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1、湛江一中学年高一上学期期中考试英语湛江一中20112012学年高一上学期期中考试英语科试卷考试时间: 120分钟 满分: 150分第一部分 听力(满分30分)第一节 (共15小题, 每小题2分, 满分30分) 听下面5段材料。 每段材料后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A, B, C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。 听完每段材料后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。 每段材料读两遍。听第1段材料,回答第13题。1. What did the man think the movie was going to be at first?A. Excellent. B. J

2、ust so-so. C. Very bad.2. Which part did the movie attract the speakers? A. The one in which the old man was dying. B. The one in which the old woman was in tears. C. The one in which they felt very happy.3. What are the speakers going to do next? A. Go home. B. Have something to eat C. Go to a mark

3、et 听第2段材料, 回答第46小题。4. What does the woman mean when she first refers to a balanced diet(平衡的饮食)?A. Eating less than necessary.B. Trying to lose weight(减低体重) quickly.C. Getting all the necessary vitamins and minerals(矿物质).5. What should the man give up?A. Coffee. B. Tea. C. Sugar.6. What can we infer

4、from the conversation?A. Losing weight should be gradual.B. Losing weight is impossible.C. Losing weight will lead to a cheaper life. 听第3段材料, 回答第79小题.7. Which month can it be when the conversation takes place?A. September. B. October. C. November.8. Who will finally pay the telephone bill?A. Their s

5、on B. The woman. C. The man9. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. Long distance calls.B. Their telephone bill.C. Jack and his girlfriend.听第4段材料, 回答第1012小题。10. How much time does the doctor require (要求)Tom to exercise everyday? A. One and a half hours.B. Half an hour.C. An hour.11. What doe

6、s Tom love to do in the evening? A. Read books B. Watch TV C. Jog12. What will happen to Tom if he does not do as the doctor advised?A. He will be too heavy to move any more.B. He will not pass the reading examination.C. He will not be able to watch TV听第5段材料, 回答第1315小题。13. Where did the story happen

7、?A. In the USA.B. In Canada.C. In England.14. What are Mr. and Mrs. Smith?A. They are the servants of the restaurant.B. They are the owners of the restaurant.C. They are the cooks of the restaurant.15. What does the phrase “meals on the house” mean in the story?A. It means eating in the house. B. It

8、 means serving the meals at the house.C. It means one can eat a meal without paying.第二部分:语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分)第一节: 完形填空 (共15小题; 每小题2分, 满分30分)Last year in my high school child-development class, each student had to take the “Think-It-Over” baby home for a night to get a taste of parenthood.It was a Frid

9、ay 16 when my turn came to take the 10-pound plastic doll home. The doll really did look like a 17 baby from a distance. I decided to name him Tyler.My friends and I went out for 18 that night. As it was rather cold, I decided to 19 Tyler in a blanket and carry him in that way. When I walked into th

10、e restaurant, I noted some very 20 looks and quite a few raised eyebrows. My friends and I decided to make fun of the whole situation. I stood in the corner, 21 to rock Tyler to sleep while my friends kept looking into the 22 and said, “Oh, how lovely!” I couldnt help but 23 . And although it was fu

11、nny to my friends and me, some of the people did not think it was so funny that I had a 24 . Some people were giving me rude looks, because they thought I was a teenager mom. Others just smiled at me sympathetically and felt sorry for me because I was only a child with a child.I learned a lot throug

12、h my 25 with the “Think-It-Over” baby. The doll surely strengthened my thinking that I was not ready to be a 26 , and it opened my eyes to the judgments people 27 about others. People do not 28 that some things are not the way they seem. I was only carrying it around for a class project. The people

13、in the restaurant were so 29 to judge me because they assumed I was a teenager mom. We should all be slower to 30 others, and realize that some things are not as they seem.16. A. noon B. morning C. night D. day17. A. lively B. live C. loving D. lovely18. A. shopping B. supper C. fun D. walk19. A. pl

14、ace B. throw C. hide D. move20. A. friendly B. strange C. frightened D. concerned21. A. trying B. starting C. expecting D. pretending22. A. blanket B. basket C. restaurant D. glass23. A. laugh B. stop C. cry D. continue 24. A. friend B. doll C. baby D. sister25. A. experience B. research C. examinat

15、ion D. observation26. A. babysitter B. parent C. father D. teacher27. A. enter B. pass C. make D. sit28. A. think B. consider C. believe D. realize29. A. quick B. slow C. difficult D. easy30. A. judge B. comfort C. know D. hate第二节: 语法填空 (共10小题, 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)阅读下面短文,根据上下文填入适当的词语,或使用括号中的词语的适当形式填空,并将答

16、案填写在答题卡上标号为4150的相应位置。Nowadays many students like to do the part-time job increasing their social experience. Its wise that students sometimes step 31 of the classroom-after all, they can learn a lot from the world we see outside the school windows. Lets take a look at what some teenagers got up to 3

17、2 (recent) when they took a break from the textbooks.Liang Shuqing, 33 17-year-old girl in Foshan No.1 High School in Guangdong province said. “Before we graduate, we have to complete five days of community work. I 34 (choose) to sell watches this year, in a store 35 I had once bought one myself. 36

18、 I began, a salesgirl showed me the watches. She explained all their functions and pointed out the different designs. Other than at mealtimes, I stood by the counter the whole day, 37 (welcome) each new potential customer with a smile. When there were 38 people, I cleaned the glass of the display ca

19、se as well as the watches 39 (make) sure everything had a dazzling shine. When I saw the salesgirl having to deal with a difficult customer, I realized 40 a challenging job it was. To be good in sales, you need to be calm, friendly, as well as quick-witted. 第三部分: 阅读理解(20小题, 满分40分)AAs you can see, wa

20、ter works hard in your body every day. Thats why its important to give your body the water it needs to carry out all its different jobs. On a regular day, your body loses 2-3 quarts of water-enough to fill a 2 liter soda bottle. You probably guess that water is lost when you sweat-especially on a ho

21、t day.But your body also loses water in an almost invisible way-evaporation. Water escapes from your body through your skin and in your breath. How? Your breath contains droplets of water that are usually too tiny to see. They become visible for a quick second in the cold when you can “see your brea

22、th.” But water evaporates this way all year round. Your skin also contains water, which escapes in tiny droplets that go into the air, the water in your skin evaporates into the air, but fortunately, your body can replace the water it loses so your skin doesnt dry out.Eating and drinking is one way

23、to replace the water your body loses. Most foods have a lot of water in them, especially fruits and vegetables. Grapes, watermelon, oranges, and cantaloupe are delicious and full of water.But you cant rely on food alone to get that water back, and thats why its also a good idea to drink water every

24、day. You might have heard someone say that people need to drink 6 to 8 cups (1.4 to 1.9 liters) of water each day. Depending on how much water youre getting from foods and other liquids, 6 to 8 cups (1.4 to 1.9 liters) might not be necessary. If youre eating a lot of fruits and vegetables, or you li

25、ke to eat soup every day, youll be getting some of the water your body needs. 41. You should drink enough water every day because _ .A. your body needs too much water B. water does all kinds of jobs in your body C. your body loses a lot of water every day D. the more water you drink the better you f

26、eel42. Water in your body loses by the following ways except _ . A. breathing B. evaporating C. sweating D. eating43. Your body has to give enough water to your skin in order to _. A. keep the water in your skin clean B. stop your skin from dying out C. stop the water from losing D. keep your skin w

27、et all the time44. What does the underlined phrase “rely on” in the fourth paragraph means? A. eat up B. receive C. depend upon D. digest 45. You have to drink about 6 or 8 cups of water _. A. if you only eat food for your meals every day B. if you eat many fruits and vegetables every day C. if you

28、eat enough soup every day D. if you drink all kinds of healthy liquids B William Speak, my grandfather, was born to be clever. His mathematics was so far ahead of his classmates that he would often be sent home for finishing his work early. And when he turned 13 in 1916, the teachers at his village

29、school suggested he try for Rivington Grammar School. But his father said, “ We need him to bring in a wage(工资).” So my grandfather was sent to a factory, then down the mines and finally to a paper factory , where he stayed for almost four decades(十年) until he retired(退休). What happened to the man w

30、ith real intellectual(知识的) ability but without the chance to exercise that muscle? Rather than lose heart , he turned his disappointment into a passion(热爱) for education, and a determination to make sure his daughter and granddaughter had the opportunities he missed out . I grew up hearing about the

31、 way he helped my mother with her homework, which hed never come across before. I know he kept himself busy by learning . He had argued(争论) with his workmates when my mother applied for(申请) a teacher training college. “ Theres no point in educating a girl,” they said. He must have been angry when hearing that. What do I remember of my grandfather? One day he brought me a football. “Have you ever wondered,” he said, “ why we always say black and white instead of white and black?” Then he left me to think. He made me think ab

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