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1、educateNationalUNIT 5Part I Exercises for Passage A I. A. Spell the following words with the help of their meanings and the first letters.1. d_ n. the state of being short of, less than, what is correct or needed 2. im_ v. carry out or put into practice 3. d_ v. discover the nature of( a disease ) 4

2、. r_ a. in, of, suitable for the countryside 5. c_ v. fight or struggle against 6. il_ v. explain by examples, pictures, etc. 7. e_ n. a disease spreading rapidly among many people in the same place for a time 8. 1_ n. the state or condition of being able to read and / or write 9. im_ a. unable to b

3、e damaged because of special powers in oneself 10. c_ n. person who gets help or advice from a lawyer or any business- man B. Now complete the following sentences with some of the words spelled in A. Change the form where necessary. 1. The government is _ its program of helping the unemployed. 2. We

4、 must identify difficulties, examine them and_ them. 3. When once you have had the disease you are _from it for the rest of your life. 4. Her_ as an organizer were soon discovered. 5. If a lawyer has plenty of _ , he grows rich. 6. The doctor _ the illness as a unique skin disease. 7. Mass _ was onl

5、y possible after the creating of printing. 8. The teacher _ his lesson about France with photographs of the people who live there.II Comp|ete each of the following sentences with the proper form of the word given in brackets. 1. (educate) National wealth depends to a high degree on a countrys _ stan

6、dards. 2. (regard) Everyone has the right to live where he wants to,_ of the color of his skin. 3. (emphasize) The English course places great _ on speaking skills. 4. (threat) Noisy traffic _ our way of life in this village. 5. (race) There are serious _ problems in the United States. 6. (efficient

7、) The _ of the government received complaints. 7. (infect) She was afraid of carrying the _ to her children. 8. (alarm) The oil trade bill totals an _ $45 billion. 9. (recent) Tim was in southern China until _, but caught a heavy cold. 10. (establish) They tried unsuccessfully to reduce the size and

8、 influence of the military_.III Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with a correctpreposition or adverb. 1. The Chinese use chopsticks in place _ knives and forks. 2. Heart disease can be escaped if people risk take medical advice. 3. The solutions the questions are at the back of

9、the book. 4. Betty told me that she had signed to take a course at the local college. 5. Lets be pleasant and talk it over a friendly way. 6. After Father went away, nothing distracted me my sense of loss. 7. Tony continued to run away, regardless our shouts to him that he should return. 8. The army

10、 factory has been wiped by the war. 9. Workers and peasants make the majority of the population of our country.10. You must guard passing on disease to your family.IV Study the following phrasal verbs and do the following exercises.hand + ad. / prep. A. Match the meanings in Column B with the phrasa

11、l verbs in Column A. A B 1. hand back ( ) A. give in by hand; send in 2. hand over ( ) B. pass down by hand; assist to get down with the hand 3. hand out ( ) C. return, give back 4. hand in ( ) D. give up control of, change 5. hand down ( ) E. give out, spread around B. Fill in the blanks with the c

12、orrect prepositions or adverbs used in A above. 1. Will you please hand that book to me from the shelf ? 2. Please hand this letter at the office as you go past. 3. I havent managed to mark your papers yet. Ill hand them to you on Saturday. 4. At the Christmas party Santa Claus handed the presents u

13、nder the tree. 5. The thief was handed to the police.V A. There are four pairs of words below that are not easy to use correctly. Fill in the brackets in Column A with the words that match the definitions given in Column B. Emerge appear network net Solution answer effective useful A B 1. ( ) become

14、 seen; (of an actor, singer, lecturer, etc. ) come before the public; be presented to the public ( ) come into sight (from something that covers); (of facts, ideas) become known 2. ( ) busy set of many lines, pipes, wires, etc., that cross; connected set ( ) cloth of threads that are knotted togethe

15、r with big holes between; thing made of this cloth, for a special job 3. ( ) an act or way of finding an answer to a difficulty or problem ( ) something done in return; reply 4. ( ) helpful; producing good results ( ) having a major or desired effect; producing the desired result B. Fill in the blan

16、ks in the sentences with the proper form of the words used in A. 1. The sun _ from behind the mountain in the distance. 2. When it got dark, the stars one by one in the sky. 3. The man caught fish in his _ . 4. The country is covered with a of roads. 5. Lets put our heads together and find a to the

17、difficulty. 6. He could not give a clear for what I asked him. 7. Its to know several foreign languages when you are traveling in a foreign country. 8. Light clothes are in keeping cool in warm weather.VI Translate the following into English. 1日益增多的感染艾滋病病毒的人数 2艾滋病病毒携带者 3文化水平低 4分发有关艾滋病的宣传品 5实施阻止艾滋病传播

18、的计划 6创造性地使用资源 7用图片说明预防艾滋病的方法 8在青少年教育中起着至关重要的作用 9有助于父母理解孩子们所感觉到的源于同龄人的种种压力10这种错误说法困扰着医疗机构。VII Fill in each of the following blanks with one word. In each case, use the exact word that appears in your textbook. Since the late 1970s when AIDS was (l) in the United States, AIDS has killed more than 204,

19、000 Americans. Nearly half of those infected with the (2) are blacks and Latinos. Women and youth in (3) Southern Communities now (4) the fastest growing (5) of people with AIDS. Despite such (6) numbers, the federal and state governments have been slow in (7) _ programs to stop the spread of AIDS.

20、In place of government (8) , a number of local organizations have (9) One organization, the South Carolina AIDS Education Network, formed in 1985 to (10)_ the growing number of AIDS cases. The network spread AIDS information to schools, community groups and churches, and shared some lessons learned

21、in its battle (11) AIDS. These lessons are not the only (12) to the crisis but until there is a cure for AIDS, education represents the only safe measure to guard against the virus. Part II Exercises for Passage BI Fill in the following blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necess

22、ary. prior approach commence apart thrust haste positive compete spill mug mostly leap 1. A lot of blood in that battle. 2. Her blood test was , and then she knew that she had been infected with that terrible disease. 3. He carefully the house until he stood below the living room window. 4. The shy

23、child sat from the other children. 5. The young children were about in the grass. 6. John walked off his job without discussion with anyone. 7. It was reported to the police that the man in the hall of his home. 8. Students can their course on any date. 9. He enjoys a cigarette sometimes, but he smo

24、kes a pipe. 10. A new dictionary must be very good if it is to with the many already in the market. 11. The boss told his men that the work had to be completed with all possible _ . 12. She forward through the crowd.II Complete each of the followinq sentences with the proper form of the words qiven

25、in brackets. l. (vapor) If you a liquid, other forms of matter will be left behind. 2. (repeat) That is only a of what you said before. 3. (profession) The party was limited to people in the printing industry. 4. (fortune) Id like to help but I cant. 5. (adopt) His by the kind old man changed the bo

26、ys whole life. 6. (initial) _ she was against the plan, but later she changed her mind. 7. (embarrass) Forgive me, said he, with some , I suppose I should have come. 8. (confuse) If you try to learn too many things at a time, you may get _.III Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences wi

27、th a correct preposition or adverb. 1. He told a lie and was found _ . 2. Prior her coming here, she was in Paris. 3. To be prepared war is one of the most effective means of keeping peace. 4. These books are turning yellow, easily broken and almost falling _ . 5. She left great haste in order to ca

28、tch the train. 6. We all seemed afraid to say what was in our minds fear it might start trouble. 7. Theres no sense in worrying the boy. Hell be all right. 8. He thrust his spade the ground. IV Study the following phrasal verbs and do the following exercises. get + ad. / prep. A. Match the meanings

29、in Column B with the phrasal verbs in Column A. A B 1. get along (with)( ) A. make (an idea, etc. ) clear or understandable 2. get ahead ( ) B. (help to ) make contact by telephone, etc. with sb. 3. get through ( ) C. come or meet together; bring together 4. get over ( ) D. go ahead, advance; make p

30、rogress, relate well 5. get together ( ) E. start to work seriously on, deal seriously with 6. get across ( ) F. go well in advance 7. get down to ( ) G. triumph (a difficulty, etc. ) B. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions or adverbs. 1. The girl got well of the rest of the class in painting. 2. Those who wish to visit the exhibition please get at the gate at 8:30 a. m. 3. She was getting with her homework when I called. 4. I hope youll get being angry. 5. He has got his meaning to the audience.

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