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1、香港新城论文翻译Changing Commuting Patterns of New TownResidents in HongKongTsang ChungYin, IreneAbstractThis dissertation concerns with the change of the commuting patterns of new town residents in Hong Kong since the 1980s. In order to have a more in-depth understanding about the change of the commuting p

2、atterns of new town residents,Tuen Mun new town(屯门新城) is chosen as a case study in this dissertation. Information about the commuting patterns of Tuen Mun residents in the past years is obtained from government documents and consultant reports through library research. A questionnaire survey was con

3、ducted between 23th April and 27th April to collect the information about the present commuting patterns of Tuen Mun residents. The survey results indicate that there was an increasing proportion of resident workers commute out of Tuen Mun since the 1980s. The proportion of Tuen Mun resident workers

4、 commute outside was increasing significantly from 52% in 1981 to 75% in 2001。 Among the outcommuting trips, half of them were to urban areas. The proportion of Tuen Mun resident workers commute to urban areas during the past twenty years was increasing. Besides, the survey shows that the average jo

5、urney time to work for Tuen Mun residents was long. Moreover, the survey finds that there was an increasing proportion of Tuen Mun resident workers left home to go to work before 8:00 a.m. between 1992 and 2001. The survey also shows that many Tuen Mun resident workers took francMsed bus or public l

6、ight bus to get to work whilst Tuen Mun resident students mostly took LRT(轻轨) to school. In addition, the survey reveals the reasons for Tuen Man residents for outcommuting to work. Insufficient job provision, limited job choice as well as poor job conditions in TuenMun together with strong ties wit

7、h the existing outside jobs all were reasons causing Tuen Mun residents to travel outside to work. The change of the commuting patterns of Tuen Mun residents reflects that self-containment in terms of employment is becoming less in Tuen Mua. Through the case study of Tuen Mun new town, an in-depth u

8、nderstanding about the changing commuting patterns of new town residents in HongKong during the past twenty years is achieved.2.3.2 New Town IdeaDifferent countries used different terms to describe the new town phenomenon. Some of the terms are“new communities”、“ planned communities”、“new settlement

9、s, satellite towns and garden cities (Philips & Yeh, 1987).Since new towns have been established in different countries for different purposes, on different scale and over different periods of time, there is no universal definition of new town. Different scholars have different viewpoints on new tow

10、n. According to Galantay,“new towns are planned communities consciously created in response to clearly stated objectives. Town creation as an act of will presupposes the existence of an authority or organization sufficiently effective to secure the site, marshal resources for its development and exe

11、rcise continued control until the town reaches viable sight(Galantay, 1975: 1)Corden offers the following definition of new town:“town refer to any relatively autonomous community of limited population size planned under the direction of a single entrepreneur or development agency as a total unit wh

12、ich contains housing, community services, and amenities, as well as employment adequate to support a socially and economically diverse population . the new town is alleged to possess not only a physical but also a sociological reality as a fall-fledged community, a completeness not found in the typi

13、cal suburbs(Cordeo, 1977: 15-16), Clapp point out that some definitions of new town have tended to be philosophical than descriptive, whilst others have set out specific and precise formulas based on size, population, speed of development and the like for the designation of a settlement as a new tow

14、n(Philips &Yet, 1987:4).不同的国家对新城的称谓各不相同。这些称谓有“新社区”(new communities)、规划社区(planned communities)、新市镇(new settlements)、卫星城(satellite towns)和田园城市等等(garden cities) (Philips & Yeh, 1987).由于不同国家新城建设的目的、规模、时间存在差异,因此没有统一的新城定义。学者对新城的含义有着多样的理解。Galantay对新城的解释为:“新城是为特定目的而建设的规划社区。作为一种有意识的活动,新城建设要求存在(一个)相关的政府或机构为新城

15、的发展而有效地获取用地、组织资源,并在新城建设成功之前对新城进行持续的控制和管理”(Galantay 1975, quoted in Bristow 1989: p3)。Corden对新城的定义为:“新城是由私人开发商或其他开发机构规划建设的具有一定规模人口的相对独立自治的社区,它提供了充足的住宅、社区服务、文娱设施和就业岗位等,可容纳不同社会和经济阶层的人口”(Cordeo, 1977: 15-16)。Clapp指出,一些学者对新城的定义倾于哲学化而描述性不足,同时另一些学者基于规模、人口、发展速度以及人们对新城称谓的喜好等对新城进行了具体而精确的定义(Philips &Yeh, 1987:

16、4)。Philips和Yeh对新城定义的理解如下:“新城这一称谓使人们产生多方面的联想。新城在建设之前一般都经过全面的规划和设计,它将为人们提供多种多样的住房、就业岗位、服务和休闲娱乐等,这些现代化的设施和服务使人们能够享有良好的生活环境。新城包括多种类型从市区内较小的新社区到规模较大的具有社会和经济独立性的新城市地区” (Ibid)。从上述讨论可知,对新城Philips & Yefa have the following ideas about the definition of new town: the term new town evokes an image incorporatin

17、g a number of features. It is assumed by many people today that such towns will be virtually fully planned and programmed before they are constructed, They will probably provide a mix of housing. employment, services, and recreation. They will be modem and they will provide a pleasant living environ

18、ment. The term new town includes a range of settlement types from relatively small new communities within existing urban areas to large-scale, freestanding new urban areas with definite boundaries and often with independent, thriving economies and societies (Ibid),From the above discussion, we can s

19、ee that there are numerous definitions of the term“new town”. However, the main idea of new town can be summarized as follows: Newtown is an Intentionally planned unit with a mixture of all types of land uses required to create a self-contained and balanced community to enhance the quality of life f

20、or its residents.2.4.3 TheNew Town ProgrammeSince the main urban areas have been developed, the new housing is obliged to be developed in the rural New Territories. This marked the beginning of the New Town Programme in 1973 with the aim to provide adequate housing for 1.8 million people. According

21、to Pun (1987), adequate housing is defined as unshared permanent living quartersprovided withat least the basic facilities (Pun, 1987:42).The principal objective of new towns in Hong Kong was to develop a balanced and self-contained community as far as possible. Thus, the concepts of balanced develo

22、pment and self-containmenr used in the British new town planning were adopted in the new town planning of Hong Kong (Yeh, 19S4), This is to provide the new town with a full range of jobs, social, recreational and community facilities as well as a housing. In general, new towns in Hong Kong are publi

23、c housing led Public housing includes Government low cost rental flats and home ownership scheme flats- The target population mix of public to private housing in new towns is 60:40 (Kwok & Chan, 1995) .The housing mix aimed at mixing different people in a community in terms of age, education attainm

24、ent, occupation and income in order to achieve a “ balanced development(Ibid).The development of new towns in Hong Kong is on a planned and logical basis-According to Kwok & Chan (1998), a new town in Hong Kong consists of thefollowing characteristics:1. It is a new settlement with all-rounded plann

25、ing, design and development It is planned as a complete cxmmiinity incorporating all necessary supporting infiasteiMtiffe to meet different needs.2. Geographically., it is located relatively far away from the urban centres and becomes an independent development unit3. Its inhabitants mainly internal

26、ly migrate from uiban areas, say, Hong Kong Island and KowloonPeninsula,4. A nearly and major development programme in the newtowns is public housing. The private development in housing is proportionally lower However Yuen Long new town is the exception. Its share of private housing (58.8%) is highe

27、r than public housing(Loo, 2000).5. The manufkuring industryisthe primaryeconomic activity.6. Generally., it reaches maturity and provides an increasing variety of infiastructoe in order to diminish the dependence on old urban legions. Its community also aims to achieve a heterogeneous* harmonious s

28、ocial mix. In otter words, it basically turns into a balanced developed settlement unit2.5*1Justification ofChoosing Tuen Man NewTown as Case StudyTaen Man new town consists of the above mentioned characteristics. Unlike Yuen Long new town, Tuen Mun new town is public housing led About 70% of Tuen M

29、un residents are livingin public housing (TerritoryDevelopment Department, 1999). Compared withTsuen Wan and Sha Tin new towns, Tuen Mun new town is located relatively far away from the urban centres and becomes an independent development unit。2.5.3HistoryLike other new towns, the concepts of “self-

30、containment” and “balanced development”have been adopted as the planning objectives in the new town development of Tuen Mun (New Territories Development Department, 1976; Scott Wilson, 1978)2.5.4 PopulationThere is a tremendous growth of population in Tuen Mun new town at the beginning of new town d

31、evelopment. Population in Tuen Mun increased rapidly from about 20,977 in 1971 to 356,439 in 1991 (Census & Statistics Department,1992). The growth of population in Tuen Mun is slowing down in recent years. In1996, the population increased to 445,771 (Census & Statistics Department, 1997) whilst the

32、 population in 1999 increased to490,000(Territory Development Department, 1999), It is estimated that the population will reach 625,000 by 2010 (Ibid). It can be seen that the population growth in Tuen Mun becomes stabilized after it developed for many decades.2.5.5 HomingTo provide housing for the large population and to allow resident workers to live within a reasonable distance of their place of jobs, the government built a lot of public housing estates in Tuen Mun. As shown in Table 2.5 about 72% of Tuen Mun residents in 1996 were living in public housing developments in

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