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1、西湖作文之西湖醋鱼小吃作文450西湖醋鱼小吃作文450【篇一:杭州特色美食英文版】 附:杭州特色美食 hangzhou special delicacies 干炸响铃stir-fried beancurd rolls stuffed with minced tenderloin 从前有位英雄专点此菜佐酒,店里的豆腐皮正好用完了。英雄不愿败兴,听说豆腐皮在富阳泗乡定制,即上马扬鞭取回豆腐皮。店主深为感动,为他精心烹制,并特意做成马铃形状。从此,炸响铃就流传开了。 once upon a time, one hero specially ordered this dish for drinking

2、, and it happened that the beancurd sheet in the restaurant was used up. the hero was unwilling to be disappointed, and he immediately rode his horse and took back the beancurd sheet when he was told that the beancurd sheet was customized in sixiang township of fuyang. the shopkeeper was deeply move

3、d. he cooked the dish elaborately for him and specially made it into the shape of horse bell. thence, stir-fried beancurd rolls stuffed with minced tenderloin was made known extensively. 特点:色泽黄亮,形如马铃,松脆爽口。 characteristics: yellow and bright in color, horse bell in shape, crisp and dainty 西湖莼菜汤west l

4、ake water shield soup west lake water shield (brasenia schreberi jf gmel) is also called herb of rush-like bulrush and water lily leaf. its tender stems, buds, and leaf rolls are all covered with white and transparent jelly, in ricer contents of gelatin and other ingredients. according to determinat

5、ion, each 100g fresh water shield contains 900mg protein, 230 sugar, considerable vitamin c and a small quantity of iron substrate. if water shield is cooked together with crucian carp into soup, it has the efficacies of dissipating excess internal heat and stopping vomit, expelling heat toxin and c

6、uring abscess as well as removing sore toxins. west lake water shield soup is also called “chicken, ham and water shield soup”, and it is the traditional hangzhou famous food. 特点:莼菜翠绿,火腿绯红,鸡脯雪白,色泽鲜艳,滑嫩清香,营养丰富。 characteristics: emerald green water shield, bright red ham, snow white chicken chest, bri

7、ght in colors, smoot and tender in taste, faint scent in smell, and rich in nutrition. 西湖醋鱼west lake fish in vinegar sauce 相传古时有宁氏兄弟,满腹文章,隐居在西子湖畔以打鱼为生。当地恶棍赵大官人见宁嫂姿色动人欲霸占,施计打死其夫。弟为报仇向官府告状,结果落得一顿棒打。宋嫂劝叔外逃,行前特意用糖、醋烧制了一条西湖里的鲲鱼为他钱行,勉励他“苦甜毋忘百姓辛酸之处”,后小叔得了功名,在一次宴会上介然吃到甜中带酸的特制鱼菜,终于找到了改名陷遁的嫂嫂。于是,他辞去了官职,重新过起捕鱼

8、为生的渔家生活。 according to legend, in ancient times there lived the brothers of nings family who were well educated and retreated on the shore of west lake, making a living on fishing. high official zhao, the local scoundrel wanted to seize sister song when he saw sister song was good looking and charmin

9、g and played a trick to bring down her husband. the younger brother brought a lawsuit to the local authority for revenge,only to be cudgeled as a result. sister song talked over the younger brother-in-law to flee to some other place. she cooked a huge fish from west lake with sugar and vinegar for a

10、 special purpose to give a farewell dinner before his departure and urged him “to keep in mind the hardships of common people no matter in bitterness or in sweetness”. later on, the younger brother-in-law gained some meritorious fame. on one banquet, he restlessly tasted the sweet but sour specially

11、-made fish dish and finally found his renamed elder sister-in-law who was on escape. then he quitted the official position and restarted a fishermans family life. 特点:不用油,只用白开水加调料,鱼肉以断生为度,讲究食其鲜嫩和本味。烹制后鱼肉嫩美,带有蟹肉味。 characteristics: only boiled water plus condiments instead of oil used, fish moderately

12、done for a nice savory of its freshness and tenderness as well as original flavor, and the cooked fish tasting tender and delicious along with the flavor of crab meat. 南肉春笋home-made salted pork with spring bamboo shoots 此菜传说与苏东坡有关。苏公爱吃猪肉是很出名的,他写了不少关于吃肉的诗,但他更爱居室四周之竹,传闻他曾这样写道:“可使食无肉,不可居无竹,无肉令人瘦,先竹令人俗”

13、。有人就按其意写道“若要不瘦又不俗,最好餐餐笋烧肉”这就引申出“南肉春笋”这一菜的典故。此菜选用薄皮五花南肉与鲜嫩春笋同煮,爽嫩香糯、汤鲜味美。也许是这个缘故,便成为人们爱吃的杭州传统名菜。 the legend has it that this dish is related to su dongpo. the revered mr. su was very well known for his fondness of pork, and had written many poems about eating pork. however he had a better love for th

14、e bamboo around his living room. it is said that he once wrote: “i would rather eat without pork than live without bamboo, as i may be thinner without port, but will be vulgar without bamboo.” someone then wrote according to his meaning, “it may as well take pork braised with bamboo shoots for every

15、 meal, to be neither thin nor vulgar.” it is the literary quotations for the dish “home-made salted pork with spring bamboo shoots”. thin-skinned pork belly and fresh, tender spring bamboo shoots are cooked together, tasty and tender, aromatic and glutinous, delicious in flavor and delicate in soup.

16、 it is probably the reason why this dish has become a famous hangzhou traditional food liked by people. 叫化童子鸡beggars chicken 相传,古代有一个流落到江南的叫化子,一天由于饥寒交迫而昏倒,难友为他偷来一只小母鸡却又苦于缺锅少灶,就用泥把鸡饲包起来放入火堆中煨烤,剥开食时,竟意外地发现此鸡香气四溢,味道极好。后来这一方法传到酒楼,经厨师的不断改进,在传统制作方法基础上加以改进,选用肥嫩越鸡,以竹箬壳、鲜荷叶包裹,最外层包上酒坛泥,先用猛火,后改文火煨成。现制现吃,清香扑鼻,鲜

17、嫩可口。 according to legend in the past, there lived a beggar who drifted to the south of the yangtze river. one day, he fainted away from hunger and cold. his fellow sufferer stole him a small hen but he had no pot and cooking range. he then wrapped the chicken with mud and roasted it in the fire. whe

18、n he stripped off the roasted chicken and took it, he surprisingly found that this chicken was overflowing with aroma and in a wonderful taste. afterwards, this cuisine was passed down to wine houses, and further improved by chefs based on its traditional cooking method. fat and tender chickens are

19、chosen, wrapped with skins of bamboo shoots and leaves of fresh lotus, with the outermost layer coated with wine jar clay, to be roasted with strong fire before slow fire. the beggars chickens are freshly roasted and freshly taken, smelling faint scent and tasting delicate and savory. 龙井虾仁fired shel

20、led shrimps with dragon well tea 据说,乾隆皇帝有次在清明节时下江南,他游览了西湖龙井,茶农将新茶进献给他,他带回行宫,命御厨在炒“玉白虾仁”时放进茶叶,烧出了这道名菜。不久,“楼外楼”菜单上就出现了“龙井虾仁”这道菜。 it is said that once when emperor qian long came down to the south of the yangtze river at the pure brightness festival, he paid a sight-seeing visit to the west lake dragon

21、 well. the tea farmers presented new tea to him. he brought the new tea back to his dwellingpalace and ordered his imperial chef to input the tea when the “jade-white shelled shrimp” was fried, thus to have this famous dish cooked out. before long, this course of dish “fired shelled shrimps with dra

22、gon well tea” appeared on the menu of “louwailou restaurant”.此菜用料别出心裁,火候也必须掌握得恰到好处.制作时,厨师用油滑锅再下熟猪油后,立即放入上过浆的虾仁,约滑15秒钟,就倒入漏勺沥去油,再同用沸水泡过的新茶一起下锅,用料酒一喷,在火上一颠,就起锅成菜。 material is uniquely used for this dish and cooking duration must also be controlled to a turn. during cooking, chef shall put inside the s

23、helled shrimps pasted with seed powder of gordon euryale immediately after the pot has been smoothened with oil and lard has been placed inside, and pour the shrimps into strainer for to be removed from oil after they have been fried for about 15 seconds. they shall be again put together with new te

24、a that has been soaked with boiled water into the pot, be sprayed with cooking wine and be quickly tossed over the fire, then the dish is cooked. 糟烩鞭笋braised bamboo shoots in wine sauce 糟烩鞭笋杭州一只有名的传统素菜。后来,荤菜馆也仿效此法,除选用质量最佳的绍兴香糟外,将芝麻油改为鸡油浇淋,“糟烩鞭笋”从素菜变为荤菜,供应的范围也更广了。 braised bamboo shoots in wine sauce

25、is a well-known hangzhou traditional vegetable dish. later on, restaurants of meat dishes have subsequently also imitated this cuisine. chicken oil is poured into the dish instead of sesame oil in addition to a choice of best-quality shaoxing wine sauce, and the braised bamboo shoots in wine sauce”

26、is changed from a vegetable dish into meat dish, in a wide scope of accommodation. 东坡肉dongpo pork 老百姓赞颂苏东坡为地方办了这件好事,到了春节,都给他送猪肉,来表示自己的心意。苏东坡收到那么多的猪肉,把肉切成方块,用他的方法烧制,连酒一起,按照民工花名册分送到每家每户.他的家人在烧制时,把连酒一起送领会成连酒一起烧,结果烧出来的红烧肉,更加香酥味美,食者盛赞苏东坡烧法别致,可口好吃.众口赞扬,趣闻传开,后农历除夕夜,民间家家户户都制作东坡肉,用来表示对他的怀念之情。 the civilians g

27、lorified su dongpo for his good deed for local people. they present pork to him at the arrival of the spring festival to express their regards. when su dongpo received so much pork, he would chop them into lumps, cook them with his own cuisine, and sent them together with wine to each household acco

28、rding to the roster of the migrant workers. while his family was preparing the pork, “sending together with wine” was comprehended for “cooking together with wine”, which had allowed the braised meats to smell more aromatic and crisp and to taste more delicious. the eaters highly praised that su don

29、gpos cuisine was unique and his cooked pork was tasty. with public praise, the interesting story was spread out. on the new years eve of the chinese lunisolar calendar in the years to come, every folk family has cooked dongpo pork, to commemorate him. 宋嫂鱼羹sister songs fish broth 宋五嫂,本是东京汴梁人士,曾在东京汴梁经

30、营鱼羹菜馆。快人快语的宋五嫂见了太上皇毫不畏惧,对太上皇说:小奴本是东京人氏,是随着御驾来到这里的. 太上皇赵构闻听此言,不胜唏嘘,心想像她这样的草民,能够跟随他南迁临安,的确是大宋江山的希望。就命人赏赐给宋五嫂金钱十文,银钱一百文,绢十匹,仍令后苑供应泛索。从此,宋五嫂的鱼羹就被称作宋嫂鱼羹。 a native of dongjing bianliang, sister song had once run a fish broth restaurant in bianliang. the sister song was fearless at all before the emperor e

31、meritus and said to him that “i am a native of dongjing and i came here along with your carriages.” zhao gou, the emperor emeritus couldnt bear to sigh at this and thought to himself that it was really the hope of song dynasty that a civilian like her could follow him and migrate down to linan in th

32、e south. he then award the sister song with10 wen gold coins, 100 wen silver coins, and 10 pieces ofsilk, and furthermore ordered the backyard to supply refreshments.” since then, the fish broth of the sister song has been called “sister songs fish broth.” 鱼头豆腐fish head and beancurd soup 乾隆微服出访到吴山,逢

33、大雨,他饥饿交加,便走进一独居人家。屋主王润兴是一个经营小吃的小贩, 便把没卖出去的一个鱼头和一块豆腐加一些味料放进一个破砂锅中炖好给乾隆吃.乾隆吃好,觉得这菜比宫殿中的山珍海味还好吃.此后便赏赐他五百两银子,还提笔写了三个大字皇饭儿,落笔乾隆.王润兴这才知道他遇上了当今皇帝。从此,王润兴便把乾隆御笔皇饭儿挂在中堂,并有一副对联:肚饥饭碗小,鱼美酒肠宽;问客何处好,嫩豆腐烧鱼.鱼头豆腐也成为王润兴的看家名菜。 qian long went on a visit to wushan hill in his plain clothes and met a heavy rain. as he was ver

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