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1、l8vLesson 8 “were only human”Vocabulary: Absorbing:Absorb: 1if something absorbs a liquid or gas, it soaks it up or draws it in. 吸收(液体,气体) =soak up e.g. Leather gloves are best because they absorb sweat. 2if you absorb something such as information or facts, you learn and understand it. 理解,掌握=take i

2、n,digeste.g I had just about time to absorb this information. 我还有一点时间,来得及了解一下这条消息。3if something absorbs someone, it interests them very much and takes up a lot of their time and energy. 吸收,使专心, 使全神贯注 e.g. I was utterly absorbed in what I was doing. 我全心投入手头的工作。absorption n. if you have absorption in

3、something, you are so interested in it = fascination altruistic: if you behaiour or motives are altruistic, you show concern for the happiness and welfare of other people rather than for your own. = unselfish antonym self-centered e.g. My invitation is not completely altruistic. 我的邀请并非完全是为了他人着想的。amp

4、le adj. 1. more than enough in size or scope or capacity synonym:spacious, sufficiente.g. The house has an ample parlor(客厅).2. affording an abundant supplysynonym:copious, plentiful, rich, abundante.g. Existing in great quantity or ample supply. e.g Ample sunshine and rainfall are bringing the crops

5、 on nicely. e.g. We have ample time. an ample reward/ ample evidence/ ample food for the party3. fairly large synonym:sizeable an ample waistline(腰围) / ample proportions apt adj. 1. at risk of or subject to experiencing something usually unpleasant synonym:liablee.g. He is apt to fly out in a rage.

6、He is a clever boy but apt to get into mischief (恶作剧). Iron is apt to rust. 铁易生锈Its apt to rain this afternoon. 2. mentally quick and resourceful synonym:clever e.g. He is a very apt student. .3. (usually followed by to) naturally disposed towardsynonym: inclined e.g. He is apt to ignore matters he

7、considers unimportant4. being of striking appropriateness and pertinence 适当的synonym:apposite, appropriate, pertinente.g. an apt replybrute:1. a brute is a rough and insensitive man, especially one who has a tendency to behave violently. 残忍的人,粗野的人 synonym:beast e.g. Go head and hit me, you big brute.

8、 上来动手打吧,你这个蛮不讲理的家伙。 2brute strength or force is completely physical and instinctive, like that of an animal. 身体的,肉体的,本能的 e.g. We will never yield to brute force. 我们绝不屈服于暴力。 3Brute is used to describe something which lacks human intelligence. 没有理性的 synonym:mindless e.g. He was a symbol of brute stupi

9、dity. 他是愚蠢无理性的象征。 concept n. an abstract or general idea inferred or derived from specific instancessynonym:conception, construct (n. 构想,v. 建造)e.g. It is difficult to grasp the concept of infinite space(无限的空间). I can not understand the so abstract concept. This concept is at the very core of her the

10、ory. Who originated the concept of stereo sound? 谁首先想出了立体声的概念?Commitment:1 Commitment is a strong belief in an idea or system, especially when it is shown by your actions and behavior. 信奉,忠诚,奉献e.g. There is no doubting his enthusiasm or his commitment. 2a commitment is something which takes up some

11、of your time, because of agreements that you have made or responsibilities that you have. 承诺,承担的义务 3a firm promise or agreement 承诺,许诺 conform v. conformity n. conformist 墨守成规的人1. if something conforms to or conforms with a law, regulation, wish etc, it is of the type or quality that is required or d

12、esired. 符合,遵照(法律,规则,愿望等) synonym:comply (with ) 遵守e.g. Every home should have a fire extinguisher (灭火器) which conforms with British Standards.A computer that conforms to the manufacturers advertising claims. His ideas do not conform to mine. He doesnt conform to the usual stereotype of the city busi

13、nessman with a dark suit and rolled umbrella.2.if you conform to or conform with an ideal or fashion, you behave, think, or dress in a way that is decided by the ideal or fashion rather than by your own choice 遵从,顺应(理想,时尚等) synonym:correspond to antonym conflict with e.g. She is a woman who conforms

14、 to the current ideal. 她是个顺应当前理想的女人She refused to conform to the normal social conventions. She left home to escape the pressure to conform to her familys way of life.connive v. 1. secretly allow (something considered immoral, illegal, or harmful) to occur 默许,纵容e.g. The prisoners paid the guards to

15、connive at their escape. e.g. God cannot alter the past; that is why he is obliged to connive at the existence of historian.2. conspire to do something considered immoral, illegal, or harmful 共谋,阴谋synonym:scheme, intriguee.g. The government had connived with security forces in permitting murder. 政府与

16、安全部队暗中勾结默许谋杀。contort v. twist and press out of shape 扭曲,曲解 synonym:deform, distort, e.g. Her face contorted/was contorted with pain.derive v. 1. reason by deduction; establish by deduction 推知 synonym:deduce, infer, e.g. derive a conclusion from facts.2. obtain synonym:gaine.g. They derived great com

17、fort from this assurance. derive pleasure from ones garden 3. arise from or originate in (a specified source) 源自,来源于 synonym:stemThe present name derives from an older form devastate v. 1. destroy or ruin something synonym:lay waste to, ravage, e.g. Our Embassy(使馆) was devastated by three bombs of N

18、ATO. 2. cause (someone) severe and overwhelming shock or grief 使(某人)震惊(或极度悲伤)e.g. I was devastated by the news of the wreck. She was devastated by his death.discreet adj. 1. careful and circumspect in ones speech and action, especially in order to avoid causing offence or to gain an advantage (言行)谨慎

19、的,慎重的,周到的 e.g. It was not discreet of you to say that. Ill certainly be most discreet in my conversation. Be more discreet or youll get yourself talked about. 2. intentionally unobtrusive不显眼的,不引人注意的 synonym:inconspicuous e.g. a discreet cough 轻咳disregard v. 1. pay no attention to , ignore 不顾,忽视 syno

20、nym:snub 冷落e.g. The body of evidence is too substantial to disregard. 证据的主要部分太充实了,不容忽视。 She disregarded him at the meeting.Disregarding all the difficulties, we arrived here in time. disregard petty annoyances Disregard the noise and keep working. n. the action or disregarding or ignoring something

21、e.g. blatant disregard for the law 对法律的公然漠视 He shows ruthless disregard for other peoples feelings.漠不关心The official has shown a total disregard for the needs of the poor.empathy n. the ability to understand other peoples feelings and problems 同感,共鸣,同情flavor n. 1. the distinctive quality of a particu

22、lar food or drink as perceived by the taste buds口味,滋味e.g. The crisps come in Pizza and barbecue flavors 这些土豆片有比萨和烧烤两种口味同义词:spirit, tone, feel, feeling, look, smell2. in singular figurative a distinctive quality of something, especially one reminiscent(回忆往事的) of something else (喻)(令人想起其他东西的某种事物的)特质,味

23、e.g. this years seminar(研讨会) have a European flavor 具有欧洲特色3in singular figurative an indication of the essential character of something 特点,风味,韵味4(American English) 调味料,调味5Verb alter or enhance the taste of (food or drink) by adding a particular ingredient 给(食物)调味e.g. They use a wide range of spices

24、to flavor their foods forge n. forgery 1) if you forge metal, especially iron, or you forge an object out of metal, you heat the metal, and hammer and bend it into the shape you want. 锻造 2) if you forge something , especially an alliance or relationship, you create it with a lot of hard work, hoping

25、 that it will be strong or lasting. 建立(联盟或关系) e.g. We need to forge an alliance between them and the workers. 我们需要在他们和工人之间缔造一种联盟关系。 3) if you forge money, documents, paintings, etc., you copy them or make them so that they look genuine in order to deceive people. 伪造(货币、文件、油画等),仿造(真品) e.g. I learnt h

26、ow to forge someone elses signature. 假冒别人的签字。 forgo v. 1. omit or decline to take (something pleasant or valuable), go without 放弃,抛弃(舒适或有价值的事物)e.g. She wanted to forgo the tea and leave while they could. 她想不喝茶,在他们还有可能里开时离开。 The workers agreed to forgo a pay increase for the sake of greater job secur

27、ity.forgo pleasures forgo an opportunity 2Refrain from 克制自己不做e.g. We forgo any comparison between the two men. 我们克制自己不在两人之间做任何比较。grapple n. 1. if you grapple with someone, you take hold of them and struggle with them, as part of a fight. 扭打,格斗 synonym:wrestle e.g. We grappled with him and took the g

28、uns from him. 2. If you grapple someone, you seize them and hold them close to you with a strong grip: used in American English. 抓牢,紧紧抓住 e.g. She grappled me again. 3. if you grapple with a problem or difficulty, you try hard to solve it. 努力解决(问题)=struggle e.g. I grappled with this moral dilemma. 我拼

29、命想摆脱这一道德上进退两难的困境。initiative n. 1An initiative is an important act, action, or statement, which is seen as an attempt to solve a problem or to get something done. 主动的行动,倡议 e.g. You seem to be critical of the chairmans political initiatives.你似乎在批评主席提出的政治倡议。2If you have the initiative, you are in a pos

30、ition of superiority or advantage over another person or group, and so you have the power to make decisions or to control how or when something happens. 主动权 e.g. It was evident that he had recovered the initiative. 显然,他又掌握了主动权3If you take the initiative in a situation, you are the first person to do

31、 something important or to make the first move. 采取主动,首先采取行动 e.g. The Prime Minister was aware of this and in the autumn took the initiative by promising legislation to introduce better housing. 首相意识到这一点,在秋天即采取主动,许诺制定法律以实施改善住房的计划。Initiate:1If you initiate something, you start it or cause it to happen. 创始,发起,开始实施 e.g. These countries have recently initiated some improvements in their defense systems. 这些国家最近开始着手对他们的防务系统作些改进。2a. If you initiate someone into something, you introduce them to a particular skill 把(知识)传授给某人 e.g. Pat wanted to initiate his son into fishing. b. you allow them

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