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1、武汉理工大学研究生英语上册课后翻译Un it1:Schooli ngPassage OneI.Marva was a strik ing woma n with high cheekb ones and strong an gular features.在人群中,马文老师总是会显得很醒目 ,她有着高高的颧骨,瘦而强健。eve n因为2.Sle nder though not willowy, Marva was immediately discer nible in a crowdwithout the visibility afforded by her height-for she acq

2、uired a poise and sophisticati on that gave her appeara nee a deliberate style.马文老师瘦削而不软弱,就算她没有那么高,在人群中时还是一眼就能识别出来 她有着特别的镇静及教养,这些都使她有了一种严谨的风格 。2n Marva opinion, it was important to have a unique imprint.在马文老师看来,给人留下独特的印象是很重要的 。4.She was so determ in ed.,0r just pla in stubbor n.她意志坚定,或者说只是固执。5.There

3、 were exciteme nt buildi ng and Marva worked the mome ntum, like an en terta iner who felt the pulse of an audie nee.马文老师触动了孩子们兴奋的神经,她就像是一个能够触到观众脉搏的表演者 。Passage Two1.1 had a teacher once who called his stude nts idiots whe n they screwed up. He was our orchestra con ductor, a fierce Ukrai nian immig

4、ra nt n amed Jerry Kupch yn sky, and whe n some one played out of tune, he would stop the en tire group to yell.我曾经遇到过这样一位管弦乐指挥严师 。当有人弹错时,他怒骂他为白痴,当有人弹走音 时,他暂停指挥,怒吼。他就是杰瑞卡帕奇斯基一一乌克兰移民。2.The conven ti onal wisdom holds that teachers are supposed to tease kno wledge out of stude nts, rather tha n pound

5、it i nto their heads. Projects and collaborative lear ning are applauded; traditional methods like lecturing and memorization - derided as drill andkill - are frowned upon, dismissed as a surefire way to suck young minds dry of creativity and motivati on.传统的观念认为老师应该为学生梳理知识 ,而不是一味的把知识塞进他们的脑袋里 。作业和小组学

6、习都是倍受青睐的学习手段 。传统的方法,如讲授和背诵,都被讥讽为 钻杀”,被人反对,被贬为是用正确的方法来蚕食年轻一代的创造力和积极性 。3.Rote lear nin g, l ong discredited, is now recog ni zed as one reas on that childre n whose families come from India (where memorization is still prized) are creaming their peers in the Nati onal Spelli ng Bee Champi on ship.死记硬背

7、现在被作为解释来自印度 (印度人的记忆力让人赞不绝口 )家庭的孩子在全国拼 字比赛中大胜对手的一个原因4.The fear, of course is that failure will traumatize our kids, sapping them of self-esteem.当然,我们也担心失败会给孩子造成精神创伤 ,削弱他们的自尊5.The researchers had assumed that the most effective teachers would lead stude nts tokno wledge through collaborative lear ning

8、 and discussi on.研究人员曾以为,最有效的教学方式是老师通过小组学习和讨论带领学生学习知识 。Unit2 : MusicPassage One1n the workplace,music “aises performa nee levels and productivity by reduci ng stressand tension, mask ing irritat ing sounds and con tributi ng to a sense of privacy. ”在工作场所,音乐通过减少压力和紧张,遮蔽刺激的声音以及帮助产生隐私感提高业绩水 平和生产率”。2.Dr

9、.Loza nov proved con clusively that by using certa in Baroque pieces, foreig n Ian guages can be mastered with 85-100% effectiveness in 30 days, when the usual time is 2 years.洛扎诺夫博士最后证明了运用某些巴洛克音乐作品 ,外语在30天之内被掌握的有效性达到85-100%,而通常需要2年时间达到这个程度。3.These special music Mozart Effect pieces, recorded at jus

10、t the right tempo, activate t he left andright brain for the maximum learning/retention effect.这些具备莫扎特效应的特殊音乐作品 ,用恰到好处的节奏进行录音,激活左脑和右脑就可以达到最大的学习/记忆效果。4.For the first time, researchers also have located specific areas of men tai activitylin ked to emoti onal resp on ses to music.研究者们还第一次将和对音乐的情感反应相关联的

11、心理活动的特定区域进行定位 。5.Music is biologically part of human life, just as music is aesthetically part of human life.音乐从生物学上说是人类生活的一部分 ,正如它在美学观点上是人类生活的一部分 。Passage Two1.A new study dispels the no ti on cherished among certa in classes of America ns thatmusic improves a child in tellige nee.一项新的研究消除了某些美国人所珍视

12、的观点 ,即音乐能够提高孩子的智力 。2.To this point, only a few doze n studies have exam ined the purported men tal ben efitsof study ing music, and only five used ran domized con trolled studies, studies desig ned to isolate causal effects.对于这一点,仅有几十项研究检讨过传闻中的学习音乐对智力的益处 ,其中只有5项采用了随机对照研究,即所设计的研究将因果效应分离出来 。3.Although

13、 last ing no more tha n 15 minu tes or so, the effect was touted as a susta in ableboost to gen eral in tellige nee, with Georgia Gover nor Zell Miller in 1998 promisi ng more than $100,000 in funding per year to provide every child in the state with a recording of classical music.尽管这一效应只持续了 15分钟,但却

14、被吹嘘成智力有可持续的提高 ,乔治亚州州长泽尔米勒就在1998年承诺每年拿出超过 1000,000美元的资金用于给该州每位儿童提供一张 古典音乐的唱片。4.We dont teach kids Shakespeare because we thi nk it will help them do better on theSATs, we do it because we believe Shakespeare is importa nt.我们教孩子莎士比亚不是因为我们认为这能帮助他们在大学入学考试中做得更好 ,我们这样做是因为我们认为莎士比亚很重要 。5.Throughout huma n h

15、istory and an tiquity, music has represe nted an in tegral quality ofthe huma n ani mal, a com mon ality in every culture of the world in cludi ng music forchildre n.在整个人类历史和古代,音乐代表了人类这一动物不可或缺的品质以及世界上每一种文化 的共性一一包括儿童音乐。Unit3 CulturePassage One1.The Academie Francaise has for decades been the watchdog

16、 over the French Language.几十年来,法兰西语言研究院已经成为法语的监督机构 。2.Unfortun ately (or perhaps no t), the En glish Ian guage is not so protected.遗憾的是(也许不是),英语却没有受到这样的保护 。3.0ne hopes that no body took the advice literally.人们希望没有谁会去死抠这些公告上的字眼儿 。4.1 fear it can not be answered with certainty whether these actually i

17、llustrate a progressive use of En glish or are simply reflect ions of local usages.我恐怕还不能肯定地回答是否这些情况说明了英语运用的发展趋势或仅仅只是当地英语使用的反应。5.Nevertheless, I prefer see ing En glish develop as the lin gua franca around the worldrather than being suffocated for the sake of so-called purity by some ill-advised leg

18、islative process.尽管如此,我仍然宁愿看着英语在世界范围内向着混合语言的方向发展 ,而不愿看着英语被一些不明智的立法机构为了追求所谓的 净化”而受到扼杀。Passage Two1.It is estimated that 300 million Chinese read and write in English,but do not receiveeno ugh practice, but do not receive eno ugh practice, thus fueli ng the ofte n-ridiculed practice of Chin glish.据估计,

19、中国有3亿人用英语读写,但没有得到足够的练习,因此加剧了经常被嘲笑的中 式英语的使用。2.Just as the Rama n saw the diffusi on of their Ian guage over seized territory as a markof dominan ce,the moder n day equivale nt is a Ian guage label as a lin gua fran ca.正如罗马人将他们的语言在占领地域内的传播看作是统治地位的标志 ,当今相当于将一种语言作为通用语言的标签 。3.With the in teract ion of va

20、rious Ian guages that utilize differe nt phon etics and syn taxstructures,it is not surprising that the adaptation of English to other Ianguages will leadto many hybrid Ianguages that do not necessarily have proper ” English grammar andthat emphasize differe nt tones and inton ati ons that are uniqu

21、e to the home Ian guages.通过采用有着不同的语音的语法结构的各种语言的互动 ,英语改编成其他语言会产生很多不一定有正确的”英语语法的混合语,这强调了本土语言所特有的不同的声调和语调 ,这是不足为奇的。4.The emergence of Chinglish, among other Ianguages, and the efforts to rid the city ofChin ese En glish are short term adjustme nt, but in the long run it would not be surpris ingto see t

22、he no rmalizati on of ble nded Ian guages.中式英语从其他语言的脱颖而出 ,和摆脱中式英语的努力是短期调整 ,但长期看来,看到混合语言的规范化不足为奇5.La nguages are unique to cultural and historical con text, and preserv ing what is left ofthe world lin guistic heritage and wit ness ing the emerge nee of new ones are both importa nt in expa nding the

23、lin guistic melt ing pot.语言对文化和历史背景来说是独一无二的 ,保留剩下的世界语言遗产 ,见证新的语言的出现,都在扩大语言大熔炉的过程中至关重要 。Un it4 FilmPassage One1.However,does Disney stand for pure and innocent entertainment,or does or carryalter native motives that seem to be well-hidde n from the public eye?然而,迪士尼到底代表的是全然天真纯洁的娱乐 ,还是同时带有一些隐藏在大众视野之下的

24、别有所图?2.Critics mark the idea of n egative social in flue nces as one of Disney most ubiquitousproblems.评论家们着重提到迪斯尼最显而易见的一个问题是其所带来的一些负面的的社会影响 。3.The quantitative disproportion of male characters in Disney animated films needs to beaddressed if we expect childre n to be able to relate to appropriate r

25、ole models.如果我们期望儿童能对合适的榜样有所认同的话 ,就需要认识到迪斯尼电影男女角色在数量上的比例失调。4.The prevale nee of males in villa inous roles “hould be an alyzed for its pote ntialn egative impact on childre n and their relati on ships with cari ng male adults ”普遍的由男性扮演的反派角色 应该分析其潜在的对于儿童和有爱心的男性成年人之间关系的负面影响”。5.Critics have discovered

26、loopholes in the system that deserves proper exam in ati on.批评家们就能够在其体系中发现漏洞 ,并已进行恰当的检查。Passage Two1.Part of this came from his unique view of risk and return,which defied the short-termoutlook of his in vestors.其中的一个原因归结于他独特的对于风险和回报的 ,而这个视角让投资者无法看到表面上的短线效益。2.Disney persona combined nostalgia for sm

27、all-town American values with faith in thepote ntial of moder n scie nee and tech no logy to tran sform our lives.迪斯尼个性中同时混合了美国小镇居民怀旧的价值观和对现代科技必将改变人类生活的信念。3.The success of the film helped Disney promote the discipline of building a highperforma nee bus in ess culture that would con tribute to his co

28、mpa ny future triumphs.这部电影的成功帮助迪士尼推动了建立高端企业文化的原则 ,对公司未来的成功起到了重要的作用。4.0nly through the tale nt,labour and the dedicati on of this staff could any Disney projectget off the ground.如果缺少了才华、劳动和员工的奉献精神,迪士尼的任何一个项目便都无法问世 。5.He knew that for in tuiti on to mean anything it had to be impleme nted,a nd that

29、thisdema nded a comb in ati on of stri ngent an alysis and sheer hard work,backed up by the practical tale nts of the artists with whom he surro un ded himself.他知道要另直觉有意义,必须让它实现。而这需要一系列严密的分析及实打实的辛勤工 作,同时需要他身边的那些艺术家的真正才华作为支撑 。Un it5 InternetPassage OneI.The history of scie ntific discovery is peppere

30、d with breakthroughs that came about by accide nt.科学发现的历史充满了各种偶然的突破 。2.But a side-effect of this awesome efficiency may be a shrinking, rather than an expansion, of our horizons, because we are less likely to come across things we are not in quest of.但是这种惊人的效率的一个副作用就是我们的视界不但没有扩大 ,反而缩小了 ,因为我们和自己并没有在找

31、的事物偶遇的机会变小了 。3.Twitter is better at lead ing us to the in terests of people bey ond our social circle, butour tendency to associate with others who thi nk in similar ways what sociologists callour “alue homophily ”一means most of us end up with a feed that feels like an exte nded dinner party.推特我们很容易

32、地接触到自己社交圈子以外的人 ,但是我们还是有倾向于与自己想法相似的人交往。社会学家称其为人类的 价值类聚”,这意味着我们中大多数所获得的信息流就如同参加了一个延时的晚宴 。4.Drive n by the n eeds of advertisers kee n to hit ever more tightly deli neated targets, today internet plies us with releva nt ” in formati on and scree ns out the rest.由于网络广告商努力根据需要个人喜好调整其服务 ,今天的互联网向我们强制灌输大量 相关”信息,把所有其它信息都屏蔽掉了 。5.To update the Roll ing Ston e

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