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1、船舶轮机设备操作须知船舶轮机设备操作须知Instruction for operation of ship engine1. 主机Main engine1.1. 航前备车Stand by main engine before sailing滑油系统的准备Preparation for lube oil system1.1.1. 检查循环柜滑油油位是否在正常位置。Check oil level in main engine lubricating oil circulating tank. 起动主机油泵,检查机油系统压力警报器和温度自动调节器是否处于正常位置。Start up m

2、ain engine lube oil pump, check engine oil system pressure alarm and automatic temperature controller in normal condition.1.1.2. 冷却水系统准备Preparation for water cooling system1.1.2.1. 检查膨胀水位是否正常将暖缸(热机)阀转回后,起动气缸冷却水泵应检查压力,警报和自动调温器是否正常并起动水泵。Check the level in FW expansion tank. After changing over the war

3、ming jacket valve, start up jacket cooling water pump and check pressure, alarm and automatic temperature controller, then start water pump. 设有独立油头冷却系统的,要检查其膨胀柜液位,压力警报,自动调温器是否正常,起动其冷却泵。If independent fuel valve cooling system is equipped, check the level of expansion tank, pressure alarm, au

4、tomatic temperature controller, then start cooling pump. 检查冷却海水系统各阀是否在正常位置(海水泵可待温度升高后才起动)。 Check various valves of seawater cooling system is in normal position or not. (Seawater pump can be started only after temperature increases.)1.1.3. 燃油系统的准备Preparation for fuel system1.1.3.1. 检查柴油日用柜油位

5、,放出残水,检查燃油系统各阀是处于正常位置。Check oil level of diesel oil service tank and drain off the residual water. Check various valve of fuel system is operational. 起动燃油增压泵,检查系统压力警报是否正常。必要时放掉主机油头空气。Start up fuel booster pump, check system pressure alarm. If necessary, should vent from fuel valves.1.1.4. 起动

6、空气系统的准备Preparation for starting air system1.1.4.1. 检查主起动伐及缸头起动阀,是否灵活并加滑油。Check main starting valve and cylinder head starting valves for normal operation and oiling. 检查空气压力,放掉空气瓶内的残水并检查其压力警报是否处于正常状态。Check air pressure and drain off water from air bottle. Check pressure alarm in normal state

7、or not. 检查空气压缩机及有关阀门,是否正常(机动操纵时,一般用两台空气压缩机供气)。Check air compressor and related valve normal or not. (When maneuvering, generally two air compressors to be put into use) 打开空气瓶的出口阀和通往主机的空气阀。Open the outlet valve of air bottle and air valve to main engine. 打开自动控制系统的空气阀,并检查各控制空气压

8、力,及其警报是否正常(如用液压控制,即检查其有关阀门起动液压泵,并检查其压力警报是否正常)。Open the air valve of auto-control system, check various air pressure and related alarm. (If hydraulic control is used, check related valve, start hydraulic pump and check related hydraulic alarm.) 检查通往气笛系统的空气阀是否开启。Check air valve to the air whis

9、tle in open. 检查增压器透平油泵,查看增压器的油位情况。Check turbo-charger lube oil pump, check oil levels of turbo-charger.1.1.5. 按照操作规程,起动备用发电机并电使用,保证机动操纵时所需的电量(机动操纵时,一般用两台发电机供电)。As operation regulations, start the stand by generator and parallel so that should ensure enough power when maneuvering. (When maneu

10、vering, normally use two generators to supply power)1.1.6. 起动舵机油泵,并与驾驶台校对舵角。Start steering gear oil pump. Check with bridge for rudder angle.1.1.7. 盘车Turn engine1.1.7.1. 检查确认轴系的气缸头等部位无障碍,各导门已关紧,并打开各缸示功阀。Check the shafting and cylinder head. And the access doors is closed. Open the indicator valves.1

11、.1.7.2. 搭上盘车机盘车(最好将主机转2转以上)检查主机和轴系是否灵活。Engage the turning gear turn the main engine over 2 revolutions. Check main engine and shafting is flexible or not. 确认主机和轴系灵活后,脱开盘车机,捶上止动销。After confirm main engine and shafting flexible, disconnect turning gear, insert the safety pin.1.1.8. 冲车和试车(活车)St

12、art the engine on air briefly and a brief trial on power1.1.8.1. 冲车(冲车的目的主要是检查和吹走气缸杂质、残水和积油,以及检查起动的换向系统的动作是否正常)步骤是:检查关闭扫气箱放水考克。再次检查确认,废气透平和缸头处无障碍物,示功阀已开启。通知驾驶台,检查船尾和舷梯外,有无碍物,确保那些部位无障碍。摇车钟“正车”到驾驶台,取得驾驶台的“正车”回令。派人到气缸头附近观察。摇车钟到驾驶台,要求“倒车”,得到“倒车”回令后,用手柄或手轮或按钮进行“换向”和“倒车”,冲车。若无发现异常情况,则可关闭示功阀。Start the engi

13、ne on air briefly (Start the engine on air briefly is to check and clean impurity, waste water, oil dust in cylinder. Check exchange system normal or not). Process as follow,-Check and close the drain cocks of scavenging box -Confirm again exhaust turbine and cylinder heads no obstacle, indicator va

14、lves have been opened.-Inform bridge to check and ensure no obstacle besides aster and gangway.-Switch engine telegraph to Forward, get the Forward repeated order from bridge.-Assigned crew to observe near cylinder heads.-Ring Astern, get the Astern followed up from bridge. Use hand shank, hand whee

15、l or button to reversing and Astern, run engine. If everything is normal, close the indicator valve. 试车(试车的目的,是进一步检查起动和换向系统工作的可靠性,以及燃油系统工作是否正常)步骤是:检查并调整调速器处于所需位置。用手柄或按钮(加燃油)“倒车”试车(因冲车时机器在倒车方向,故可直接倒车试车)缓慢转几转后把机器停下。摇车钟“正车”到驾驶台,得到“正车”回令后,进行“换向”正车,起动动转,缓慢转几转后,把机器停下,并摇车钟“停车”驾驶台,得到回令后,如果各种情况都有正常,则

16、可用电话告知驾驶台主机准备完毕。A brief trial on power (A brief trial on power is to check work dependability of start and exchange system. And check fuel system is normal or not.) Process as follow,-Check and adjust speed governor to proper location.-Use hand shank or button to test engine astern (Because engine i

17、s in astern when running engine, test engine astern immediately). Turn a few times slowly and stop engine.-Telegraph forward, get the followed up forward from bridge, switch to forward, test engine, turn a few times slowly and stop engine. Telegraph stop engine, get the repeated order from bridge, i

18、f everything is normal, should inform bridge by telephone engine stand by is ready.1.2. 手动操作Manual operation1.2.1. 当接到车钟“备车”时,如果主机确实已备妥可用,机仓即可回车钟“备车”表示主机随时都可操纵使用。这时值班轮机员就要集中精力在操纵台前等侯操纵。并派人准备做好车钟记录以及注意保持空气瓶的压力。When receive engine telegraph stand by, if main engine stand by is ready, may reply engine

19、telegraph stand by that shows main engine can operate at any moment. At this time, duty engineer should pay attention to maneuvering panel to wait for maneuvering. And assign crew to be prepare for recording engine telegraph and heed to keep the pressure of air bottle.1.2.2. 操纵方法因机型不同而异,但基本程序大同小异。Ma

20、neuvering way is different due to different main engine, but the basic procedure is similar. 当驾驶台来车钟要车时,机仓即将车钟转到相同“车令”位置如果主机已在所需的“车向”停着拨回“车令”后则可直接冲车起动运转;如果主机在所需“车向”的 反方向停着,把车钟拨到所需“车向”位置后,先要进行“换向”,然后进行起动运转。When telegraph is ringing, follow up the telegraph to same telegraph order position. If

21、 engine telegraph is already in the same course, reply telegraph order, run engine and start and run immediately. If engine telegraph is in the opposite course, after switch engine telegraph to needed engine course, first exchange course, then run engine and start and run. 起动运转的操作大概是这样的:当操作手

22、轮移到“起动”位置。听到机器冲动声音和车速表转动时,迅速把手柄或手轮(包括燃油油门)移至“运转”位置,然后按所需车速调节油门。Start and run: Operate M/E maneuver unit to start. When hear machine running sound and speedometer runs, immediately shift hand shank or hand wheel (including fuel accelerograph) to run, then adjust accelerogragh as demand.1.2.3. 操纵时,油门不

23、宜加得过急过大,以免造成爆燃或超负荷。During maneuvering, no too much or too fast for accelerograph, prevent deflagration or overload.1.2.4. 操纵过程中,要时刻注意各种可能发生的异常情况,如强振或爆炸等,并针对具体情况作出相应的处理。During maneuvering, heed various abnormal conditions such as strong swing or deflagration. Should handle them according to specific

24、condition.1.3. 航行中的管理Management in navigation1.3.1. 当驾驶台给“定速”后,缓慢地将主机开到比“海上转速”低(510%)的车速。When bridge orders Ring off engines, should slowly run main engine to the RPM which is lower 5 to 10 percent than revolution at sea.1.3.2. 加至上述车速后,值班轮机员应巡视主、副机等机电设备进行一次全面检查。When get to above mentioned RPM, duty

25、engineer should check overall main engine, auxiliary engines etc.1.3.3. 缓慢地将主机油门加至“海上车速”,然后值班轮机员再一次全面检查各主副机等机电设备情况,并正式投入正常航行。Slowly raise main engine accelerograph to revolution at sea, duty engineer should check overall again main engine, auxiliary engine, then normal sail. 1.3.4. 如电量足够,可停掉一台发电机,用另

26、一台发电机供电航行。If power enough, may stop one generator, sail with another generator.1.3.5. 正常航行的管理Management in normal navigation1.3.5.1. 每隔一小时按交接班巡回检查规定范围全面检查一次,发现不正常现象及时处理或报告轮机长。The tour inspection must be carried out at the interval of an hour as the scope of handing over the watch, any abnormal findi

27、ngs to be dealt with in time and reported to chief engineer. 调节并保持各种有关参数在规定范围内。Adjust and keep various parameters in the requirement range. 定时向人工加油部位加润滑油。Oil to the manual oil filling ports at regular intervals1.3.5.4. 每隔两小时,检查并记录各有关参数一次。At intervals of two hours, check and record pa

28、rameters. 按航行值班规定的职责范围,做好上述以外的其他工作。As the scope of navigation duty, do well other works besides above mentioned.1.4. 完车停航Finished with engine1.4.1. 接到驾驶台的“完车”命令后,将车钟推至“完车”位置,并去电话给驾驶台询问:短时间完车还是较长时间完车,然后根据具体情况作出相应的处理。When receive Finished with engine order from bridge, follow engine telegraph

29、to Finished with engine. Call to bridge to check engine stop for a long time or for a short time. Operate accordingly.1.4.2. 如果是短时间完车等侯“引水”或“联检”,即可只做下列工作。If engine stop for a short time such as waiting for pilot or joint inspect, process as follow, 关闭起动空气。Close starting air. 关闭海水泵。St

30、op the seawater pump.1.4.3. 如果较长时间完车(即近期不用车),则需按“完全”完车的要求,做好下列工作。If engine stop for a long time, should operate as full engine stop. 关闭起动空气。Close starting air. 关闭控制空气或关闭液压控制系统。 Close control air or hydraulic control system. 关闭海水泵、油头冷却泵、锅炉循环泵和尾轴泵和尾轴油泵。Stop the seawater pump, f

31、uel valve cooling pump, boiler circulating pump, stern tube LO pump. 打开各缸示功阀和扫气箱油阀。Open the indicator valves and the drain valves of the scavenge air box. 关闭一台空气压缩机 Switch off one air compressor. 根据具体情况,按操作规程关闭一台电机Stop one generator according to the load condition.1.5. 主机和应急操

32、作时,应注意:When main engine emergency operation, attention,1.5.1. 进港前对主机进行试车,检查主机的起动和换向性能以确保主机用车。M/E to be carried out a trial, check starting and reversing functions in good condition.1.5.2. 增开另一部发电机,并电运行。One stand by generator to be started and parallelled1.5.3. 主机换轻油确保机动性。Main engine to be changed FO over to diesel oil to ensure maneuverability.1.5.4. 加强对空压机,空气瓶管理。Strength

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