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1、四年级教案下英语课 题Lesson2 Whats the matter?第1课时授 课时 间教学目标知识目标:能够掌握向对方提议以及应答的表达方式能力目标:培养学生的口语表达能力以及交际能力情感目标:激发学生的学习兴趣并且使同学间互相关心重 点Are you +形容词? Lets go to + 地点Thats a good idea .教学准备TapeCards难 点向对方提议以及应答的表达方式表示赞同Thats a good idea .教学设计一、 Greetings.1、Howdy ? Whats up ?Whats new?2、The same old Nothing new .二、

2、 New lesson1、Pre-listening Look at the picture. (看图思考内容)2、While-listening Listen tohe tape careful (听录音感知英语表达)3、Post-listeningAre you +形容词? Yes ,I am . No .I am not .Lets go to + 地点Lets 要提出建议时开头说的话后面加上提议的内容成为完整的句子对提的意见表示赞同“好主意”Thats a good idea .补充教学:Thats a good idea .可以当作Sounds good 的意思来理解和运用三、Act

3、ivity情景对话的练习,运用本堂课所学习的句子,通过交际对话这个形式,来练习学生的口语表达四、Chant!Chant!学习Chant熟悉课文内容Follow the tape and read dialog.Do the exercise.五、Homework 板书设计教学反思课 题Lesson2 Whats the matter?第2课时授 课时 间教学目标知识目标:学会并掌握病患时的表达用语能力目标:培养学生的口语表达能力以及交际能力情感目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣以及同学间关心友爱重 点What is the matter ? I have a 教学准备TapeCards难 点掌握病患

4、时的表达用语以及各种病患的单词教学设计一、Greetings. How are you doing ? I am good .二、Review the last lessonAre you busy? 你忙吗?Thats a good idea . 好主意。三、 New lesson1、Pre-listening Look at the picture. (看图思考内容)2、While-listening Listen to the tape careful (听录音感知英语表达)3、Post-listeningS1:What is the matter ?你怎么了?You look sick

5、. 你看起来有些不舒服。S2:Yes,I am .No,I am not .表示同情:That is too bad.表示关心:Take care .表示感谢:Thanks.I have a fever.我发烧了。I have a cold. 我感冒了。四、Activity情景对话的练习,运用本堂课所学习的句子,通过交际对话这个形式,来练习学生的口语表达五Chant! Chant!学习Chant熟悉课文内容Follow the tape and read dialog.Do the exercise.六、Homework板书设计教学反思课 题Lesson2 Whats the matter?第

6、3课时授 课时 间教学目标知识目标:能够掌握动词第三人称的变化(havehas)能力目标:培养学生的口语表达能力以及交际能力情感目标:激发学生的学习兴趣养成正确的学习态度重 点Whats wrong? She has fever.Can she go with us? I hope so.教学准备TapeCards难 点能够掌握动词第三人称的变化(havehas)She has a fever.I have a fever.教学设计一、Greetings.1、Howdy ? Whats up ?Whats new?2、The same old Nothing new .二、Review the

7、 last lessonWhat is the matter ? I have a 三、New lesson1、Pre-listening Look at the picture. (看图思考内容)2、While-listening Listen to the tape careful (听录音感知英语表达)3、Post-listeningWhats wrong? She has a fever.她怎么了?她有点发烧。变换主语、动词的练习I _I have a fever.You _ You have a fever.She _ She has a fever.He _ He has a fe

8、ver.Can she go with us? I hope so.她能跟我们一起去吗?我希望她能去。四、Activity情景对话的练习,运用本堂课所学习的句子,通过交际对话这个形式,来练习学生的口语表达准备卡片来进行单词卡片组句子的练习五、Chant! Chant!学习Chant熟悉课文内容Follow the tape and read dialog.Do the exercise.板书设计教学反思课 题Lesson3 I m scared. 第1课时授 课时 间教学目标知识目标:练习并学会说表达感觉和愿望的语句能力目标:培养学生的口语交际能力以及读写能力情感目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣重

9、 点I want to_ . Im scared. It looks exciting.教学准备Tapecards难 点表达感觉和愿望的语句Im scared.教学设计一、Greetings. How are you doing ? I am good .二、New lesson1、Pre-listening Look at the picture. (看图思考内容)2、While-listening Listen tohe tape careful (听录音感知英语表达)3、Post-listening 把动词excite用做形容词时 Im excited. (我很高兴) Its excit

10、ing. (这个很有趣) 把动词scare用做形容词时 Im scared. (我很害怕) Its scary. (那个很吓人)I want to ride on that.我想坐那个。 Roller coaster 过山车小调查:你最害怕什么?scared of _你害怕?Are you scared? Yes, I am . No , Im not.三、Activity情景对话的练习,运用本堂课所学习的句子,通过交际对话这个形式,来练习学生的口语表达四、Chant! Chant!学习Chant熟悉课文内容Follow the tape and read dialog.Do the exer

11、cise.板书设计教学反思课 题Lesson3 I m scared. 第2课时授 课时 间教学目标知识目标:学习并掌握表达感觉和愿望的语句能力目标:学习对话的基础上,能够自由的表达自己的感受情感目标:培养良好端正的学习态度重 点I want to _. Do you want to _?This is + 形容词.教学准备Tapecards难 点帮助学生把感觉和愿望联系起来表达教学设计一、Greetings.1、Howdy ? Whats up ?Whats new?2、The same old Nothing new .二、Review the last lesson It looks e

12、xciting. 看起来真好玩。 Im scared. 我害怕。 I want to ride on that. 我想坐那个。三、New lesson1、Pre-listening Look at the picture. (看图思考内容)2、While-listening Listen tohe tape careful (听录音感知英语表达) 看图片用自己的语言来说一说3、Post-listeningdrive a bumper car 开碰碰车Do you want to come?=Do you want to join us?This is exciting.=This is rea

13、lly fun.四、Activity情景对话的练习,运用本堂课所学习的句子,通过交际对话这个形式,来练习学生的口语表达How does she feel?What does she want to do ?准备卡片来进行单词卡片组句子的练习以游戏的形式来巩固对于单词的学习:小组拼读五、Chant! Chant!学习Chant熟悉课文内容Follow the tape and read dialog.Do the exercise.板书设计教学反思课 题Lesson3 I m scared. 第3课时授 课时 间教学目标知识目标:学会问答时间能力目标:学习巩固表达时间的句子以及延伸练习情感目标:

14、要学生养成良好的时间观念重 点What time is it ?Time to _.教学准备Tapecards难 点时间问答的学习教学设计一、Greetings. How are you doing ? I am good .二、Review the last lessonDo you want to come? 你想参加吗?This is really fun. 真有趣。三、New lesson1、Pre-listening Look at the picture. (看图思考内容)2、While-listening Listen tohe tape careful (听录音感知英语表达)

15、看图片用自己的语言来说一说3、Post-listening时间表示方法 4点5分:four five 4点15分:a quarter after four 4点30分:half past four 4点50分:ten to five Time to +动词 现在是-的时间了。 Its time for _. 到了做事的时间了。 It 表示时间时,没有具体意义。四、Activity情景对话的练习,运用本堂课所学习的句子,通过交际对话这个形式,来练习学生的口语表达四、Chant! Chant!学习Chant熟悉课文内容Follow the tape and read dialog.Do the e

16、xercise.板书设计教学反思课 题Lesson4What about a robot?第1课时授 课时 间教学目标知识目标:学会说要去的地方的表达能力目标:锻炼学生的口语交际能力和表达能力情感目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣重 点Where are you going?To the department store.教学准备Tape cards难 点各种场所的表达完整句式:Im going _.教学设计一、Greetings.1、Howdy ? Whats up ?Whats new?2、The same old Nothing new .二、New lesson1、Pre-listening

17、 Look at the picture. (看图思考内容)2、While-listening Listen tohe tape careful (听录音感知英语表达) 看图片用自己的语言来说一说3、Post-listeningWhere are you going ? (Im going)to the department store.=To the department store. 到去,在目的名称前加“to” =Im going + doing.在星期前面加“on”:on Monday 在月、年前加“in”:in 2006在本课的学习中尽量不对时态作解释Where are you go

18、ing ?如必要解释为进行时三、Activity情景对话的练习,运用本堂课所学习的句子,通过交际对话这个形式,来练习学生的口语表达准备卡片来进行单词卡片组句子的练习以及单词的练习,以排序和问答的形式四、Chant! Chant!学习Chant熟悉课文内容Follow the tape and read dialog.Do the exercise.板书设计教学反思课 题Lesson4What about a robot?第2课时授 课时 间教学目标知识目标:学会问答的意见并且学会可能与否的表达能力目标:培养学生的语言表达能力和交际能力情感目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣重 点What about

19、? 怎么样?Watches cost too much. 表太贵了。教学准备Tape Radio难 点Cost 的用法教 学方 法 教学设计一、Greetings.1、Howdy ? Whats up ?Whats new?2、The same old Nothing new .二、review the last lessonWhere are you going?To the department store.三、New lesson1、Pre-listening Look at the picture. (看图思考内容)2、While-listening Listen to the tap

20、e careful (听录音感知英语表达) 看图片用自己的语言来说一说3、Post-listeningWhat about ? 怎么样?Watches cost too much. 表太贵了。Cost 花费 too 太Too small too big too long 练习too的用法四、Activity情景对话的练习,运用本堂课所学习的句子,通过交际对话这个形式,来练习学生的口语表达五、Chant! Chant!学习Chant熟悉课文内容Follow the tape and read dialog.Do the exercise.板书设计教学反思课 题Lesson4What about

21、a robot?第3课时授 课时 间教学目标知识目标:学会询问对方意见的用语,学会在商店里对话能力目标:培养学生的口语表达能力和交际能力情感目标:创设情景激发学生的学习兴趣重 点What about ?He likes making robots.教学准备TapeRadio难 点like + doing 的用法教 学方 法教学设计一、Greetings. How are you doing ? I am good .二、Review the last lessonWhat about ? Watches cost too much.三、New lesson1、Pre-listening Loo

22、k at the picture. (看图思考内容)2、While-listening Listen to the tape careful (听录音感知英语表达) 看图片用自己的语言来说一说3、Post-listening“他喜欢”在like的后面加上“动词+ing” I like singing. 我喜欢唱歌。反问“哦,是吗?”受前面句子的主语和动词的影响 “She is pretty.” 回答 “Is she?”look for 的用法,总结look 短语四、Activity情景对话的练习,运用本堂课所学习的句子,通过交际对话这个形式,来练习学生的口语表达五、Chant! Chant!学

23、习Chant熟悉课文内容Follow the tape and read dialog.Do the exercise.板书设计教学反思课 题Lesson4What about a robot?第4课时授 课时 间教学目标知识目标:复习本单元所学习的内容能力目标:培养学生的阅读能力和语言表达能力情感目标:激发学生学习的兴趣端正学生学习的态度重 点What about a robot?He likes making robots.教学准备TapeRadio难 点Watches cost too much.He likes making robots.教 学方 法教学设计一、Greetings.

24、How are you doing ? I am good .二、Join the beat!Where are you going?To the department store.What about a new watch?Watches cost too much.He likes making robots.Oh, does he?Then let s buy a robot.三、review the whole lessonwords:sentences:Where are you going?What about a new watch?四、Do the exercise.1 Wh

25、at are the saying?2 What would you say?3 We can say it .4 Fun with words.5 Do you remember?五、widen students views给学生讲一些与课文有关的知识延伸让学生自己找一些课外内容丰富课堂以“准确查找”的形式锻炼学生的阅读能力板书设计教学反思课 题Lesson5Happy birthday to you第1课时授 课时 间教学目标知识目标:学会说祝贺生日的用语能力目标:培养学生的口语表达能力和对课文的理解能力情感目标:激发学生学习生日祝贺语的兴趣 重 点What s happening? Be

26、 quiet.Happy birthday to you. surprise教学准备TapeRadio难 点Here he comes. Hide!教 学方 法教学设计一、Greetings.1、Howdy ? Whats up ?Whats new?2、The same old Nothing new .二、New lesson1、Pre-listening Look at the picture. (看图思考内容)2、While-listening Listen to the tape careful (听录音感知英语表达) 看图片用自己的语言来说一说3、Post-listening1 H

27、ere he comes. 他来了。反复强调第三人称单数后面的动词要+s,要经过反复的练习。2 What s happening? 发生什么事了?3 Be quiet 安静创设情景为所学习的这些新句子进行操练,让学生乐于说英语,准确表达出自己的想法。三、Activity情景对话的练习,运用本堂课所学习的句子,通过交际对话这个形式,来练习学生的口语表达准备卡片来进行单词卡片组句子的练习以及单词的练习,以排序和问答的形式四、Chant! Chant!学习Chant熟悉课文内容板书设计教学反思课 题Lesson5Happy birthday to you第2课时授 课时 间教学目标知识目标:学会说请

28、某人做某事的简单用语收到礼物的回应能力目标:锻炼学生的口语表达能力和语言的交际能力情感目标:要学生养成有礼貌的好习惯重 点This is for you! I like making robots.教学准备Tape Radio难 点Blow out all the candles.I like making robots.教 学方 法教学设计一、Greetings. How are you doing ? I am good .二、Review action进行复习掩饰身体部位的游戏(game)Hide your hands.Hide your mouth.Hide your fingers.三、New lesson1、Pre-listeni

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