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1、破产姐妹第三季第九集台词C:stealing hans dish,so we dont have to clean ours at home is genius. And a little sad.M: are you kidding,this is the greateast thing thats happened to me since I got my period(来月经) this morning.H:max,caroline,you are stealing my dishes?C: damn it,I didnt think you could see up this high

2、.H: and I didnt think you could sink this low.ok ,stop,you are already robbing me behind with you “I am a waitress”scam(骗局)M:sorry ,but things have gotten kind of messy at home.yesterday ,I had to take a shower to shower off the shower I took.(我因为洗了澡所以又洗了澡)O: you two should get a cleaning lady .i ha

3、ve a woman I pay to clean my apartment, she is expensive ,but she may charge you less if you dont also have sex on her.ill looking to it.B:my grandmother cleaned the house free of charge.of course she didnt have a say in the matter.(对这事她也没有发言权)C:lets just ask sophie ,she has a cleaning service.we ha

4、ve to do something,yesterday,I saw a roach(蟑螂) walk out of our apartment.M:look, Im gonna tell you what I told that guy who asked me to use my butt to smuggle opium(让我用屁股走私鸦片的家伙).i ll do it!C:be ready max,we have to leave as soon as the cleaning lady gets here.its housekeeper etiquette(管家礼仪).in my o

5、ld life,I go to spin class(形体课) and lunch with friends,but you and I will just go outside and watch the guy who is just got out of jail do pull-ups(引体向上) on the light post.M:calvins out? Im not gonna leave.i want to watch her clean my mess.yeah ,baby.ive waited my whole life to have a servant.i thou

6、ght you were gonna be it for the first few weeks.and then I realized you cant do anything.and even though sophie gave us a discount,the maid still has to call me “you highness”(殿下).mostly because Im pretty “highness”(嗑药嗑嗨了)right now.S:hi,girls,here I am ,sophie from sophies choice cleaning service,m

7、eet you cleaning lady paulina.P: paulina,meet the girls.shed shake hands,but she only has one arm.C:sophie.she can hear you.P:so what?i know Im missing arm.its not news.S:so she lost an arm.i lost my gold earring down the garbage disposal.(垃圾处理站)but I was too afraid to reach into it.because,well,yea

8、h.P:dont worry.i have one arm but I clean like I have three.i put on more makeup,then I start.C:Im sorry,I didnt realize when I ordered a cleaning lady,I had to specify(指明) I wanted one with two arms.S:you cant afford two arms!you said you want a good price,half the arm,half the price.M:is that how

9、she lost the arm,sophie?you cut it off so we could get a discount?S:oh ,sure,yeah,I saw off her arm so I could save you 10 bucks.P:I start in bedroom.M:wait,before you do, one question.howd you lose it ?jame franco (电影明星)situation?you have to cut it off to get loose?youer not saying no.(你没否认)S:oh,yo

10、u know what,lets not go know it happened,it was in the past.P:I was trapped under this big truck.S:we get it,I drove over(碾过) your arm.M:hey,dont even bother looking for my good jewelry in there.because Im already wearing all of it.P:oh,Im jealous I dont have arm to wear cheap jewelryC:max

11、,I feel bad for her.see,this is why you case they show up with two much makeup and(或者) not enough arms.M:relax,she is tough.reminds me of a young me.which means I better go hide my pills from her.C:max,she scare me,M:oh,come on ,she is armless(武器)C:everything ok?you need any help?P:I didnt

12、get this far in this business by taking me !cant you see I got one arm?C:not gonna be a problem.i would occationally help my are not interested.P:lift!lift,weakgirl.liftC:max,come on here.we need help lifting your mattress.(床垫)can you give us a hand.M:no, leave it alone!dont lift

13、up the mattress!P:ah,porno(色情书刊),your mind is as dirty as your apartment.M:yes,its what?whats the big deal?its just the body in its natural form,spread-eagle(手脚伸展)on a motorcycle.C:why is so mush of it from the 80s?M:I like mustaches,okay?and its multitasking(更多目的).i am looking for my father

14、.stop looking.stop looking right now.C:why are you suddenly embarrassed?porn hub is your homepage.(主页)C:hey,it this a brochure for pastry(面点) school?why are you hiding a pastry school brochure.M:your face is a pastry school brochure!C:max,it is great you are interested in pastry school.i dont know w

15、hy you are embarrassed.M:your face is embarrassed.C:come on,I really think that this is something we should talk about.M:your face is something we should talk about.P:you made the scary one mad.that was dumb move.(愚蠢的举动)C:your face was dumb move.,max,you never came home after you stormed out(非常气愤地出去

16、) ,so I brought you your uniform.M:I live here new roommates,the broom(扫帚) and the mop(拖把)dont sneak around looking aot my stuff.i got everything I need.C:well,maby your new broommate will hold your hair when you drink too much.which,from the looks of it,will be in about an hour.max,we really

17、 to talk about this school brochure.M:look,just because I have a pastry school brochure,doesnt mean Im actually gonna go to pastry school.just like having those porn magazines doesnt mean Im actually ride around on a tiger performing unspeakable acts with sailors(海员),probably. pastry school is the s

18、ame as porn.its just a dumb fantasy.C: pastry school is not like porn.there is nothing in this brochure about a girl on girl croissant.(羊角包)M:thats good toothpaste.C:please stop brushing your teeth.we have a shift (轮班)to do later.Ok ,the manhattan school of pastry M:your face is the manhattan school

19、 of pastry C:you know it isnt.max,you could go here for real.(你真的可以去那里)tuition is only 3000 a year.a lot ,but doable.(可行)M: a lot ,but doable?are we talk about pastry school or fat guy at last call?(上次的电话)C:here we are,max ,your dream starts now.M:what,the one where Im a black mermaid(当我进了黑美人鱼电影公司吗)

20、?C:could you relax?weer just look around and get an application.see all that gorgeous equipment you get to use if you went here?finally you d have a mixing bowl thats not a hollowed out watermelon.(挖空的西瓜)M:can you help me,she is hold me against my will.C:she is kidding.if you keep this up(继续这样),youn

21、g are not getting ice cream e on,here is the office.M:whatever.are we almost done(完事) here?i got a court date(开庭日) later.C:hi,D:hi,C:Im not sure were in the right place.D:are any of us really?(是真的吗)C:wed like an application.could you help us?D:oh,god,I hope so.i wasnt expecting something th

22、is high pressure my first day back.lets just say Ive been under observation at the nuthouse(精神病院).ok,application.C:it is for max,here.she was very impressed by your brochure.D:oh,pasrty school.exciting ,right?D:I was chef here once.and then I wasnt.oh,look,found the,really didnt thin

23、k I was gonna be able to handle that.Man:bebe,if you.oh bonjour,good morningD:chef Nicolas,these girls are here for an application.dont worry.i handled it.almost didnt ,then I did.Man:nice work ,bebe.C:oh,do I detect a French accent?oui?M:oh my god,I cant watch.Man:French indeed,Im chef Nicolas,owne

24、r and head chef.M:is it over yet?C:this is max,the application is for her.M:sup(口语:怎么了),frenchie?you eat snails?Man:it looks like bebe forgot the second page.D:oh,boy,fogot the second page.thats not good.i thought I handled it. Didnt handle it.Man:it is ok ,bebe ,breathe in.(吸气)breathe out (吐气)D:tha

25、ts good stuff.(效果不错)Man:she was quite brilliant(她很有天赋),then she wasnt .here ,fill that out.and the next step is the pastry exam.application will have to make a classic tart(馅饼),bring them in tomorrow for me to taste.and we will go from there.sound good?M:whatever.maybe Ill think about it.Man:ok,well

26、,maybe you will.nice meeting you both.hope to see you tomorrow.chef.M:he call me chef!yay!lets go get ice cream!no!C:no!you should get started on that is due(到期) tomorrow.M:I got plenty of time.besides,pressure ups my game.(压力越大,表现越好)I perform my best when theres a gun to my head.ask any of

27、my ex-boyfriends.C:this is so not how I prepare for tests.i studied three weeks for a pap smear. 涂片试验(用于筛查子宫颈癌)M:dont worry .i got this.a tart is just like a cookie with some pudding(布丁) on it ,right?C:max!whats going on in there?M:turns out a tart is more than a cookie with some pudding on it!C:you

28、 have been here six said you had this.(你能搞定)M:I thought I had this!turns out I dont!i havent even finished a shell!i didnt know there was a shell.did you know there was a shell?C:everybody knows there is a shell.what the show is wrong with you?M:Im a tart who cant make a tart!C:you could h

29、ave made nine shells by nowM:I did,they all in here,look!its like shell-mageddon(暴乱)!oh,screw(螺丝钉) it(不管了).this ones gonna be there in a minute.lets just get it over with.(扔了他)C:no,you can do,here.this still looks ready to go.(这个看起来还不错)M:look at me.look at a waste of two arms.i cant

30、make a tart!H:hows the tart comingC:han,you not safe,leave!H:you havent even finished the shell?thats the easiest partM:han,this is your face.H:well.i should get going.i didnt know she could take bitch to the next level.M:I am so screwed.(我完了).i finally found a situation my boobs cant get me ou of.C

31、:hey,,I have all the faith in the world in you.but,here is a tart from stopn shop in case you wanted to hand this one in.C:no,earl,max is not a cheater.M、e:since when?C:she is going to make her own ,out.M:I am never gonna make this shell.i cant even get it in the pan right.C:max,that

32、 looks right.M:omg!i got it in the pan right!i can do this!C:you did it ,I knew it ,I helped you.we are besties!M:you are not safe ,leave.C:Im telling you ,max,Ive tasted a lot of tarts.and yours is delicious.M:you are not the first man to tell me that. the first man to tell me that is in jail.C;here he comes.N:ok,thanke you for coming.sha

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