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1、暑假作业检测高三第一阶段暑假作业检测编制人:李亚菊一、根据中文写出英文单词1感激_ 2. 辨认_ 3. 顽固的_ 4. 灾难_ 5. 品质_ 6. 炸毁_ 7. 竞赛(v.)_ 8. 探索_ 9. 减少_ 10. 吸引人的_二、写出下列划线词的中文含义1. He let her know how much this upset him. _2.Thegrowthhappenedsofast,infact,thatitfounditselfinsomethingof an identitycrisis. _3. She is able to see that her future is just

2、 around the bend. _4. ItreallyturnsmeoffwhenRichardwearshissmellysocks to bed. _5. Youarefortunatetohavehad thehelpandguidanceofsucha man. _6. Itmightbeveryfancy,madeofpinkandredpapercutinto heartshapes. _7.Therefusedtobargainover theprice,buthegavethemsomecoffeebeansfree. _8. Thebankfinancetherebui

3、ldingofwhat wasotherwiseadyingcommunity. _9. It isnoteasytomakealivinginasocietyoffiercecompetitions _10. Iconsiderit agreathonortointroduceto you ratherbrieflyProfessorDirac. _三、单项选择1. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily _ those of the author, so the editor is mainly responsible

4、for them. A. support B. blame C. challenge D. reflect2. Jack should have been here over an hour ago, and theres no _ of him yet. I wonder where hes gone. A. shadow B. match C. sign D. sight3. I cant get this calculation to _ properly. Can you show me where I was wrong? A. work out B. turn out C. wor

5、k on D. turn on4. If you didnt know the way, you _. You have a tongue in your head, dont you? A. should have asked B. would have asked C. must have asked D. might have asked5. The man thinks of teaching as a job _ he can do something serious but interesting. A. which B. where C. that D. what6. Why t

6、he man entered the house and how he managed to get out of it without being seen by people _ a mystery to us all. A. is remaining B. remains C. are remaining D. remain7. I had been puzzling over the problem for over an hour without any result, _ all at once the solution flashed across my mind. A. bef

7、ore B. when C. until D. once8. Opening a restaurant in that part of the city was a vain attempt as people said there were already too many. But the cooking was so good that it not only _ but made lots of money. A. counted B. stayed C. survived D. continued9. Mrs. Wood, if you ask me what itll cost y

8、ou to put in these cabinets, my rough figure will be about $2,500. It would be more, of course _ the design you want. A. to depend on B. depended on C. depending on D. having depended on10. The man claimed to know my father quite well, but when I asked him _ they came to be acquainted, he had no rep

9、ly. I had him there. A. how B. why C. from whom D. with whom11. Who would have thought it would turn to rain, after such a bright start to the day? Its a good job we _ our raincoats. A. would bring B. brought C. bring D. had brought12. I would never willingly go anywhere by boat, _ go on a voyage fo

10、r pleasure. A. much more B. rather than C. much less D. more than13. So humorous _ that she was given a big round of applause. A. was her lecture B. her lecture was C. has her lecture been D. her lecture would be14. I dont think you have ever gone to the market to buy food for your family, _? A. don

11、t I B. havent you C. do I D. have you15. Parents are advised not to push their children too hard. On the other hand, _, not to leave them alone too much. A. somehow B. therefore C. moreover D. though四、完形填空Most middle school students dream of the day they will get their drivers license. However, ther

12、e are many nightmares(可怕的事情)they might not consider which come with that “wonderful” 16 . The cost of running a car, 17 responsibilities, and the possibility of getting into an accident are important 18 . When a prospective(未来的)driver considers these negatives, the thought of driving becomes much le

13、ss 19 .Most people who want to 20 think about the fun of having their own set of wheels without considering the 21 of those wheel. Gas is becoming more and more expensive. 22 , a new driver will usually have an older car which will often be in need of repair. The cost could be so much that the drive

14、r might not be able to 23 it.Now it is probable that your 24 take you wherever you need to go. When you can drive yourself, you wont have to 25 them, but they might start asking you to run errands(跑腿). You might be the one who has to 26 your younger brother or sister from sports practice or music le

15、ssons. Your mom often 27 an item from the supermarket, and it will be 28 for her to send you than leave the house herself.Every time you get behind the wheel, there is a(n) 29 of having an accident. There is insurance to handle the cost of the accident, but it is not so easy to get over the emotiona

16、l regret of possibly 30 someone. Most people dont think they will ever get in all accident, 31 it unfortunately happens all the time.Driving our friends along a beach or mountain road is a 32 most of us have had at one time or another. 33 , there are responsibilities that come with it. It is 34 to c

17、onsider these responsibilities when thinking about learning to drive. Driving is a skill we all want, but many students are 35 until they are a bit more mature before they take this step.16. A. service B. experience C. document D. story17. A. allowed B. changed C. shared D. added18. A. events B. ste

18、ps C. functions D. considerations19. A. attractive B. boring C. formal D. difficult20. A. win B. drive C. help D. play21. A. type B. cost C. size D. repair22. A. Therefore B. Besides C. Instead D. Otherwise23. A. pay for B. look into C. push up D. work out24. A. parents B. classmates C. friends D. d

19、rivers25. A. give up B. deal with C. rely on D. worry about26. A. please B. search C. fetch D. teach27. A. shows B. gets C. leaves D. needs28. A. easier B. earlier C. safer D. funnier29. A. sense B. chance C. question D. effect30. A. stopping B. following C. hurting D. meeting31. A. as B. until C. u

20、nless D. but32. A. memory B. joke C. hobby D. dream33. A. For example B. In short C. However D. Thus34. A. acceptable B. important C. natural D. useless35. A. waiting B. thinking C. coming D. preparing五、阅读理解AWelcome to the James Joyce CentreThe James Joyce Centre is a museum to promote an understand

21、ing of the life and works of James Joyce. The Centres home is a townhouse in the north of Dublin, the city of Joyces birth and the setting for all his works. Through a programme of exhibitions, educational events and activities, the centre aims to develop an interest in the life and works of James J

22、oyce and the city which inspired him.No. 35 North Great Georges StreetIt was built in 1784 and decorated by Michael Stapleton. The house was repaired in the1980s and opened as the James Joyce Centre in 1996, run by members of Joyces sisters family.The Kenmare RoomIt is used for lectures and has a sm

23、all show of reproductions of Joyces family pictures. In addition, the room provides details of Joyces life, a reading table where visitors can sit and read by and about Joyce, and a show of some of the many translations of Joyces works.ExhibitionsThe Centres permanent and temporary exhibitions show

24、various aspects of Joyces life and works. Through shows and three films, you may dig into the novel Ulysses, its historical background and learn more about Joyces life. The Centre also hosts International Joyce, an exhibition that provides a wonderful introduction to the life and works of James Joyc

25、e.Walking toursA special walking tour of Dublin, the setting for all of James Joyces works is available every Saturday at 11:00 am and 2:00 pm, but must be pre-booked on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11:00 am and 2:00 pm (with at least four people). Adults 10; Seniors/ Students 8. For bookings, contact

26、 The Centre opens Monday to Saturday 10:00 to 17:00 and Sunday 12:00 to 17:00. Last admissions at 16:30 each day. Personal Admission: Adults 5; Seniors/ Students 4. Group admission (Ten or more): Adults 4.50 per person; seniors/ Students 3.50 per person. Payment for groups must be

27、made together.36. What do we know about the James Joyce Centre? A. Its house has a history of more than 2 centuries. B. Its house was built by James Joyces sister.C. It is run by the local government. D. It has been open for 30 years.37. If a teacher visits the Centre together with nine students, th

28、ey must pay _. A. 50 B. 36 C. 40 D. 41BMuch attention is presently being given to what is termed “functional illiteracy”. This should not be confused with the problem of illiteracy, that is, the inability to read and write. Current UNESCO figures indicate that 99 per cent of all Americans are litera

29、te the same figure assigned to nations such as Britain and Germany. Functional illiteracy, by contrast, is concerned with how much difficulty people have in actually using and writing skills in everyday situations. This might be interpreted, for example, as the relative ability to understand federal

30、 income tax forms, or printed instructions, or how well someone can write a letter of complaint, or apply in writing for a job.There are no agree-upon definitions of what functional illiteracy is and, in practice, definitions vary widely. For many years, reading tests have been used throughout the country which define reading ability by grade level. “Tenth grade reading level” for instance,

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