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1、高考语法复习定语从句讲解及提升练习有答案高中语法复习:定语从句讲解及提升练习考点一关系副词引导的定语从句1关系代词的基本用法关系代词先行词在从句中的作用who人主语、宾语whom人宾语which物主语、宾语that人或物主语、宾语、表语whose人或物定语as人或物主语、宾语、表语The little problems that we meet in our daily lives may be inspirations for great inventions.在日常生活中我们遇到的小问题可能是伟大发明的灵感来源。I live next door to a couple whose chil

2、dren often make a lot of noise.我住在一对夫妻的隔壁,他们的孩子经常制造噪音。2that和which的用法区别只用that的情况先行词是all,few,little,much,something,anything,nothing等不定代词时先行词被the only,the very,the same,all等修饰时先行词是序数词、形容词最高级或被序数词或形容词最高级修饰时先行词既有人又有物时只用which的情况引导非限制性定语从句时(逗号隔开时)关系代词指物,且前有介词时China Today attracts a worldwide readership,whi

3、ch shows that more and more people all over the world want to learn about China.今日中国有着全球的读者群,这说明全球越来越多的人想要了解中国。3as和which的区别asas引导非限制性定语从句,可放在主句前、中、后,as常译为“正如,正像”。从句的谓语动词多为see,know,expect,say,mention,report等whichwhich引导非限制性定语从句修饰前面整个句子时,只能置于主句后,常译为“这一点,这件事”等,which引导的从句与主句之间常含有并列或因果关系“You cant judge a

4、 book by its cover,” as the old saying goes.正如老话说的那样:“人不可貌相”。易错提醒as用在限制性定语从句中时,先行词必须有such,so,as或the same等修饰,且as在从句中作宾语时不能省略。考点二关系副词引导的定语从句关系副词的基本用法关系副词先行词在从句中的作用when时间名词时间状语where地点名词或抽象名词(situation,point,position,case,stage等)地点状语whythe reason原因状语We will put off the picnic in the park until next week

5、,when the weather may be better.我们将把在公园的野餐推迟到下周,届时天气可能会更好。Students should involve themselves in community activities where they can gain experience for growth.学生们应该参与社团活动,在这些活动中他们可以获得成长的经验。Do you know the reason why he didnt attend the meeting yesterday? 你知道他昨天没参加会议的原因吗?考点三“介词关系代词”引导的定语从句1“介词关系代词”引导

6、定语从句时,介词的宾语只能用which或whom,且不能省略。Some experts think reading is the fundamental skill upon which school education depends.一些专家认为阅读是学校教育所依赖的基本技能。September 30 is the day by which you must pay your bill.9月30日之前你必须缴付账单。2“名词/不定代词/数词/形容词比较级或最高级ofwhich/whom”引导的定语从句,表示部分与整体的关系。Scientists have advanced many the

7、ories why human beings cry tears,none of which has been proved.科学家们提出了很多关于人类为什么哭泣时流泪的理论,这些理论尚未得到证实。Many young people,most of whom were welleducated,headed for remote regions to chase their dreams.很多年轻人都去了偏远地区追求自己的梦想,他们中大部分都受过良好的教育。3在非限制性定语从句中,whose修饰物时可以换为“the名词of which”;修饰人时,可以换为“the名词of whom”。The

8、newlybuilt caf,the walls of which (whose walls) are painted light green,is really a peaceful place for us,especially after hard work.这家新建成的咖啡馆,墙被刷成了浅绿色,对我们来说,真是一个安静的地方,特别是在辛苦工作后。【技法点拨】在语法填空中:1首先找准先行词,分析句子结构,根据从句所缺的成分确定关系词的使用。如果缺少主、宾、表作定语,需用关系代词;如果缺少状语,则用关系副词。确定所缺成分之后,再看先行词是人还是物,是表示时间的名词还是表示地点的名词,是re

9、ason还是way等,从而最后确定答案。2若先行词指人,“介词关系代词”引导的定语从句中关系代词用whom,若指物,则用which。牢记that与which, as与which的区别。巩固提升:一、单项选择1An ecosystem consists of the living and nonliving things in an area _ interact with one another.Athat Bwhere Cwho Dwhat2Have you sent thank-you notes to the relatives from _ _ you received gifts?A

10、which Bthem Cthat Dwhom3Wind power is an ancient source of energy _ we may return in the near future.Ato which Bby which Cfrom which Don which4We went through a period _ communications were very difficult in the rural areas.Awhich Bwhose Cin which Dwith which5Mozarts birthplace and the house he comp

11、osed “The Magic Flute” are both museums now.Awhere BwhenCthere Dwhich6Samuel survived when the car _ he was a passenger in turned off the road and hit a tree.Awhere BthatCas Dwhy7The new system in development Dr. Grey participated is not being utilized in the current National Defense program.Awhich

12、Bwhere Cwhose Dthat8Man has the gift of reason, enables him to dominate life on earthand the chance to survive as long as the solar system remains hospitable to him.Awhy Bwhich Cthat Das9Louise thought of the difficulty she could have easily acquired the money she needed to start her career.Aafter w

13、hich Bwith which Cwithout which Dover which10Were the men they noticed some recruited for the navy?Athe ones Bwho Cof whom D/11Addressing these important issues will benefit not only the military but, is often the case, the entire country.Aas Bwhich Cthat Dif12Weve advanced a number of new technolog

14、ical innovations helpful in opening additional markets for our products in the future.Awe believe are helpful Bthat we believe they are helpfulCas we believe are Dwhich we believe13The life events of this moment are being placed in your experience to provide you with a perfect context the true wonde

15、r and glory of Who You Really Are.Awithin where you could experience Bwithin that to experienceCwhich to experience within Dwithin which to experience14The New York Stock Exchange is no longer the company the general public thinks it is.Awhich Bas Cwhere Dthat15Victims often meet resistance in the v

16、ery legal system, evidence may be overwhelmed by public opinion.Awhich Bwhere Cwhose Dthat16The concert world as a whole is in crisis ,but jazz ,one of the most vulnerable types on live performance ,is especially on the edge.Awhich depends Bwhich depend Cthat depend Das depends17Hes such a remarkabl

17、e tennis player _ seems to get the credit he deservesAthat Bas Cwhich Dwhom18It must be the reason _ Mike refused to say more about it for at the meeting_ aroused the suspicion of the detective.Awhichthat Bwhythat Cwhichwhich Dthatwhich19He wont want to eat it unless hes really hungry, _ hell eat al

18、most anything.Ain which case Bin that case Cin the case Din case20Today, Britain is still a global power- at least partly because of Queen Elizabeth II, _ has passionately worked to strengthen ties between Britain and other global powers.Awhich Bwhom Cwho Dthat21_ might be expected, I did what I cou

19、ld to make them feel at home.AWhat BIt CWhich DAs22Bill Gates father made such a tremendous contribution to philanthropy (慈善)_greatly benefited tens of thousands of college students in need of sponsorship.Athat Bas Cwhich Dwhat23It was in the 1860s _ there was a gold rush _ the Europeans came and se

20、ttle in Queenstown in New Zealand.Athat;that Bwhen;when Cwhen;that Dthat;where24When youre around 17, your brain has reached the point _you can easily make wise decisions.Awhen Bwhich Cwhere Dthat25The boss interviewed two applicants, neither of _ he thought was suitable because he didnt like the wa

21、y _ they spoke.Awhom; which Bwho; that Cwhom; in which Dwho; where26Her grandma, _ help she couldnt have achieved so much, has passed away.Awhose Bof whose Cwith whom Dwithout whose27I will never forget the days _we spent and the place _ we stayed.Awhich; which Bwhen; whereCwhen: which Dwhich; where

22、28Is this the reason _he explained at the meeting for his carelessness in his work?A Bwhat Chow Dwhy29The man pulled out a small gold watch, _were made of small diamonds.Athe hands of whom Bthe hands of whichCwhom the hands of Dwhich the hands of30The biggest single hobby in western countries _ west

23、ern people spend their most time, energy and money is gardening.Athat Bwhere Cin which Don which31There are many people _ on-line activity is sending and receiving e-mails.Awho Bwhose Cwhich Dthat32The foreign guests, _ were government officials, were warmly welcomed at the airport.Amost of them Bmo

24、st of that Cmost of whom Dmost of those 33This is the most exciting film _ I have ever seen.Athat Bwhich Cwho Dwhose34All the scenes and people _were recorded on mobile phones or digital cameras are well connected.A/ BwhichCwho Dthat35Many people sleep with the charging phones right next to their he

25、ads, _ could increase the chances of getting cancer.Awhich Bwhom Cwho Dthat36This is the very junior high school _ I have studied for four years.Athat Bin that Cwhere Don which37The police asked the witnesses to tell them all _ they saw when the accident happened.Awhere Bwhich Cthat Dwhat38This is o

26、ne of the largest factories been rebuilt since last year.Awhich have Bthat have Cwhich has Dthat has39I hope that the little _ I have been able to do does good to them all.Awhich Bwhat Cthat Dwhen40_ is known to everybody, Taiwan is a part of China. We must unify it.AIt BAs CWhich DWhat答案:1A2D3A4C5A

27、6B7C8B9C10C11A12D13D14D15B16C17B18A19A20C21D22B23C24C25C26D27D28A29B30D31B32C33A34D35A36C37C3839C40B二、汉译英1.尽管他几度欲放弃这个非常具有挑战性的研究工作,但他还是发挥出自己的极限,做出了 重大科学发现。(despite , push) 2.高糖、高脂、高盐的食物不利健康,你要改变饮食方式。(impact, way定语从句)3.当他收到那封梦寐以求的信时,他情不自禁地发出了一声高兴的叫声。(look forward) 4.该款电动车提供终生免费保养,这吸引了顾客的眼球,大大促进了销量。(wh

28、ich) 5.该男子想方设法回避谈及这个话题,这就逼迫警方对此事件不得不展开调查。(which)6.熬夜越发成为一种普遍现象,它会导致一系列健康问题出现。(result,定语从句)7.约翰一打开最新一期的上海中学生报,就看到了马拉多纳(Maradona)因突发心脏病去世的消息,这使他突然大哭。(burst)8.这部歌剧,改编自童话故事,将耳熟能详的人物演活了,整个剧院充满欢声笑语。(fill)9.最初为了战争而发明的英特网为现代生活做出了巨大贡献。(purpose)10.没过多久,教练就用Tom替换了那位表现欠佳的球员。(before; substitute) 11.尽管我们在生活中会遇到困难

29、,但人人都有机会让他人的生活有所改变。(regardless)12.这部电影制作精良,主题鲜明,剧情真挚动人,被人们奉为永久的经典。(whose) 13.导演用了七周时间将上传到网上的视频片段制作成了一部展现全球各地人们日常生活的影片。(take)14.在这个重要关头,我们需要一个能鼓舞团队士气的人。(inspire)15.为社会做奉献的方式有很多种,其中之一就是利用闲暇时间到社区服务中心做义工。(which) 16.他第一次在罗马旅行时,并没有过多关注那些矗立在广场中央的雕塑背后的文艺复兴思想。(The first time) 17.这款外卖软件给人们提供了一些点奢华饭店食物的机会,这让偏远

30、地区的人感到高兴。(which)18.毫无疑问,拥有很多历史遗迹的西安是个伟大的城市。(where)19.唐朝时期,长安是丝绸之路的起点,它把中国和世界连接了起来。(which) 20.正是在特殊时期,我抵制了网络游戏的诱惑,按照自己的节奏学习,才让我培养了自律,并且获得成就和满足感。(It)答案1.Despite the fact that there were many times when he wanted to give up the challenging research, he still pushed himself to the limit and made a major scientific discovery.2.The food high in sugar, fat and salt ha

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