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1、火警撤离方案火警撤离方案Objective 目标:酒店在发生火灾或爆炸时能够采取正确的方法,保护酒店、客人的安全。Procedure 程序:Overview 概况 启动火警 Inform the Emergency Services and ensure they have a copy of the Major Incident Hotel Profile 通知应急服务部门,确保他们拿到一份重大事故酒店简介 进行有组织的酒店疏散(假如理由正当的话) 确保高级管理层和各部门负责人随时待命 保护记录的安全,在适当的地方保护公司财产。不要冒生命险达成此目的 注意: 所有夜班员工都必须受过消防和疏散

2、程序方面正式、备案而有效的培训。 高级管理层、各部门负责人和其他相关员工都必须掌握酒店火灾安全指南 中的消防程序。Procedure 程序 Initial Response火警处理的基本原则1.Emergency Response Team go to the fire scene immediately应急反应小组立刻赶到火警现场2.Fire Fighting Team go to the scene upon receiving the alarm志愿消防队接警后立刻赶到火警现场3.Guest Service Centre assemble the CRT members at the C

3、CTV room客服中心通知危机应对小组成员到监控中心集合4.Security officer clear the incident scene保安遣走无关人员5.General Manager/Deputy General Manager will determine whether evacuation is necessary总经理/副总经理决定是否疏散人员6.Hotel doctor administer first aid to any injured persons. If possible, remove injured persons to the shelter area酒店

4、医生给予受伤人员救助7.Public Relations Manager will establish location of the Press Information Centre公关部建立信息发布中心8.All guests must be removed to a safe area and made as comfortable as possible安排客人到舒适的安全地点9.No media access禁止媒体在场10.Engineering department begin a systematic check of the integrity of the systems工

5、程部负责系统检查11. GSC and Engineering Department must verify all communications systems and functional客服中心和工程部确保所有通讯通畅12. If not functional, or restricted, the Security Department will distribute Walkie-talkies to essential CRT members如果通讯不畅,由保安部给危机应对小组成员配备对讲机13. Security Department should have another Wa

6、lkie-Talkie back up保安部须另备一部对讲机应急14.Food and Beverage Department should be prepared to supply food and water when needed.餐饮部准备食物和水待用15.Housekeeping should be prepared to supply towels, blankets, ect.when needed客房部准备毛巾,毛毯等待用16.Transportation team should provide transportation for displaced guests to a

7、lternate lodging前厅部车队负责为客人准备交通工具17.Security officers should be responsible for security and coordinate information for damage claims and losses reported by guests保安员为客人提供遗失损失记录二、Fire Alarm & Evacuation Procedure火警和疏散方案1、Fire Category:火警分类:The fire alarm is classified into two categories: the Primary

8、 Fire Alarm and the Serious Fire Alarm.火警发生时,分为两种:初级火警和高级火警。Primary Fire Alarm初级火警:The Fire is controlled within the hotel department. The fire fighting force of the hotel is good enough to control the situation.当火势受控于酒店有关部门,无需召唤救火车前来灭火,只需要依靠酒店自身力量来扑救即可。Serious Fire Alarm高级火警:The fire cannot be put

9、out without the help of the local fire brigade, and a partial or complete evacuation needed.当酒店预料无法控制火势时,需要求助于消防队,并作部分疏散或全部疏散。2、 Brief Summary火警处理注意事项Communication 通讯:Our hotel has allocated the telephone number“6119” for the sole purpose of emergencycommunication. This number should be made know to

10、 all staff and is located in the Guest Service Centre.本酒店指定电话号码“6119”为紧急通讯专用电话,位于酒店监控中心,酒店全体员工必须对此了解。Elevators 电梯:Elevators are NOT TO Be USED in the case of an emergency situation unless otherwise directed by the local Fire Authorities.在紧急情况下禁止使用电梯。Guests 客人:Physically disabled guests are to be giv

11、en priority in any emergency situation.在任何紧急状态下,残障人员应优先得到协助及支援。3、How to Report a Fire:如何报警:Once a primary fire alarm situation is found, hotel employees shall immediately report it to Guest Service Centre or CCTV.酒店员工一旦发现初级火情,应迅速将火灾信息传递到客服中心和监控中心。1) Reporting a Fire 酒店员工发现火情如何报警:通过酒店分机拨“0”向客服中心员工报警或

12、按下就近手动报警器,向客服中心报警时说清本人姓名、部门、火灾和烟发生确切地点、火灾发现时间及火势和烟的浓烈情况,如有受伤需报告伤亡的情况。报告完毕后在确保自身安全的情况下,就近取灭火器到着火的地点进行扑救。如需打开着火区的门之前,首先用您的手背进行检查门的把手,如果门把手发热表明火势已经蔓延,不要打开门。如果火势正在蔓延而你无法处理,离开此区域并关上门,永远不要将你自己置身危险境地。留在着火区附近的安全位置帮助疏散客人,协助紧急反应小组的工作。听从紧急反应小组的指挥。2) CCTV Receives a Fire Alarm. 消防监控中心发现火警讯号如果火警讯号通过自动烟感、溫感、手动警报按

13、钮传到消防控制中心,消防监控中心员工经确认后,通报客服中心员工。客服中心员工接到报警时,要问清报警人姓名、部门、火灾发生地点、何物燃烧、火灾发生时间、火势大小、有无人员伤亡。同时,按接报警程序做好记录3、Initial Fire Alarm Communication:火警通报第一程序:客服中心员工接到报警后,迅速按照预案通讯第一程序通知保安部主管、值班经理、值班工程师或当值人员所组成的紧急反应小组,由紧急由紧急反应小组赶到火警点进行确认。确认火警后,紧急反应小组向客服中心员工报火警确认信息。Action Plan of Emergency Response Team:紧急反应小组接警反应:1

14、)Duty Manager shall immediately go to the scene with a torch and the master key.值班经理接警后,立即携带客房万能钥匙及手电筒赶赴火警点。2)Duty Engineer/Engineering staff in-charge will immediately proceed to the scene and will pick up fire extinguishers and electric torch a long on the way.值班工程师或夜间当值人员接警后,携带灭火器和手电筒赶赴火警点。3)The

15、Security Shift Leader on duty will rush to the scene with a fire extinguisher and torch to assist the fire control.保安部当值主管接警后,携带灭火器和手电筒赶赴火警点。In case of a false alarm 紧急反应小组火警确认为误报时:1)Inform CCTV to reset the M&E system back to normal.通知监控中心对报警系统进行复位。2)CCTV informs duty staff of Guest Service Centre

16、for the false alarm.监控中心通知客服中心值班人员火警为误报。3)Security Shift Leader will prepare an Accident or Incident Report.保安主管负责起草一份事故报告。4、 Fire Alarm Confirmed 火警通报第二程序总机员工接到紧急反应小组火警确认信息后立刻通知义务消防队员前往现场灭火。同时,立刻通知酒店危机管理委员会立刻前往监控中心集合。总机当班人员尽快记录在通讯记录簿上,以便为将来提供适当的依据5、Equipment and Action Plan of Fire Fighting Team: 义

17、务消防队的装备及接警反应:1) Fire Fighting Teams Equipment:义务消防队员的装备A. Security( 1 Staff)- anti-fire clothing , anti-fire hat, anti-fire shoes, axe, anti-fire gloves and anti-smoke face mask保安部(1名)- 消防服,消防帽,消防鞋,斧头,防火手套,防烟面罩B. Security( 1 Staff)- anti-fire clothing , anti-fire hat, anti-fire shoes, axe, anti-fire

18、 gloves and anti-smoke face mask fire trolley保安部(1名)- 消防服,消防帽,消防鞋,斧头,防火手套,防烟面罩C. Housekeeping(1staff)- Fire extinguisher管家部(1名)- 携带一个灭火器D. Concierge(1 staff)- stretcher and fire extinguisher行李部(1名)- 携带一副担架,一个灭火器E. Engineering (1 staff)- with one Walkie-Talkie and one torch工程部(1名)- 携带一部对讲机及一个手电筒F. Do

19、ctor(1 staff)- First Aid Box酒店医生(1名)- 携带一只医药箱 2)Response of Fire Fighting Team:义务消防队接警反应:当值义务消防队员一旦接到消防报警,根据消防通讯设备所显示的部位,立即按各自分工携带装备赶赴火警现场(高区可乘消防电梯至火警下一层转消防楼梯至火警现场)。并听从现场指挥协助做好扑救工作。6、Action Plan of CMT when Fire Alarm Confirmed:危机管理委员会接警反应:危机管理委员会成员接到火警后,迅速赶往监控中心集合。保安部经理为火灾现场指挥,应赶至火灾现场,对火势情况进行了解,然后根

20、据总经理/副总经理/值班经理指示要求指挥火灾现场的灭火工作。In CCTV在监控中心:1)总经理/副总经理/值班经理到达监控中心后,立即通过消防插孔电话或对讲机专用频道了解火灾现场火势情况后,并做出进一步的指示。2)总经理/副总经理/值班经理同时将火灾现场情况告知在场应急领导小组成员,并要求他们返回各部门,带领部门员工做好灭火协助工作,并为疏散工作做准备。如果火情可以由酒店消防队控制,则无须惊动市消防队。酒店在总经理/副总经理/值班经理等的指挥下按灭火程序自行将火扑灭。3)万一火情控制不了,则由总经理/副总经理/值班经理下达应急疏散指令,并指示通报市消防队。监控中心当值人员接到指示后, 立即拨

21、打“119”,记录下报警时间和内容。4)同时在全酒店范围内连续播放应急疏散广播,消防电梯放回底层。7、Evacuation Announcement: 火警广播:酒店消防紧急广播系统将以中、英文两种语言传送紧急信息:1) Fire alarm broadcast火警广播2) Evacuation broadcast疏散广播Broadcasting will be repeated during fire alarm and evacuation.广播将在火警和疏散时重复播放。火场指挥中心的位置无硬性规定,可根据当时的情形灵活选择,应遵循:1) As near as possible to th

22、e scene of fire.尽可能靠近火灾现场。2) Safe and easy to evacuate易于疏散、安全无危险。3) Next to telephone有电话可供使用。8、Communication and Reporting( Owner, Corporate Office, Media,Guest and Staff)沟通与消息发布(业主方、管理公司、公众媒体、客人及员工)No hotel staff is allowed to deliver any information to media or other public organization by any for

23、m under emergency conditions.当发生紧急情况时,任何酒店员工不允许向外界媒体或任何公众机构发表任何形式的信息。All Requests for such information are to be directed to the Public Relations Manager, who will act upon instructions given by the General Manager/Deputy General Manager. 所有的有关信息都由公关部经理根据总经理/副总经理的指示进行处理。9、Evacuation Procedure: (Gene

24、ral Manager/Deputy General Manager)疏散程序:(总经理或副总经理)1) Instruct whole or partial evacuation and inform CCTV for playing evacuation broadcast.命令全部或部分疏散,通知监控中心播放疏散广播。2) Carry Walkie-Talkie.携带对讲机。3) Inspect the evacuation situation of guests and staff at evacuation place.至疏散集合处检查客人及员工的疏散情况。4) Listen to t

25、he report of Front Office Manager and Human Resources Manager at assembly point.至集合点听取前厅部经理和人力资源经理报告人数清点的结果。5) Continue to coordinate with fire department for concerned matters.继续与消防队合作相关事宜。6) Make the concerned arrangement and send evacuated guests to nearby hotel for accommodation that must be arr

26、anged with agreement in advance.马上做出相应的安排,将已疏散的客人送往预先协议安排的附近酒店休息住宿。All hotel staffs and guests should evacuate from the nearest fire entrance to:Safety area: The Crowne Garden beside the hotel northeast . 酒店全体员工及住店客人由最近的消防通道撤离至: 安全区域:酒店东北侧皇冠花园10、Action Cards 行动卡To help employees respond effectively

27、to a fire situation, action cards are developed bySummarizing key components, Action Cards attachment is behind.为帮助各部门在火警发生后迅速采取正确的应对措施,结合灭火救生要求,酒店拟定了火警行动卡,附后。EMERGENCY FIRE PROCEDURES火警指挥程序ACTION CARD 1行动卡1Emergency Response Team 紧急应对小组EMERGENCY PHASE 接警后1) Remain Calm, But Act Quickly保持镇静,迅速反应2) O

28、btain E Key and Walkie-Talkie 带好万能钥匙和对讲机3) Obtain Portable Fire Extinguisher 带好灭火器4) Proceed to the location of the alarm 赶往火警发生地点5) Look for cause of the alarm (fire, guest, child, broken sprinkler, ect.) 查找火警原因6) Using Walkie-Talkie, report back to the CCTV 通过对讲机将情况通报监控中心If a fire is visible.如果发现火

29、情.1) If the fire can be extinguished in a safe manner, attempt to extinguish with portable extinguisher 在确保自身安全的前提下,尽可能将火情扑灭2) If the fire cannot be safely extinguished, EVACUATE and SEAL OFF area by closing doors 如果自身安全不能保障,迅速离开并将门关死,封闭该区域3) Report back to the CCTV via Walkie-Talkie 通过对讲机将情况通报监控中心4

30、) Assist guests when possible by pointing out exits 引导客人从安全通道逃生If alarm Source is behind a Closed Door 如果在关闭的门后发生火情1) Determine if the door is hot by feeling the door handle 用手背检查门把手的温度2) If a smoke is visible or the door is hot, seal off the area 如果有烟或者门把手发热,不要打开门3) If the door is cool and there is no sign of smoke, enter the room, and check the cause of fire alarm. 如果没有烟,或者门把手不热, 则进入房间,检查火警原因4) Report back to the CCTV 通过对讲机将情况通报监控中心5) If a fire alarm is visible, attempt to extinguish with a portable extinguisher if feasible 如果发现火警,努力将其扑灭6) If the fire

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