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1、雅思英语写作教育类教育类一、目的状语从句1. in order thatA Bedfordshire police spokeswoman said that giving someone a caution did not mean that they were being let off, as it was a recordable conviction. “Sometimes this proves the best way forward to ensure a person is reprimanded and given educational advice in order t

2、hat they do not continue to offend.”2. so thatIt suggests “learning conversations” with teachers so that pupils get into the habit of thinking about their learning and how to make progress. It also suggests that all pupils be allocated a “learning guide”a teacher or classroom assistant to monitor th

3、eir progress.二、核心词汇Theoretical理论上的Practical实际的、实用的Nurture养育、教养Physical物理的、身体的Psychological心理的Intelligence智力Intellectual知识分子、智力的Motivate刺激、促进Qualify证明、有资格、证明合格Talent天资、才能Curriculum课程Discipline学科、纪律Subject主题、科目Adolescent青少年、青春期的Team spirit团队精神All-rounded多才多艺的、全面的Adapt to sth.适应Mature成熟的Interactive交互式的

4、Feedback反馈、成果、资料Earn a living谋生、活命Raise a family养家糊口Learn by rote死记硬背Degree factory文凭工厂Learner-oriented学习者为导向的Impart knowledge传授知识Obtain knowledge and skills学习知识和技能Practical and professional skills实用和专业技能Become qualified employees成为合格的员工Become competitive in the job marketMake contributions to socia

5、l progress为社会进步做贡献Achieve life value实现人生价值Self-fulfillment自我实现Heavy burden of study and lack of sleep and physical exerciseEncourage students to think critically(批判性思考) and independentlyPromote students physical, intellectual and emotional developmentHelp foster in the young the morally sound values

6、 and outlook on the world and lifeA school is society in miniature学校是社会的缩影三、万能思路:方式、内容、目的Five purposes of education1. moral: improve moral standard2. intellectual: theoretical knowledge, independent and critical thinking, analyzing skills and problem-solving ability, communication and social skills,

7、 adapt to new environment3. physical: develop physical fitness, healthy lifestyle4. psychological: self-cultivation, an appreciation of art and literature5. work: practical skills, improve career prospectsEg 范文Universities are one of the most important institutions in modern society. Post-secondary

8、education provides both general skills and knowledge and sometimes job-specific training. But which of these two should be the main focus? While many people might think the focus should only be “jobs”, I believe universities play a larger social role.Let us consider that we live in an information ag

9、e. If a student wants to learn about accounting or history or other job-specific information, they do not need to sit in a classroom to get it. Nowadays, anyone can get information and knowledge online and can learn on their own. So surely universities are not needed for this purpose.Instead, what u

10、niversities should focus on is developing critical thinking. Anyone can memorize facts and get on-job training, but not everyone can think and analyze. This is a far more important skill in the real world. To be able to process information, understand it and use it, these are the skills our universi

11、ties should focus on building.That is not to say that universities should not pay any attention to the workplace. Of course all graduates want to find good work. But if you ask most people in the workplace today, they will tell you that the specific skills required for their jobs were learned on-sit

12、e. And if you ask most employers what they are looking for in employees, they will tell you that it is a mind that can “think outside of the box”.So while universities play a role in training people for the workforce, they primarily function as a place for training the mind. What most companies and

13、workforces need are not robots, but creative people who can contribute ideas. Universities should be the driving force in nurturing such people. Eg. 1Many people use distance-learning programs to study at home, but some people think that it cannot bring the same benefits of attending college or univ

14、ersity. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion.Distance learning is a relatively recent phenomenon and consequently it is somewhat controversial. With good reason, many people question whether technology can change how we can learn. Others, however, make a convincing argument that

15、 classroom-based learning has its limitations. Considering both sides, it is clear that there is value in both approaches.Let us first consider the pros of traditional, classroom-based learning. From the time of the ancient Greeks and Chinese and perhaps before, we have clung to the idea of a “teach

16、er”, one who shares his/her wisdom and expertise. This model has been tested and survived the ages. Teachers not only can share knowledge, but they can assess, correct and motivate students. Truly there is great value in this.That said, remote learning also has its own upside. Consider, for example,

17、 students who live in remote areas without roads or funds to pay for tuition to attend a school far away, an Internet connection solves this. Also, there is something to be said for students being more independent learners, and online learning develops this skill.So the question really is not “Which

18、 one?” but rather, “How can we combine both?” It seems perfectly reasonable that students attend some classes in person, but also use the web to communicate with other students and professors as well as research various topics. Countries and societies need to assess which approach works best for the

19、m.So while we should harness the potential of new technology that makes remote learning possible, we should not neglect the importance of traditional learning. Student without teachers will surely be lost; but students who simply rely on teachers for knowledge are not really learning. Eg. 2Most coun

20、tries spend lots of money on education as they start to recognize its importance. In your opinion which two of the following subjects are the most important for your people and which one is the least important?Subjects:Literature sports mathematics economicsPhysics history music geographyIt has been

21、 said that investing in education is investing in ones future: this is true for both individuals and nations. It is always somewhat subjective to say which is more important, the humanities or sciences, as both have value. However, I would like to make a case for the importance of math and economics

22、 in this day and age.Let us begin with math. Mathematics is a foundation subject which bridges many different fields, from physics and chemistry to the Internet and modern medicine. All of our material advances in the 20th century could not have happened without advanced mathematics. To be sure, it

23、will also play a critical role in meeting challenges like global warming and space travel, to name just a few, in the future.Likewise, economics is a fundamental discipline that allows societies to be stable and move forward. History is full of examples of kingdoms and empires that collapsed as thei

24、r economies declined. Most obviously, we need look no further than the current economic meltdown to see the importance of economics. The jobs and wellbeing of individuals and nations alike depend upon a deeper understanding of this field.While all subjects have their merit, perhaps Geography does no

25、t have the same importance it once did. After all, in our modern world we have 3-D maps online that allow us to see anywhere with the click of a mouse. But to reiterate, we need a balanced approach to education where we still produce artists and thinkers and historians and so on.In sum, it is critic

26、al that we give priority to math and economics in the 21st century. Meanwhile, we should do our parts to make sure all subjects are not overlooked. Only by doing so can we develop an all-rounded talent and ensure our prosperity and progress.Eg. 3In some countries young people are encouraged to work

27、or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people to do this and give your opinion.Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about what young people should do between finishing high school and starting u

28、niversity.However, some state that youngsters should make a good preparation for the study of college and it is a waste of time to travel; others, on the contrary, argue what they really need is “refreshing” to explore other options.In my opinion, there is value in both sides.Generally speaking, in

29、the past when students graduated from high school, they went to university or entered the workforce right away. This is no longer always the case. Many students now choose to “take a year off” and explore other options. Deciding whether or not this is wise is subjective but for many it can be positi

30、ve.On the one hand, taking time off allows a person to broaden his/her horizons, to see and experience new cultures, to peak his/her curiosity about new places. After all, not all things can be learned in the classroom. We can grow and mature from the challenges of living abroad. It also allows us t

31、o appreciate aspects of our own culture that we previously took for granted.But on the other hand, there is the risk that taking time off may cloud the students mind by presenting him/her with too many options. Young minds are impressionable and sometimes they need structure. The desire to go back t

32、o school after being in society may become less appealing and this could negatively impact their long-term job opportunities.In the end, I feel that it comes down to what the individual wants to achieve in life. There is no “one size fits all” prescription. Personally, if I had the resources, I would make every effort to experience new places and challenge myself in new ways, but also commit to a university education afterward.To summarize, we must be careful not to make this into a black and white issue. Instead,

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