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1、能力训练II. 完形填空(10分) 阅读下面的短文,从短文后每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。(共10小题,每小题1分)Sign language for the deaf was first formed in France during the 18th century by Charles Michel. French Sign Language was _21_ to the United States in 1816 by Thom as Gallaudet. Thomas _22_ the American School for the Deaf in Hartfo

2、rd, Conn. He _23_ American Sign Language. It is a language of gestures and hand symbols that _24_ words and thoughts. In many ways, sign language is just like any spoken language. It has a _25_ vocabulary and a certain grammar. But in sign language, information is received through the eyes _26_ the

3、ears. So the expression of the face and body movement play a (n) _27_ part in sign language. To objects, most words in spoken language are not reasonable. For example, there is nothing about the _28_ tree that actually suggests a tree, either in the way it is spelled or pronounced. In the same way,

4、most signs in sign language do not suggest the thing or idea they _29_, and must be learned. Sign language may be learned naturally as a childs first language, or it may be learned through study and practice. Like any other living language, American Sign Language grows and _30_ as time goes on. And

5、there are different kinds in different parts of the country.( ) 21. A. brought B. borrowed C. given D. lent( ) 22. A. found B. founded C. bought D. kept( ) 23. A. visited B. finished C. studied D. developed( ) 24. A. identify B. express C. remember D. guess( ) 25. A. long B. poor C. rich D. few( ) 2

6、6. A. more than B. as well as C. but also D. rather than( ) 27. A. important B. educational C. boring D. thoughtful( ) 28. A. letter B. passage C. word D. name( ) 29. A. wait for B. stand for C. ask for D. look for( ) 30. A. changes B. chases C. fits D. selectsIII阅读理解(35分)l阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中

7、选择最佳选项。(共25小题,每小题1分)AA modern dance about the relationship between body and soul has recently been performed at the National Center for the Performing Arts in Beijing. The show is called Martlet (无足鸟). It is named after a bird from a folk tale (民间故事). The bird has no feet and keeps flying throughout

8、 its whole life till the day it dies. The dance shows a legless bird who stays in the wind. Through countless days and nights, its body can only brush the ground for one time and thats the time when the bird says goodbye to the world.The dance is performed by artists from a Beijing dance theater. Wi

9、th no extra stage designs, dancers simply imitate (模仿) the moves of the bird on the stage. It tries to reflect the fact that nowadays people are so busy that they have to eat and sleep on the run. The dance performance is directed by Lin Zhaohua, whos famous for his dramas like The Wedding and the F

10、uneral and Wotou Club. Lin and dance artists try to explain the sense of wandering (漂泊的) through body language.( ) 31. The dance is related to the relationship between _ and _. A. body; soul B. body; life C. art; soul D. body; art( ) 32. Which is NOT mentioned about the martlet in the passage? A. It

11、 is described in a folk tale. B. It has no feet. C. It spends its whole life flying. D. It is as big as a parrot.( ) 33. When the bird martlet lands on the ground, it shows that _. A. the bird is too tired to fly B. the bird wants to have a rest C. the birds life comes to an end D. the bird wants to

12、 find something to eat( ) 34. The dance reminds us that _. A. we must keep busy throughout our life B. everyone should have a simple life C. we should learn from the bird D. we should have a rich life besides working( ) 35. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage? A. T

13、he dance performance was shown at the National Center. B. The bird martlet has to stand on its wings. C. The dance was based on a folk tale. D. Lin Zhaohua has directed at least two dramas.BAt a local museum, more than 40,000 old toys are on display, While expressing the richness of Mexican history,

14、 they also bring back precious (珍贵的) childhood memories. This playful collection is the pride and joy of a man named Shimizu. Shimizu has been collecting old toys since the 1950s. Over these years he has collected more than one million pieces, nearly turning his house into a museum of old toys. Im n

15、ot only collecting pieces of Mexican history, but also protecting these toys. To pass them on and more importantly to share them with others, he said. Among the 45,000 toys on display, some were got from his fathers toy shop. The rest were bought from markets on his journeys around the world.Most of

16、 the collection of toys were from Mexico and Japan, some were even made in China.Model airplane, cars and dolls, everyone can find their childhood favorites here. Tuesday marked Childrens Day in Mexico. It also happened to be the 5th anniversary (周年纪念日) of the museum. Diamonds may last forever. But

17、these toys keep happy moments of childhood and make them even more precious in a way.( ) 36. The 40,000 toys _. A. are being sold to people in a supermarket B. are being carried to a local museum C. can help to forget the Mexican history D. can help to bring back precious childhood memories( ) 37. W

18、hich of the following statements about Shimizu is TRUE? A. He is not proud of these antique toys. B. He has collected less than one thousand pieces. C. He has changed all his houses into art museums. D. He is filled with joy to have such a playful collection.( ) 38. What does Shimizu want to do with

19、 these toys? A. He is going to sell them for a lot of money. B. He wants to pass them on and share them with others. C. He wants to send them to the national museum. D. He wants to ask somebody to carry them to Japan.( ) 39. Maybe its hard to find a toy made in_ from the collection. A. England B. Ch

20、ina C. Mexico D. Japan( ) 40. According to the writers idea, _. A. diamonds can not last for a very long time B. toys last longer than diamonds C. sometimes the happy moments of childhood are more precious D. toys cost more money than diamondsCChinese dont gesture very much. They regard a lot of han

21、d movements as excessive (过分的). And they think whistling is rude. Eye contact tends to be too direct. Both the thumbs up sign and giving a quick and strong pull on the earlobe (耳垂) are signs of excellence. Pointing outside and raising little finger mean you are nothing or you are not very good at so

22、mething. Some Chinese point with their middle finger without realizing that it has a bad meaning in the west. Instead, a thumb placed between the middle and index fingers means bad in some parts of China. Dont point or use your finger to invite someone. This gesture is used for dogs. To get someones

23、 attention and tell them to come here, place your palm (手掌) down and move your fingers towards you. This gesture is used with children, taxis or waiters, but it is considered very rude to the old. The most polite way to attract someones attention is to make eye contact and bow lightly. In southern C

24、hina, people say thank you by putting two fingers on the table. Many people in the north, however, are not familiar with this gesture.( ) 41. Most Chinese dont gesture very much, because _. A. they are afraid that they cant be understood. B. different parts of China have different gestures. C. they

25、think too many hand movements are excessive. D. they think too much gestures are polite.( ) 42. If a Chinese sees the signs of the thumbs up or a pull on the earlobe, he or she will feel _. A. nervous B. angry C. happy D. boring( ) 43. If you point to a western man with your middle finger, he will t

26、hink that _. A. you are friendly to him B. you want to ask him for help C. you are telling him something interesting D. you are very rude to him( ) 44. If a Chinese man places his palm down and moves his fingers towards himself, maybe it means that _. A. he is looking for something he has lost B. he

27、 wants someone to come to him C. he wants someone else to get away from him D. he is going to sit down and have a rest( ) 45. Which would be the best title for the passage? A. Understanding peoples gestures in China. B. The reason why we should learn gestures. C. The reason why Chinese dislike gestu

28、res. D. Chinese people gesture a lot.DThe 20th Beijing College Student Film Festival began at Haidian theatre. The event opened with Touch of the Light by Taiwan director Chang Jung-Chi. The film tells a true story of a blind pianist. It has already won some awards across Asia. Film stars, producers

29、, scholars and students appeared at the opening of the 20th Beijing College Student Film Festival. This years festival was divided into three parts: domestic (国内的) films, university films and original (原创的) films. Over 200 films were competing in the domestic film section such as the lauded Back to

30、1942 and The Master. Short, films played a big part in the event this year. More university students were given the opportunity to show their talents. Since its beginning in 1993, the festival has become one of the most influential film festivals in the Chinese speaking world. The event will also to

31、ur to universities. Exhibitions and seminars (研讨会) will be held wherever they go. The event also has a special students choice award. They ask students from all over China to choose their favorite actor, actress and director. Winners were announced at the Olympic Sports Centre in Beijing on May 13th.( ) 46. The underlined word it refers to _. A. Haidian theatre B. the 20th Beijing Student Film Festival C. a blind pianist D. Touch of the Light( ) 47. The films Back to 1

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