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1、四年级英语下册第一单元课题Lesson1 How Are You?课时1教学目标1、能听懂、会说、认读并书写词汇:you,teacher,hello,hi,your,name,friend, pupil,his,her2、能认读、理解并运用句式:Whats your/his/her name? My/His/Her name is、3、认识到You can call me、与My name is、就是向别人介绍自己的两种不同表达方法。重点同目标1-2难点同目标3教学准备录音机、磁带教学过程二次备课一、GreetingHello!Nice to see you!What did you do o

2、n your holiday?(因为就是开学后的第一节课,询问学生的假期情况,可用汉语回答或英汉混用,这样可以活跃课堂气氛,拉近距离,让学生以愉悦的心情进入下面的学习)二、New Concept(一)学习本课单词1)Hello与Hi意思相同(喂;您好);但Hi就是非正式用语。2)人称代词 (形容词性)物主代词 You your He his She her补 I my3)teacher教师,name名字;名称,friend朋友4)pupil小学生(student泛指学生,还可特指大学生)(二)Part1:A new teacher1、试读课文并注意Jenny的班里开学后有什么变化?1)What

3、s the new teachers name? (Mr、 Wood)2)How does he introduce himself? (You can call me Mr、 Wood、)2、介绍自己 当别人询问怎么称呼您时,应说:1)My name is、2)Im、3)You can call me、3、初次见面问候,说:Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you,too、(三)Part2:A new friend1、试读并理解课文2、学习介绍朋友的句型:1)介绍单个朋友:This is、 2)介绍多个朋友:These are、3、How are you?的答语有

4、: Fine,thanks/Im fine,thank you/Very well、三、总结:1、如何介绍自己与朋友; 2、怎样打招呼; 3、注意人称代词与物主代词的区别四、Practice:1、选词填空 (he she his her)1)_ is my brother、_name is Wang Ming、2)_ is my sister、_ name is Kim、2、选择正确答案1)Is this _ pencil? (B) A、 you B、 your C、 Yours2)3、介绍您的朋友(Part3:Lets do it)五、Homework:熟读课文,背单词(组长检查) 板书设计

5、课后反思与重建Lesson1 How Are You?1、自我介绍1)My name is、2)You can call me、2、介绍朋友 This is my friend、He is a boy His name is、或 She is a girl、Her name is、3、打招呼1)hello!/Hi! hello!/Hi!2)Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you,too!3)How are you? Fine,thanks、/Very well、课题Lesson2 Is This Your Pencil?课时1教学目标1、学生能听懂、会说、认读并书

6、写词汇:pencil,pencil box,what,pen,ruler, crayon,whose2、能理解并运用句式:Whose、is this? Its my/his/her、重点同目标1-2难点运用所学知识进行交际交流。教学准备录音机、磁带教学过程二次备课一、Review1、检验学生单词熟识度:you,teacher,hello,hi,your,name,friend,pupil,his,her2、使用上节课学过的句式介绍自己1)Hello!My name is 、2)Hi!You can call me 、3、介绍同学朋友或家人1)This is my friend/family、2

7、)He/She is a boy/girl、3)His/Her name is 、二、New Concept(一)学习本课单词1、pencil,pencil box,pen,ruler,crayon(彩色蜡笔、粉笔、铅笔)2、What,whose谁的(who谁) (二)Part1:My pencil box1、导入:What is it? Its a 、2、观察Part1并说一说,Whats in my pencil box?(Its a pen/pencil/ruler/crayon in my pencil box、)(三)Part2:Whose pencil is this?1、复习wh

8、ose:含义“谁的、”,后接名词 例如:whose pencil/pencil box/pen/ruler/crayon (谁的铅笔/铅笔盒/钢笔/尺子/蜡笔)2、当您捡到别人丢失的物品时,您应问: Whose _ is this? 这就是谁的(物品)? Its my/his/her _、或 Its 人名s _、注意:人名+s 表示“此人的、”例如:(课文Part2的picture4) Whose pencil is this? Its Dannys pencil!3、当寻找失主时,除上述广泛的询问方式,还有一种逐一寻找的询问方式。例如:(课文Part2的picture1-3)1)Is thi

9、s your pencil,Jenny? No,it isnt、2)Is this Stevens pencil? No、Its not his pencil、3)Is it Kims pencil? No、Its not her pencil、增加问题:Is it Dannys pencil? Yes,it is、三、Practice: 完成Part3(Lets do it!)四、总结: 1、描述“这就是什么”What is it? 2、捡到东西,寻找失主的两种不同表达方法 广泛询问:Whose _ is this? 逐一询问:Is this your/his/her/Dannys penc

10、il?五、Homework: 1、单词一篇,并背过; 2、熟读全文,背诵课文Part2:Whose pencil is this? 3、完成基本功训练Lesson2板书设计课后反思与重建Lesson2 Is This Your Pencil?1、描述“这就是什么” What is it? Its a 、2、捡到东西,寻找失主的两种表达方法 广泛询问:Whose _ is this? Its my/his/her/Dannys _、 逐一询问: Is this your/his/her/Dannys pencil? Yes,it is、或 No,it is not、 No,its not my/

11、his/her/Dannys pencil、课题Lesson3 Where Are They?课时1教学目标1、能听懂、会说、认读并书写词汇:blackboard,desk,chair,schoolbag,between, beside2、能听懂、会说下列句子:Danny is between the desk and the chair、 Jenny is beside Kim、重点同目标1-2难点同目标2教学准备录音机、磁带教学过程二次备课一、Review(我问您答)Lesson1:(打招呼)Hello!How are you? Fine,thanks、/Very well、Lesson2

12、:(捡到东西,面向集体)Whose crayon is this? Its _s crayon、 (捡到东西,面向个人)Is this your pencil box? Yes,it is、 /No,it is not、二、New Concept(一)Part1:My classroom1、观察图片,This is Dannys classroom、What can you see?2、学习本课单词1)教师指着黑板、书桌、椅子、书包,向学生提问:What is it? 老师书写单词blackboard,desk,chair,schoolbag、2)学会后再次提问:What is it? Its

13、 a blackboard/desk/chair/schoolbag、(二)Part2:Where are they?1、观察Picture1,Where is Danny? 学习介词:between “在、中间”,指的就是两者之间则 Danny is between the desk and the chair、2、观察Picture2,Where is Jenny?And where is Kim? 学习介词:beside “在、旁边”则 Jenny is beside Kim、 Kim is beside Jenny、3、观察Picture3,Where is the schoolbag

14、?Where is the book? Where are the crayons? 复习介词:in “在、里面”;on “在、上面”;under “在、下面”则 The schoolbag is on the desk、 The book is in the schoolbag、 The crayons are under the desk、(三)Practice: 完成Part3(Lets do it!)三、总结:描述物体的位置 (单数)Where is he/she/it? He/She/It is (in/on/under/between/beside)(其她物体)、 (复数)Wher

15、e are they/the crayons? They are (in/on/under/between/beside)(其她物体)、四、Homework: 1、单词一篇,并背过; 2、背诵课文Part2:Where are they? 3、完成基本功训练Lesson3板书设计课后反思与重建Lesson3 Where Are They?1、学习新单词What is it? Its a blackboard/desk/chair/schoolbag、2、描述物体的位置介词:in “在、里面” ;on “在、上面”;under “在、下面”;between “在、中间”beside“在、旁边”课

16、题Lesson4 How Many Books Are There?课时1教学目标1、能听懂、会说、认读并书写词汇:forty,fifty,sixty,seventy,eighty,ninety2、能听懂、会说下列句型:How many、are there? There are、重点同目标1-2难点同目标2教学准备录音机、磁带教学过程二次备课一、Review 数字Numbers(1-20),学生快速抢答。(调动学生紧张情绪,使其精神高度集中,在紧张刺激中,愉快地进入下面的学习)二、New Concept(一)Part2:Numbers1、听录音,注意区分数字十几与几十的发音差别。2、观察数字(

17、11-100),有什么规律? 十几:除eleven,twelve外,13-19均以teen结尾。 几十:除one hundred外,20-90均以ty结尾。3、Can you say the numbers from thirty to forty? Thirty-one,thirty-two,thirty-three,、注意:连接符“-”不能丢。(二)Part1:Dannys game1、How many?(多少?) 回答:Numbers Review:How many books do you have? 引 出:How many books are there? (there are表示

18、“有”) 答 语:There are (numbers)books、 例 如:How many pens are there? There are two pens 或直接回答Two2、读课文,解决问题:1)Why only one book in the last?2)Is Danny funny?三、Practice: 1、完成Part3 2、分角色朗读课文第一部分四、总结:1、数字(1-100),及其发音、书写规律; 2、问数量多少的表达方式:How many _s are there?五、Homework: 1、熟读课文Part1,背过Part2:numbers(1-100); 2、写

19、Numbers五遍; 3、完成基本功训练Lesson4、板书设计课后反思与重建Lesson4 How Many Books Are There?1、numbers(1-100)2、How many _s are there? There are _ _、课题Lesson5 Where Is Danny?课时1教学目标1、能听懂、会说、认读并书写词汇:he,she2、能认读、理解并运用下列句型:Where is he/she? He/She is、3、了解字母组合ea与oo在单词中的发音及规则。重点同目标1-2难点同目标2-3教学准备录音机、磁带教学过程二次备课一、ReviewWhere is

20、it?Its in/on/under/beside/between _、二、New Concept:1、复习beside,between介词,引出behind与in front of(behind 在、后面;in front of 在、前面)观察Part1图片,描述其位置:1)Li Ming is in front of the tree、2)Li Ming is behind the tree、2、观察Part2图片1)描述位置 Where is Danny/Jenny?按范围从大到小顺序描述Hes in the classroom、 / Hes in front of Steven、She

21、s on the playground、 / Shes behind Danny、2)正在进行时Whats he doing? / What are they doing? He is reading a book、 They are playing a game、注意:主语+be动词+v、ing+n、表示正在进行时态 主语及be动词的变化,含义也不同。 He/She is 指一个人 They are 指一些人三:Practice:观察Part3,小组内讨论,练习运用所学知识进行交流。Where is Danny?He is _ _、四、试读所给单词,体会ea及oo在单词中的发音规则。五、Ho

22、mework:1、读课文,背课文Part2 2、完成基本功训练Lesson5 3、背单词板书设计课后反思与重建Lesson5 Where Is Danny?1、Where is it? Its behind/in front of _、2、What is he/she doing? He/She is _ing、或 What are they doing? They are _ing、课题Lesson6 Little Zeke课时1教学目标1、能听懂与理解这个简单的故事。2、能就故事进行提问与回答。3、能够用自己的语言分角色表演这个故事。重点同目标1-2难点同目标3教学准备录音机、磁带教学过程

23、二次备课一、Greeting and review1、How are you?2、Who is your good friend?3、He/She is behind/in front of _、二、Re-reading1、导入:Emma has a special friend、 Who is he?2、讨论书中的图画。瞧图,能说出关于故事的哪些情况?在故事中会发生什么事情?鼓励学生推测故事的发展。1)Who is the little boy?2)Are they good friends?三、While-reading1、听录音,思考问题:1)Who is Little Zeke?2)H

24、ow many friends does he have?2、分段落阅读故事,四人小组读、阅读时,让学生带着任务去阅读,以体现阅读策略及阅读理解情况,同时可以出示一些检测题,检查了解学生的阅读理解情况。1)Is Little Zeke very little?2)Where is Little Zeke?What does he do in picture 3-4?3)Whose apple is it?A、Emmas B、Little Zekes4)The new girl is _、How does she feel in picture 6?5)What does Little Zeke

25、 do in picture 7? A、He hides in the desk、 B、He hides behind the books、 C、He writes a letter to Tess、3、再听录音,感悟故事内涵,同时尽量小声模仿录音的语音语调读故事。四、After reading1、讨论故事:Do you like the story?Why?(We should help each other、Then,we will have more friends、)2、表演故事五、Homework:1、读故事 2、小组分角色演绎故事。板书设计课后反思与重建Lesson6 Little

26、 Zeke本单元涉及句型:1)Where is my pencil? Here it is、2)Is this your apple? No、Its not my apple、3)Hello!My name is _、 Whats your name? Hello!You can call me _、课题Again,Please!课时1教学目标1、学生将完成四项活动来证明她们各自的听、说、读、写技能。2、学生将要完成一个表明在此单元她们进步程度的自我评价表。重点同目标1-2难点同目标1-2教学准备录音机、磁带教学过程二次备课一、Listen and talk1、听录音,讨论故事中发生了什么?(

27、指着一些重点词汇:in the classroom,under the desk,pencil box,crayon)2、再听一遍,模仿录音的语音语调读故事。3、由不同的学生扮演故事中的人物,面对全班学生表演故事,注意声音洪亮。二、Listen and circle播放录音。让学生认真听,在正确的答案下圈圆,完成练习。录音内容如下:1、How many books are there? There are 40 books、2、Can you say the number? Yes!Its 23、3、Where is Jenny? Shes in the library、4、Where is

28、the pencil box? Its under the desk、三、Look and write这项写的练习需要学生瞧图,决定如何正确填空。指着右侧的介词表,读且提醒其意思,然后正确填空。四、Read and match读一读,瞧图。找到最恰当的答语或问句,必须从下面四个选项中选择。五、How am I doing?以学生平时参与各种学习活动的表现为主要依据,以学生的自我评价与同学间的互相评价为主要评价方式,评价学生在学校以及家里的听、说、读、写情况。板书设计课后反思与重建Again,Please!1、Where is Danny? He is in the classroom、2、Is this your toy bus? No、Its my new pencil box、3、Whose crayon is that? Its my crayon、

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