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2、去解析,让学生们形成独立思考的能力,同时引导学生发现问题。二、知识讲解知识点1:现在进行时表示将来现在进行时表示将来,主要用于表示按计划或安排要发生的动作。常有“意图”“安排”或“打算”的含义。这种现在进行时比较生动,给人一种期待感。能这样用的动词常用的有:arrive, come, do, get, go, have, leave, meet, play, return, see, spend, start, stay, wear, work 等。1【考查点】 come, go, stay, arrive, leave 等词的现在进行时经常用来表示将来确切的计划。Im leaving tom

3、orrow. 我明天走。2【考查点】 表示交通方式、行程安排的动词,例如 fly,walk, ride, drive, take(a bus, a taxi)等的现在进行时也经常用于表示将来。但偶尔也表示较远的将来。如: When I grow up, Im joining the army. 我长大了要参军。3【考查点】表将来的现在进行时有时含有“决心”的意思,多用在否定结构中。如: Im not going. 我不走了。 Im not waiting any longer. 我不再等了。 有时也用在肯定结构中。如: Im backing out. 我要打退堂鼓了。4【考查点】用这种现在进行

4、时与对方讲话时可变成命令,不过语气比较温和。 You are staying. 你留下吧。 Dont forget: you are taking part too. 不要忘记:你也要参加。5【考查点】现在进行时也可在时间、条件或原因状语从句中表示将来。如: when you are passing my way, please drop in. 你什么时候路过我们家,请进来坐。(用于时间状语从句) If they are not doing it, what am I to do? 如果他们不干,那我该怎么办?(用于条件状语从句) She is going to the dentist to

5、morrow because she is having a tooth filled.6【考查点】表示将来的现在进行时也可用在间接引语中,表示说话人相信它将是事实。如: He said he is going tomorrow. 他说他明天走。 表将来的现在进行时有时从属于将来时态。如: On election night well be telling you whats happening in various places in this country. 到了选举的夜晚,我们将把全国各地的情况告诉大家。 when I have time, Ill come down to the s

6、chool to see how youre both doing. 我有空时,会来学校看你们俩的学习情况。(when 引导的条件状语从句,主将从现) 知识点2:一般现在时表将来1.【考查点】“主将从现”原则当主句为将来时态或表示将来意义时,时间和条件的状语从句必须用一般现在时表将来: Ill write to her when I have time. 我有空会给她写信。 Turn off the lights before you leave. 走前关灯。 If we hurry, we may catch the bus. 如果赶紧走我们可能赶得上公共汽车。 Tell me in cas

7、e you get into difficulty. 遇到困难请告诉我。【注】 除表示时间和条件的状语从句外,表示让步、相似、比例的从句也必须用一般现在时表将来: Ill follow him wherever he goes. 他去哪儿,我就跟着去哪儿。 Whatever you say, I wont pay. 无论你说什么,我都不会付钱。 Whether we help him or not, he will fail. 无论我们帮他与否,他都会失败。 Ill have a good time whether I win or lose. 赢也好,输也好,我都将会玩好。 另外,当主句为用

8、将来时态时,定语从句也通常用一般现在时表将来: Ill give you anything (that)you ask for. 你要什么我都给你。 You can have anything I find. 我找到的任何东西你都可以拿去。 Everyone who comes first will get a present. 每个先来的人都可得到一份礼物。2【考查点】简化原则 按照英语习惯,一个句子中若主要动词已经表明了所谈论动作的时间,那么与之相关的其他动词就不必再次指明同一时间,而往往使用一个比较简单的时态,如用一般现在时表示一般将来时等。比较:This discovery means

9、 that we will spend less on food.这一发现意味着我们将减少在食品上的花费。3【考查点】几种值得注意的情况 在make sure(弄清楚),make certain(弄清楚),take care(注意,当心),be careful(注意,当心),mind(注意),watch(注意)等后的that从句中通常也只用一般现在时表将来意义: Take care that it does not occur again. 注意别再发生这样的事。 We must take care that no one sees us. 我们必须注意别让人看见我们。 【注】在it does

10、nt matter, I dont care, I dont mind 等结构(以及类似结构)后的名词性从句也通常用一般现在时表将来意义: It doesnt matter where we go on holiday. 我们去哪儿度假都行。 I dont care whether we win or lose. 我不在乎我们是赢还是输。 4【考查点】可用两种时态的情况 在I hope , I bet, see (to it) 等后的宾语从句中通常用一般现在时表示将来意义,但有时也可直接用将来时态: I hope that you like will like it. 你希望你会喜欢它。 I

11、bet it rains will rain tomorrow. 我打赌明天会下雨。 See (to it) that children dont catch cold. 当心别让孩子感冒。 【注】see (to it) 后的that从句通常用一般现在时表将来,直接用将来的情形较少见。5【考查点】用于比较状语从句 在as, than 引出的比较状语从句中可用一般现在时表示将来,也可直接用将来时态: Well probably drive faster than you do will. 我们开车很可能比你快。6【考查点】表示计划或安排 表示按规定、时间表、计划或安排要发生的动作:Are you

12、 on duty next weekend? 下周末你上班吗?The train leaves at 12:00. 火车12点开出。Where do we go now? 我们现在到哪里去? 7【考查点】表示客观性很强的将来 Today is Friday, so tomorrow is Saturday. 今天是星期五,所以明天是星期六。 My birthday is on a Sunday this year. 我今年的生日在星期天。 【注】有时说话者对某一将来事实非常肯定,也用一般现在时: The future is bright. 前途是光明的。 Final victory is ou

13、rs. 最后的胜利是我们的。知识点3: 一般现在时与现在进行时表示将来时的区别例析1【考查点】共同点两者均可与时间状语连用表示已确定的将来安排。如:I leave am leaving the day after tomorrow. 我预定后天走。 The children start are starting school on Monday. 孩子们星期一就要开学了。2【考查点】不同点1) 从个人色彩来看原则上说,一般现在时比现在进行时具有的个人色彩更少。比较: Im leaving tonight.(可能指的是我决定要离开) I leave tonight.(可能指的是这是计划的一部分,

14、但计划不一定是我订的)2) 从是否正式来看 在通常情况下,一般现在时要比现在进行时听起来更为正式,比如计划开办一个新分店的百货商店很可能说: Our new branch opens next week. 本店新设分店下周开业。但不说:Our new branch is opening next week. 3) 从是否简洁来看 有时,现在进行时显得累赘的地方就用一般现在时,例如在谈到像旅程安排那样的一系列预定的将来的动作时,可以这样说: We leave at six, arrive in Dublin at ten and take the plane on. 我们6点出发,10点到达都柏

15、林,并在乘飞机而不说:We are leaving at six, arriving in Dublin at ten and taking the plane on.4)在动词hope, take care that, make sure that等的宾语从句中。例如: I hope they have a nice time next week. 我希望他们下星期玩得开心。 Make sure that the windows are closed before you leave the room. 离开房间前,务必把窗户关了。三、例题精析【例题1】Selecting a mobile

16、phone for personal use is no easy task because technology _ so rapidly. A. is changing B. has changed C. will have changed D. will change 【答案】A【解析】认真分析语境可知,该句虽不强调科技此时此刻正在发展,但却强调现阶段正高速发展,因此应使用现在进行时。 【例题2】Rainforests _ and burned at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in the near futu

17、re. A. cut B. are cut C. are being cut D. had been cut 【答案】C【解析】热带雨林之所以要消失,是因为现阶段正在被快速砍伐和烧毁,尽管此时此刻不一定有人在这样做,因此应用现在进行时的被动语态。 认真分析语境,体会出动作此刻不在进行,但目前这段时间正在进行。 【例题3】He_ of how he can do more for the people. A. had always thought B. is always thinking C. has always been thought D. thinking always 【答案】B【解

18、析】由语境逻辑及always含义可知,该句表示他总是在考虑如何为人们多做点事,这是一个一贯性、反复性动作,带有强烈的赞扬色彩,因此应用现在进行时。【例题4】 .I want to know when he _ for New York tomorrow. A. has left B. is leaving C. had left D. has been leaving 【答案】B【解析】分析语境逻辑可知,该空表将来动作,因为leave表出发,可用现在进行时代替一般将来时。四、课堂运用【基础】1、.We _ to the park if it is fine tomorrow. A will g

19、o B.are go C.go D.went2、It will be hard for us to get up in the morning if we _to bed too lateAgoB. wentC. will goD. have gone3、Just a minute! My brother _his car in the gardenAwashesB. is washingC. washedD. will wash4、The water supply has been cut off temporarily because the workers one of the main

20、 pipes.A. had repaired B. have repaired C. repaired D. are repairing5、【巩固】 If we_now to protect the environment, well live to regret it.A. hadnt acted B. havent acted C. dont act D. wont act6、A Midsummer Nights Dream_at the Theatre Royal on 19th June, and then tours throughout Scotland.A. opens B. i

21、s opened C. will open D. will be opened7、- So what is the procedure?- All the applicants_before a final decision is made by the authority.A. interview B. are interviewingC. are interviewed D. are being interviewed【拔高】8完型填空Charlotte Whitehead was born inEnglandin 1843, and moved toMontreal,Canadaat t

22、he age five with her family. While1her ill elder sister throughout the years,Charlottediscovered she had a(an)2in medicine. At 18 she married and3a family. Several years later,Charlottesaid she wanted to be a4. Her husband supported her decision.5, Canadian medical schools did not6women students at

23、the time. Therefore,Charlottewent to theUnited Statesto study7at the WomensMedicalCollegeinPhiladelphia. It took her five years to8her medical degree.Upon graduation,Charlotte9toMontrealand set up a private10. Three years later, she moved toWinnipeg,Manitoba, and there she was once again a11doctor.

24、Many of her patients were from the nearby timber and railway camps.Charlotte12herself operating on damaged limbs and setting13bones, in addition to delivering all the babies in the area.ButCharlottehad been practicing without a license. She had14a doctors license in bothMontrealandWinnipeg, but was1

25、5. The Manitoba College of Physicians and Surgeons, an all-male board, wanted her to16her studies at a Canadian medical college!Charlotterefused to17her patients to spend time studying what she already knew. So in 1887, she appeared to the Manitoba Legislature to18a license to her but they, too, ref

26、used.Charlotte19to practice without a license until 1912. She died four years later at the age of 73.In 1993, 77 years after her20, a medical license was issued toCharlotte. This decision was made by the Manitoba Legislature to honor “this courageous and pioneering woman.”1. A. raisingB. teachingC.

27、nursingD. missing2. A. habitB. interestC. opinionD. voice3. A. inventedB. selectedC. offeredD. started4. A. doctorB. musicianC. lawyerD. physicist5. A. BesidesB. UnfortunatelyC. OtherwiseD. Eventually6. A. hireB. entertainC. trustD. accept7. A. historyB. physicsC. medicineD. law8. A. improveB. saveC

28、. designD. earn9. A. returnedB. escapedC. spreadD. wandered10. A. schoolB. museumC. clinicD. lab11. A. busyB. wealthyC. greedyD. lucky12. A. helpedB. foundC. troubledD. imagined13. A. harmfulB. tiredC. brokenD. weak14. A. put awayB. taken overC. turned inD. applied for15. A. punishedB. refusedC. blamedD. fired16. A

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