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1、人教版高三一轮英语课后习题含答案限时规范练3必修1Unit3限时规范练3(必修1Unit 3)核心素养关键词:培养学生人与社会、健康旅游的思维意识一、阅读理解AYa Ting had taken me under her wing after hearing me speaking Chinese in a hotel in Lijiang.She had been hitchhiking (搭便车旅行) around China for months.She invited me to travel with her,which was how we ended up on the side

2、 of the road looking for a ride to the Tiger Leaping Gorge.Within 20 minutes,we had our first ride.The driver couldnt take us all the way and ended up dropping us at a freeway crossroads.As a new hitchhiker,I thought that would be the end of our luck,but almost immediately we got another ride.Our mo

3、st unforgettable ride was when a twenty-something kid picked us up.He couldnt take us the whole way so his uncle bought us lunch and a bus ticket for the rest of the journey.He felt it was his duty to help us find a way to complete our trip.It brought tears of joy and thankfulness to my eyes.This wa

4、s the first time I understood how guests are respected in China.A few weeks later,we said goodbye.I thought we had been so lucky because we had been a local and a foreigner traveling together.But now Ya Ting was no longer around to do the talking,nor did I have someone to depend on if something went

5、 wrong.When I stood by a highway in Sichuan,I knew all about the difficulties before me.Now I was just a strange foreigner on her own who suddenly had to manage with poor Chinese.After about 30 minutes,a couple picked me up and took me the whole eight hours to Chengdu.We ate lunch on the way,and the

6、y refused to allow me to pay for any of it,which I had come to learn was typical of Chinese culture.This made me believe that people werent being friendly because of Ya Ting.1.What do the author and Ya Ting have in common?A.They both are hitchhikers.B.They both are foreigners.C.They both live in Lij

7、iang.D.They both speak Chinese well.2.What can we learn about the authors trip to the Tiger Leaping Gorge?A.It was rather tiring.B.It was very smooth.C.It was full of danger.D.It was heartbreaking.3.What was the main cause of the authors difficulties mentioned in Paragraph 3?A.She lost her way.B.She

8、 had little money left.C.She was unable to find her friend.D.She was a lone foreign traveler in China.BCharles Darwin lived an unusually quiet life.In 1842,Darwin and his wife Emma moved from London to Kent in southern England to have as little disturbance (烦扰) as possible.They already had two child

9、ren then,and would go on to have eight more in the country.Darwin had very regular habits.He rose early and went for a walk.After breakfast he worked in his study until 9:30 am,his most productive time of the day,and then read his letters lying on the sofa before returning to work.At midday he would

10、 go for another walk with his dog,stopping at his greenhouse to inspect his experiments.Then he would go for another walk around an area of woodland.While walking on his “thinking path”,Darwin would consider his unsolved scientific problems.After lunch he read the newspaper and wrote letters.His net

11、work of friends provided information from all corners of the world.The Darwins were not very strict parents and the children were always seen running wild.Their father worked patiently with a background of playful shouts and little footsteps walking past his study door.After dinner Darwin played bac

12、kgammon (a game for two people to play) with his wife.He once wrote,“Now the result with my wife in backgammon stands like this:she.has won only 2,490 games,while I have won,hurrah (a cheer of joy or victory),hurrah,2,795 games!”Although he had poor health,Darwin continued to publish a lot of creati

13、ve works until his final book in 1881.He died the following year,aged 73.Rather than a quiet space in the local churchyard,which he called “the sweetest place on Earth”,Darwin was given a state funeral (国葬) in Londons Westminster Abbey.4.Why did the Darwins move to Kent?A.To do more experiments.B.To

14、 cut their cost of living.C.To enjoy more peacefulness.D.To be together with their children.5.What did Darwin do every day?A.He studied in the woods.B.He started to work at 9:30 am.C.He wrote letters in the morning.D.He examined his experiments.6.What did Darwins children probably think of him?A.Str

15、ict.B.Sweet.C.Cold.D.Brave.7.What is this text mainly about?A.Darwins personal life.B.Darwins large family.C.Darwins scientific achievements.D.Darwins unusual state funeral.二、七选五Ice cream is certainly the worlds favourite dessert.1 Of all the people across the world,more ice cream is eaten in Austra

16、lia than in any other country:16.6 litres per person per year.A form of ice cream was eaten in China about 4,000 years ago.2Ice cream was brought to Europe in the 16th century,but at that time only the super-rich could afford it.When the Italian princess Catherine de Medici married the future King H

17、enry of France in 1533,a different kind of ice cream was served every day for a month!3Ice cream was introduced to America in the 1700s,but mostly enjoyed by the wealthy.Around 1800,special ice houses were invented and ice cream became an American industry.4 In 1946,they ate more than 20 litres of i

18、ce cream per person.The worlds most popular flavor is vanilla (香草),which was produced from vanilla beans.80% of the worlds vanilla beans grew on the island of Madagascar,off the east coast of Africa.5 And of all the days of the week,most ice cream is bought on Sunday!A.The most favourite topping is

19、chocolate.B.It was made of milk,rice,fruit and snow!C.More than 90 percent of the US families buy dessert.D.California produces more ice cream than any other state.E.Americans celebrated the victory of WW with ice cream.F.In Europe alone,about 11 billion a year is spent on ice cream.G.Ice cream didn

20、t become available to the general population in France until 1660.三、语法填空Australia was always a country I wanted to visit so I saved up some money and 1. (take) the plane for Australia at 2. end of the school term.It was strange when I arrived.It was the start of winter! Happily for me the weather wa

21、s still hot and sunny though.3. also took me a while to get used to the time difference.The country is 4. (true) beautiful,full of wildlife you wouldnt find anywhere else in the world.I visited a koala sanctuary (考拉保护区) in Brisbane there were koalas everywhere 5. (sleep) in the trees and I even got

22、the chance 6. (hold) one.I learnt lots of 7. (fact) about koalas,too.For example,koalas can sleep for up to 22 hours a day.At the sanctuary there were also kangaroos (袋鼠) that we 8. (allow) to feed.They were really cute and friendly.Another exciting part of my trip was snorkelling (潜泳) in the Great

23、Barrier Reef,as the water was very clear and blue.I was also lucky to see some 9. (interest) sea animals.I loved visiting everywhere from the beautiful mountains and waterfalls in the National Parks 10. the long white sandy beaches.Its a beautiful country and worth visiting one day if you ever get t

24、he chance.参考答案限时规范练3(必修1Unit 3)一、【篇章导读】本文是记叙文。文章叙述了一名外国女士描述她在中国搭便车观光的履历。1.A细节明白题。由第一段中作者对Ya Ting的描述“She had been hitchhiking around China for months.”和对她自己的描述“As a new hitchhiker.”可知,她俩都是搭便车旅行者。2.B推理判断题。由作者在前两段描述她们去虎跳峡搭便车的经历“Within 20 minutes,we had our first ride.almost immediately we got another r

25、ide.Our most unforgettable ride.”可知,作者和Ya Ting很幸运地搭上便车到达虎跳峡。由此可推断,她们的这趟观光很顺遂。3.D细节明白题。由第三段中的“Now I was just a strange foreigner on her own who suddenly had to manage with poor Chinese.”可知,与Ya Ting分手后,作者面临的困难是:她是一名独自在中国搭便车观光的外国人。【篇章导读】本文是记叙文。文章描述了英国著名科学家达尔文平静的自己生存。4.C推理判断题。由第一段中的“moved from London to

26、 Kent in southern England to have as little disturbance as possible”可知,达尔文夫妇搬家是为了免受外界的打搅,以享受更多的平静。5.D细节明白题。由第三段中的“At midday he would go for another walk with his dog,stopping at his greenhouse to inspect his experiments.”可知,达尔文每天会去检察实行的希望环境。6.B推理判断题。由第五段中的“Their father worked patiently with a backgr

27、ound of playful shouts and little footsteps walking past his study door.”可推知,在孩子们眼里,父亲达尔文应该很温和。7.A主旨大意题。首段第一句即文章主旨句“Charles Darwin lived an unusually quiet life。”本文描写了英国著名科学家达尔文平静的自己生存。二、【篇章导读】本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了冰激凌的相干知识。1.F根据下一句中的“more ice cream is eaten in Australia than in any other country”可知,F项介绍欧洲冰

28、激凌的销售环境切合此处语境。2.B根据上一句“A form of ice cream was eaten in China about 4,000 years ago”可知,B项介绍冰激凌的制作质料切合此处语境。B项中的It指代上一句中的A form of ice cream。3.G凭据该段内容可知,冰激凌在16世纪传到欧洲时只有繁华人家才华享用。因此,G项“法国的普通民众到1660年才吃到冰激凌”切合此处语境。4.EE项中的the victory of WW正好和下一句中的In 1946相呼应。5.AA项中的The most favourite和该段首句中的most popular相呼应。三

29、、【篇章导读】文章讲述了作者在澳大利亚的观光履历。1.took考察一样平常已往时。设空处与saved up并列做谓语,应用一样平常已往时,故填took。2.the考察定冠词。at the end of意为“在结束时”。3.It考查it的用法。设空处做情势主语,真正的主语是to get used to the time difference,故填It。4.truly考查副词。设空处做状语修饰beautiful,表示“真正,确实”,故填truly。5.sleeping考查动词-ing情势做定语的用法。设空处做后置定语修饰koalas,因为koalas与sleep之间是逻辑上的主谓干系,且sleep

30、表示的行动其时正在产生,故填sleeping。 hold考查动词不定式做定语的用法。have / get the chance to do sth.意为 “有机会做某事”。7.facts考查名词。设空处做宾语,表示“事实”,因为fact是可数名词,且其前有lots of,故填facts。8.were allowed考查一般已往时的被动语态。设空处所在句意为“在保护区里,还有袋鼠。我们可以(were allowed)给袋鼠喂食”,故应用被动语态,因为此处描述作者去澳大利亚的旅游履历,应用一样平常已往时,故填were allowed。9.interesting考查形容词做定语的用法。设空处做定语修饰sea animals,表示“有趣的”,故填形容词interesting。10.to考查介词。设空处所在句意为“我喜欢游览这儿的每个地方,从国家公园美丽的山和瀑布到白色的长沙滩”,故填介词to。意为“从到”。

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