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1、成教学位英语阅读理解答案整理阅读理解Exercise One In order to learn to be ones true self.1 obtain knowledge2 to carry it through to the end 3 mastery 4 spur us on to greater efforts5 success depends not so much on natural ability as it does on effort Earthquakes may rightly be ranked as one of the most destructive for

2、ces known to man.6 the panic brought about by earthquakes7 earthquakes may occur anywhere at any time 8 A worldwide earthquake warning network has not been put into use.9 is of some help10 getting prepared and handling the possible destruction beforehandThe accuracy of scientific observations and ca

3、lculations is 11 timekeeping methods12 more precise13 Scientific research.14 Atomic clocks will be important in space flight.15 A Peacetime Use of the AtomIn communities north of Denver16 A huge financial problem has arisen17 They pooled their efforts to help solve it.18 unthinkable 19 To see if the

4、re was a deliberate cover-up of the problem.20 keep people properly informed of the crisisExercise TwoVery high waves are destructive when they strike the land . 1 rarely 2 is liable to lessen3 influences the power of high waves4 variable 5 A submarine commander navigating his vessel at a depth of 7

5、00 feet will not be affected by araging surface storm.In Western countries people have been using the installment plan since the first half6 More than 10 percent American families buy things on installments.7 the buyer has to pay extra money as interest8 He will stop owning the item he has bought.9

6、people develop a good habit of saving money 10 ensure that people can pay for what they buy The idea of a fish being able to generate electricity strong enough to light lamp bulbs-or .11 the torpedos electric cells have a shape with six sides12 to complete the circuit, you have to touch the fish in

7、two places13 the mass of the fish decides the intensity of electric power it generates14 compared with those in the torpedo, the working system of electric plates in the eel is more direct and efficient15 Electric FishEngineering students are supposed to be examples of .16 intended to be a combinati

8、on of engineer and humanist17 broaden their horizons18 to be a technical genius with a wide vision 19 unrealistic20 engineering and the liberal artsExercise ThreeThe making of glass is a very old industry at last 4,500years old.1 light signals2 light must first be changed into electrical signals and

9、 then into sound3 Light-wave communication has been for civil use of about 30 years.4 glass fibres are less expensive 5 The use of glass fibres to carry telephone messages is an interesting new development.Many a young person tells me he wants to be a writer.6 warn young people of the hardships that

10、 a successful writer has to experience7 The chances for a writer to become successful are small.8 He hadnt seen a change for the better.9 who regret giving up their career halfway10 the state of uncertainty before ones final goal is reachedIf it were only necessary to whether to teach elementary sci

11、ence to 11 the educators have to take care of both ordinary and gifted students12 broken13 In order to teach effectively, educators are requested to lay emphasis on one particular field.14 sufficient attention should be given to basic knowledge15 Balance in EducationWe all know that DAN has the abil

12、ity to individuals but,.16 they are beyond doubt of common ancestry17 each individual carries a unique record of who he is and how he is related to others18 offering assistance in working out genealogy-related problems19 we can find the truth from their genetic markers20 An adopted child generally l

13、acks enough information to prove his identity.Exercise FourCars of 2050 will travel the nations highways in never-before-dreamed-of safety1 will use columns of air instead of wheels2 It will be influenced by weather conditions3 it travels a few inches above the ground4 Over waterfalls.5 create new t

14、raffic problemsTo the editor:6 Possibly, but more information is needed.7 he can then raise the tenants rent8 An amount equal to the rent increases in tax exemptions.9 their applications are not processed quickly 10 clearIn primtitive societies sick people had to rely on medicine men and witch docto

15、rs.11 dirty 12 to cause the spirits discomfort13 functioned in curing some diseases14 reasons unknown to the witch doctor15 Superstition is an ignorant persons explanation of things he cannot understand.We find that bright children are rarely held back by mixed-ability teaching 16 approving17 preven

16、ted from advancing18 total personality19 Pupil also learn how to participate in teaching activities.20 argue for teaching bright and not-so-bright children in the same classExercise FiveMans first real invention,and one of the most important inventions in history1 both B and C 2 simple 3 there were

17、no wheels in nature4 slice of log5 rolling the dead body of an animal on logsTere is no denying it 6 the brain differences between boys and girls7 Female babies are more sensitive to a mothers voice.8 manipulating three-dimensional space9 both A and B 10 their spatial sense is not so highly develope

18、d as mensGrandma Moses is among the most celebrated twentieth century painters of .11 Grandma Moses: A Biographical Sketch.12 keep active13 Most of her pictures are concerned about rural life.14 farming 15 noticedBy1970,according to a World Wildlife Fund report.16 protect tigers from being killed17

19、the tiger is not an efficient hunter as is commonly described18 expands as the tiger grows up 19 has been carried too far20 to have a matter-of-fact attitude towards Project TigerExercise SixLanguages are marvelously complex and wonderfully complicatered organs of culture1 Organs of Culture2 to begi

20、n by learning its body language3 non-verbal but nevertheless linguistic4 “Life is richer and more interesting if one knows several languages.”5 A language cannot function without its particular culture.IN Washington D.C.6 because it was to be the nations capital city7 made of gray stone8 planned by

21、the French9 because it had burned down during the war10 cover the marks of fireSporting activies are essentially modified forms of hunting behavior.11 have actually developed from hunting12 our forefathers changing into farmers was the result of social development 13 co-operating hunters14 hunting15

22、 Sporting activities satisfy the desire of modern man to exercise hunting skills which his forefathers developed for survival.Computers may one day turn night into day with good old,.16 giant17 They could be launched into space directly.18 could be made to adjust their angles19 save energy and deal

23、with emergencies20 gives an objective account of the mirrorsExercise SevenAmong all the changes resulting from the massive entry of women into the work force .1 womens participation in work2 all of the above3 many women lack courage or necessary training4 It has resulted from reasons other than her

24、intelligence.5 optimisticHenry Eord was born in 1863 in the state of Michigan.6 a car with bicycle wheels7 to build a car many people would have enough money to buy8 after his car won an important race9 at a meat-packing factory10 a good way to build modern carsOceanography has been defined as “the

25、application of all sciences to the study of the sea.11 a business aspect12 the company which proposed to lay undersea cable13 to measure the depth of cable what was needed 14 challenged15 the beginning of oceanographyDemands for stronger protection for wildlife in Britain.16 certain species of repti

26、les and butterflies in Europe need protecting17 he was presenting the park with a diploma for its achievements18 certain areas of countryside should be left undisturbed by man19 should be regarded as a place where nature is protected20 most nature reserves set up today are mainly for human recreatio

27、nExercise EightImagine reading one day that you had been a subject in risky science.1 whether it is moral to experiment on people without letting them know2 mixed3 Radioactive chemicals can cause bodily cells to grow wildly out of control.4 require to protect peoples right not to be tested without p

28、ermission5 favorableTo many people,.6 an area in Los Angeles and the movie business7 in Hollywood in 19188 great art in movie history9 outside Hollywood10 footprints and autographs of movie starsUnder the 1944 Act ,11 Scotland had to be responsible for its secondary and primary education12 children

29、under the age of 15 must go to school13 placed children into different secondary schools14 most children began to go into comprehensive schools after primary education15 it limited school enrollment to a certain district“We are not about to enter the Information Age .16 70million17 one who has never

30、 learnt to read18 the urgency of computer education19 how to use computers20 Those who want to use computers should know how computers operate.Exercise NineMany young people want to become pop-stars 1 fail to reach the top 2 is important to them3 buy the things they need4 travel around the country5

31、have quite a hard lifeIt seems to shine unchangingly ,6 might have a strong influence on the weather patterns7 They are actually black holes in the sun.8 thinks he has discovered a new possibility in the link between the sun spots and the weather on the Earth9 it is sure that the energy sent out by the sun will drop when more sun spots appear10 Magnetism and the Sun SpotsIf you want to stay young .11 why certain people age sooner than others12 Because t

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