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1、托福阅读近义词有continuing)anchor=hold in a placeabstract = concrete 文中找反意Advance = improvementaccomplished = achievedAdmit (permit to enter) =let inAdjusted = modificated (adjusted adj.调整过的 )Annually = yearlyavenue (大路,手段方法) = meansadvent-introduce(不确定)a matter of speculation-supposition(speculation的同义词)ad

2、justed-modificatedadvance-improvementaccumulate- collect/press down,(它在原文的句子是the diamonds accumulate in the 什么地方,是因为它的什么什么的特点)appeal-attractionattachment to -preference forarray=range n.排列, 编队, 军队, 衣服, 大批 vt.部署, 穿着, 排列attendant- accompanyingascribed to-assumed to be true ofafford-provide/purchase/or

3、iginate/requireavailable-obtainableapparent-obviousalertbeckon= invitebeckoning (引诱人的, 令人心动的)=invitingBreed = reproduce (breed v.(使)繁殖, 教养, 抚养n.品种, 种类 )beckoning=invitingbreed-reproducebuddingbrilliant-brightbarriersboost -raiseboom-expansionbeneficial-advantageousclassicconstant = stablecounter of

4、= in the opposition ofcontinual = constantconsistently= regularlycounter of = in the opposite ofCritical = significantCritical = significantcritical -importantcritical -essentialchisel=carvecounter of-in the opposite ofconstantly -regularly(i guess)classic-typicalclose-careful (其他选项为 final/instant/r

5、estricted) n. 结束couple-associatecommemorate-celebratecorrespondence 一致 harmoniesconfine-limitcamouflage-hideconstituent-componentcounterpart -versionconsequently-therefore / thusconvert-transformdemise-decline,demand=needdelineate这个我可能错了,但根据上下文,及其象 tracedetrimental = harmfuldurable=lastingDeterminin

6、g (测定) = calculating(句中选)Detractor = critic (detractor n.诽谤者, 恶意批评者)diffusion (笔试:diffuse = travel)distinguish = notice from the differenceDistribute = spreaddevoted to-dependent on/concentrated on/related to发明和entrepreneurial risks were devoted to the. which has no certain profit.distribute = sprea

7、ddisturb-upsetdebate-arguedecretivedetrimental-harmfuldispersaldaring - bolddiffuse-traveldispute-argumentdangle-hung hangdiversity-varieddetermining-calculating(句中选)? = extremeevoke=stimulateengage=involveexceeded = surpassedemploy=useexceedingly - extremelyendangered ( 将要绝种的) = abundant(反义词,句中选)En

8、rich = enhance 选项里有 enhance/conceal/enlargeentail = involve entail: vt.使必需, 使蒙受, 使承担, 遗传给Erratic (不稳定的,古怪的) = irregularEven= alreadyEvenly = equally (evenly adv.均匀地, 平坦地 )exhibit (n. v. 展示,陈列)= feature (展出、公开 = emphasize, display, publicize, ) (句中选)Expanse (笔试:expand = increase)express = communicate

9、Extraneous ( 无关紧要的,外来的,inessential, from outside)expressed-communicatedsome concerns about forest are expressed till early 1900. expressed- A.communicated, B.increased. exhibit-feature(句中选)endangeredabundant(反义词,句中选)entail-involveenrich(enhance,enlarge,conceal,根据上下文有可能选conceal,我选enhance),explored,ea

10、rnestestablishment-formationenclosure-surroundingeaseera-periodenormous-凶暴的,巨大的enhance -improve or enlargeelaborate adj.精心制作的, 详细阐述的, 精细 vt.精心制作, 详细阐述 v.详细描述embedded-encasedessentially adv.本质上, 本来even-already 恰好,正当词汇不难,其中有even-already题.在But, even by the end of时间.,.expendable - unprofitableexpose to-

11、subject toexert-causeexpanse-areaexpanse = (笔试:expand = increase)这一题 expanse 是考“n.区域”的意思for instance=for example fast (go without food) (not sure !, donot affect you adversely) forage=feed finding flourishing-thriving fragment-break up Gap (笔试:gap 缺口 , 裂口 = opening) Generate 产生, 发生 Given = particula

12、r gap hence =therefore harsh =drastic hazard=danger haul (拖拉, 拖运 )= pull Heightening (提高,升高) = increasing hider = interfere ? (笔试:hide = conceal) highlight /layer=inner ? Hub 中心=center Hydroelectric (adj.水力 发电的 ) highlight/layer-inner hider-interfere heightening-increasing host-great number 世纪末19世纪初

13、美国制造业的革新.其中有一题 tailors, butchers and a (host) of trades began to . hub-center, hollow n.洞, 窟窿, 山谷 adj.空的, 虚伪的, 空腹的, 凹的 adv.彻底vi.形成空洞 vt.挖空, 弄凹 hamper-make difficulty heed-notice hold - propose hold-keep up heighten-increase indigenous-native (in the context), incorporable = included immediately = cl

14、osest( 说类人猿是人类最近的进化祖先) In and of themselves (not sure) = alone Incorporable= Included (Incorporable adj.可结合的, 可包含的 ) indemention Initiate =begin; Instant = moment (adj. N. 片刻,瞬间) Invariably = always initiate =begin; in spite of that : HOWEVER immediately: closest( 说类人猿是人类最近的进化祖先) Indemention Ingemin

15、ation indemnification In quantity-in a large amount of inauspicious-unfavorable intimidating 威吓, 胁迫 incidental-minor point incoherently 无条理的 incorporate-include illusion n.幻想 immense adj.极广大的, 无边的, 非常好的 ingenuity n.机灵, 独创性, 精巧, 灵活性 ingenuity- resourcefulness ingenious adj.机灵的, 有独创性的, 精制的, 具有创造才能 inh

16、ibit -hindered inhibit invade - move into invaluable-highly useful jeopardy=threaten Judge (判断,评价) = estimate jolting -shocking key-significant landscape=scenery luxuriant=thriving( 答案还有moist) launch = start lack-without linked-connectedmastery的形容词形式 -expert, maintain-continue moreover=in addition(

17、答案还有thus) matter文中issue mask = disguise MASKED 伪装的,隐藏的,潜伏的 merit milestone-significant events ( in the context) Milestone = significant events (select in whole paragraph, spend much time for this one) Moreover-additionally mean - signify (还有一选项intend) merit masked monopolize form -dominate motif-pat

18、tern monitored-observed magnitude-extend minutely adv.详细地, 精密地 minutely-finely minute -tiny minuscule-tiny modification-alteration(另有clarification), milestone-significant development monotonous-boring Note = record nature-character notwithstanding -despite note-record outbreak = sudden increase(impr

19、oved, upsetted, 另两个我忘了) obscure=conceal 答案有干扰选项diminish occasion-event outlet 出口,出路 occasion-event obscured- conceal obtain -acquire prosperous-wreathy, premise = assumption parcel out= distribute procurement= obtain practical/predictable/great-p*midable(practical, not very sure)? came from a articl

20、e: the American army in 1776, -conquer pumidable difficulties- prohibited = extremely pare away - remove Pattern (n. 式样, 格调, 图案 vt. 根据图形模仿,仿造 = match, imitate) Pinnacle = high point Pledge (保证, 誓言) = Promise practically (几乎,差不多) = nearly Predicament 困境 Premise 前提 v. 假设 =assume Previous = Past Primit

21、ive (原始的,早期的,朴实无华的) = early Principal = dominant Principle = rule procure ( 获得,取得 acquire, obtain/ 实现,完成 = bring about, effect, procure a solution) primitive: early purchase=grip vt.买, 购买 n.买, 购买 当时选了 benifit,认为是好处之意,现在想来,还是grip(抓住)更好 principle (two times) 1 noun form i guess means- rule principal-m

22、ain proximity-closeness procurement-obtain Procure=obtain pore-hole prior - past predicament: difficult situation predicament-serious situation perspective, n.透视画法, 透视图, 远景, 前途, 观点, 看法, 观点, 观察 protruding-projecting punctual Punctual-没有直接对应选项(carefully(my key 表示时间精确 not sure) potential-possible presu

23、mable-probably primary-dominant previously-before pronounced-strong pose=present eserve = save Radical (基础的,根本的) = fundamental (radical = drastic) Rather than = instead of refine Remedy (治疗)= cure, rigorous schedule = demanding (rigorous 严格的,严厉的 demanding 要求高的,苛求的 如 :a demanding job ) Rival = compet

24、itor ramification-consequence; ramification-consequence redundancy remarkable-incredible revolutionous-quick discarding revolutional -quick discarding/(我选了change,回来查字典发现我错了) revolution-dramatical change rigorous-demanding. refreshing-unusual relevant adj.有关的, 相应的 ritual n.典礼, (宗教)仪式, 礼节 adj.典礼的, (宗教

25、)仪式的 rupture-burst radical-extreme remote-far away shortage照反义词spontaneous = unplannedsacred = holysubject to = vulnerable tosusceptible to = prone tosuccession-seriessparse,文中着反义词 richscrap=fragmentset in motion = start (使 开始运转, 如 set the plan in motion)Severe = harshSHIFTshare = proportion (propor

26、tion 比例, 均衡, 面积, 部分vt.使成比例, 使均衡, 分摊)silhouette = outline (silhouette n.侧面影象, 轮廓)Simultaneous (同时发生的)= at the same timeSiteSolicit = request (solicit v.恳求 ,请求)Specified (详细说明) = stateda matter of speculation (思索,推测,投机)= supposition (speculation的同义词)stunning = dramatically(不?定) 都在句中? (stunning: very s

27、urprising, very impressive ,另人印象深刻的; dramatically: 有戏剧表现力的,引人注目的)sturdy = strongsubsequent (后来的,随后的) = latersupplant = replaceSusceptible to (容易.的): prone tosettle downstem from - grow out ofset in motion的同义词,选项有start等Webster地解释比较好:to give impulse toshiftspecified : statedsilhouette =outlinesolicit=

28、requestsevere-harshsacred-holystrictstaple-importantsimultaneoussoaked-absorbedsplit-dividedscorching-exceeding hotsite-locationstaysingularly-particularlystint 紧缩节省slightest 最轻微的sparingly 节俭地spur-stimulusstaggering 惊人的,巨大的stunned-hinderedstunt v.阻碍.发育, 妨碍.生长, 作惊人表演, 使绝招 n.发育迟缓, 矮小的人(或物), 惊人表演, 绝技sumptuous-luxuriousseekshield-protectshrink spread(反义)significant- meaningful (obvious is not right)spawn-createspot-identifysnap-breakshied away from-avoidtangible-physicaltracts (of land) = area?=take advantage ofTangible = materialteasers (爱戏弄人的人/ 难题 a puzzling problem)tip 舌尖Trans

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