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1、牛津牛津 8AUnit3 教案教案 牛津 8AUnit3 教案 总 课 题 8A Unit 3 A day out 总课时 7 第1课时 课题 Comic strip&Welcome to the unit 课型 New 教学目标 1.To introduce well-known foreign cities and popular places of interest.2.To activate existing knowledge of the world and identify names of places and countries.3.To guess meaning from

2、 pictures 教学重点 To introduce well-known foreign cities and popular places of interest.教学难点 To activate existing knowledge of the world and identify names of places and countries 教学准备 Ppt.教学过程 二次备课 Step 1 Lead-in Watch a video.Step 2 Learn some going to do 将要做 e on 来吧;赶快 3.keep fit=keep h

3、ealthy high as 与一样高 5.enjoy oneself 玩的愉快 =have a good/great/wonderful time =have fun Step3 Comic strip 1.Listen to the conversation between Hobo and answer the question.Is Eddie really going to climb a hill to exercise?What does Hobo think Eddie should?2.Read and act Step4 Do you know these fam

4、ous places of interest?1.Show some places.2.Watch a video and answer some questions.Step5 Do you have a good memory?Where are these places in?Step 6 Make up new dialogues.A:How long is the Golden Gate Bridge?B:Its very long,about 1.7 miles.A:How wide is the bridge?B:Its 90 feet wide.Step 7 Do exerci

5、se A and B on Page 31.1.Amy and Simon are reading some postcards from their friends.Read the back of the postcards and match them with the correct pictures.Write the correct letters in the boxes.2.Simon searched on the Internet for some information about places of interest around the world.He is ans

6、wering Amys questions.Work in pairs and talk about the places you are interested in.Use the conversation below as a model.Step 8 Work in groups.Show your partner some interesting places.Step 9 Homework 1.To design a postcard after taking Eddie and Hobo to visit a place of interest.2.Try to complete

7、this table to evaluate(评价)your English study.教学反思 总 课 题 8A Unit 3 A day out 总课时 7 第 2课时 课题 Reading1 课型 New 教学目标 1.To make the students know some famous places around the world;2.Let the students know something about the World Park and Lindas trip there;3.To make the students love our world and our c

8、ountry,especially our life.教学重点 To make the students know some famous places around the world;教学难点 Let the students know something about the World Park and Lindas trip there;教学准备 Ppt.教学过程 二次备课 Step One:Pre-reading Warming up and lead in.T:Do you like traveling?S1:Yes.T:What places of interest did yo

9、u visit before?S:T:How did you go there?S:T:Oh!We have many ways to go traveling,right?(teach a new word“coach”)T:Can you tell us some other ways of traveling?T:Traveling is great fun.Today,I will show you some pictures of some interesting places.Tell me their names or the countries they are in if y

10、ou know.(Teach the word“pyramid”and“metal”at the same time.)T:What do you think of these places?S2:They are very T:Do you want to visit these places?S2:Of course.T:Do you believe we can visit them in a day?S:S2:We can go to the World Park.Step 2:While-reading 1.Number the paragraphs first and find o

11、ut which paragraphs talk about the trip to the World Park.(Para 2-6)2.Please show us their traveling route.(ask the students to work in groups and try to ask the students to retell with the route on the blackboard.)3.Drawing faces to show their feelings in different places and talk about their feeli

12、ngs all day.T:How did Linda feel in different places during the day?(the teacher writes the following key words on the blackboard and ask the students to draw the faces on their right.)At the beginning of the trip,On the city roads,On the highway,At the gate of the World Park,Inside the park,After t

13、he trip,T:Now please work in groups and say sth about their feelings.4.Read Para 2-3 and do True or False questions.T:Linda,Kitty and her classmates went to the World Park yesterday.Would you like to know how they finished their trip around the world in a day?S:Yes.First,lets listen to the first par

14、t and do“T/F Questions”1.Mr Wu invited Linda to join their school trip on October 25th.2.It took them half an hour to get to the World Park by coach.3.Linda and Kitty didnt enjoy the trip at the beginning.4.They became very excited when they saw the model pyramids from the coach.5.Read P4-6 and answ

15、er questions.T:Now please read the second part and answer some WH Questions”:1.How many places of interest are there in the World Park?2.What did Linda think of the song and dance parade?3.Who wanted to join in the dancing?4.Where can you see real pyramids?(let them know sth about“parade”and“Egypt”w

16、hile doing asking and answering)6.Do some further reading and answer questions Read and answer my three questions:1.Where did Linda meet Mr Wu and other students?2.Where did Linda see a lot of traffic,on the highway or on the city roads?3.What is the Eiffel Tower made of?7.Read and put the sentences

17、 in the right order.T:Linda went to the World Park and had a wonderful time there.She also took many nice pictures.Her mom didnt go with her,where can she find their nice pictures?S:On Daniels home page.T:Yes.Look,this is Daniels home page.There are some nice pictures,but they are in wrong order.Let

18、s put them in correct order.(the students can work together in their groups)Step 3:Post reading 1 Choose your favorite place.Divide the class into several groups.Have a discussion in groups.Show the Ss some pictures.T:There are over a hundred of places of interest in the World Park.Do you want to kn

19、ow more about them?S:Of course.T:Look!There are some famous places.(the teacher shows more pictures)Which places of interest do you want to visit most in the World Park?Each group chooses a picture to talk about the place of interest you want to visit best.1)where to go 2)when to go 3)how to go 4)wh

20、y to go 5)what to see 6)how to feel T:Each group chooses a student to give us a report.2.Design your own magic trip.T:Do you know Harry Potter?He has a special broom.It can take him anywhere he wants to go.Do you admire him?S:.T:Do you also want to have a broom like his?S:Of course.T:Now use your im

21、agination(想像)and travel like Harry Potter!Here are some key words for you:Where?When?Who?What?How?Talk about your magic trip.Homework:1).Read and recite“Reading”.2).Try to finish your own article about magic trip.教学反思 总 课 题 8A Unit 3 A day out 总课时 7 第 3课时 课题 Reading2 课型 New 教学目标 1.To make the studen

22、ts know some famous places around the world;2.Let the students know something about the World Park and Lindas trip there;3.To make the students love our world and our country,especially our life.教学重点 To make the students know some famous places around the world;教学难点 Let the students know something a

23、bout the World Park and Lindas trip there;教学准备 Ppt.教学内容及过程 二次备课 Step One 默写下列单词和短语,traffic,model,interest,real,main,stomach the beginning,be made of metal,invite me to join their school trip,get on a coach,arrive at the World Park,not any more,enjoy oneself,look like,an amazing day,teac

24、h oneself,over a hundred places of interest,feel sick,how to make a home page Step Two Explain the usage of some words 1.interest 词性:_n._ 意思:令人感兴趣的人或事.go to some interesting places=go to some places of interest 去游览一些名胜 We are interested in this interesting story.This is an interesting man.I find him

25、 interesting.interested词性:_adj._ 意思:_感兴趣的_,interesting词性:_adj._ 意思:_有趣的_.它们的区别是 interested 修饰人,只可以做表语;interesting既可修饰人也可修饰物,在句中做表语、定语或宾语补足语。你还知道其它哪些词跟它们用法相同呢?小组讨论并写下来。excited,exciting;bored,boring;amazed,amazing;surprised,surprising;frightened,frightening 完成下列句子:He was _excited_ at the _exciting_ ne

26、ws.(excite)The _ boring_ talk made all of us feel _ bored_.(bore)【中考链接 08常州市模拟试卷】Can you hear _exciting_(激动的)shouts?They have won the game.2.traffic词性:不可数名词 翻译:他今天早晨上班迟到是因为路上太多的车辆。He was late for work this morning because of too much traffic on the 复数 _coaches_,意思:长途汽车,它的另一个意思:教练。“上/下长途

27、汽车/公共汽车/火车”怎样表达?_get on/off a coach/bus/train _“上/下小汽车/出租车/箱式货车”的表达和上述一样吗?请小组讨论完成。_ get into/out of a car/taxi/van_ 4.sick 词性:_adj._ 意思:不舒服的,患病的 Im feeling sick now.这里的 sick 可换成 _ill_。Mrs Wu is busy looking after her sick baby.这句的 sick可换成ill 吗?为什么?不可以。sick 和 ill 都可做表语,但 ill 不可做定语。Step Three Explain

28、the usage of some phrases 1.have a wonderful time 过得愉快/玩得痛快 它还可以怎样表达?小组讨论并写下来。_have a good/nice/great time;enjoy oneself_ We are having a great time at the World Park.(改为感叹句)_What a great time we are having at the World Park!_ 2.invite me to join their school trip 邀请某人做某事 _invite do sth._ eg:他

29、经常邀请我和他一起去看电影。He often invites me to go to the cinema with him._ Why not _invite_(invite)them _to have_(have)dinner with us? the beginning 意思:一开始 翻译“在开始的时候”_at the beginning of_ 你知道它的反义词组吗?_at the end of_ eg:We should make a good plan _at the beginning of each term_(在每学期初).【中考链接常州市】At the_beginn

30、ing_(begin)of this year,they built another bridge over the river.4.arrive at the World Park 到达世界公园 它还可以怎样表达?_get to the World Park_,_reach the World Park_ 你知道这三种“到达”的区别吗?小组讨论并写下来。_arrive in+大地点 arrive at+小地点 get to+地点 reach+地点_ eg:到达北京 _arrive in Beijing_,_get to Beijing_,_reach Beijing_ 到家/那儿_arriv

31、e home/there_,_get home/there_,reach home/there_【中考链接 05南通市】When did Mr Smith and his friends _arrive_(到达)in China? made of metal 意思:由金属制成的 The shoes are made of leather.Paper is made from wood.This car is made in Japan.思考:be made of 与 be made from 区别?be made of 由制成(看得出原材料)be made from 由制成(看不出原材

32、料)be made in 意思:_在制造的_ eg:This kind of desk is _made of _ wood and that kind of cloth is _made from_ wood as well.6.look just like the real ones 这里的“like”词性:_prep._ 意思:像 小组讨论归纳 like作为介词的短语。_be like,look(just)like,sound like _ 7.teach oneself 自学=learn by oneself 请按照人称及单、复数顺序写出所有的反身代词。myself,ourselves

33、 yourself,yourselves_ himself,herself,itself,themselves_ 请小组讨论并归纳所学含有反身代词的短语。enjoy oneself,by oneself,for oneself,hurt oneself,say to oneself,help yourself/yourselves to,teach oneself eg:I hope she can enjoy _herself_(her)at my birthday party.Jim,its dangerous to swim in the sea by _yourself_(you).We are old enough to look after _ourselves_(us).【中考链接镇江市】The girl is too young to look after _herself

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