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1、入藉考试100新试题入藉考试100新试题 公民入籍新試題Naturalization Test (redesigned)請注意: 以下的新版入籍試題(100題), 適用於2008年10月1日以後申請入籍的移民.或者如果您是在2008年10月1日之前申請入籍, 而您的面試時間被安排在2008年10月1日之後,您也可以選擇接受新版試題的考試.* 年滿65歲、持綠卡20年以上者,只須學習有星字符號 * 的考題.AMERICAN GOVERNMENT (美國政府)A:Principles of American Democracy (美國民主原則)1. What is the supreme law

2、of the land?問:何為美國最高法律?A:the Constitution答:憲法2. What does the Constitution do?問:憲法的作用是什麼?A:sets up the government.答:建立政府體系A:defines the government答:設立政府規範A:protects basic rights of Americans答:保障人民各項基本權利3. The idea of self-government is in the first three words of the Constitution. Whatare these word

3、s?問:憲法的前三個字說明人民自治的概念,這三字是什麼?A:We the People答:我們人民4. What is an amendment?問:什麼叫修正案?A:a change (to the Constitution)答:(憲法的)修正條款A:an addition (to the Constitution)答:(憲法的)增補條款5. What do we call the first ten amendments to the Constitution?問: 現行憲法的前10項修正案被稱作什麼?A:the Bill of Rights答:人權法案*6. What is one ri

4、ght or freedom from the First Amendment.問:舉出憲法第一修正案中的任何一項自由或權利。A:speech答:言論自由A:religion答:宗教自由A:assembly答:集會結社自由A:press答:出版自由A:petition the government答:人民有向政府請願自由7. How many amendments does the Constitution have?問:目前憲法有多少修正案?A:Twenty-seven (27)答:27項修正案8. What did the Declaration of Independence do?問:

5、獨立宣言的作用為何?A:announced our independence (from Great Britain)答:宣布美國脫離英國獨立A:declared our independence (from Great Britain)答:宣告美國脫離英國而獨立A:said that the United States is free (from Great Britain)答:說明美國脫離英國而獨立9. What are two rights in the Declaration of Independence?問:說出獨立宣言中的兩項權利。A:life答:生命的權利A:liberty答:

6、自由的權利A:pursuit of happiness答:追求幸福的權利10. What is freedom of religion?問:什麼是宗教自由?A:You can practice any religion, or not practice a religion.答:你可以信仰任何宗教,也可以什麼宗教都不信。*11. What is the economic system in the United States?問:美國是什麼樣的經濟制度?A:capitalist economy答:資本主義經濟A:market economy答:市場經濟12. What is the “rule

7、 of law”?問:法治是什麼意思?A: Everyone must follow the law答:每個人都得遵守法律A: Leaders must obey the law答:領袖也必須遵守法律A: Government must obey the law.答:政府也得遵守法律A: No one is above the law答:沒有任何人能超越法律B:System of Government (政府體制)*13. Name one branch or part of the government.問:說出政府三大體制中的任何一部分。A:Congress 答:國會A:legislati

8、ve 答:立法A:President 答:總統A:executive 答:行政A:the courts 答:法院A:judicial 答:司法14. What stops one branch of government from becoming too powerful?問:有何方式可防止政府變得權力大太?A:checks and balances答:制衡A:separation of powers答:權力分立15. Who is in charge of the executive branch?問:行政部門由誰負責?A:The President答:總統16. Who makes fe

9、deral laws?問:誰負責制定聯邦法律?A:Congress答:國會A:Senate and House (of Representatives)答:參院及眾院A:(U.S. or national) legislature答:(美國或國家)立法機構*17. What are the two parts of the U.S. Congress?問:美國國會由那兩部分組成?A:The Senate and House (of Representatives)答:參院及眾院18. How many U. S. Senators are there?問:聯邦參院有多少位參議員?A:One h

10、undred (100)答:100位19. We elect a U.S. Senator for how many years?問:我們多久選一次聯邦參議員?A:Six (6)答:每六年*20. Who is one of your states U.S. Senators?問:說出你的州的兩位聯邦參議員中的任何一個名字。A:Answers will vary.For District of Columbia residents and residents of U.S. territories, theanswer is that D.C. (or the territory where

11、the applicant lives) has no U.S.Senators.答:答案各州不同,見附頁。(住在華府哥倫比亞特區或美國屬地的居民應試者,當地沒有聯邦參議員。)21. The House of Representatives has how many voting members?問:眾院能有投票權的眾議員有多少位?A:four hundred thirty-five (435)答:435位22. We elect a U.S. Representative for how many years?問:我們多久選一次聯邦國會眾議員?A:Two (2)答:每兩年23. Name y

12、our U.S. Representative.問:說出你選區所在的眾議員的名字。A: Answers will vary. Residents of territories with nonvoting Delegates orresident Commissioners may provide the name of that Delegate orCommissioner. Also acceptable is any statement that the territory has no(voting) Representatives in Congress.答:答案每個選區會不同 如

13、果你不知道你的選區眾議員的名字,可以詢問當地市政府. 或是上政府官方網頁: ,在左上方Find Your Representative的地方輸入你的zip code,可以查到你所在選區的眾議員名字.(住在當地國會代表沒有投票權的美國屬地的應試者,可以說明當地代表或是議員的姓名,或是可以說明自己選區沒有眾議員。)24. Who does a U.S. Senator represent?問:聯邦參議員代表何人?A:all people of the state答:參議員代表所在州的所有民眾25. Why do some states have more Represe

14、ntatives than other states?問:為何有些州國會眾議員的人數比其他州多?A:(because of) the states population.答:由那個州的人口多少而決定A:(because) they have more people.問:因為那個州有更多的人口A:(because) some states have more people.問:因為有些州的人口比其他州的多26. We elect a President for how many years?問:我們每幾年選一次總統?A:Four (4) 答:每四年一次*27. In what month do

15、we vote for President?問:我們在那一個月選總統?A:November 答:11月*28. What is the name of the President of the United States now?問:目前美國總統的名字是什麼?A:Barack Obama 答:伯若阿克.歐巴馬A:Obama 答:伯若阿克.歐巴馬29. What is the name of the Vice President of the United States now?問:現任副總統是誰?A:Joe Biden 答: 周.拜登A:Biden 答: 拜登30. If the Presid

16、ent can no longer serve, who becomes President?問:如果總統不能視事,誰會變成總統?A:the Vice President 答:副總統31. If both the President and the Vice President can no longer serve, who becomesPresident?問:如果總統、副總統都不能視事,由誰來作總統?A:the Speaker of the House 答:眾院議長32. Who is the Commander in Chief of the military?問:誰是三軍統帥?A:t

17、he President 答:總統33. Who signs bills to become laws?問:國會通過的法案由誰簽署生效變成法律?A:the President 答:總統34. Who vetoes bills?問:誰能否決國會通過的法案?A:the President 答:總統35. What does the Presidents Cabinet do?問:總統的內閣做什麼事?A:advises the President 答:他們對總統提出建議36. What are two Cabinet-level positions?問:任舉兩個內閣的部長職位。A:Secretary

18、 of Agriculture答:農業部長A:Secretary of Commerce答:商務部長A:Secretary of Defense答:國防部長A:Secretary of Education答:教育部長A:Secretary of Energy答:能源部長A:Secretary of Health and Human Services答:衛生與福利部長A:Secretary of Homeland Security答:國內安全部長A:Secretary of Housing and Urban Development答:住宅與都市發展部長A:Secretary of Interi

19、or答:內政部長A:Secretary of State答:國務卿A:Secretary of Transportation答:運輸部長A:Secretary of Treasury答:財政部長A:Secretary of Veterans Affairs答:退伍軍人事務部長A:Secretary of Labor答:勞工部長A:Attorney General答:司法部長37. What does the judicial branch do?問:司法部門做什麼事?A:reviews laws答:檢討現有法律A:explains laws答:解釋法律A:resolves disputes (

20、disagreements)答:解決爭議A:decides if a law goes against the Constitution答:決定某一法律是否牴觸憲法38. What is the highest court in the United States?問:美國最高的法院是什麼?A: the Supreme Court答:聯邦最高法院39. How many justices are on the Supreme Court?問:聯邦最高法院有幾位大法官?A: nine (9)答:九位40. Who is the Chief Justice of the United States

21、?問:誰是目前的聯邦首席大法官?A:John Roberts (John G. Roberts, Jr.)答:約翰羅伯茲41. Under our Constitution, some powers belong to the federal government. What isone power of the federal government?問:根據憲法,有些權力屬於聯邦政府。舉出一項聯邦政府的權力。A: to print money 答:印鈔票A: to declare war 答:宣戰A: to create an army 答:建立軍隊A: to make treaties 答

22、:簽訂條約42. Under our Constitution, some powers belong to the states. What is one power ofthe states?問:根據憲法,有些權力屬於州政府。舉出一項州政府權力的例子。A: provide schooling and education 答:提供教育A: provide protection (police) 答:提供治安保護(警察)A: provide safety (fire departments) 答:提供安全(消防局)A: give a drivers license 答:提供駕照A: appro

23、ve zoning and land use 答:審批區劃和土地使用43. Who is the Governor of your state?問:你居住州的州長是誰?A:Answers will vary. Residents of the District of Columbia and U.S.territories without a Governor should say “we dont have a Governor.”答:答案各州不同,見附頁。(哥倫比亞特區和美國屬地居民,應回答他們沒有州長.)*44. What is the capital of your state?問:你

24、居住州的首府在哪裡?A:Answers will vary. District of Columbia residents should answer thatD.C. is not a state and does not have a capital. Residents of U.S. territoriesshould name the capital of the territory.答:答案各州不同,見附頁。(哥倫比亞特區居民,應回答哥倫比亞特區不是一個州,因此沒有首府)。*45. What are the two major political parties in the Un

25、ited States?問:美國當今兩大政黨為何?A:Democratic and Republican答:民主黨及共和黨46. What is the political party of the President now?問:現任總統屬於哪個政黨?A:Republican (Party)答:共和黨47. What is the name of the Speaker of the House of Representatives now?問:現任國會眾院議長是誰?A:Nancy Pelosi答:南西波洛西C:Rights and Responsibilities (權利與責任)48. T

26、here are four amendments to the Constitution about who can vote. Describe oneof them.問:憲法裡面有四條關於哪些人擁有投票權的修正案,試舉一項。A:Citizens eighteen (18) and older can vote.答:任何年滿18歲的公民都可以投票A:You dont have to pay (a poll tax) to vote.答:不必繳錢就可以投票(不必繳投票稅就可以投票)A:Any citizen can vote.(Women and men can vote.)答:任何男性或女性

27、公民都可以投票 (男性和女性都可以投票)A:A male citizen of any race can vote.答:任何種族的男性公民都可以投票*49. What is one responsibility that is only for United States citizens?問:舉出一項只有美國公民才有的責任。A:serve on a jury 答:當陪審員A:vote 答:投票50. What are two rights only for United States citizens ?問:舉出兩項只有美國公民才擁有的權利。A:apply for a federal job

28、 答:申請聯邦工作的權利A:vote 答:投票權A:run for office 答:競選公職的權利A:carry a U.S. passport 答:攜帶美國護照51. What are two rights of everyone living in the United States?問:舉出兩項每一個住在美國的人都擁有的權利。A:freedom of expression 答:表達自由A:freedom of speech 答:言論自由A:freedom of assembly 答:集會自由A:freedom to petition the government 答:向政府請願的自由A

29、:freedom of worship 答:宗教信仰自由A:the right to bear arms 答:擁有武器的權利52. What do we show loyalty to when we say the Pledge of Allegiance?問:我們宣誓效忠時是向什麼表達忠誠?A: the United States 答:美利堅合眾國A: the flag 答:國旗53. What is one promise you make when you become a United States citizen?問:舉出一項在入籍成為公民時提出的承諾。A:give up loya

30、lty to other countries答:放棄效忠其他國家A:defend the Constitution and laws of the United States答:護衛美國的憲法和法律A:obey the laws of the United States答:遵守美國的法律A:serve in the U.S. military (if needed)答:在必要時加入美國軍隊A:serve (do important work for) the nation (if needed)答:在必要時為國效勞(在必要時為美國執行重要的工作)。A:be loyal to the United States答:效忠美國*54. How old do citizens have to be to vote for President?問:美國公民幾歲以上可以投票選舉總統 ?A: eighteen (18) and older答:滿18歲55. What are two ways that Amer

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