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1、汉译英中级课堂版汉译英(中级)1. My sister and I _ _ (轮流) playing video games yesterday. 2. Whats the name of this _ (罕见的) plant? 3. Hes been _ _ (凝视) the painting for nearly an hour. 4. The _ (臭味) of garbage is turning my stomach. 5. Ive been feeling _ (不安) ever since he told me the ghost story. 6. You must speak

2、 softly; _ (否则) you will wake the baby. 7. This recipe is _ _ (适合) people who dont eat meat. 8. Emily _ _ _ (等不及) put on her new dress. 9. Buses are always _ _ (挤满了) passengers during rush hours. 10. The package has to be _ _ (领取) at the post office. 11. Flight CX 705 is _ _ (定于) take off at seven o

3、clock. 12. My father _ (看重) honesty and integrity. 13. The teacher had to _ (确定) which one of the two students was lying. 14. Sleepiness is a _ (典型的) side effect of this medicine.15. He _ _ _ (肯定会) find out that you lied to him. 16. Kevin _ _ (未能) pay off his credit card bills this month. 17. She _

4、(围) a wool scarf around her neck to stay warm. 18. The movie didnt meet our _ (预期). 19. The new product combines _ (创意) and technology. 20. He works hard to _ _ (达到) to his parents hopes and dreams. 21. She _ _ (碰巧遇到) her ex-boyfriend at the theatre yesterday. 22. Who _ _ _ (被评为) the number one runn

5、er here? 23. I hope my grandmother will _ (康复) soon. 24. I just called to _ (确认) my flight to the US. 25. The situation is _ _ (控制住了) now. 26. That _ (口号) caught on after the election. 27. I dont hate you. _ _ (毕竟), you are my brother. 28. He has kept running into trouble _ _ (自从) he made some bad f

6、riends. 29. When are we _ _ (应当) start school?30. Tony _ _ (自愿) help me move. 31. This ring has a _ (重大的) meaning to me. 32. I saw a _ (精彩的) play last night. 33. There are 19 students _ _ (总共) on the bus.34. I went to the airport _ _ _ _ (为了) seeing my parents off.35. This trip has been a _ (珍贵的) ex

7、perience for me. 36. Taipei is _ _ (以闻名) its nightlife. 37. Sam is growing _ _ _ (多种多样的) flowers in his garden. 38. Ill _ (留着) this bottle of red wine for a special day. 39. I must _ (承认) that I dont actually like your new dress. 40. His family is _ _ (由组成) five people. 41. Im going to _ (游历) Spain

8、this summer. 42. Time seemed to _ _ (静止) when she heard the bad news. 43. This ceremony _ (包含) group dancing. 44. The political scandal has been talked about _ (在全世界). 45. The boss decided to _ _ (推迟) the meeting until later. 46. You must _ (预订) a hotel room before you go on vacation. 47. Grace has

9、trouble staying _ (专心的) during math class. 48. The police will _ (调查) the robbery further. 49. _ _ (既然) you are back, can we talk about the project? 50. He _ (意外地) broke my favorite plate. 51. Recently, many people have been on a tight _ (预算). 52. The stream _ _ (通往) a forest. 53. He _ (建议) that I t

10、ake a day off to see the doctor. 54. You need to pick up the ticket _ _ (亲自). 55. He _ (拖着) the chair across the floor, making a sharp noise. 56. He has never _ (体会) a broken heart. 57. The ad mainly _ _ (吸引) male customers. 58. Wars bring out the worst in _ _ (人性). 59. Global warming is a _ (世界性的)

11、problem. 60. What does IOU _ _ (代表)? 61. He is _ (极其需要) for a job because of his debt. 62. It is about time for use to _ _ (朝去) school. 63. This island is abundant in _ (热带的) fruits and vegetables. 64. That huge mall is a shoppers _ (天堂). 65. Adding _ (适度的) amounts of olive oil to your diet can prev

12、ent heart disease. 66. He chose his _ (职业生涯) based on his passion. 67. The church was _ (轰炸) during the war. 68. A group of scientists have _ (考察) this desert. 69. He is busy _ (寻找) a new job with higher pay.70. He is _ (相对地) young to be running his own business.71. Hawaii is _ (位于) in the middle of

13、 the Pacific Ocean. 72. He always _ _ (留出) time to read to his daughter every night. 73. Not long after Saddam Hussein was _ (抓获), he was put to death. 74. He was late this morning. _ _ _ (因此), he worked overtime to make up for it. 75. The cocktail consists of alcohol, _ _ (果汁), and soda.76. That mo

14、untain is home to several _ (稀有的) plants. 77. _ _ (难怪) you feel cold. The air conditioner is set to 15 degrees. 78. California has a large Asian _ (社区). 79. He runs a _ _ (美发院) in her hometown. 80. They tried their utmost to _ (保存) this historic building. 81. _ _ (有机农产品) has become increasingly popu

15、lar. 82. Everyone has a _ (独一无二的) personality. 83. My dog lies to _ (埋) bones in the yard. 84. The plan _ _ (成形) after a long discussion.85. Bill achieved his success _ _ _ (通过) hard work. 86. The smell of the dish made my mouth _ (流口水). 87. There will be a _ _ (历史剧) on TV tonight. 88. Wall Street i

16、s home to Americas _ (金融) market. 89. My uncle earns a lot of money by investing in the _ _ (股市). 90. _ (卡通片) are popular with children. 91. India is noted for its computer _ (产业). 92. Expanding a business always means taking some _ (风险). 93. He has succeeded _ (超出) our expectations. 94. Seaside _ (

17、度假胜地) come alive in the summer. 95. That temple _ _ (追溯到) to the 13th century. 96. Sherlock Holmes _ _ (不负盛名) to his name and solved the difficult case. 97. I _ (归功于) my success to my parents. 98. If you keep up with the diet, you will _ _ (减肥). 99. He is fond of listening to _ _ (流行音乐). 100. The pa

18、rty would not be complete without your _ (出席). 101. Alaska is _ _ (最) the coldest state in America. 102. The young girl has the _ (素质) of a supermodel. 103. He thinks nothing can _ (与匹敌) her mothers homemade cookies. 104. He _ (渴望) to work in Africa after he finishes medical school. 105. Only three

19、people have access to the _ (密码) that activates the alarm system. 106. It suddenly rained. _ (因此), our picnic was postponed. 107. The band _ _ (开始) a tour of England. 108. My grades were good enough to get into that _ (有名望的) university. 109. The scientist made his discovery _ (纯粹) by chance. 110. Th

20、e _ (遗迹) of the temple of Ankor Wat (吴哥窟) are beautiful.111. They have been searching for the _ (失踪的) child for two weeks. 112. Our managers flight is _ _ (预定) arrive at 9:00 PM tonight. 113. The flavor of this new ice cream seems to be _ (完全相同的) to the old one. 114. He cant _ _ (负担得起) to eat out ev

21、ery day. 115. Our _ _ (家谱) can be traced back to the 12th century. 116. Richard is _ (无可否认地) one of the most boring people I have ever met. 117. You must have the _ (同等学历) of a masters degree if you want to teach at this school. 118. The movie _ (使想起) me of my childhood. 119. The police _ _ (封) the

22、road shortly after the accident. 120. The company _ (出口) musical instruments. 121. The Chinese language has many _ (明显不同的) dialects. 122. The sunrise in the mountains is _ (令人惊叹的). 123. If you cut your skin, you will _ (流血). 124. The waves today are perfect for _ (冲浪). 125. Please _ (通知) me in advan

23、ce if you take a day off. 126. I wanted to thank you for your _ (盛情款待) this past weekend.127. Women make up 40 percent of the _ (劳动人口) in this country. 128. Im extremely tired. _ _ (简单地说), I dont feel like going out tonight. 129. The city is famed for its delicious _ (小吃). 130. Our team will _ (抓住)

24、every chance to win. 131. All I want is a _ (奢华的) vacation abroad. 132. The farmers _ (小屋) is located in the woods. 133. After the _ (台风), it rained steadily for more than two weeks. 134. His advice was _ (极有价值的) to my success. 135. He often employed his friends as _ (模特) for his paintings. 136. The

25、 young pianists performance was _ (令人印象深刻的). 137. The jail lies in the _ (偏远的) countryside. 138. That chef specializes in British _ (烹饪). 139. An incomplete truth is _ _ (就是) a lie. 140. The house is said to be _ (闹鬼). 141. London is famous for its _ _ (浓雾). 142. It isnt easy to _ (发现) the enemys we

26、akness. 143. That _ (雕塑) is regarded as a masterpiece. 144. After taking the medicine, I felt _ (稍微地) better.145. Our exports to the U.S. _ _ (占有比例) half of our total sales. 146. Global warming is _ (可以说) the most serious problem of our time. 147. The professors room is _ _ (放满) old books and papers

27、. 148. He dreams of buying a _ (高档的) sports car. 149. Youll be in danger if you dont _ (遵照) the instructions. 150. The dessert can be enjoyed by children and adults _ (同样地). 151. Scientists are trying to find new ways to _ (节约) energy. 152. In Europe, football is the _ (主导的) sport. 153. Thats really

28、 a _ (新奇的) idea, but I dont know if its feasible. 154. I rely on my friends and family for _ (精神上的) support. 155. The ancient empire once _ (横跨) most of Central Asia. 156. The view from the top of the Great Wall was truly _ (壮丽的). 157. Isaac Newton was an _ (绝对地) brilliant scientist. 158. Mesopotami

29、a is one of the _ (发源地) of civilization. 159. Your car goes _ (难以置信地) fast. 160. You shouldnt _ _ (求助于) your parents after you graduate from college. 161. _ _ (多亏了) the Internet, it is now easier to communicate with people everywhere. 162. The _ (概念) of democracy was developed in ancient Greece, and so was Western drama. 163. The young couple sat on the beach and looked at the _ _ (落日). 164. He couldnt _ (抗拒) the temptation to eat the whole cake. 165. The small town has changed _ _ _ (完全认不出). 166. You cant take marriage l

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