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新视野1 +unit10教案.docx

1、新视野1 +unit10教案大学英语1 Unit 10 课程教案课次1课时2 课 型理论课 教学内容;、:Unit 10 Section A: Being Honest and Open (Introduction and text structure analysis)教学目标:1. Students know the background information about the text2. Students remember the new words and expressions in the text3. Students learn how to analyze the st

2、ructure of the whole text and certain paragraphs4. Students grasp new words and phrases in the passage of Section A5. Students can learn how to be an honest and open person and its importance.教学重点:1. Divide the whole text into parts and work out the gist of each part2. Train students oral English du

3、ring their discussion教学难点;Grasp the writing pattern applied in certain paragraphs of the text教 学 基 本 内 容方法及手段I. Pre-reading activities(20mins)Discuss the following questions in groups:Is honesty out style? Give your reasons.How do you see the problem of cheating on exam?Honestly speaking, have you c

4、heated on exams? How do you feel about it now?What do you think of white lies?II. Text structure analysis and introduction of the writing pattern: a paragraph of a general principle supported by an example (25mins)III. Explain new words and phrases in the passage of Section A (40mins)IV. Assignments

5、(5mins)Group discussionOral practiceExplanation作业、讨论题、思考题: I. Review language points in Section A and read the textII. Finish all the exercises in Section AIII. Share your understanding of the “Integrity Triangle” with your classmates.参考资料(含参考书、文献等):新视野大学英语读写教程第一册教师用书教学反思:Guide students to be people

6、 of integrity because some students are not honest in their daily life, and even cheating on the exams. Session 1 (90mins):Section A : Being Honest and OpenI. Pre-reading activities (20 mins)Step 1 Questions for discussion:1. Is honesty out style? Give your reasons.2. How do you see the problem of c

7、heating on exam?3. Honestly speaking, have you cheated on exams? How do you feel about it now?4. What do you think of white lies?Step 2 Pre-reading listening:First listening: Listen to a passage about moral standard.Second listening: Listen to the passage again and answer the following questions acc

8、ording to what you hear.1. What did the writer learn from his grandparents?2. What are the two qualities that help make relationships stronger?3. What are the three key principles? What do you think of them?II. Text structure analysis and introduction of the writing pattern: a paragraph of a general

9、 principle supported by an example. (25mins) Step 1: Text structure analysisDivide the text into parts and work out the general idea of each partThe passage is a about “Integrity”, which is in short supply in todays society. Its structural organization can be brought to light when we insert some que

10、stions between paragraphs. The story can be divided into three parts.Part One (paras.1-2): Honesty or integrity involves having a personal standard of morality and boundaries that does not sell out to convenience and that is not relative to the situation at hand.Part Two (paras.3-13): The author arg

11、ues for the “Integrity Triangle” with three principles: stand firmly for your convictions under whatever pressure; give others credit they deserve; and be honest and open about yourself.Part Three (para.14): A life of principle, of not yielding to the tempting attractions of an easy morality, will a

12、lways win the day.Step 2: Introduction of the writing pattern: a paragraph of a general principle supported by an example.III. Explain new words and phrases in the passage of Section A (40mins)1. demonstrate vt.1) show or prove something clearlyGalileo demonstrated that objects of different weights

13、fall at the same speed.伽利略证实重量不同的物体落下的速度一样。2) show and explain how to do something or how something works.You have to demonstrate how to operate the computer.你得演示一下如何使用这台计算机。vi. take part in a match or meeting to protest or support somethingdemonstrate against sb./sth. 示威游行抗议demonstrate for sb./sth.

14、 支持2. integrity n. 1)the quality of being honestHis integrity is unquestioned.他的诚实是毋庸置疑的。a man of integrity 正直的人2)the state of being completeThey were totally committed to the integrity of the nation.他们全心投入于国家的完整统一。territorial integrity 领土完整3. ensure vt. make sure something will happen properlyensur

15、e sth./ensure that 确保ensure sb. sth.His industry and ability ensure his success.This medicine will ensure you a good nights sleep.4. assure: vt. 1)tell somebody that something will definitely happen or is definitely true assure sb. of sth./assure sb. that 使某人确信 向某人保证I assure you that this medicine w

16、ill not harm you. 我向你保证,这要对你无害。They assured us that the plane would be on time.他们向我们保证飞机会按时到达。2)make certain something will happenWe all worked hard to assure the projects success.“Assure” and “ensure” can be used interchangeably when used to mean “make certain something will happen”5. yield:vi.(to)

17、 agree to do something that one doesnt want to We will never yield to external pressure. 我们绝不会向外界压力屈服。vt. produceThis research has yielded many results.6. middle ground: a position that is between two very different onesHe held a converstion with their representative to see if they could find middle

18、 ground.他和他们的代表进行了一次会谈,看看是否能找到折中的办法。7. at hand: 1) being consideredHis question was not related to the question at hand. 他的问题与眼下的问题无关。2)near in time or placeThe great day is at hand. 伟大的日子即将来临。8. think of:1)consider somebody and their needs or situationIt was kind of you to think of our needs.谢谢你们考虑

19、到我们的需求。2) remember somebody or somethingI can not think of his name. 我想不起他的名字了。9. win the day: be successful Good sense will always win the day in the end.有理智的人最后总是赢家。IV. Assignments (5mins)I. Review language points in Section A and read the textII. Finish all the exercises in Section AIII. Share yo

20、ur understanding of the “Integrity Triangle” with your classmates.大学英语1 Unit 10 课程教案课次2课时2 课 型理论课&实践课教学内容:Unit 10 Section A: Being Honest and Open (Detailed Study of Text A and Reading Skills)教学目标:1. Students remember the meaning of new phrases and expressions 3. Students learn how to structure a pa

21、ssage with a general principle supported by an example3. Students grasp the reading skill of making predictions教学重点:1. Illustrate the meaning of new phrases and expressions2. Train students reading skill of understanding idiomatic expressions. 教学难点: Grasp the usage of certain expressions used in the

22、 text 教 学 基 本 内 容方法及手段I. Detailed study of text A (50mins)Analyze the difficult sentences of text A. Paraphrase them one by one, if necessary give several examples.II. Check the exercises of text A (25mins)Check the exercises of vocabulary, sentence structure and translation.III. Explain reading ski

23、ll: understanding idiomatic expressions. (12mins)Answer the questions inserted in the text B. Check answers and explain. IV. Assignments (3mins)Group discussionExplanationPractice 作业、讨论题、思考题: Write a composition on the topic which starts with a general principle supported by an example参考资料(含参考书、文献等)

24、:新视野大学英语读写教程第二册教师用书教学反思:Students dont know how to paraphrase a sentence, so they need to learn how to express the same meaning with different phrases. Students reading skills needs more practice.Session 2 (90mins):Section A : Being Honest and OpenI. Detailed study of text A (50mins)Step 1 New words

25、and expressions:1. sell out 出卖(原则或信念)The country has sold out its principles in yielding to the demands of a powerful group.这个国家背叛了自己的原则,屈服于一个强有力集团的要求。2. in short supply 缺货 短缺 When money is in short supply many businesses fail. 银根吃紧时,许多企业会倒闭。 Fresh vegetables are in short supply. 冬天新鲜蔬菜供应不足。3. stand

26、 for 主张 支持 象征He always stands for us and with us.他总是支持我们,站在我们这边。The teacher said she would not stand for talking during the class.这位老师说她不允许上课时讲话。The olive branch stands for peace.橄榄枝象征和平。4. confront with 面对 对质The accused was confronted with his accuser.被告被传和原告对质。I am confronted with enormous difficu

27、lties.我面临着非常大的困难。5.give sb. credit 赞扬The swimmer was given credit for saving child from drowning.游泳者因救溺水的孩子而受到称赞。Not until after he died was he given the proper credit for his work.直到去世后,他才因自己的工作得到应有的赞誉。6. consist vi.consist of 包括 由组成consist in 在于consist with 一致 符合The United Kingdom consists of Grea

28、t Britain and Northern Ireland.联合王国包括大不列颠与北爱尔兰。Happiness consists in contentment. 知足常乐。His conclusions do not consist with the facts. 他的结论与事实不符。7. do fine 干得好 He is doing fine in the company. 他在公司干得不错。Step 2 Paraphrase1.There was no middle ground (Para. 1)Meaning: There was no other possibility: you

29、 were either honest or dishonest.2. Life is like a field of newly fallen snow. Where I choose to walk every step will show. (Para. 1) Meaning: Life is like a field that is covered with fresh snow. When I walk on it, the snow will show every step.3. They didnt have to talk about it; they demonstrated

30、 this truth in their lifestyle. (Para. 2) Meaning: My grandparents didnt have to explain the saying; their lifestyle just proved how true the saying is. 4.They understood instinctively that integrity involves having a personal standard of morality and boundaries that does not sell out to convenience

31、 and that is not relative to the situation at hand. (Para. 2) Meaning: They knew by instinct that being honest means that one should have his own standard of right or wrong and know his limits, and that the personal standard should not be given up for ease or comfort, or changed by the present situation. 5. Unfortunately, integrity is in short supply today- and getting scarcer. (Para. 3) Meaning: Unfortunately, the world is in need of people of integrity now, and people of integrity are becoming fewer. 6. Stand firmly fo

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