractions as well.【文章大意】本文

28、主要介绍了五种在家工作时如何保持注意力集中的方法。1答案与解析:C根据本段的小标题“Set and keep regular office hours”可知,此处与工作时间的设定有关,所以选C项。2答案与解析:B根据本段的小标题“Plan and structure your workdays”可推知,此处与工作计划有关,并与本段第一句“Structure your workdays to maximize(使最大化)efficiency”呼应,所以选B项。3答案与解析:A根据本段小标题“Set aside a designated(指定的)work area”可知,此处表示家庭办公区的设定和

29、安排,所以选A项。4答案与解析:D根据本段第一句“Schedule time for frequent breaks throughout the day”并结合小标题“Take breaks”可推知,工作期间适当休息一下有助于集中注意力,所以选D项。5答案与解析:G根据本段小标题“Avoid distractions(使人分心的事)”可推知,网上使人分心的内容也是集中注意力所需要避免的,所以选G项。. 语法填空(xx乌鲁木齐第三次诊断)Historians have said that we have always had a sweet tooth. Our sweet tooth has

30、 grown over the years and people are now more attached_1_ sweets than ever before.Tim Richardson,_2_ famous historian, has created a timeline to show our love of sweets, starting as early as 8 000 years BC.He said,“A sweet thing_3_ (enjoy) during the day can be a source of simple fort and pleasure c

31、heering us up. People have known this for_4_ (century). Throughout history, many sweets have kept their charm and popularity because they have kept up with the_5_ (late) taste trends.” Cave paintings have been found of our early ancestors attacking beehives (蜂窝)_6_ (find) honey. A fun fact about the

32、se sweets is that honeyb(蜂巢) was the first ever sweet eaten. As the years_7_ (go) on, lollypops(棒棒糖) were first eaten in 1550 AD and gums were enjoyed as early as the 1650s. A main product of the sweet market toffee appeared in the 1890s. Other popular sweets, such as boiled sweets, chewing gum and bubble gum, came later. Chewing gum has a history that_8_ (date) back to the ancie

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