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1、高三高考模拟四英语试题含答案高三高考模拟四英语试题含答案 2021年高三高考模拟(四)英语试题含答案 第 I卷(选择题 共 50 分)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30分)第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5分。满分 7.5 分)听下面 5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C、三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1How much is the membership card for the man?AAs usual BCheaper than usual CFree 2How

2、 is Rose going to school?AOn foot BBy bike CBy car 3What does the woman worry about?AThe food BThe weather CThe storms 4What does the man mean?AThe teacher is thinner than before BThe teacher is fatter than before CThe teacher is as fat as before 5How many items have been sold?ATen BOne CNone 第二节(共

3、15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 225分)听下面 5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6段材料,回答第 6 至 8题。6What is the weather like in the mans hometown?AIts rainy and cold BIts windy and cold CIts very hot 7Whats the weather like in spring

4、in Beijing?AIts rainy and cold BIts windy and warm CIts windy and cold 8Where does the weather change very quickly?AIn the mans hometown BIn the womans hometown CIn the mans wifes hometown 听第 7段材料,回答第 9 至 11题。9When did the woman e to China?AAt the age of five BAt the age of fifteen CAt the age of tw

5、enty-four 10What do we know about the woman?AShe is a teacher BShe will go to Paris next year CShe came to China with her sister 11Where does the woman e from?AFrance BAmerica CEngland 听第 8段材料,回答第 12 至 14题。12What does the man do?AA teacher BA student CA businessman 13What will Jane do tomorrow?ATo g

6、o sightseeing with her aunt BTo have dinner at the mans CTo meet her aunt at the station 14What do we know about Janes aunt?AShe has been to the city twice BShe knows the man and his wife CShe is an expert in history 听第 9段材料,回答第 15 至 17题。15Why is the man beginning to lose his hair?AIt has something

7、to do with the family gene(基因)BHe cant sleep well every night CHe cant find a shampoo that suits him 16How old is the man?A18 B28 C30 17What suggestion does the woman offer to the man?AWashing his hair very often BAccepting the fact CUsing another kind of shampoo 听第 10段材料,回答第 18 至 20题。18What does th

8、e speaker do?AA radio host BA TV host CA tour guide 19What do we know from the third piece of online-shoppings advantage?AThere are no transportation costs BIts a 24-hour service CYou can buy all you want in one place 20How many e-mail replies support online-shopping?A300 B120 C180 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分

9、40分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2分,满分 30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A Using a puter or smartphone at night can cause us to pile on the pounds,new research has revealed The study found a link between blue light exposure(blue light is produced by smartphones and puters)and increased hungerI

10、t found that exposure to blue light increases hunger levels for several houus and even increases hunger levels after eating a mealBlue light exposure has also already been shown to cause decreased sleepiness in the evening,increasing the risk of sleeplessness The leading researcher,Ivy Cheung,from N

11、orthwestern University in Chicago,said,“A single three-hour exposure to blue-enriched light in the evening greatly affected hunger and metabolism(新陈代谢)These results are important because they suggest that controlling environmental light exposure for humans may represent a novel approach of influenci

12、ng food intake patterns and metabolism”The study group consisted of 10 healthy adults with regular sleep and eating schedules.They pleted a four-day trial under dim(昏暗的)light conditions,which involved exposure to less than 20 lux(勒克斯,照明单位)during 16 hours awake and less than 3 lux during eight hours

13、of sleepOn the third day they were exposed to three hours of 260 lux,blue-enriched light starting10.5 hours after waking upand the effects were pared with dim light exposure.Ivy Cheung said more research is needed to determine the functions involved in the relationship between light exposure,hunger

14、and metabolism 21What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?AHow blue light exposure affects hunger BWhy blue light exposure influences sleepiness CWhat is the link between blue light exposure,hunger and sleepiness DWho has found the effects of blue light exposure on hunger and sleepiness 22The underlined wor

15、d“novel”in the third paragraph probably means“_”.Aunusual Bunforgettable Ctemporary Dcontroversial 23What can we learn from the passage?ABlue light exposure can make us lose weight at night BBlue light exposure has no effect on sleeplessness CThe researchers drew their conclusion by paration DIvy Ch

16、eung has found the relationship between light exposure and hunger 24Where would you be most likely to find the passage?AOn a notice board BIn a health magazine COn a business website DIn a college newspaper B Even the hardest days contain lessons that will help you be a better personFeeling down?Con

17、sider these things to remember when youre having a bad day No one promised life would be perfectIf you look for perfection,you11 never be contentDont condition your happiness on meeting every expectation you set for yourselfIt is good to be ambitious,but you11 never be perfectIf you expect otherwise

18、,your life will be filled with disappointments Success doesnt happen overnightTrees that are slow to grow bear the best fruitDont kid yourself into thinking success will e quicklyIt isnt easy to be patient,but anything worth doing requires timeIf you get frustrated,remind yourself why your goal is i

19、mportant There is a lesson in every struggleAnd once the storm is over,you wont remember how you made it through or how you managed to surviveBut one thing is certainWhen you e out of the stormyou wont be the same person who walked inThats what this storms all aboutDont plain about how terrible your

20、 life isIf you search for the lesson in your present struggle,you11 be able to make positive changes that would prevent similar situations in the future Without hard times,you wouldnt appreciate the good onesStrength does not e from winningYour struggles develop your strengthsWhen you go through har

21、dships and decide not to give in,that is strengthIt is hard to find much to smile about when you fail,but how else would you improve yourself?If you look at failure as a part of your evolutionary process,you11 stay positive and pursue your goals for as long as it takes 25Which of the following is th

22、e best title of this passage?AEvery person has to go through hard times BWe can learn a lot from our struggles CWe should accept the fact that life is not perfect DThings to remember when you are having a bad day 26What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 mean?ASuccess will e quickly BHard w

23、ork leads to success CSuccess calls for patience DConfidence is the first step to success.27We can learn from Paragraph 4 that_ A1essons from struggles make us stronger Ball things are difficult before they are easy Cwe should forget how we managed to survive Dsimilar situations in the future will n

24、ever appear 28What can we infer from Paragraph 5?AHard times make us lose heart and be short of courage.BPerseverance in time of hardships develops our strengths CSmiles when you fail will not help to improve yourself DWe should try to avoid failures in the evolutionary process.C Economists have stu

25、died how markets work for a long timeGenerally,they work wellBut markets do not always perform as expectedJean Tirole of France won the Nobel Prize in Economics for studying why markets are imperfect,or inefficient,and what governments can do to regulate them The Nobel prize mittee announced the$11

26、million prize in Stockholm to Jean TiroleItcalled MrTirole“one of the most influential economists of our time”The organization said he had done important research in a number of areasBut it said,“most of all he has clarified how to understand and regulate industries with only a few powerful firms”Mr

27、Tiro1e works at the Toulouse School of Economics in Toulouse,FranceHe is 61 years oldFor about 30 years,MrTirole has researched periods when markets failed,that is,when they did not provide good results in price and petitionHe looked at how a small number of large panies,or even a single pany,can st

28、rongly influence industries.Banking and telemunications were among the industries he studied The Nobel mittee said that unregulated markets often produce socially undesirable results.They can result in higher prices or panies that use their market position to block others The minee said it chose MrT

29、imle because he thought about how best to regulate marketsFor example,Tore Ellingsen,Chairman of the mittee that awards the economics prize,says Mr Tirole showed the need to develop better rules for the banking industryThis became urgent after the world financial crisis of xx The economics Drize is

30、called the Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alflred NobelAlfred Nobel did not establish the prizeIt was first presented in 1969 29The passage tells us that Jean Tirole_.Ahas studied the economics in Sweden Bis the first to win the Nobel Prize in Economics Cis highly praised by

31、Chairman of the mittee Dhas made regulations for large panies 30We can learn from the passage that_.AJean Tiroles research made the markets imperfect or inefficient Bbanking and telemunications are strongly influential industries Cthe world financial crisis of xx regulated the markets DAlfred Nobel

32、was unwilling to establish economics prize 31The underlined word“undesirable”in Paragraph 4 can best be,replaced by_.Aharmful Bunbelievable Cbeneficial Dconvincing 32What is the article mainly about?AThe 1ife of Jean Tirole BThe research of Jean Tirole CThe history of Nobel Prize in Economics DJean

33、Tirole Wins Nobel Economics Prize D Ever feel like there arent enough hours in the day?A group of time-challenged Canadian women are wishing for a 25-hour clock Jessie Behan,president of the 25 th Hour Coalition(联盟)which is a group of Canadian women who have changed to a longer day,said the struggle for women to maintain work-1ife balance motivated her to research the bodys natural clock“Many of m

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