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1、九年级上册unit1Unit 1 The Changing WorldTopic 1 Our country has developed rapidly.Section A (两课时)主备: 审核: 学生姓名: 第 1课时(1a-1c)学习目标:1. Key points: (1)Words and phrases: bell, take place, volunteer, have/has been to, have/has gone to, sothat, by the way, be happy to do(2)Sentences: There goes the bell. /It mu

2、st be fun.(3)Grammar: Present Perfect (have/has been to和have/has gone to的用法) 2. Difficult points: 能区别并会恰当使用have/has been to和have/has gone to。一、自主学习:1.口语交际:互相询问假期生活,你可以这样开始:A: Long time no see ./I havent seen you for a long time. Did you have a good summer holiday ?B: Yes , I did .I have been to What

3、 about you ?2.自学单词:请你根据音标和拼读规则自学完成本课时的新单词或词组。3.独立预习:预习第1页1a,大声朗读至熟练,试试看,在课堂上你能与原声PK吗?4.感悟新知:读对话,找出下列短语(我能独立完成这个哦!)。 发生_ 曾去过(去而复返) _ 到去了(去而未归)_ 上课铃响了。_二、合作探究:1.听力训练(1)听前预测:看图片,Kangkang ,Jane和Rita在谈论什么呢?(2)听1a完成1b。(听前请先读一读1b的内容并做出预测,听后小组核对答案。)2.小组分角色读1a。3.读完对话后,请小组合作完成下列任务,注意展示时小组的每个成员都要有任务哦!(1)请从1a中找

4、出下列句子,读一读并仔细观察划线部分。You have just come back from your hometown. Great changes have taken place there and my hometown has become more and more beautiful.I have been to an English summer school to improve my English .She has gone to Cuba to be a volunteer and she will be back tomorrow .(2)我发现:come是come

5、的过去分词;taken,become,been,gone分别是_,_,_,_的过去分词。(3)我能归纳:这些句子使用的是_ 时态 ,由“主语+_ +_ +其他”构成。表示过去发生或已经完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果。(4)温馨提示:动词的过去分词的构成,规则变化跟动词的过去式相同,不规则变化可以参考课本第146至148页哦。三、展示交流:1.Retell the main information of 1a based on 1b, finish 1c.2.质疑:独立朗读1a,你还有哪些疑惑和发现呢?说出来我们一起来分享吧!四、点评小结:今天我们学到了重点词汇 重点句型 五、达标检测:1

6、. Where is Zhao Ming? He _ the playground. He is playing football there. A. has been to B. has gone to C. have been to D. goes to2. Great changes _ in my hometown. A. have taken place B. take place C. have happened D. happened3. Hi, Kangkang, where have you_? The bank. A. gone B. been to C. been D.

7、gone to4. He got up _ late _ he was late for work today. A. B. so.that C. very . that D. too.to评价等级: 批阅时间: 主备: 审核: 学生姓名: 第 2 课时(2a-3)一.自主学习1.口语交际:Ask and answer one by one in each group. A:I have been to Wenchuan. Where have you been? B: I have been to2.请预习课本124页至125页:初步感知现在完成时的构成与用法。3. 预习第2

8、页2a,找出短语。好久没有见到你了! _ 顺便问一下_二.合作探究1. 请读读下面两个句子:I have been to Mount Huang, She has gone to Cuba. She is still there and she will be back tomorrow.(1)口译上面两个句子,你能说说划线部分的区别吗?(2)思考:have/has been to 意为“(某人)曾经到过”, 现在人已经返回,不在那里了。Have/has gone to 表示“(某人)已经去了,现在不在这里(说话的地点)”。(3)运用:她曾经去过北京。_你哥哥去哪里了?他去超市了。_2读2a,

9、通过情景预测,你能试着填空吗?听听力,检测答案。3.看图片,两人一组完成3。三展示交流 小组展示3,比一比哪个小组最佳?四点评小结 这节课你学到了什么?五达标检测1. Make sentences with have/has gone to. and have/has been to.2. Finish Section A in your workbook.评价等级: 批阅时间:Unit 1 The Changing WorldTopic 1 Our country has developed rapidly.Section B (两课时)主备: 审核: 学生姓名: 第 1课时(1a-1c)学

10、习目标:1. Key points: (1)Words and phrases: shut, ever, rope, disabled, take part in, disabled childrens home, learnfrom, put on, jump rope, chat on line (2)Sentences: I think it makes me happy to help others./Though I had no time to travel, I still felt very happy./ To help others makes us happy.A: Ha

11、ve you been to any other places? A: Ann has chatted on line, hasnt she? B: No, I havent. B: No, she hasnt.(3)Grammar: Present Perfect (past participle和疑问句的问答).2. Difficult points: (1)能巧记过去分词的构成。(2)能正确使用疑问句对日常活动进行问答。一、自主学习:1.口语交际: A: As we know, Maria has been to Cuba to be a volunteer. But do you wo

12、nder what Maria has done there? B: Of course. C:2.自学单词:请你根据音标和拼读规则自学完成本课时的新单词或词组。3.独立预习:预习第3页1a,大声朗读至熟练,试试看,在课堂上你能与原声PK吗?4.感悟新知:读对话,找出下列短语(我能独立完成这个哦!)。 参 加_ 志愿者活动 _ 在暑假期间_ 一群老年人_二、合作探究:1.听力训练(1)听前预测:看图片,Kangkang 和Maria在谈论什么呢?(2)听1a完成1b。(听前请先读一读1b的内容并做出预测,听后小组核对答案。)2.小组分角色读1a。3.读完对话后,请小组合作完成下列任务,注意展示

13、时小组的每个成员都要有任务哦!(1)I havent seen you for a long time .(口译) havent seen是现在完成时态的 式,根据句意我们可以知道,表示过去持续到现在的动作或状态,应该用 时,这里的for+一段时间表示动作的持续性。如:我们学习英语已经有两年多了。We English over .(2)Though I had no time to travel . I still felt very happy .(口译)though 在此意为 ,是从属连词,引导 从句。它不能与but连用,但可以与still连用。如: it was dark, the fa

14、rmers worked in the fields.三、展示交流:1.Read 1a and complete the passage of 1c.2.质疑:独立朗读1a,你还有哪些疑惑和发现呢?说出来我们一起来分享吧!四、点评小结:今天我们学到了重点词汇 重点句型 五、达标检测:1. _ you ever _ to the USA? Yes, we have. A. Have, gone B. Have, been C. Did, go D. Did, went 2. _ it rains heavily, _ farmers are still working in the fields

15、. A. Though, but B. Though, still C. Though, / D. Although, but 3. I helped a disabled man yesterday. _ wonderful experience! A. What B. How a C. How D. What a4. Jessie learnt a lot _ the book after reading it. A. from B. of C. at D. with评价等级: 批阅时间: 主备: 审核: 学生姓名: 第 2 课时(2a-2c)一.自主学习1.口语交际:A: This pi

16、cture is a disabled childrens home. Have you ever been there?B: No, I havent./Yes, I have.C: Has Maria been to the disabled childrens home? Can you guess?D: Yes, she has. / No, she hasnt.2.请预习课本146页至148页:学习不规则动词表。3. 预习并完成第4页的2a。二.合作探究1. 小组核对2a的答案,大声读出单词,并请注意划线部分的发音,然后小组讨论并总结-ed的发音。听录音检测发音是否正确。我能总结:T

17、he pronunciation of “ed” is “/t/, /d/, or /Id/ when it is added to the verbs ending with different sounds, such as help/jump, play/turn or wait/end.2Make conversations in pairs and finish 2b.Paying attention to the pronunciation and intonation.3. Interview the members of the group like 2b and take n

18、otes. Then report it to class. Finish 2c.三展示交流 小组展示3,比一比哪个小组最佳?四点评小结 这节课你学到了什么?五达标检测1. We should help the d_ people when they are in trouble.2. Its getting colder now. Would you please s_ the door? Sure.3. He told me that he _ (take part in) an English party last night.4. We were busy at that time,

19、so we had no time _ (go) shopping. 5. _ (see) is to believe.评价等级: 批阅时间:Unit 1 The Changing WorldTopic 1 Our country has developed rapidly.Section C (两课时)主备: 审核: 学生姓名: 第 1课时(1a-1c)学习目标:1. Key points: (1)Words and phrases: communication, report, relative, develop, since, satisfy, medical, machine, rap

20、id, progress, already, be crowded into, receive a good education, keep in touch with, whats more, make progress, succeed in doing sth.(2)Grammar: Present Perfect2. Difficult points:(1)如何通过语境,猜测生词、短语的意思。(2)如何在阅读过程中找出各个段落的Topic sentence。(3)口头报告和书面写作时,能有意识的使用topic sentence和supporting details。一、自主学习:1.口

21、语交际: Have you ever been to Beijing? Do you know about Beijing?2.自学单词:请你根据音标和拼读规则自学完成本课时的新单词。你可以大声读给组长或老师听哦!3.独立预习:预习5页1a,大声朗读至熟练,试试看,在课堂上你能与原声PK吗?4.感悟新知:读对话,找出下列短语(我能独立完成这个)。四十多年_ = _ 在20世纪60年代_ _ 有机会做_ 接受良好教育_与保持联系_成功地做 _ 立足现在展望未来_二合作探究1. Look at the pictures of Beijing in the past and at present.

22、Then guess the meaning of each word and the main idea of the text.2.迅速浏览课文,从文中找出1b左栏中的单词,你能根据上下文猜测出这些单词的意思吗?并试着与右栏的选项连线。3.大声独立的朗读课文,遇到困难请向老师和同学求助。然后完成1c,想一想主题句的作用是什么呢?它的位置一般在哪呢?三展示交流1.展示1b、1c。注意展示时小组的每个成员都要有任务哦!2.根据1c, 复述课文。大胆的说吧,你一定行的!四点评小结今天我们学到了重点词汇 重点句型 五达标检测1. Li Ming has _ (取得很大进步) in English,

23、 because he studies hard.2. China has succeeded in _ (send) Shenzhou into space.3. I have _(已经) had lunch. I am full.4. Tom is good at sports. He can _ (不仅) play basketball _ (而且) play tennis. 5. You can send me the message by _ (传真).评价等级: 批阅时间: 主备: 审核: 学生姓名: 第 2 课时(1a,2-3)一 .自主学习1.口语交际:Talk about t

24、he changes in Beijing. 2.预习2。初步感知主题句的作用与用法:It is important to write a topic sentence for each paragraph to help organize your thoughts.二.合作探究1.认真读1a,从课文中找出下列句子。(1)China has developed rapidly since the reform and opening-up.develop意为_ ,是动词;它的形容词有“发达的” _,“发展中的” _;名词有“发展” _。since意为“_”,后接过去的时间点,主句谓语动词常用

25、现在完成时,其结构为_+since+过去的时间点或动作。如:自从康康去了美国,我就没见过他。I _ never _ Kangkang since he _ _ America.(2)Beijing has made rapid progress and it has already succeed in hosting the 2008 Olympic Game.already意为_ ,多用于现在完成时,常放在肯定句_或句末。成功地做_,相当于be successful in doing sth.如:我们终于成功地举办了运动会。At last we_ _ _ the sports meetin

26、g. Succeed的名词是_,形容词是_。2.质疑:独立朗读1a,你还有哪些疑惑和发现呢?说出来我们一起来分享吧!三展示交流:1.展示合作探究部分。2.Report the changes in your hometown to the class. (1)What was/were like in the past?(2)What has happened to nowadays?(3)What will be like in the future?3. Write a passage about changes in your hometowns according to what yo

27、u have discussed in your group.四点评小结本节课你学到了什么呢?五.达标检测1. He has lived in Hunan _ (自从) 1998.2. If you are friendly to others, youll have _ (越来越多) friends.3. There are lots of clothes to _ _ (满足人们的需求) in that shop. I like doing some shopping there.4. Finish Section C in your workbook.评价等级: 批阅时间:Unit 1

28、The Changing WorldTopic 1 Our country has developed rapidly.Section D(一课时)主备: 审核: 学生姓名: 第 1课时(1a-1c)学习目标1. Key points: Words and phrases: hide, chess, radio, spare, abroad, leisure, hide-and-seek, recentleisure activities, play an important part/role in, play hide-and-seek, play chess/cards, various

29、 kinds of, in recent years, make a tour abroad2. Difficult points:(1)能学会归纳话题中重点语法和表达法。(2)能将所学知识运用到实际生活中进行交谈。一.自主学习1.口语交际: When do people usually have their leisure activities? How many kinds of leisure activities do you know? What are your favorite leisure activities?2. 自学单词:请你根据音标和拼读规则自学完成本课时的新单词。3.独立预习:预习7-8页的1a,大声朗读至熟练,试试看,在课堂上你能与原声PK吗?4.感悟新知:读短文,找出下列短语。变化中的休闲活动

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