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Performance Testing of CFLs.docx

1、Performance Testing of CFLsInternational CFL Harmonization InitiativePerformance Testing of CFLs:A Comparative Analysis for the APEC Region(Working Group 3)byJiang Lin, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)Li Tienan and Han Wei, China Standards Certification Center (CSC)Li Aixian and Chen Hai

2、hong, China National Institute for Standardization (CNIS)7 October 2005BackgroundIncreasingly, energy conservation has been adopted as a key government policy around the world to mitigate the impacts of global climate change and to achieve better economic welfare. Compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) a

3、re one of the most widely promoted and recognized energy conservation technologies. A casual scan in the literature finds that at least 24 countries have some forms of promotional activities targeting CFLs (CLASP, 2005). Most of these programs have set their own performance specifications, and somew

4、hat different testing protocols, making it difficult for policy-makers and manufacturers to compare and understand the differences between program requirements in various countries. Thus, harmonizing the performance specifications and corresponding testing protocols for high-quality CFLs would help

5、to reduce such barriers of entry to various markets around the world.In May 2005, at the 6th International Conference on Energy Efficient Lighting in Shanghai, more than 80 delegates participated in a special-session about CFLs, covering many of the performance issues concerning harmonizing specific

6、ations for high quality CFLs around the world. At this session, the delegates agreed in principle to pursue international CFL harmonization, including further research on the issues of creating a uniform testing procedure that could eventually be submitted to the IEC or other international body; and

7、 further research on development of a range of performance specifications for self ballasted CFLs to facilitate testing comparisons and possible rationalization of CFL performance requirements (APEC-ESIS 2005).This paper identifies various testing protocols used for CFLs in various countries and com

8、pares them, at least for a set of common performance indices. The results show that for the most part, all testing protocols are variants of two dominant protocols, one used principally in the North American and one used elsewhere in the world. On the core list of performance indices considered in t

9、his paper, they are practically the same or considered equivalent. Thus, an opportunity exists to explore the potential for full harmonization of these protocols (at least for core performance indices) at some point in the future. A harmonized test protocol would lay the foundation for harmonization

10、 of performance specifications.Overview of CFL testing protocolsCurrently, 24 different economies have implemented energy-efficiency standards and labeling programs for compact fluorescent lamps. Among economies with a labeling program, three economies have mandatory labels, and twenty-two economies

11、 have voluntary labels. Among economies with a minimum efficiency standard for CFLs, twelve economies have mandatory requirements, and one has voluntary standard. There are even more countries where CFLs are promoted, in addition to the standards and labeling programs counted above. For example, EUs

12、 Quality Charter for CFLs defines a set of performance specifications that participating manufacturers have agreed to adhere to voluntarily in their products (EU). The expansion of independent national standards and labeling programs presents a challenging environment for manufacturers and hinders t

13、he international trade in CFLs, which in turn could limit the availability of quality CFLs in certain markets. Manufacturers producing for the international market currently face several export specifications due to different national programs and requirements in importing nations. As the number of

14、national standards and labeling programs increases, the costs of manufacturing and testing for each unique set of requirements rise as well. There is a clear need for harmonizing national standards or labeling specifications. However, in order to harmonize various national standards or labeling spec

15、ifications, it is necessary first to settle on a common set of testing protocols.Table 1 lists some of the countries in the APEC region with a standard or labeling program for CFLs and their corresponding testing protocols.Table 1: Overview of CFL testing standard in APEC Members EconomiesAPEC Membe

16、r EconomiesNational Test StandardReference Test StandardCanadaCAN/CSA-C 861-95IES LM 66 ChileNCh 2695: 2002IEC 60969 Peoples Republic of ChinaGB 19044-2003/GB/T-17263IEC 60969 Hong Kong, ChinaIEC 60969 Republic of Korea (South Korea)KS C 7621-99IEC 60969 IndiaIS 15111: Part 2: 2002IEC 60969MexicoNom

17、-017-ener-1997IEC 60901Australia/New ZealandUnder developmentPhilippinesPNS 603-2-Amd.1: 2001 IEC 60969 RussiaNo detail descriptionSingaporeCIE 84-1989 AS/NZS 60969:2001IEC 60969ThailandTIS 236-2533 IEC 60081 USAUS Energy Star IES LM 66; ANSI C78.5-2003 Table 1 shows that the testing protocols used

18、in these national programs are mostly drawn from three principle sources: 1) the IEC (International Electro-technical Commission), 2) ANSI (American National Standards Institute), and 3) IESNA (Illuminating Engineering Society of North America). Economies in North America tend to use IESNA and ANSI

19、testing standards, while the rest of the world tends to use IEC testing standards. The key top-level referenced testing standards include:IEC 60969. Self-ballasted lamps for general lighting servicesPerformance requirements. Edition 1.2, 2001-03.IEC 60901-1/97. Single-capped fluorescent lampsPerform

20、ance specifications. Edition 2.2, 2001-11.ANSI C78.375-1997. Fluorescent LampsGuide for Electrical Measurements. First Edition, 1997.ANSI C78.5-2003. Specifications for Performance of Self-ballasted Compact Fluorescent Lamps.IESNA LM-66-00. IESNA Approved Method for the Electrical and Photometric Me

21、asurements of Single-Ended Compact Fluorescent Lamps. 2000.IESNA LM-65-01. IESNA Approved Method for Life Testing of Compact Fluorescent Lamps. 2001.Note that IEC 60081-1997 (Double-capped fluorescent 1amps -Performance specifications), which is referenced by Thailand, appears to be an older version

22、 of testing standard for double-capped fluorescent lamps, and thus will not be included in the comparison below.Comparison of Testing StandardsFor this analysis, we focus on the following performance indices;(a) Lamp life.(b) Efficacy.(c) Lumen maintenance.(d) Color appearance and color rendering in

23、dex.(e) Starting and Run-up Time(f) Mercury content.LifetimeLifetime of CFLs is typically measured as an average lifetime of a group of CFLs. Average lifetime is the length of time by which 50% of any large number of lamps reaches the end of their individual lives.Lifetime TestingFor lifetime testin

24、g, the relevant testing standards are IESNA LM-65-01 and IEC 60901-97 (and sometimes IEC 90696).The key difference between these testing standards is the operating cycle. IEC 60901 requires the operating cycle to be 15 minutes off after 2 hours 45 minutes of operation. IESNA specifies 20 minutes off

25、 after 3 hours of operation. IEC 60969 provides a more flexible operation cycle which requires lamps be switched off eight times in every 24 hours running, with off periods of 10 to 15 minutes, and on periods of at least 10 minutes. Table 2: Comparison of Conditions for IEC and IESNA TestsConditionI

26、EC 60969IEC 60901-1/97IESNA LM-65-01Ambient conditionsWithin the range of 15oC to 40oC; excessive drafts avoided. These conditions are under consideration.Within the range of 15oC to 50oC; excessive drafts avoided.Must be controlled within limits set by lamp & ballast manufacturers; usually between

27、15oC and 35oC. Testing must be suspended if temperature range is exceeded. Airflow minimized.Power SupplyRated voltage with a tolerance of 2%Supply voltage and frequency not to vary more than 2% from the rated voltage and frequency of the ballastInput voltage regulated to within 2% of rated rms valu

28、e.Operating cycleLamps shall be switched off 8 times in every 24 hr running time. Off period shall be between 10 min. and 15 min. On period shall be at least 10 min.165 min on and 15 min off (N. American times are noted)180 min on and 20 min offIt is unlikely that such a minor difference in operatin

29、g cycle would have an appreciable impact on the lifetime of lamps, provided that other testing conditions are the same. For a CFL with a rated lifetime of 6000 hours, the IESNA testing standard implies 1800 cycles, and IEC 2000 cycles.All three testing standards have similar requirements for testing

30、 conditions and instrumentation. However, the IESNA standard has smaller ranges in terms of ambient temperature. A detailed discussion can be found in Fridley et al 2005.EfficacyEfficacy, or initial efficacy, is defined as the ratio of initial luminous flux over the measured input power of the CFL b

31、eing tested.Luminous MaintenanceLuminous maintenance is luminous flux at a given time in the life of the lamp and expressed as a percentage of the initial luminous flux. The mean lumens are measured at 40% of the rated lifetime.Testing of Efficacy and Luminous MaintenanceThese measurements are deriv

32、ed from photometric and electrical testing results. For photometric testing (such as luminous intensity, luminous flux, color, and etc.), both IEC 60969 and IESNA LM-66 reference CIE 84-1989 (The Measurement of Luminous Flux), thus are equivalent. However, IESNA provides more options on the measurement of luminous flux, either through the use of an integrated sphere, or through computation from normal intensity.For electrical measurements, t

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