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unit 2 going to school单元整体教学设计.docx

1、unit 2 going to school 单元整体教学设计Unite-based Teaching design 小学英语单元备课共享资源Title: Book_9_ Module _1_Unit _2_Going to school_ 一、单元教学目标 (建议多使用英语课程标准中各级目标的描述语言)语用任务能在情景对话和视听熏陶中理解并运用本单元的核心词汇:by, walk, Ms, underground, take, after, hour(2)能在学习单词的过程中,正确拼读单词,感知并掌握一些简单的发音规律。(3)能够在生活和学习中,运用句型How do you come to s

2、chool? I come to school on foot / by. 来讨论某人通过什么方式去哪儿,能准确地运用句型I go to on foot / by.进行输出与拓展。知识与技能(1)通过阅读文本、听读录音和观看视频,在听读或阅读中掌握提取关键信息的能力,提升语篇的理解能力。(2)能运用所学的语句,与同伴交流和讨论某人通过什么方式去哪儿,并能相互问与答。(3)学习完本单元后,能用三至五句话正确地描述某人通过什么方式去哪儿,并与同伴讨论,写出来并与人分享,完成本单元的语用任务。(4)通过完成学习过程中的各项任务,使学生在感知、体验、实践、参与和合作的过程中,获得学习英语的积极情感,形

3、成基础的口语交际能力。文化与情感(1)通过视听与合作学习,情景教学等多种活动,帮助学生了解各种职业的意义,形成正确的人生观和价值观。(2)通过讨论与分析各种交通工具的特点,并能合理选择适当的交通工具出行,并做到绿色出行,文明出行,健康出行。(3)(3)在学习完本单元后,能合理选择适当的交通工具出行,并做到绿色出行,文明出行,健康出行。并为此养成良好的生活习惯,帮助学生树立正确的价值观。(4)通过学习过程中的思考、交流、讨论和分享,指导学生相互交流、合作,培养其团队精神,激发并培养学生乐于用英语交际的兴趣。 (5)课堂中设置学生自我评价机制,学生在完成评价的过程中,理解只有互相帮助、团结协作、努

4、力付出才能收获美好。方法与策略(1)能够主动积极与他人合作探究,共同完成学习任务。(2)通过图片,视频,音频等直观的手段学习新知,激发学生学习语言的兴趣,在听说读写等方面提升语言的综合运用能力。二、单元基本架构Period 1Period 2Period 3Objective单课时目标语言知识:在语境中,能初步感知词汇:by, walk, Ms, underground, take, after, hour和以下核心句型、日常用语:How do you come to school? I come to school on foot.语言技能:1. 在语境中,能听懂有关上学的交通方式的对话。2

5、. 在语境中,能用How do you come to school?来询问对方上学的方式。语言运用:在语境中,学会用I come/go to school/ He/She comes/goes to school / 介绍自己或他人去某地的交通方式。情感态度:能根据不同的距离,选择不同的交通方式,环保出行。学习策略:1.通过听、读完整文段获取关键信息。2.积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。语言知识:通过文本学习,操练表达自己及他人到某地的方式及过程。语言技能:1. 在语境中,能听懂有关上学的交通方式的对话。2. 能用. walk to表达去某地的方式。3.能用first,

6、 then表达去某地的过程。语言运用:在语境中,学会用. walk to表达去某地的方式。介绍自己或他人去某地的交通方式。情感态度:能根据不同的距离,选择不同的交通方式,环保出行。学习策略:1.通过听、读完整文段获取关键信息。2.积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。语言运用:学生能够自由谈论自己上学的方式,并在这种方式下应该注意的各种礼仪和规则。情感态度:出行参做交通工具能够做到文明礼让。学习策略:1.通过听、读完整文段获取关键信息。2.积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。Topic单课时话题My ways to schoolMy friends way to schoolDi

7、fferent ways to school in ShenzhenContent单课时教学文本Jill: How do you come to school, Joe?Joe: I come to school by bus. I live far from our school.Jill: How do you come to school, Alice?I come to school on foot. I live near school.Jill: How do you come to school, Kitty?Kitty: I come to school on foot too

8、. Alice and I walk to school together.Jill: what about you, Peter? How do you come to school?Peter: I come to school by bus.Ms Guo is a teacher at Happy Primary School. She lives on Green Street.There is an underground station near Ms Guos home. Ms Guo walks to the station and takes the train.She ge

9、ts off the station at Park Street Station.Then she takes Bus No.12 to Spring Street.After half an hour, she gets off at Spring Street Bus Stop. Then she walks to her school.1.-We walk when we see green light.-We stop when we see red light.-We wait when we see yellow light.2. -Remember to line up.-Do

10、nt push.-Dont run.-Be quiet.3. -Line up, please.-Hold the handrail.- Be careful of the gap.Blackboard design板书设计5AM1 Unit 2 Going to school_isa_.He/Sheliveson_Street.He/Shelivesnear/farfrom_.First,He/She_.(,He/She_.Last,He/She_.Ittakes_(minutes)there. 三、单课教学设计 Period 1Procedures

11、ContentsMethodsPurposePre-lessonLearn the sounds:1 Watch the video.2. Find out the words with “sp” and blend the words.视频播放通过观看视频感知sp发音,并通过观察找出视频中含有sp发音的单词进行拼读,初步掌握sp的发音规则。Pre-task preparation1. Sing a song: How do you come to school?2. Introduce different ways to school around the world.视频播放教师引导学生观

12、察不同地区上学方式的图片,并渗透相关的单词。活跃课堂氛围,为后文讲故事埋下伏笔拓展学生视野,了解世界各地不同的上学方式和特色,同时为下文的学习做渗透。While-task procedureLearn the text:1. Listen and answer: How do they come to school?Complete Jills notes on page 9.2. Listen and answer: Why does Joe come to school by bus? Why does Alice come to school on foot?3. Follow and

13、read the text.4. Role-play.第一遍无字幕听视频,回答问题,感知整体。第二遍带着字幕看视频,分析孩子们选择不同交通方式的原因。第三遍在教师带领下跟读文章。第四遍学生进行角色扮演。1.通知提问,引导学生在寻找问题的过程中整体感知文本内容,对文本有一个初步的了解。2. 分析选择不同交通方式的原因,通过细节梳理故事脉络,解决文本中重难点问题。3.通过模仿跟读和角色扮演,为语言的输出做进一步巩固Post-task activityDo a survey: How do you come to school? Finish the table on page12学生四人小组讨论,

14、完成12页的表格学生结合自己的生活实际,进行口语输出。Assignment1. Finish the survey on page 122. Read the text for 3 times.Period 2ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposePre-lessonLearn the sound:1.blend the words 2.learn the rhyme3.follow and read the rhyme视频播放通过拼读小诗中含有sp的词,操练sp胡发音,达到掌握sp的发音规则的目的。学习小诗,并理解其意思;跟读视频达到能准确发音,流畅朗读的水平。Pr

15、e-task preparationFree talk:1.ask and answer: How do you come to school? How doescome to school?(according to the survey done last lesson)根据上节课做的调查回答问题。通过根据上节课做的调查进行问答操练进行复习,并加强动词第三人称单数+s的使用。While-task procedureLearn the text:1.Listen and answer the questions: What does Ms Guo do? How many ways does

16、 she go to work?2.Watch and answer the question: How does Ms Guo go to work? First, Ms Guo takes underground , then Bus No.12, last, she walks to her school. 3.follow the in group and complete the map第一遍:无字幕听视频,带着问题,整体感知。第二遍:带着问题看视频(学习文本)弄清楚Ms Guo的上班方式,边学边整理其上班所乘坐交通工具以及次序。学习使用first, then来

17、描述做事的先后次序。学习go toby= take to; 学习underground 的另一种表达:metro小组分角色朗读,并完成地图提炼本文的提纲。通过跟读文本,达到准确,流畅朗读本故事。通过文本学习,提炼Ms Guo的上班方式及次序。学习表达自己到某地的方式及过程。同时,为下面操练环节作铺垫。Post-task activity1.Teacher talks about his/ her ways to school (use the frame summed up before)2.Ss talk about Joes and Amys ways to school_ is a _.

18、He/ She lives on _ Street.He/ She lives near/ far from_.First, He/ She _ .Then, He/ She _Last, He/ She _It takes_ there.通过描述Joe和Alice的上学方式,操练表达某人到某地的方式及过程。AssignmentDraw and say (P11) ,using the frame given beforePeriod 3ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposePre-lessonLetter combination “sp” learning.1.Br

19、ainstorming: Ask the students to think more words that include “sp”.2.Help the Ss divide all the words into two kinds, eg:wasp, crisp/spi, spy, spiderReview “sp” letter combination learning in period 2. Help the Ss master the different two sounds of “sp”.Pre-task preparationSing the song “How do you

20、 go to school” and review what Ss learnt in period 21.Sing the song in period 2 “How do you go to school”.2.Teacher adapts the lyrics of the song with some new transportations. Ss sing the song according to the same tune.3.Sum-up of different ways to school with mind-map by checking the Ss homework.

21、1.Set the tune of this lesson with familiar songs.2.Help the Ss use what they learnt in period 2.3.Check how the Ss learn with homework and lean into this lesson.While-task procedureDifferent ways to school/work in Shenzhen1.Tina goes to school on foot. Learn the traffic rules when Ss walk.-We walk

22、when we see green light.-We stop when we see red light.-We wait when we see yellow light.2.Bibby goes to school by bus. Learn the rules when Ss take a bus.-Remember to line up.-Dont push.-Dont run.-Be quiet.Say Take my seat, please. When we see old man.3.Lisa goes to school by metro. Learn the rules

23、 when Ss take the metro.-Line up, please.-Hold the handrail.- Be careful of the gap.Connecting what Ss learn with the Ss real life.Post-task activityMore rules about different ways to school.Group discussing: Talk about more rules about different ways to school.Brain storm and discuss.AssignmentWrit

24、e a short article about rules of different ways to school.Board writing四、阅读素养评价AHi,ImMike,Imacleverstudent.Usually,Igotoschoolonfoot.Becausemyhomeisneartheschool.Tomismygoodfriend.Weoftengotoschooltogether.Myfatherisadoctor.Heoftengoestoworkbycar.Mymotherisateacher.Sheoftengoestoworkbybus,butsometim

25、esbybike.Onweekends,Ioftengototheparkwithmyparents.Intheafternoon,Ioftengotothelibrarybybike.Ilikereading.Afterdinner,IlikewatchingTVwithmyfamily.()1.How do I go to school?A. by car B. by bus C. on foot()2.How does my father go to school?A. by underground B. by car C. by bike()3.What does my mother

26、do?A. a teacher B. a doctor C. a cook()4.What do I often do on weekend afternoon?A. I often go to the park.B. I often go to the library.C. I often watch TV.()5.How do I go to the library?A. on foot B. by bike C. by carBThere are trains to carry people, trains to carry animals or carry things. There

27、are fast trains and slow ones. Some trains go through hills. In big cities, the streets are very busy. So you can find trains under the ground. They are called subway in America, they carry people quickly in and out of the city. Can a train run over water? Yes, it can , there are many bridges over t

28、he rivers. The trains can easily run over the water. But it is not easy to build the bridges. Todays trains have dining rooms for people. You may eat something in them on the way if you are hungry. Trains are useful to us. Many children have model trains. With the model trains , they can build their

29、 own rails and enjoy the wonderful world of trains. Read and guess:1.In the sentence “There are fast trains and slow ones.” Ones refers to:A.bridge B. river C. trains D. subways2.There are all kinds of trains. Here “all kinds of trains” trains and slow trainsB.many different kinds of t

30、rainsC.trains to go through hillsD.trains to carry people3.The trains carry people in and out of the big cities under the ground because_ .A.the streets are very busyB.the cities are bigC.the trains have dining roomD.he cities are too small4.If you are hungry, you may go to _ of the train have something to eat when you are travelling by train. A.Some rooms B.some shopsC.the dining roomsD.the station5.Its _ for trains to run over the

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