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1、华师大三附中高二第一学期第一次月考精析版2018-2019华师大三附中高二第一学期第一次月考II. Grammar and VocabularySection A Directions: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for

2、 the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.They are the great modern designs that were built in the last century.u But due to a lack of proper protection, many of them have been destroyed. Luckily, some have stood the test of time. A national list of architectural masterpieces was rel

3、eased in Beijing on Sept 29 to remind people of (1) _ (disappear) heritage (遗产), reported China Daily. A total of 98 unique structures (建筑) have been included in the first edition of the 20th Century Chinese Architectural Heritage List. “Many of the (2) _ (include) structures have many stories to te

4、ll and have seen historical events, so they are alive,” Shan Jixiang, head of the Chinese Society of Cultural Relics, told China Daily. (3) _Chinas recent efforts to protect its traditional architecture, a lot of it has been destroyed, partly (4) _ there is not enough public awareness. “To architect

5、s, the buildings we designed are like daughters to us. We married off our beloved daughters only (5) _ (find) them not being taken care of,” Ma Guoyong, an expert at the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said in an interview with Chinanews website. The new list will make people realize the importance

6、of keeping more recent architectural sites for future generations. “When they restore them, they (6) _ be treated as cultural heritage sites rather than general construction. Otherwise, historical information (7) _ (lose),” said Shan. “Masterpieces of the 20th century prove that Chinese architects s

7、pirit and skills were passed down well,” he added. “And they deserve (8) _ (pass) on to modern times.”【答案】1. disappearing 2. included 3. Despite 4. because 5. to find 6. should 7. will be lost 8. to be passed/passing【分析】1. 考查非谓语,括号里是动词,所以考虑谓语还是非谓语,句中已经有谓语动词was released, 所以是非谓语,修饰heritage,表示正在消失,所以用d

8、isappearing2. 考查非谓语,括号里是动词,所以考虑谓语还是非谓语,句中已经有谓语动词have, 所以是非谓语,修饰后面的structure, 表示被包括在内的,所以填included3. 考查介词,根据上下文,得出句子是转折的关系,但是空格后面是短语,所以用despite4. 考查连词,两句句子中用连词连接,再看前后句是因果关系,所以用because5. 考查非谓语,括号里是动词,所以考虑谓语还是非谓语,句中已经有谓语动词married, 所以是非谓语,再根据only想到only to do表示意料之外的结果,句意通顺,所以填to find6. 考查情态动词,动词原形前面用情态动词

9、,根据句意填写should7. 考查时态语态,句子里还没有谓语动词,所以填写谓语动词,根据句意是一般将来时8. 考查非谓语,deserve doing=deserve to be done,根据句意是值得被传递下去Section BDirections:Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. consumptionB. shiftsC.simila

10、rD. recognizedE. linksF.approvedG. consequencesH. demandingI. commentSugar is as damaging and addictive as alcohol or tobacco and should be regulated,claim US health experts.According to a team from University of California, new policies such as taxes are needed to control increasing consumption of

11、sugar and sweeteners. Pro Robert Lustig argues in the journal Nature for major changes in public policy.Several countries are imposing taxes on unhealthy food; Denmark and Hungary have a tax on saturated fat (饱和脂肪), while France has (1) _ a tax on soft drinks.Now, researchers in the US are proposing

12、 (2) _ policies.The (3) _ of sugar has tripled worldwide over the past 50 years, with (4) _ to obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes.In a (5) _ in the journal Nature, Pro Lustig, a leading child obesity expert, says governments need to consider major (6) _ in policy, such as taxes, limiting sale

13、s of sweet food and drinks during school hours, or even stopping children from buying them below a certain age.Barbara Gallani, director of food safety and science at the UK Food and Drink Federation, said they (7) _the worldwide health burden of non-infectious diseases and agreed action was needed.

14、 “The key to good health is a balanced and varied diet, in the context of a healthy lifestyle that includes plenty of physical activity.”Dr Peter Scarborough of the British Heart Foundation Research Group at the University of Oxford, said taxing certain food products was something policymakers shoul

15、d consider. But he thought taxing only one type of food could have unintended (8) _, such as people cutting back on fruit and vegetables to save money for other purchases. “If you tax fat, salt and sugar, combined with subsidies(补贴) for fruit and vegetables, youll get healthier diets,” he added.【答案】

16、1. F 2. C 3. A 4. E 5. I 6. B 7. D 8. G【解析】1、F 此处填动词的过去分词形式,表明法国也同意在碳酸饮料上征税。2、C 此处填形容词,联系上下文,指的是美国的研究者们也推荐相似的政策。3、A 此处填名词。指的是糖的摄入量在过去50年内翻了三倍。4、E 此处填名词。表明糖的高摄入会与肥胖相关联。5、I 此处填名词。指的是在自然杂志上的一篇评论。6、B 此处填名词。表明政府需要考虑政策上的改变,比如征税,控制甜品的销量等。7、D 此处填动词的过去式。意思是他们承认这种非传染性的疾病在世界范围内造成的健康压力,并同意采取措施。8、G 此处填名词。指的是仅对一种

17、类型食物征税可能会产生无意识的后果,比如人们会在水果和蔬菜上减少开支以用于其他消费购买上。III. Grammar and Vocabulary Section A Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the work or phrase that best fits the context.It was only the other day when I asked my

18、self the question: Is college really necessary?The first of many (1) _ to modern-day college is the astronomical cost. Since 1980, American college tuition has risen by about 75.7%. Is education this expensive even worth it? It immediately prevents low-income, (2) _ families from considering college

19、. Additionally, these high costs have transformed college. Rather than being a heaven for truth-seeking and self-discovery, college is a(n) (3) _. I have no doubt that many of us, including myself, were too scared to admit the truth: students are merely customers.By no means am I declaring college i

20、nvalid (无效的) (4) _. College in its most natural form is a magnificent idea. Its a place that helps develop thought, deep discussions, questioning of societal ideals, and more. Today, however, fierce competition, (5) _ executives who are leaders and contributions of various colleges that are more con

21、cerned with wealth than the genuine advancement of the college, and money have (6) _ the very idea of college in America.Competitions between colleges has also created an atmosphere of constant construction, (7) _ improvement and rising costs. It seems like college and universities are paying attent

22、ion to their aesthetic (美学的) appeal more than they are hiring more qualified professors and obtaining more resources for student learning and research.An easy solution to the problems Ive listed is to skip college (8) _. The problem is that its not as easy as that. Society is (9) _ in such a way tha

23、t a college is not an option but is a requirement. There are few employers that would consider hiring an individual without (10) _ a college degree.Although Ive spent a considerable amount of time and thought studying the issues about modern-day college education, I realize the (11) _ of college. Th

24、e networking experiences, the amazing professors and the stimulating discussions make college (12) _. The people I have met and the organizations I have been involved in are incredible experiences. Had I not gone to college, Im not sure if I would have landed my summer internships and fellowships. T

25、herefore, I am suggesting a(n) (13) _ and not a transformation of college.Lastly, and most simply, we must remember what college is and why we have it. College is a place to (14) _ critical thinking, analysis, doubt, and inspiration in the minds of our nations young people. College should be the hom

26、e of new thought. Only after we realized the true values of college can we begin to (15) _ its completeness and soundness.1. A. discoveries B. disadvantages C. consequences D. principles2. A. defending B. celebrating C. struggling D. fighting3. A. exhibition B. entertainment C. impression D. investm

27、ent4. A. in public B. in general C. in advance D. in danger5. A. business-minded B. open-minded C. absent-minded D. narrow-minded6. A. polluted B. presented C. emphasized D. ensured7. A. specialized B. enormous C. artificial D. crucial8. A. entirely B. widely C. steadily D. directly9. A. restored B.

28、 founded C. recognized D. structured10. A. at most B. at first C. at least D. at last11. A. significance B. benefits C. strength D. status12. A. responsible B. complicated C. ridiculous D. worthwhile13. A. adaptation B. devotion C. adjustment D. security14. A. cultivate B. encourage C. convince D. e

29、ducate15. A. deserve B. preserve C. reserve D. reverse【答案】1.B 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.A 6. A 7.C 8.A 9.D 10.C 11. B 12.D 13.C 14.A 15.B【解析】1、B 根据下文,指的是当代大学教育的缺点之一就是昂贵的费用。A探索发现;C后果;D原则。2、C 联系前文,形容使得低收入、在贫困中努力奋斗的家庭不会去想到进入大学学习。A防御;B庆祝;D战斗。3、D 根据前文,表明大学已不是求真探索的地方了,而是一项投资,即更偏向利益化。A展览;B娱乐;C印象。4、B 从整句话理解,意思是我并不是说大学总

30、体上是无效的。A公开地;C提前;D处于危险中。5、A 根据下文,表明如今激烈的竞争和商业头脑的领导更关注于财富价值。B开放思维的;C心不在焉的;D视野狭窄的。6、A 联系上下文,这种以金钱为目的的行为和观念玷污了大学本身应有的价值观。B展现;C强调;D确保。7、C 根据下文,指的是人工地对校园进行美化,为了使大学更吸引人而把更多的资金投入在校园建筑上。A专门的;B巨大的;D关键的,极重要的。8、A 联系下文,指的是我并不是意味着要完全放弃大学。B广泛地;C稳定地;D直接地。9、D 联系上下文,想要完全放弃大学在当今这个社会来说是不现实的,因为社会的构成体现出大学是一个必然的要求。A恢复;B建立

31、;C承认,识别。10、C 根据整句话,指的是如果你连最起码的大学文凭都没有的话,几乎没有企业会考虑你,说明你至少要有大学文凭。A最多;B起先;D最后。11、B 根据下文,我提出了大学的几项优点。A重要性;B力量;D地位。12、D 根据上文,优秀的教授,激发思维的探讨等都是大学带来的好处,是值得我们去学习的。A负责的;B复杂的;C可笑的。13、C 联系上下文,因此,我建议对大学要做出调整,而不是彻底改变它。A适应;B奉献;D安全。14、A 根据下文以及词组间的搭配,意思是大学是一个培养年轻人的批判思维,分析和质疑能力,激发灵感的一个地方。B鼓励;C确信;D教育。15、B 联系上文,只有我们意识到了大学的真正价值后,我们才能保护好它的完整性和公正感,使它免受于过多利益的干扰。A值得;C储备,预订;D颠倒反转。Section B Directions: Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them are fou

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