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1、IATA第50期危险品规则显著修订和变化IATA第50期危险品规则(2009)显著修订和变化(注:中文仅为参考)1Applicability 适用性1.2.3Exceptions. The exception for aircraft used to transport dangerous goods to provide medical aid to a patient during flight has been clarified. The revised text makes it clear that the aircraft can be one adapted for speci

2、alized use, i.e. air ambulance, or may a regular public transport aircraft where the operator approves the carriage.1.2.3-例外。为了在飞行中向病人提供医疗救援而携带危险品的航空器被明确为例外。修改后的内容明确了此类航空器可以是那些为特殊用途改装的飞机,如飞行医院,或是经运营人同意承运的执行定期航班的公共运输飞机。1.5Training Requirements 训练要求1.5.0.3. There has been a change to the provisions on

3、 recurrent training. The recurrency period is still 24 months. However, there is now provision for a 3-month “window” that allows for recurrent training conducted within the final 3 months of the 24-month period to be considered to have been completed on the expiry date of the 24-month period. For e

4、xample, a person who completed a course on 30 June 2007 needs to complete a revalidation by 30 June 2009. However, the revalidation may be taken between 1 April and 30 June 2009 for the revalidation to be considered to have been completed on 30 June 2009. The next revalidation date will then be 30 J

5、une 2011.对复训的周期时间要求做补充说明。复训周期仍然是24个日历月,但是,新规定了一个3个月的“窗口”,即允许在培训到期前的3个月内进行复训,即被认为在到期日完成了复训。如:某人在2007年6月30日接受的危险品培训,应在2009年6月30日前完成复训,但是,复训可在2009年4月1日至6月30日之间的时间内进行,而仍被认为完成复训的时间是2009年6月30日。下一次复训时间应为2011年6月30日。1.5.3. A new 1.5.3, Training Curricula“No Carry” Operators has been added. The text a

6、nd associated Table 1.5.B reinforces that even operators that have a policy of not carrying dangerous goods as cargo, mail or stores must still provide applicable employees with dangerous goods training. 1.5.3 增加了对不承运危险品的运营人的培训要求。见表1.5B,强调即使运营人的政策是不承运危险品货物、邮件或供应品,仍必须向1.5B表中适用的雇员提供危险品培训。 A mi

7、nimum period of 36 months following the last training date has now been specified for retention of dangerous goods training records. 增加培训记录最少36个月的保存期限要求。1.6Dangerous Goods Security 危险品的安保1.6.3.3. The list of high consequence dangerous goods has been revised to include certain explosives assi

8、gned to Division 1.4, explosives in Division 1.5, Class 3 and Division 4.1 desensitized explosives. 高危危险品的种类有所扩展,增加: 1.4项中的某些爆炸品(13个UN编号); 1.5项的爆炸品; 3类和4.1项中的减敏爆炸品。2Limitations限制2.3Dangerous Goods Carried by Passengers or Crew. 旅客和机组携带的危险品The provisions for carbon dioxide, solid, small oxyge

9、n cylinders, underwater high intensity lamps (heat producing articles), lithium batteries and fuel cell cartridges have all been revised. 对干冰、小型氧气瓶、潜水灯、锂电池、燃料电池罐等规定进行修订。2.7Dangerous Goods in Excepted Quantities 例外数量危险品The requirements for excepted quantities have been revised to align with the provi

10、sions in the UN Model Regulations. This includes the assignment of an “EQ” code from E0 to E5 to identify if a substance is permitted in exceptedquantities, in what quantity per inner packaging and per package. The current IATA Dangerous Goods in Excepted Quantities label has been replaced by a new

11、excepted quantity marking. 为遵守UN规章范本(橙皮书),对例外数量危险品的要求进行了修订,包括分配了一个由E0到E5的“EQ”代号,以便识别一种物质是否可以例外数量运输,以及内包装和外包装的允许数量。 例外数量危险品标签被更换成新的例外数量危险品标记(见图2.7B)。2.9.2State Variations.国家差异Australia, France, Malaysia, United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom and the United States have advised of amendments to thei

12、r State variations.澳大利亚、法国、马来西亚、阿联酋、英国及美国的国家差异进行了修订。2.9.4 Operator Variations. 运营人差异There are a significant number of additions, deletions and modifications to the operator variations.很多运营人修订了本公司的运营人差异。3Classification 分类3.2.2.4. The exemption value for Division 2.2 gases has been revised to become 2

13、00 kPa (gauge) from the current value of 280 kPa (absolute). 对于2.2项气体豁免值的标准由原来的“20时不超过280kPa(绝对压力)”,改为不超过200kPa(表压)。 The criteria for classification of environmentally hazardous substances has been aligned with the provisions of 2.9.3 of UN Model Regulations. 对环境危害物质的分类标准进行修改,以

14、与UN规章范本保持一致。4Identification 识别4.1.3.2. Text detailing the classification and assignment of the proper shipping name for mixtures and solutions containing two of more dangerous goods have been revised to identify options where a mixture or solution may contain only very small quantities of one or mor

15、e dangerous goods in an otherwise pure substance. 对含有两种或两种以上危险品的溶液及混合物的分类和运输专用名称分配的描述进行了修订,说明如何对在一种纯净物中仅含有极少量的一种或多种危险品的溶液及混合物进行选择。4.2 List of Dangerous Goods 危险品表The format of Table 4.2 has been revised to accommodate a new column for the “EQ” codes to identify maximum quantity per inner and

16、outer packaging for dangerous goods in excepted quantities in accordance with Subsection 2.7. To accommodate the additional column, the columns for Class or Division (Column C) and subsidiary risk (Column D) have been combined into a single Column C. Any assigned subsidiary risk is shown in parenthe

17、ses following the primary risk, as is required to be shown on the Shippers Declaration. 4.2表增加“EQ”号码栏,方便查阅例外数量危险品内、外包装最大数量。为增加该栏,将类项(C)栏和次要危险性(D)栏合并成一栏(C)。修改后,次要危险性在主要性后显示,与危险品申报单的显示方法一样。Amendments to the List of Dangerous Goods include:危险品表变化:􀃊addition of new entries for E85 and other etha

18、nol and gasoline fuel mixtures. These have been assigned to UN3475 with the proper shipping names Ethanol and gasoline mixture, Ethanol and motor spirit mixture and Ethanol and petrol mixture; 增加新条目E85及其他乙醇和汽油混合物,使用UN3475,运输专用名称见上面英文黑体字。􀃊new entries have been added for Fuel cell cartridges

19、containing water-reactive substances, UN3476; Fuel cell cartridges containing corrosive substances, UN3477; Fuel cell cartridges containing liquefied flammable gas, UN3478 and Fuel cell cartridges containing hydrogen inmetal hydride, UN3479.These new entries also include proper shipping names for fu

20、el cell cartridges packed with, or contained in equipment; 增加含遇水反应物质的燃料电池罐,UN3476; 增加含腐蚀性物质的燃料电池罐,UN3477; 增加含液化易燃气体的燃料电池罐,UN3478; 增加含金属氢化物的燃料电池罐,UN3479。 上述新条目也相应包括与设备包装在一起或安装在设备中的燃料电池罐的运输专用名称。􀃊the proper shipping name for UN3090Lithium batteries, and UN3091Lithium batteries contained in equ

21、ipment and Lithium batteries packed with equipment have been revised to become Lithium metal batteries, Lithium metal batteries contained in equipment and Lithium metal batteries packed with equipment. New entries have been added for lithium ion batteries, which become UN3480Lithium ion batteries an

22、d UN3481Lithium ion batteries contained in equipment and Lithium ion batteries packed with equipment. The quantity of lithium metal batteries permitted on a passenger aircraft has also been reduced to 2.5 kgG per package; UN3090锂电池和UN3091-安装在设备上或与设备包装在一起的锂电池的运输专用名称,修订为锂金属电池,安装在设备上的锂金属电池和与设备包装在一起的锂金属

23、电池。 锂离子电池增加了新条目。UN3480锂离子电池;UN3481安装在设备上的锂离子电池或与设备包装在一起的锂离子电池。 锂金属电池在客机上的数量限制减为每件毛重2.5kg。􀃊Special Provision A69, which excepts from the Regulations articles containing a small quantity of mercury, gallium or inert gas has been assigned to Argon, compressed, Helium, compressed, Neon, compres

24、sed, Nitrogen, compressed and Xenon, compressed; 将特殊规定A69(指含有少量汞、镓或惰性气体的物质不受危规限制)分配到下述条目:Argon, compressed;Helium, compressed; Neon, compressed; Nitrogen, compressed; Xenon, compressed。􀃊UN1250, Methyltrichlorosilane and UN1305, Vinyltrichlorosilane have been revised from Packing Group I to

25、Packing Group II; UN1250-甲基三氯硅烷和UN1305-乙烯基三氯硅烷从包装等级I级改为包装等级II级。􀃊The entries for UN2031, Nitric acid have been revised. The current entry “Nitric acid, other than red fuming, with 70% or less, but more than 20% nitric acid” has been revised and now becomes “Nitric acid, other than red fuming

26、, with 65%, but 70% nitric acid” with a Division 5.1 subsidiary risk, still in Packing Group II. Then a new entry “Nitric acid, other than redFuming, with 20%, but 65% nitric acid” has been added. 将UN2031-硝酸做了修订。现在的“硝酸,非发烟硝酸,含硝酸大于20%,但不大于70%”条目,修订为“硝酸,非发烟硝酸,含硝酸大于或等于65% ,但不大于70%”,具5.1项次要危险性,包装等级仍为II级

27、。 新增条目“硝酸,非发烟硝酸,含硝酸大于20%,但小于65%”。4.4Special Provisions 特殊规定Where the wording of a special provision is equivalent to that in the UN Model Regulations, the UN special provision number is shown in parentheses following the special provision number. 因为特殊规定的内容与UN规章范本中特殊规定的内容相同,因此,特殊规定编号后在括号内增加对应的UN规章范本中

28、特殊规定的编号。 如A3(223),223就是UN规章范本中对应的特殊规定的编号。A45all of the existing provisions from A45, together with the changes to SP188 from the UN Model Regulations have been moved into six new packing instructions, PI965 to PI970 that apply to lithium ion batteries and lithium metal batteries when shipped as batt

29、eries, when contained in equipment and when packed with equipment. 根据UN规章范本SP188的修改,A45的规定全部相应移至6个新增的包装说明PI965-PI970中。新增包装说明分别用在安装在设备中、与设备包装在一起的锂离子电池、锂金属电池。A70against engines, internal combustion has been revised to identify also that if the fuel used in the engine does not itself meet the classific

30、ation criteria for any class or division, then the engine is not subject to the Regulations.A70-对于内燃式发动机,如果发动机使用的燃料本身不属于任何类别或项别的危险品,则此发动机不受危规限制。A112the substances that may be assigned to ID8000 and shipped as consumer commodities has been expanded to include UN3077 and UN3082, environmentally hazard

31、ous substances. A112-在归类为ID8000,按照日用消费品运输的物质中,增加了UN3077及UN3082,危害环境的物质。A146presently this special provision refers only to fuel cell cartridges containing flammable liquids. The special provision has been revised to address all fuel cell cartridge chemistries, including when packed with or contained

32、 in equipment.A146-目前仅指含易燃液体的燃料电池罐。修订后,适用于使用各类化学燃料的燃料电池罐,无论燃料电池罐是安装在设备中,还是与设备包装在一起。A161is a new special provision against UN3478Fuel cell cartridges containing liquefied flammable gas, UN3478Fuel cell cartridges contained in equipment containing liquefied flammable gas and Fuel cell cartridges packed with equipment containing liquefied flammable gas to identify that the fuel cell cartridges must meet defined design and test criteria.A161-新增的特殊规定。针对“UN3478-燃料电池罐,含液化易燃气体;UN3478-安装在设备中的燃料电池罐,含液化易燃气体,以及与设备包

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