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1、赖斯的演讲加翻译赖斯的演讲加翻译As we work for a more just economic order, we must also work to promote a freer and more democratic world a world that will one day include a democratic Cuba, a democratic Burma, and a fully democratic Middle East.当我们要想建立一个公平的经济秩序,同时我们也必须得努力去营造一个更自由、更民主的世界,这个世界将包含一个民主的古巴、缅甸和完全民主的中东。N

2、ow, this emphasis on democracy in the Middle East is controversial, I admit, and some would say, “Well, weve actually made the situation worse.”如今中东的民主已经变得有争议了,我承认这一点。因此可能就会有人说:好吧,我们让情况变得更糟了。I would ask: Worse compared to what?而我不禁想反问他们:比什么更糟了?Worse than when the Syrian army occupied Lebanon for nea

3、rly 30 years? Worse than when the Palestinian people could not hold their leaders accountable, and watched as a chance for peace was squandered and evaporated into the second intifada?比叙利亚军队侵占黎巴嫩将近30年更糟糕吗?能比巴勒斯坦人民再也不相信他们的政府且眼睁睁地看着和平的机会被浪费了并再次进入混乱更糟嘛?Worse than the tyranny of Saddam Hussein at the he

4、art of the Middle East, who terrified his neighbors and whose legacy is the bodies of 300,000 innocent people that he left in unmarked mass graves?能比萨达姆侯赛因在中东的暴行,如恐吓其邻国,它的遗产是那无名坟冢中的三十万具无辜的尸体,能比这更糟糕么?Or worse perhaps than the false stability which masked a freedom gap, spawned hopelessness, and fed h

5、atreds so deep that 19 men found cause to fly airplanes into American cities on a fine September morning?或者是这虚假的稳定掩饰了自由的鸿沟,给人们带来无望,同时带来的仇恨之深以至于19个人在一个美好的九月的早晨空袭了美国城市,能比这更糟嘛?No, ladies and gentlemen, the past order in the Middle East is nothing to extol, but it does not make the challenges of the pre

6、sent less difficult. Even when you cherish democratic ideals, it is never easy to turn them into effective democratic institutions. This process will take decades, and it will be driven, as it should be, and as it only can be, by courageous leaders and citizens in the region.没有,女士们先生们,中东过去的秩序并不值得赞扬,

7、但其现今所面临的挑战也并不因此而减轻,把民主制度付诸行动也并不是一件容易的事。这一过程将需要数十年的时间,并且将由也只会由这个城市的勇敢的领导者们和市民们推进!Different nations will find ways to express democratic values that reflect their own cultures and their own ways of life. And yet the basics are universal and we know them that men and women have the right to choose thos

8、e who will govern them, to speak their minds, to worship freely, and to find protection from the arbitrary power of the state.不通国家将会找到表达其民主观念的方式,且这将反映出他们国家自己的文化和其人民自己的生活方式。这些基本观念是众所周知的,那就是男性和女性都有权选择谁来统治他们、有权诉说自己的观点、有崇拜自由权和有权从国家的强权里寻求保护。The main problem for democracy in the Middle East has not been t

9、hat people are not ready for it. The problem is that there are violent forces of reaction that cannot be allowed to triumph.中东主要的民主矛盾并不是人们还没准备好接受民主,而是过激的反应而导致人们不能取得最终的胜利。The problem is that too many Lebanese journalists and parliamentarians are being assassinated in a campaign of intimidation, and t

10、hat the Lebanese have not been permitted to elect their president freely.问题是有太多的丽娜嫩记者和国会议员在恐怖行动中被刺杀了,这也就是为什么黎巴嫩未能选出其总统的原因。The problem is that too many peaceful human rights activists, and journalists, and bloggers are sitting in prison for actions that should not be considered crimes in any country.

11、问题是存在有太多的人权激进分子、记者和博客进了监狱,而他们所做的在任何国家都不能构成罪名。The problem is not that a group like Hamas won one free election; it is that the leaders of Hamas still refuse to make the fundamental choice that is required for any democracy to function: You can be a political party, or you can be a terrorist group, yo

12、u cannot be both.问题是没有能像哈马斯这样的团体一样能够赢得自由选举。哈马斯的领导者仍然拒绝做出能够使民主生效的决定:你可以成为一个政治团体,或者你也可以变成一个恐怖组织,二者不能兼得。We should be under no illusions that the challenges in the Middle East will get any better if we approach them in a less principled fashion. In fact, the only truly effective solutions to many of the

13、se challenges will emerge not in spite of democracy, but because of it.我们对中东所面临的挑战能够变好不要抱任何幻想,如果我们去达成这个目标时没有原则的话。而事实是,唯一能够真正有效地解决这些挑战的办法将会涌现,尽管没有民主,而是因为民主的存在才会这样。Democracy is the most realistic way for diverse peoples to resolve their differences, and share power, and heal social divisions without v

14、iolence or repression.民主是人们解决分歧、共享权利和不通过武力或镇压来完善社会差异的最有效的方式。Democracy is the most likely way to ensure that women have an equal place in society and an equal right to make the basic choices that define their lives.民主是最能够确保女性能够有平等的社会地位和平等的权利来做出维护她们的生活的基本决定的方式。And democracy is the most realistic path

15、to lasting peace among nations. In the short run, there will surely be struggles and setbacks. There will be stumble and even falls. But delaying the start of the democratic enterprise will only mask tensions and breed frustrations that will not be suppressed forever.民主还是能够实现国家之间的长久和平的最佳方法。而短期内,迷住必然

16、将会遇到困难、挫折、停顿甚至是倒退。但是民主的延迟实现所带来的紧张和沮丧不会永远持续下去。Now this brings us, finally, to the matter of diplomacy. Do optimism and idealism play a role in this endeavor, which is by its very nature the art of the possible? Is it as Lord Palmerston said that “nations have no permanent enemies and no permanent all

17、ies, only permanent interests?”而现在这一过程给我们带来的最终会是一系列外交事宜。乐观主义与理想主义在民主的实现过程中也做出了贡献,但是这会是实现民主这一可能性的本质么?是不是正如真主帕默斯顿说的那样:国家之间没有永久的敌人也没有永久的朋友,只有永久的利益呢?Well, I can assure you that America has no permanent enemies, because we harbor no permanent hatreds. The United States is sometimes thought of as a nation

18、 that perhaps does not dwell enough on its own history. To that, I say: Good for us. Because too much focus on history can become a prison for nations.那么我能很明确地告诉你美国没有永久的敌人,这是因为我们没有永久的仇恨。美国有时被认为是一个不是那么吸取历史经验的国家。鉴于此我想说,还好我们是这样做了,因为太过于注重历史就被被其禁锢住。Diplomacy, if properly practiced, is not just talking fo

19、r the sake of talking. It requires incentives and disincentives to make the choice clear to those with whom you are dealing that you will change your behavior if they are willing to change theirs. Diplomacy can make possible a world in which old enemies can become, if not friends, then no longer adv

20、ersaries.民主,如果我们合理实施的话,就不能只说不做了。这就需要约束与激励来让你对于你交往的人做出明确的选择,因为于你交往的人如果要改变他们自己的话这也会影响你的行为。Consider the case of Libya. Just a few years ago, the United States and Libya were locked in a state of hostility. But as Libya has chosen to reject terrorism, to renounce its pursuit of weapons of mass destructi

21、on, and to rejoin the international community, the United States has reached out, and today, though we still have our differences, we have nothing to fear from one another.就拿利比亚的例子来说。就在几年前,美国与利比亚处于敌对状态。但随着利比亚选择决定反恐时,决定放弃追求大规模杀伤性武器和加入国际社会时,美国也决定伸出援手。到如今,即使我还是存在着差异,但是我们却不会害怕彼此了。The United States is bu

22、ilding a similarly positive relationship with Vietnam, which would have been unthinkable 30 years ago and of course with China, we have built a productive relationship that redounds to the benefits of both our peoples.美国与越南建立了同样积极的关系,这在30年前是无法想象的,美国与中国的关系也是一样,我们已经建立了一个富有成效的关系,对我们两国人民都有好处。But perhaps

23、 nowhere is it clearer that we have no permanent enemies than in our relationship with Russia. Ladies and gentlemen, the recent talk about a new Cold War is hyperbolic nonsense. Our relations today are fundamentally different than they were when all we shared was the desire to avoid mutual annihilat

24、ion.但是我们与俄罗斯之间的关系可能是最好证明我们没有永久敌人的这一特点。女士们先生们,最近有关美国与俄罗斯之间的冷战一说简直是无稽之谈。比起之前我们互相共享以此来避免相互之间的毁灭的关系来,我们现在的关系已经根本上不同了。The fact is that the United States and Russia are working constructively today on many issues of mutual interest from counter-proliferation, to counter-terrorism, to the pursuit of peace

25、in the Middle East. And we are determined to remember this, even when we hear unwise and irresponsible rhetoric from Russia itself that harkens back to an earlier time.事实上是美国与俄罗斯为了共同的利益而做了许多有建设性的工作,这些从反扩散到反对恐怖主义,再到寻求中东的和平。且我们也决定铭记这一点,即使我们听到来自俄罗斯的不明智和不负责任的言论,这些言论会让两国关系回归到一个更早的时间。To be sure, there hav

26、e been disappointments. Though we recognize that Russians today enjoy considerable personal and economic freedom, we believe that Russias greatness will ultimately be secured best through greater political freedom for its people and through the establishment of strong institutions that check the pow

27、er of the state, rather than serve the interests of a few.诚然,这其中也包括沮丧。即使我们知道如今的俄罗斯享有大量的个人和经济自由时,我们仍然以为俄罗斯的伟大最终将能够捍卫得最好,而这是通过给予人们更大的政治自由,通过建立强有力的机构来衡量国力,而不是为少数人的利益服务的方式来达到。We also believe that Russia should contribute to a transparent and open global energy economy, not a monopolistic one. But whatev

28、er the difficulties, no one can imagine a world in which the absence of U.S.-Russian cooperation will make any of our challenges easier to solve.我们同时也相信俄罗斯应该对透明且开放的全球能源经济做出贡献,而不是对其进行垄断。但是不管是什么困难,我们无法想象想象在一个没有美国与俄罗斯合作的世界里,我们所面临的任何挑战能够更容易地解决。It is because America desires no permanent enemies that we c

29、an imagine a better relationship with North Korea, and we are working to build it through the Six Party Talks. North Korea is disabling its Yongbyon nuclear facility, but there are other obligations that have yet to be met and must be, including the provision of a complete and accurate declaration o

30、f all nuclear programs and activities.由于美国不渴望永久的敌人,因此我们想与朝鲜建立更好的关系,且我们希望在六方会谈期间就能解决。朝鲜朝鲜正在废除其核设施,但是其还有其他的义务没有履行,但是其必须履行,这包括包括提供一个完整的和准确的有关所有核项目和活动声明。Still, we continue to believe that we can use the Six Party Talks for even larger purposes: to finally end the conflict on the Korean Peninsula; to for

31、ge a mechanism for security cooperation in Northeast Asia; to make peninsular issues a source of regional cooperation, not conflict; and to improve relations between North Korea and the international community, which would benefit no one more than the North Korean people themselves.我们仍然坚信我们能够以六方会谈来达

32、成更大的目标:如终结朝鲜半岛的冲突、建立亚洲东北的安全合作机制、实现半岛问题的来源区域合作,且不冲突、且要改善朝鲜于国际社会之间的关系,这将不仅仅只是对朝鲜人民有好处。Let me assure you that the United States also has no desire to have a permanent enemy in Iran, even after 29 years of difficult history. Iranians are a proud people with a great culture, and we respect the contributions that they have made to world civilization. We have no conflict with Irans people, but we have real differences with Irans government from its support for terrorism, to its destabilizing policies in Iraq, to its pursuit of technologies that could lead to a nucl

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