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1、上海市八年级英语知识点复习牛津版初二牛津英语知识点复习M3 U11. Save ones life 生命可数2. Have a happy life 生活不可数3. Long ago4. A poor farmer5. Have a lot of pocket money6. Be poor at7. Would you like sth? = do you want sth? Yes please. No thanks.8. Would you like to do?=do you want to do? Yes I like. No I wouldnt.9. Would you like

2、sb to do sth? Yes of course! No you neednt.10. Live happily together11. In their tiny old hut12. Visit someone13. Call on sb 拜访14. Call at sp参观15. One winter night=on winter night16. Smile at each other=look at sb smilingly17. Many wishes18. I wish+(将来)19. I wish+(过去/过去完成)(虚拟) I wish he didt die at

3、the time. I wish I were you.(虚拟语气谓语动词用复数 )20. Make +动词+宾语21. Keep us healthy22. Keep health23. Healthily healthier24. Although 让步状语从句-强调(尽管),没有but25. Earn very little money26. 定语前置(形容词,名词,分词)27. 定语后置(定语/状语从句,名词短语) 28. User usage use29. How about=what about30. Be from31. Appearance(外形) -appear-disapp

4、ear32. Differ a from b33. save (time/money)in doing sthu21. wake up2. plants growing(名词修饰名词)3. awful=terrible4. it is adj for sb to do sth. (it is 为形式主语,to do 为真正主语)5. 当表示客观事实或是必然现象时遇到主将从现的巨型主语与从句都用现在时(it is awful to walk in the streets when the weather is wet.)6. An exciting time of the year7. Star

5、t getting warm/warmer8. Blow gently9. It is wet everywhere10. Start growing on the trees11. The animals which(定语从句)12. By give each other chocolate eggs(how)13. Make sb do(自己能发出动作的)14. Make sb done(无法发出动作)15. Be full of =be filled with16. Hot-heat-hotter17. Bright=clever/enough light18. Love going t

6、o the beach19. Build sandcastles on the beach20. There are typhoons21. Blow a lot22. Be in danger23. Endangered24. Start falling from the trees25. Dry leaves26. Start getting cooler27. A little stronger28. Eating more food29. Warmer places30. No eat anything in winter=eat nothing in winter31. Just g

7、o to sleep(just是强调)32. Love going on a picnie33. Have a barbecue34. On windy days35. Put on thick coats,scarves and boots36. In many places of the world37. Start thinking about their Christmas presents38. Fun to have Christmas partyU31. May be: v 猜测,50%2. must be:肯定的猜测3. cant be:一定不4. can be:没有这个短语5

8、. may be: adv = perhaps6. he isnt here. He _(maybe/must be/cant be/can be/may be)7. must have done动作已完成8. must be doing正在发生9. what may happen in the future?10. I think so I dont think so11. I hope not I hope so12. I think that people will 13. Use petrol14. There wont be any air pollution 15. There w

9、ill be more people16. Enough food17. Enough room = enough place18. Have no place to live (动词不定式作定语)19. Be able to(特长) can (普遍都会)20. I hope so, but I dont think so.21. Be able to live in space stations on the moon22. Be able to grow vegetables there23. Speak the same language24. People in different c

10、ountries 25. Understand each other better26. Learn from computers at home27. Travel by spacecraft28. Cities under the sea29. Take pills only30. In twenty years time31. Have enough food to eat32. Make a time box33. Write down what you think may happen in twenty years time34. Put all the pieces of pap

11、er into a box35. Then close the boxU41. Enjoyable-enjoy-joy2. Want her students to conduct a survey for the school3. Find out4. Find5. Changes students would like to see in our school6. Have a swimming pool7. They failed in the test, didnt they?(failed 意思是否定,但句型是肯定的)8. In PE lessons9. Have computer

12、lessons10. Have more childrens magazines to read11. Sit in groups12. Need to move our desks 13. Have a discussion14. Study in an air-conditioned classroom ( air-conditioner) 15. Have less homework16. Feel very uncomfortable (comfort)17. Spend on doing18. Suggested changes19. Have a science laborator

13、y20. Have cookery lessons21. Have more display board22. Have more books and childrens magazines in our school picnic twice a year23. Places of interest=interesting places24. Have a lift in school25. Have more interest clubs26. It would be27. Think about28. Change a into b29. Have more books to share

14、 among them selves30. Put some thick paper boards out side the classroom in the corridor31. Use sth as sth32. Put some thick paper boards outside the classroom in the corridor33. It would be adj to do.34. Learn to work more quickly herself35. Organize one more school picnic himself36. Agree on the d

15、ata37. Agree to sth38. Agree to do39. Agree withM4 u11. Be important to 2. Going to show a video3. Tell you a lot about electricity4. It is adj for/of sb to do sth.(to do 为主语) It is adj to sb.(无主语时,for/of 变成 to,to为方向介词)5. Electric(a)-some thing about electricity-Electrical(a)something use electricit

16、y-Electronic(电子的)-electricity(电)-electrician(电工)6. On a dark night 7. The lightning flashes8. The thunder crashes9. Something in the wire gave him a fright10. Fright-frighten-frightened-frightening11. What could it be12. Use the lightning to do13. It would be too frightening14. Make some steam15. Ma

17、ke sb/sth do(do 为宾补)16. Make steam to drive(drive 为目的状语,make &drive 中间加to 是动词不定式)17. See the pylons carrying 18. What do they bring19. Comes into our home20. Look at the plugs and lights in every room21. Gives power for lights22. What else 放于所修饰的词后 23. Electrical appliances24. Washing machine25. Air

18、 conditioner26. Vacuum cleaner27. Become so important in our lives28. Discuss and write29. It is because30. Use many different electrical appliances31. Lamps32. Lights33. Video players34. Microwaves35. Electric kettles36. Refrigerators37. The importance of38. Make us feel more comfortable39. Make ou

19、r lives more enjoyable40. Make our lives more convenient41. Help us work more efficiently42. Save us time doing house work43. On the ground(railway)44. ground45. station(above)46. platform(on)47. underground(under)48. save sb time in doing 49. save sb money in doing50. make+sb do/n adj/sb 职位 (不加the

20、a)+宾语+宾语补足语51. railway=underground=subway=meter52. travel on53. bring to54. be known as55. has/have been doing从过去到现在,动作还在发生56. operate -运行,操作 work run手术 operation sb of起效果 can the medicine operate?57. High-speed58. Air conditioned59. Be used to 被动语态60. Be powered by61. Run through 62. Run over63. Ru

21、n on64. At city centre65. On green island66. At east end67. In old town68. Be different from69. None of them70. Above ground71. Be made of glass stone and metal72. Mainly-most73. Modern74. Comfortable75. Inside of the stations76. A lot of space for suitcases and bags77. on78. over directly higher th

22、an79. above higher thanU21. Tell you a fable2. Learn a lesson from it3. What kind of person4. Do something often=used to do5. Patient-adj(op)impatient n sick people6. Happen to do碰巧发生 happen to sb 碰巧发生在某人7. Correct adj(op) incorrect v (n) correction uncorrected corrected8. Order take your order-an o

23、rder of-order sb to do-put sth in order-in order to do (词)- in order that (句子) 9. Blew and blew10. Angry-anger11. Held his coat more tightly12. Dont feel sad13. Make big waves to sink boats14. Blow blew blown15. Hold his coat more tightly16. Dont feel sad17. Play tricks on others18. Sow off19. Be im

24、portant/strong/ to 20. Strength21. Let me try22. Have a try23. Started sweating24. Take off his coat25. Ask Have a competition26. Competitor/compete/compete in(方面)/compete with(人)27. Gentle wind28. Art and craft lesson29. Use thin bamboo sticks to make a frame30. Tie sth to sth31. Put a tail on it32

25、. Finish doing33. Crowded places34. Get hurt35. Along railway lines36. Cause accidents37. Lightning 38. Get an electric shock39. Across the sky40. Diving and rising41. Lean to 42. Speed over the sea43. Poem-poet44. Flowers bow among the grass45. Clouds slide in the sky46. Water smilesU31. Have a wat

26、er festival2. Get on with your preparation3. Be well prepared for it4. Look forward to5. Well done6. Practise doing7. Meet in the hall8. Make a drink for each guest9. Either a hot drink or a cold drink10. not only but also=eitheror(谓语动词跟第二主语)11. both and 谓语动词为复数形式12. learn about the three forms of w

27、ater13. learn how to make delicious drinks14. it turns into ice15. the three forms of 16. ice-solid steam-gas water-liquid17. ask people at the festival to do the quiz18. 100 millilitres of water19. Contains 20. By pouring water21. Some rules22. Pour all the water into another object23. Stop pouring

28、24. Equals =25. Zero26. Know how it works27. Sign v-n signature28. It doesnt matter29. Times up=game over30. Near reservoirs and piers31. Get three correct answers32. What a shame33. Doing is not allowed34. Be suitable forU41. A visit to the space museum2. A slide show3. In the space museum4. About

29、the solar system5. Approximate distance form the sun6. Diameter7. Spins around the sun8. Answer these quiz cards about the planest 9. Closest10. The closest planet11. Has the shortest diameter12. Far-farther(距离远)-further(更加深入)13. Further study 进修14. Take the longest time to spin around the sun15. Dr

30、ive the spacecraft16. Walk in space17. Repair the outside of the spacecraft18. Do some important experiments19. The chairperson of the space centre20. Plan a journey into space21. Start the computer programme 22. Choose your crew members23. Crew members for our journey into space24. Repair the engines of the spacecraft25. Authors26. Scientists27. Bakers-bake-bakery28. Engineers-engine29. Computer specialists-special30. British-britain31. Korean32. Italian-Italy33. Russian-Russia34. Mexican-Mexico35. Indian-India36. Chose-chosen-choose

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