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1、5AU3交往互动式教学设计全解第三单元单元分析序号内容个 人 设 计备课组集体讨论意见一单元教材分析1.内容的地位和作用分析本单元围绕的主要话题是介绍动物特征,通过学习小动物的外貌特征和行为能力,学习运用身体部位名词、形容词、动词和They haveThey can等句型,并将自己喜爱的动物特征用一个完整的语段描述出来。2. 本单元教学策略分析:文本中的长句 It has andThey have no or but they have是学生表达的难点。可以让学生搜集与动物相关的信息、玩具等,做教学的拓展和巩固活动等。文本中的长句 It has andThey have noor but th

2、ey have是学生表达的难点。另外教师可以结合学生四年级上册Unit8的五官和体貌特征的词汇,设计教学活动,鼓励学生综合运用这些词汇描述动物。也可以让学生搜集与动物相关的信息、玩具等,做教学的拓展和巩固活动等。二单元目标要求1.掌握并使用have和has的肯定句I/We/They have.和一般疑问句Do you/they have?Does he/she have?2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写的句型:I/We /They have., He/She/It has.3.能听懂、会说、会读单词和词组one.,the other., body, or,wing,rabbit,finger;4.

3、能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词no,leg,foot,give;5.能知道字母U在单词中的读音。1.能听懂、会说、会读单词和词组one.,the other., body, or,wing,rabbit,finger;2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词no,leg,foot,give;3.能知道字母U在单词中的读音。三单元设计意图对于表达自己喜欢的动物这样学生喜闻乐见的话题,教师仍然需要充分利用动画、儿歌、谜语等多种教学资源,组织学生开展听听连连、看看拼拼等学习活动,引导学生自习观察动物的体貌特征,正确运用have, has和can来进行描述,调动学生学习兴趣,在运用中学语言,在情境中学语言。本单

4、元设计目的让孩子能谈论动物;且会运用have/has ;会用do/does 提问;了解字母U在单词中的读音。四单元目标达成分析 学生能准确运用所学的单词和句型,描述自己喜欢的动物朋友,也能将之前四年级所学到的知识融入其中。交往互动式教学设计课题Unit3 Our animal friends教时第1课时日期9 月 27 日教学目标:1. 能听懂、初步表达、认读身体部位名词:arm, body, foot, leg, tail, wing。2. 能理解复述课文,初步使用They are./ItsThey have./It hasThey can./It canThey like./It like

5、s等句型,以4-5句话、合理的顺序组织语段描述某种动物特征。3. 乐于和同伴合作,乐于介绍自己喜欢的动物。重点与难点1. 能听懂、初步表达、认读身体部位名词:arm, body, foot, leg, tail, wing。2. 能理解复述课文,初步使用They are./ItsThey have./It hasThey can./It canThey like./It likes等句型,以4-5句话、合理的顺序组织语段描述某种动物特征。教 学 过 程活动板块活动内容与呈现方式学生活动方式交流方式Step 1Warming-up吸引注意,积累语言1. Free talkT: Hello, bo

6、ys and girls. Do you like songs? Lets enjoy a song: Head shoulders knees and toes.Listen, move and enjoy a song.师生交流,相互了解。通过欢乐的歌曲渲染学习氛围。感受新知,引出话题。Step2Pre-task导出目标,生成结构出示人物身体图片,提出问题: What body parts do you know?PPT热键出现四个身体部位单词 : car, farmarm; red, eggleg, look bookfoot. T: I have two feet. One is my

7、 left foot, the other is my right foot. 组织游戏:Quick ResponseT: Do you remember them? Try to remember. Lets play a game. Listen to me carefully and touch quickly. For example, “Touch your head”, you say “Touch my head” and do it quickly.S1: I know head.S2:I know eyes.(学生学过五官名词,可能会说歌曲里听到的和课外积累的,但主要学习今天

8、的四个新词。)Learn to read and understand the new words: body, arm, foot, leg.听听做做,快速反应: “Touch my ”温故知新,开放式问题激活学生思维,以旧引新,学习单词。用游戏巩固新单词。达成目标3Step3Task1回忆相关知识,初步运用结构1.T: You are so fast. Great! Now, attention. Touch your tail and wings.T: Do we have tails? PPT出示tail图片T: What animas have tails? What animals

9、 have wings?Ss: 疑惑。Ss: 理解新词, 学习回答We have no tails or wings. 练读单词并回答has a (big/ long/ short) tail.通过师生对话由游戏自然引出动物身体部位,从谈论人向谈论动物过渡。达成目标2、3Step4Task2呈现刺激材料,活用结构T:Animals are lovely. They are our good friends. The students are talking about their animal friends today. Look! Who are they?What body parts

10、do you see?What animals are they talking about?Who are their friends? Listen and match.Can you say it in another way?引导学生逐幅图校对,尝试用不同表达。2. T: Nancy like two fish. How does she talk about her fish?Please try to read her words.3. Work in pairs if you have any difficulties.(1) bodies(2) 示范朗读One is the o

11、therisThere are two doors in this classroom. One is open, the other is closed.Can you try to say a sentence like me?(3) What does this sentence mean?出现选择A: They have no legs. But they have two arms. B: They have no legs, and they have no arms.How do you know?4.T:The other three students have only on

12、e animal friend. How do they talk about their friends?Find some aspects they talk about the animals.板书句式,找出描述纬度。Theyre Mike/ Liu Tao/ Su Yang/Nancy.A dog/ rabbit/ two fish/ parrot.Check. Nancy has two fish.Nancy likes two fish.Two fish are Nancys friends.Work in pairs.Find difficulties.Focus on: bod

13、iesthe other They have noor.尝试表达:I have two rubbers. One is blue, and the other is white. I have two eyes. One is small, the other is small, too.Choose B. Tell in Chinese.(1) 根据上下文推测句意;(2) 根据图片信息推测;根据生活常识猜测。Read and find the aspect about animals.Tell in Chinese.(1) 总体印象;(2) 外貌细节;能力爱好。整体呈现语篇,听力理解,把握大

14、意和相关信息。鼓励学生用多种表达陈述同样的意思,丰富学生表达。通过阅读,获取相关信息,检验学生对阅读材料的理解程度。阅读理解方法指导。指导学生把握文章脉络,找出句式,把握思维走向,为描述学生自己的动物朋友铺垫准备。达成目标2、3Step5Task3引发期待行为,强化结构1、Different animals, different appearance. Now try to read the whole story about their animal friends. 2、Think and write( P 28), try to retell the text.Read the text

15、 together.Read in groups of four. (together, or role reading, choose the way they prefer)Fill in the blanks and retell the text.齐读、小组朗读课文。根据文本内容印象,填空,初步复述文章。达成目标1、2Step6Post task提供反馈评价,巩固结构T:Do you like their friends?I have an animal friend, too.示范:T:(课件逐幅出示body等身体部位的小图片,打乱顺序)(注意描述角度更丰富)Yes, it has

16、a small body.It has a big mouth.It has two strong feet. It has a long tail.It has no arms.But it has two wings.It can fly and talk.What is it? Do you know now? (出现鹦鹉的完整图片)Homework1. Listen, read and try to retell the text.2. copy the new words.3. Complete workbook P15.Listen and guess.An eagle? A pa

17、rrot?随着特征的逐步清晰化理解猜出答案: Its parrot! Prepare and try to describe an animal friend to all.从理解到运用,根据老师是示范,尝试描述自己喜欢的动物。达成目标4从听说读写各技能角度巩固本课所学内容,编写谜语为下节课做准备。Words bank:body 身体 leg 腿 arm 手臂 tail 尾巴 wing 翅 foot (feet) 脚 板书设计: Unit 3 Our animal friendsOne isand the other isThey have andThey have noorbut they

18、haveItsIt hasIt can 交往互动式教学设计课题Unit3 Our animal friends教时第2课时日期 9月28日教学目标:1、 复习上节课所学的词汇。2、能听懂、会读、会说并理解单词:have-has, doesnt=does not, 3、能够听懂、会说、会读句型:Do have ? Yes, do./No, dont. Does he/she have ? Yes, he/she does./No, he/she doesnt.4、能简单的用第三人称描述动物。重点与难点 1、能够听懂、会说、会读句型:Do have ? Yes, do./No, dont. Doe

19、s he/she have ? Yes, he/she does./No, he/she doesnt.2、能简单的用第三人称描述动物。教 学 过 程活动板块活动内容与呈现方式学生活动方式交流方式Step 1Warming-up吸引注意,积累语言1.T: Good morning, class. In the last class, we have learned the text. What is the name of the story? Can you describe your animal friends?2.Retell the story time I have animal

20、friends. Its.It has.Choose some pictures to talk师生交流,复习旧知。给出图片,自由选择,复习课文。达成目标1Step2Pre-task导出目标,生成结构Step 2: Fun time1.T: lets ask some questions about it.(教师示范)Do you have an animal friend, xx?Does it have.?2.T show some animal pets, make a dialogue with SsT: Look at the dog. Does it have four legs?

21、T: Does it have a short tail?T: Does it have long ears?Ss: Yes/ No.Yes/ No. Ss: Yes, it does.Ss: No, it doesnt.Ss: No, it doesnt.师生对话引出句型,在交流中学习新句型。达成目标3Step3Task1回忆相关知识,初步运用结构1.Ss make dialogue in pairs and do the survey on P30.2.Ask some Ss to show their survey.Work pairsXx has a parrot. It has a

22、long tail, a big mouth and two wings. It can fly and talk. Danny has a rabbit. It has ling ears, red eyes and a short tail. It can run and jump.学生小组合作对话,并完成表格。达成目标2、3Step4Task2呈现刺激材料,活用结构Step 3. Grammar time1、Fill in the blanks.2.Check the answer.3.Read the sentences .4.Look at P29 Summary the sente

23、nce: have对应的是:I, you, we they, has对应的是:it, he, she Dont = do not, doesnt = does not交往互动式教学设计课题Unit3 Our animal friends教时第3课时日期 10月8日教学目标:1.能够听懂、会说、会读卡通故事中出现的词汇:fingers, hard, give, Ouch!2. 能正确运用have, has和can 来进行描述宠物。3. 能够理解并掌握It has . . We have.It likes.用法。4. 能够整体理解并简单表演卡通对话。重点与难点1.能够听懂、会说、会读卡通故事中出现

24、的词汇:fingers, hard, give, Ouch!2. 能正确运用have, has和can 来进行描述宠物。3. 能够理解并掌握It has . . We have.It likes.用法。4. 能够整体理解并简单表演卡通对话。教 学 过 程活动板块活动内容与呈现方式学生活动方式交流方式Step 1Warming-up吸引注意,积累语言Step1. Warm up.1.Free talk.Do you have.? Does he/she/it have .? Do they have .? Yes, I do./No, I don.t.Yes ,he/she have./No,

25、he/she/it doesnt.Yes, they do./No, they dont.师生交流,复习旧知。Step2Pre-task导出目标,生成结构Checking time3.Draw and write.This is my animal friend.It is .It has . It can .Say the animal friend in groups.Draw an animal and write about it work in groups.让学生分小组写出各自喜欢的动物朋友,发挥小组合作,提优补差。通过小组合作,确保每个层次的学生都有语言能力提升的机会。达成目标2

26、Step3Task1回忆相关知识,初步运用结构Step3.Cartoon time.1. Talk about the pictures阅读故事,理解大意。教师安排学生阅读故事,画出含有It has .,让学生有目的地阅读故事。2.Say the sentences with” It has .”3. Read and answer:教师设计问题,进一步来检测学生的理解情况1) Who is their new friend?2) What can the crab do?3) How many legs and arms does it have?4) How is its body? Do

27、es the crab like cakes?Read the sentence: It likes your fingers.Line and read1)It has ten legs.2)It has eight legs.3)It has big arms.4)It has a big body too.The crab is their new friend.It can run.It has two arms and eight legs.Its body is big and hard.No, It like Sams finger.在老师的引导下自主阅读故事,先整体感知故事内容

28、,再细读故事划一划重要的句子,培养学生良好的阅读能力。达成目标1、2、3Step4Task2呈现刺激材料,活用结构 Imitate and remember1)T: This time, lets read the story after the tape. 2)T: Please read loudly by yourselves. 3) Read in roles. Read togetherRead by themselvesRead in roles师生交流,指导朗读,从而理解文章的趣味之处。达成目标4Step5Task3引发期待行为,强化结构Act in groups(Happy r

29、eading)两人一组分角色表演对话学生上台表演对话,在快乐阅读中理解故事的趣味。达成目标4Step6Post task提供反馈评价,巩固结构1.听写单词2.Summary本课所学内容回顾与总结准备默写We have learned(词汇和句型)梳理本节课的知识要点,帮助学生进行归纳总结整理。达成目标1、2、3、4Homework:1. Read and act Cartoon time 2. 课课练板书设计 Unit3 Our animal friends / under, fun, hungry, jump, cup, subject, lunch but, cut, funny, lucky, plusIt has . . We have. It likes. 交往互动式教学设计课题Unit 3 Our animal friends教时第4课时日期 10月9日教学目标:1.能正确、流利地表演Cartoon time。2. 掌握字母U在单词中的发音规律。3. 能够听懂、会说、会读词汇:bald eagle, polar bear, Canada, kangaroo, Australia.4了解中国和主要英语国家的特有动物。重点与难点1.能正确、流利地表演Cartoon time。2. 掌握字母U在单

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