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1、第一课 酒店礼貌用语酒店常用英语-称谓问好欢迎祝福致谢致歉指示.Basic English for hotel service称谓:1、 直接称谓:Mr.XXX, Mrs.XXX, Ms.XXX, Miss.XXX, Sir, Madam, Gentlemen, Lady, young gentleman.2、间接称谓:the lady with you, the gentleman with you, that lady, that gentleman.问好:1、Good morning, sir/madam 早上好!先生/夫人。 2、Good afternoon, sir/madam下午好

2、!先生/夫人。3、Good evening, sir/madam晚上好!先生/夫人。4、How are you today, sir? 回答:Fine.Thank you. (And you?)先生,今天一切都好吗? 很好,谢谢。你呢? 欢迎:1、Welcome to the Dongguan Royal Garden Hotel.欢迎光临外商活动中心。2、Nice to meet you!.很高兴见到你(们)。3、Were glad to see you again.我们很高兴能再见到您。询问/征询:(May I ,Would you like (sb). to do sth, Would

3、you like to do, Would you mind doing )1、May I have your name, please?请问您叫什么名字?2、Your initials, please?请问您的名字首写字母?3、May I have your first name?请告诉我您的名字。4、May I take your order now?我现在为您下单好吗?5、May I have your room number?请您告诉我您的房间号,好吗?6、May I have your signature, sir?here please.先生,请您把名字签这儿,好吗?7、May I

4、 know who Im talking with?(打电话时用)请问您是哪位?8、May I ask who is next?请问下一位是哪位?9、May I be of service, madam?请问这位夫人,我能为您做些什么?10、May I recommend our, sir?先生,我能为您推荐我们11、May I help you withmadam?夫人,我能帮您做12、Would you like me to book a for you?需要我为您订13、Would you like to sit by the window?您喜欢坐在靠窗边的位置吗?14、Would y

5、ou like to have a cup of tea?来杯咖啡如何?15、Is there anything else I can do for you, madam?还有什么需要我帮忙吗?16、How about a您觉得怎样?17、How do you feel about (How is your feeling about)对感觉怎么样?祝愿/祝福:1、Have a pleasant stay at our hotel, sir.祝您在我们酒店有个愉快的一天。2、Have a pleasant stay with us, madam.夫人,愿您和我们在一起开开心心。3、Have a

6、 nice day!祝您愉快!4、Have a good day.祝您愉快 !5、Have a pleasant evening.愿您拥有一个愉快的晚上。6、Have a good weekend!周末愉快!7、Enjoy your stay/day.愿您在这儿玩得开心。8、Happy New Year!新年快乐!9、Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐!10、Happy Birthday!生日快乐!对一般祝愿的回答:1、You too, Mr也希望您也一样2、 The same to you, sir/madam.希望您也一样。致谢:(Thank you for doing sth)1、

7、Thank you.谢谢。2、Thank you very much.非常感谢。3、Thank you for telling us.感谢您的慷慨陈词。4、Thank you for your compliment.谢谢您的赞美。5、Thank you for coming.感谢您的到来。6、Thank you for calling.谢谢您打电话给我。7、Thank you for waiting.谢谢您在此等我。8、Thank you for being so understanding.理解万岁。9、Thats very kind of you. Thank you very much.

8、非常感激。10、Thank you all the same.还是要谢谢你对致谢的回答1、You are welcome. Not at all! 不用谢。2、With pleasure.这是我的荣幸。3、My pleasure.这是我们荣幸。4、The same to you!.同样感谢5、Glad to be of service. Please (feel free to) contact us anytime.很高兴能为您服务,有需要请随时联系我们。致歉:1、Excuse me.不好意思,打扰了。借过。2、Im awfully sorry.我感到十分的抱歉。3、I beg your p

9、ardon, sir.先生,您能再说一次吗?4、Excuse me for interrupting.(不得不打扰客人时)不好意思,打扰了。5、Sorry to have bothered you.不好意思,打扰了。6、Im very sorry. There could have been a mistake. I do apologize.非常抱歉,这儿肯定是出错了。真的对不起。7、Im sorry. Would you forgive me, please.对不起。您能原谅我吗?8、Im sorry. Im being called.对不起,我得接个电话。9、Im sorry to ha

10、ve kept you waiting, sir.很抱歉,让您等了我这么久。10、Im sorry. The house/restaurant is fully booked.很抱歉。客房已满。11、Im sorry. We have run out of .我感到十分抱歉。我们把都用完了。Im sorry,sir (madam).对不起,先生(小姐)。Im very sorry.非常抱歉。Im sorry to trouble you.对不起打扰你了。Im sorry to have taken so much of your time.对不起占用你太多时间了。Im sorry to hav

11、e kept you waiting .对不起让你久等。Excuse me for interrupeing you.原谅我打挠你了。I hope youll forgive me.我希望你能原谅我。对道歉的回答:1、 Thats all right.没关系。2、It doesnt matter.没关系。指示:1、Let me show you.让我告诉您。2、This way, please.这边请。3、Please dial “0”, sir.先生,请按“0”4、It will be on your right hand side. You wont miss it.它在您的右手边,您一定

12、能够找到的。5、Go straight ahead.直走。6、Go down to the lobby.往下走到大堂。7、Please take the lift to the 3rd floor.请您乘电梯到三楼。8、Turn left/right at the first corner.请在第一个转弯角转左/右。提示:1、Here you are(递东西时)给您。2、Here we are.(到目的地)我们到了。3、There comes the taxi.(有的士来时)有部的士来啦。4、There he is.(发现要找的人时)他在那。5、Be aware of the ceiling,

13、 sir.当心天花板,先生。表示安慰:1、Dont worry, madam. Well see to it.(well take good care of it)夫人,别担心。我们会照顾它的。2、Ill look into the matter.我会调查这件事的。3、Ill be with you in a moment.我会很您在一起的。4、There is no hurry, sir. Take your time.先生,时间充足,请您慢慢5、It wont be too long, sir.先生,不会花您太多的时间。6、Please take you time, madam.(take

14、 it easy.)夫人,请不用急,请您7、Well let you know as soon as there is any available.如果真的还有空房,我们会尽快通知您。8、Ill report it to my manager.我将向我的经理汇报。表示乐意效劳:1、Very good, sir. Ill be glad to help.非常好,先生。我很乐意帮您。2、Certainly, madam. Ill be happy to do it.当然,我很乐意去做这件事。3、Yes, I will.是的。我很乐意去做这件事。4、Yes, certainly, just leav

15、e it to us, sir.当然。您就将这件事留给我们去做吧。5、My name is , if there is anything I can do for you, just let me know.我的名字是,如果有事需要我帮忙请告诉我。 表示婉拒:1、Im afraid such information is confidential.很抱歉。这是保密资料。2、Thats very kind of you, but no, thank you.你真好,但我真的不需要。谢谢。3、That wont be necessary, sir, but thank you all the sa

16、me.先生,这完全不需要。但我依然要感谢你。4、Im afraid we cannot do that.很抱歉。我帮不到你。肯定答复:1、Certainly, sir, I will bring it to you right away.(right now, at once)当然,先生,我立刻把它拿来给您。2、We do have available.我们保证切实可用。未肯定时的答复: 1、Im sorry I cannot guarantee, but Ill do(try) my best.对不起,我不能保证,但我一定会尽我全力去做。2、Im sorry, madam, Im not s

17、ure, but Ill ask my manager/the chef about it for you.对不起,夫人,我不能确定,但我将会问我的经理/厨师。3、If you wait a moment, sir, Ill try to find out.先生,您稍等片刻。我将调查清楚。否定的答复:1、Im sorry, there is no discount.对不起,我们不提供折扣。2、Im sorry, madam, Im afraid we dont have any available.对不起,夫人,恐怕我们没有可用的房间了。表示高兴:1、My pleasure, Im happy

18、 everything was to your satisfaction.这是我的荣幸,我很高兴一切都能令您满意。2、Im glad to hear that. 我很高兴听您这么说。表示遗憾:1、Im sorry to hear that.我感到很遗憾。2、Its a great pity.太可惜了。表示关怀:1、Did you have a nice trip?旅途愉快吗?2、Are you all right, sir?先生,一切可好?3、I hope you did not hurt yourself.我希望您不要伤害自己。4、Would you like to see the doct

19、or?去医院看看医生,好吗?5、I hope you feel better now.我希望您现在感到舒服些。表示谦让:1、After you, sir.先生,您先。2、You first, sir.您先走。请让路:1、Excuse me, please.不好意思,请让让。2、May I come through, please?请问能让我过吗?表示同意:1、Thats true.那是真的。2、Absolutely, sir.绝对是的,先生。3、Exactly, sir.千真万确,先生。表示不同意:1、Not really. Its good value for the price.并不是这样

20、的。它确实物有所值。表示明白:1、Yes, I see, sir.先生,我明白。表示不明白:1、Could you speak slowly, please?您能说慢些吗?2、Im sorry, I dont quite understand. Should I get the manager?很抱歉,我不是很明白。我能让我经理过来吗?3、I beg your Pardon?请您再说一遍好吗?告别语:1、Good-bye, and have a nice trip.再见,祝您一路顺风。2、Thank you for coming.感谢您的光临。3、Sorry, I have to go. Ni

21、ce talking with you.对不起,我不得不走了。很您谈话很开心。4、We all look forward to serving you again.我们期待能再次服务您。5、Hope you enjoyed staying with us.希望您能和我们一起度过愉快的时光。一、邀请与你牵手西方人的邀请一般比较慎重,他们一般不随便邀请别人到家里做客,也不轻易许诺邀请,一旦他们提出比较郑重的邀请,被邀请者则必须作出明确的答复。邀请的艺术表示邀请的常用句式有:1. Would you like to.?你愿意吗?如:Would you like to come to my birth

22、day party?你愿意来参加我的生日聚会吗?Would you like to go to the zoo with me?你愿意和我一起去动物园吗?2. I hope you can.我希望你能。如:I hope you can come to my birthday party next Sunday.我希望你能来参加下周日我的生日聚会。I hope you can go to the cinema with us.我希望你能和我们一起去看电影。3. Id / Wed like to invite.我/我们想邀请。如:Id like to invite you to my birthd

23、ay party.我想邀请你来参加我的生日聚会。Wed like to invite you to go shopping with us.我们想邀请你和我们一起去买东西。4. Will you(please).?请你好吗?如:Will you please come to my home, Mary?玛丽,请你到我家来好吗?5. Can / Could you.?你能吗?如:Can / Could you come to play football?你能来踢足球吗?6. Do you want .?你想吗?如:Do you want to come with us?你想和我们一起来吗?接受邀

24、请的表白1. Yes / Certainly / Sure. Id like / love to.是的,我很愿意去。(注:答语后面的“to”不可省略)2. Yes. With pleasure.是的,我很荣幸。3. Yes, Im glad to.是的,我很乐意。4. Thats very kind of you. Thank you. / Its very nice of you. Thank you. / That would be very nice of you. Thank you.你太好了,谢谢你!5. Id love to come. Thank you for inviting

25、 / asking me.我很高兴来,感谢你邀请我。不能赴约的婉言谢绝1. Thats very kind of you, but Im afraid.你真是太好了,不过恐怕。2. Id love / like to, but I have to.我很想来,但我不得不。3. Im very sorry, but I cant.很抱歉,可我不能。4. Sorry, but I cant. Thank you all the same.对不起,但我不能。可是我仍然要谢谢你。邀请到某人的高兴之情1. Im so glad you can come.你能来我很高兴。2. Its a real plea

26、sure to have you with us tonight.今晚能请到你们,真是太荣幸了。二、请求许可与你相约请求许可1.正式的请求用:May I ., please?语气十分委婉,意为“请问,我可以吗?”。如:May I use your telephone, please?请问,我可以用一下你的电话吗?2.非正式的请求用:Could / Can I ., please?意为“请问,我能吗?”在这种句式中,用could比用can语气委婉,显得有礼貌,而用can则指家人、朋友等不拘礼节的较为随便的场合。如:Could I open the windows, please?请问,我能打开窗

27、户吗?请求许可应答语* 同意请求的常用语:1. Yes. / Sure. / Certainly.当然可以。2. Of course, you may.当然可以3. Yes, please.请吧。4. Go ahead, please.请吧。5. OK. / All right.好吧。6. No problem.没问题。7. Yes, you may (can).可以。* 不同意请求的常用语:1. No, please dont.请不要。2. Im sorry you cant.对不起,你不可以。3. Sorry, Im afraid not.对不起,恐怕不行。4. Youd better n

28、ot .你最好别。5. No, you mustnt.不可以。6. No, you cant.不能。特别提示* 做某事可能引起对方不便或打扰别人时,常用:Do you mind if I do.?意为“如果我做某事,你反对/介意吗?”如:Do you mind if I open the door.我打开门你介意吗?对Do you mind if I do. ?进行应答时,如果表示“允许/不介意”,常说:No, I dont mind.我不介意/我允许。Certainly not / Of course not.当然不介意。No, go ahead.不介意,你干吧。Not at all.一点也

29、不介意。* 如果表示“不允许/介意”时,常说:Im sorry you cant .很抱歉,你不能。Im afraid its not allowed.恐怕这是不允许的。1. You look great today.(你今天看上去很棒。)【每天都可以用!】 2. You did a good job. (你干得非常好。)【国际最通用的表扬!】 3. Were so proud of you.(我们十分为你骄傲。)【最高级的表扬!】4. Im very pleased with your work.(我对你的工作非常满意。)【正式、真诚的赞扬!】 5. This is really a nice place.(这真是个好地方!)【随口就说、但效果很好的表扬!】 6. Youre looking sharp!(你看上去真精神/真棒/真漂亮。)【与众不同的表扬!】 7. Yo

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