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大学体验英语综合教程1 第三版 UNIT 4 电子教案.docx

1、大学体验英语综合教程1 第三版 UNIT 4 电子教案Unit 4 Living on Your OwnObjectives:After finishing this unit, students will be able to: get some idea of what they can do on and off campus get some idea of the benefits Ss can get from doing part-time jobs talk about their own self-dependent experiences learn to use the

2、key words and expressions in this unit learn to use correct verb tenses in making sentences (consistency of verb tenses) learn to adopt the reading skill Review and recall while reading learn how to fill in a bank account formSection I Listen and Talk (2 periods)Step 1 Lead in (20 mins)1. Explain th

3、e title Living on Your Own: 独立生活on ones own: 独立的,独自的of ones own: 属于自己的e.g. I have nothing of my own. She has a mind of her own.2. Listening (Listen to the passage and fill the missing words in the blanks.)Key: idea, on your own, enter, cage, pay, daily, part-time3. Words explanation take the risk: 冒

4、险Its a snap. 小事一桩4. Look at the pictures and try to say something about which part-time job you prefer. (Pair-work) Brainstorm questions:Have you ever taken a part-time job?What is it? Do you like it?Step 2 Dialogues (40 mins)1. Listening to the two sample dialogues and learning some useful phrases

5、and expressions. Dialogue 1 Working as a Salesperson Dialogue 2 Working as a Tutor2. Post-listening questions: What kind of job did Paul do?What are Pauls other jobs?What is Lins tutor job?How did Lin describe her student?3. Phrases and sentences:work part-time: 兼职工作minimum: 最小值maximum:最大值head (for)

6、: go toeager to learn: 好学Step 3 Communicative Tasks (30 mins)Work in pairs and act the dialogue to the whole class.Topic: Interviewing for a part-time jobUseful sentences:Can you briefly describe yourself?Why do you want this job?What are your career goals?What are your main strengths and weaknesses

7、?Why should I hire you instead of many other candidates?Do you have any questions about the job?I worked hard and I won some awards.I think it will help me in my major, but Id rather only work evenings and weekends.Step 4 Assignments1. Read the dialogues and practice communicative tasks 2. Preview n

8、ew words and expression in Passage ASection II Read and Explore (4 periods)Passage A Marcelas Work ExperienceStep 1 Pre-reading Tasks (15 mins)1. Greetings and a brief revisionAsk one or two pairs (groups) to act out their own dialogues2. Lead-in questions:1) Do you have any working experience? What

9、 kind of work do you think you would enjoy?2) Where did the author go? What did the author do and how did she enjoy her work experience there?3) What main lessons did the author learn from her time abroad?2. Culture Notes:1) BUNAC (British Universities North American Club): This is a program from th

10、e USA. BUNAC currently offers US students and young people work/travel programs to Britain, Australia, New Zealand, etc. Each participating country offers a unique insight into life in a completely new culture and a chance to spend extended time working and traveling overseas. US students can work a

11、nywhere in Britain for up to six month at any time during the year and explore the whole of the UK while they are there.2) Bank Holiday: A holiday of national importance such as Christmas or New Years Day when banks and some other businesses are closed (altogether there are 8-10 of these per year in

12、 the UK)3) Merrill Lynch International Bank: A very large international company which specializes in a variety of financial services such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, credit cards, and checking accounts. It has offices in 38 countries.Step 2 While-reading Tasks (75 mins)1. Read the text as quickl

13、y as possible and try to answer the following questions:1) When did Marcela decide to experience living abroad and when did she actually go to live abroad?2)How did Marcelas motives and actions differ from those of her classmates?3) Why did Marcela say that it was pretty scary when she arrived in Lo

14、ndon?4) When did Marcela have her first interview and how many did she have altogether?5) How highly did Marcela think of her experience working in London?2. Language Points: 1) experience: v. suffer, feel, or knowe.g. He experienced great difficulty in getting a visa to the leave the country. The c

15、hild had never experienced kindness. n. knowledge or skill which comes from practice rather than from bookse.g. You have the chance to gain valuable work experience. I know from my own experience how difficult this kind of work can be.2) open: not completely decidede.g. Try to keep an open mind on t

16、he subject until you have heard all the fact. The race is still wide open (= anyone could win).3) undertake: to take up or accept (a duty or piece of work, esp. one that is difficult or needs effort)e.g. undertake a mission, task, project, etc. She undertook the responsibility for the changes. She u

17、ndertook the organization of the whole scheme.4) learn about: get to know about, become informed ofe.g. I like reading historical stories because I learn about the lives that people led long ago. How did you learn about our product?5) It is / was not until: an emphatic patterne.g. It wasnt until 10

18、oclock that he came back to his dorm. (At 10 oclock he finally came back.)6) orientation: an introduction, as a tour, that helps one to adjust to new surroundings or introductory instruction concerning a new situatione.g. The university required that all new students arrive early for a thirty-minute

19、 orientation to the library facilities.In many companies the orientation of new employees is the duty of the training office.7) my financial resources were running low: I had not much money left.e.g. I was tired and my energy was running low. The gasoline in the cars tank was running low.8) It turns

20、 out that: in the end, it happens to be e.g. It turned out that the person seated next to me on the train was one of my old friends. It turned out that my new job was much easier than I expected.9) participate in: be involved ine.g. Its good for students to participate in a variety of activities. So

21、me students are too shy to participate in the discussion.10) choose from: to pick out or select from a number of alternativese.g. Students have many different majors to choose from. Drivers have many different brands of cars to choose from.11) adjust to: to make necessary changes in order to make ri

22、ght or make suitable for a particular purpose or situatione.g. Some people from small towns have trouble adjusting to the fast pace of urban life. After the kids become grown-ups the parents must adjust to having fewer people in the house.12) cover: to include; deal with; travel e.g. Our trip covere

23、d only half of what the tour guide intended. The survey covers all aspects of the business.13) get to learn / know: become familiar with e.g. After you get to know him, you will find that hes really quite nice. You will get to know and like the city more after youve lived here for a while.14) while

24、most of my friends were interviewing for “real world” jobs. while they were looking for jobs and having interviews.15) I was pretty open about where to go and what kind of work to undertake. I didnt have a specific idea as to where to go and what kind of work to take while facing several options.16)

25、 there are many employers in many different fields to choose from. there are many different types of jobs are available.17) I probably covered only half of what I intended. I probably visited only half of the places I wanted to travel.18) I would not hesitate for a second to recommend it to anyone.

26、Id readily and enthusiastically recommend it to anyone.3.Words and expressionsabroad adv. to or in another country or countries 到国外,在国外 accommodation n. a place to live or work, house, flat, hotel room etc. 住处,住所 advantage n. sth. that may help one to be successful or to gain a favorable result有利条件,

27、优势 a favorable condition resulting from a particular course of action, gain, 好处,长处,优点 aspect n a particular side of a many-sided situation, idea, plan, etc. (事态,想法,计划等的某个)方面 economical adj. using money, time, goods, etc. carefully and without any waste 经济的,节俭的,精打细算的 employment n. the state of being

28、employed 雇用,就业 paid work 职业,工作 expense n. cost esp. of money but also time or effort (时间,精力,金钱等的), 消耗, 消费 fax v. to send (copies of printed material, letters, pictures, etc.) using a system by which the information is sent in electronic form along a telephone line 传真传输(印刷品,信件,图片等) hesitate v. to pau

29、se before taking an action or making a decision 踌躇,迟疑,犹豫(不决) inquiry v. ( an act of ) asking for information 询问,打听 insurance n. agreement by contract to pay money to someone if something esp. a misfortune such as illness, death, or an accident happens to them 保险 intend v. to have in ones mind as a p

30、lan or purpose; mean (to do)计划, 打算,想要 internationalize v. to make (sth.) international or bring under international control 使国际化 investigate v. to try to find out more information about, examine the reason for(sth.), the character of (someone) 调查,侦查 opportunity n. a favorable moment or occasion (for

31、 doing sth.) 机会, 时机 orientation n. a position or direction 方向,方位; an introduction, as a tour, that helps one to adjust to new surroundings, introductory instruction concerning a new situation熟悉适应的过程, 适应(新环境的)培训 paycheck n. a check for the amount of wages a person earns工资 precisely adv. exactly 精确地,准

32、确地,正好 recommend v. to praise as being good for a purpose; to provide information about (someone or sth. good) 推荐,介绍 rent n. money paid regularly for the use of a room, building, television set, piece of land, etc. (租用房屋,电视机,土地等的)租金 resource n. any of the possessions or qualities of a person, an organization, or esp. a country

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