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1、第九章主从复合句第九章主从复合句 由两个或两个以上有依存关系的主谓结构形成的句子称为主从复合句,从句必然在主句中充当语法成分,如定语、宾语、状语、同位语、主语、表语等。 注意:句子不可以只有从句没有主句 从句一般由特定的引导词引出,有些从句除去引导词是完整的主谓结构,如:状语从句、部分宾语 从句、同位语从句等;而有些从句引导词在从句中充当语法成分,如:定语从句、部分表语和主语从句、部分宾语从句等 第一节定语从句 在句中充当定语的句子就叫做定语从句,定语从句是由关系代词或关系副词引导的,修饰从句的先行词。考点一先行词 先行词严格的讲不是从句的一部分,但由于它是从句修饰的对象,对从句引导词的选择、

2、从句谓语的数都起着决定作用,直接影响到定语从句的主谓一致问题 例如:如果先行词是the girl,表示人,则引导词应是who 或whom 或that, 从句谓语必须是第三人称单数形式; She is the girl whom I saw in the zoo yesterday. She is the girl who sells computer. 如果先行词是the goods, 则引导词是that 或which, 从句谓语是第三人称复数形式 Do you get the photos that I sent last week. 满分网托福语法 50 例题: (1) A rocket

3、burns propellant rapidly and most rockets carry a supply that last just a A B C D few seconds. 答案:D 应改为:lasts 解释:last 是定语从句中的谓语, 需要与先行词, 即从句的逻辑主语一致, a supply 是单数, 所以last 要加s. (2) Resin is a substance that - in water. (A) does not dissolve (B) do not dissolve (C) not dissolving (D) not dissolved 答案:A

4、 解释:此句主句是系表结构,表语substance 由that 引导的定语从句修饰,空格处需要从句的谓语,C 和D 都是分词,无法独立作谓语,首先排除;substance 是单数,依据从句主谓一致原则,动词也应是单数,故A 正确 考点二关系代词 大部分定语从句都由关系代词引导,主要的关系代词包括:that, who, which, whom, whose, 其中可以代替人(指先行词)的是:that, who, whom; 代替物的是that, which; whose 之前既可接人又可接物,但必须和名词搭配使用。 关系代词在从句中必须承担语法成分,可作从句的主语或宾语: 作主语的关系代词是:t

5、hat, who, which, whose,它们在从句中不可省略; 作宾语的是:that, whom, which, 它们在从句中可省略 注意:在作主语的关系代词中whose 是唯一可和另一名词连用的 作从句主语的句子,如: Shes got a parrot that / which can speak “hello”. He the man who /that takes charge of this department. Have you noticed the lady whose hair has gone grey? 作从句宾语的句子,如: Is she the one (wh

6、om /that) youre looking for?(for 之后不要加her) Show me the book (that /which) you read just now.(read 之后不要加it) 例题: (1) Jackie McLeans recordings have shown that he is one of the few jazz musicians A who style of playing has kept pace with the evolution of modern jazz. B C D 答案:B 应改为:whose. 解释:who 引导定语从句

7、时, 不能同时修饰名词, 需改成whose (2) A hologram is a pattern usually made on film in that can create a three-dimensional 满分网托福语法 51 A B C image of a scene. D 答案:B 应改为:film that 解释:定语从句中缺少主语,应该用关系代词that 单独引导 (3) Hurricanes are severe cyclones with winds over seventy-five miles an hour who A B C originate over t

8、ropical ocean waters. D 答案:C 应改为:which 解释:用于代替人的关系代词who 不能指代winds, 应改为which 考点三介词前置于关系代词 当关系代词作句中介词的宾语时,介词可以前置于关系代词,此时关系代词不能省略,而且只能用which 或whom. 如:This is the road by which we came. That is the man about whom we have heard so much. 注意:先行词为the way 的定语从句中in which 习惯上可以省略 This is the way (in which) I m

9、ake the problem out. 例题: (1) And ideal is a standard - people judge phenomena. (A) how (B) of (C) by which (D) for it 答案:C 解释:空格前后都是主谓结构,可知需填入从句引导词,B, D 可先排除;依句意应构成定语从句,故选C (2) In reorganizing the curriculum of Mt. Holyoke College in the late1800s Elizabeth Mead laid the foundation - the modern coll

10、ege rests. (A) is which (B) on which (C) which is on (D) on it 答案:B 解释:空格前后都有主谓结构, 显然空格处需要从句引导词, A、D 可先排除, 从句已有主语college, C 也肯定不对, 只有B 是正确的定语从句, 其中词组rest on 中的介词前置于关系代词which 考点四关系副词 定语从句还可以由关系副词when, where 或why 引导,关系副词在从句中作时间、地点或原因状语 如:Have you ever been to the house where he used to live? (where=in

11、 which) I could hardly forget the day when my uncle passed away. (when=on which) Tell me the reason why I am fired. (why=for which) 满分网托福语法 52 例题: (1) The knee is the joint-the thigh bone meets the large bone of the lower leg. (A) when (B) where (C) why (D) which 答案:B 解释:空白处前后都包含主谓结构, 句意上后句是对前句joint

12、 一词的解释, 可推知需要填入定语从句引导词, 又因从句中主谓宾语俱全, 可知缺少的是表地点的关系副词, 那末A、C、D 均可排除 (2) Members of a nations foreign service represent that countrys interests abroad and A B report on the conditions, trends, and policies of the country which they are stationed. C D 答案:D 应改为:country where they 解释:关系代词which 未在从句中作任何成分,

13、不符合语法,依句意应改为表地点的关系副词 考点五定语从句类别 定语从句可分为限定性和非限定性两种,其主要区别为: 1. 非限定性定语从句中,引导词和先行词之间需用逗号隔开。 2. 非限定性定语从句中,引导词一般不用that, 在修饰人时用who, whom, whose He had three children, all of whom had graduated from college. 在修饰物时用 which 3. 限定性定语从句是句子不可或缺的部分,去掉会造成句意不清;而非限定性定语从句只是补充说明的作用,有无对句意影响不大,翻译时常译作独立的句子,而不是定语 对比下列句子: He

14、 refused to reveal the man who had beaten him black and blue. (man 是特定的) I no longer live in Beijing, where air pollution did great harm to my health. (Beijing 是众所周知的,无需限定,若限定则意味着世界上有不止一个北京) TOEFL 考的基本都是限定性定语从句 第二节宾语从句 在主句中作宾语的就是宾语从句,并不是所有的动词都能接宾语从句,应满足的先决条件是及物动词。宾语从句可分为三类: 一、that 引导的宾语从句 that 引导的宾语

15、从句最为普遍,从句应是完整的主谓结构,且that 有时可以省略, 如:She told me (that) she had bought a gift for me. I hope that it will be cooler tomorrow. 常接此类宾语从句的动词有:say, think, hope, tell, see, deny, demand, suggest, propose, declare, feel, intend, insist, believe, agree, admit, expect, explain, imagine, know, report, doubt 等

16、I doubt that he has the ability to do this. 二、what, where, when, which, who, why, 满分网托福语法 53 how 等词引导的宾语从句 宾语从句还可由上述类似特殊疑问词的引导词引出,此时引导词作从句的主语、宾语、或状语,不可以省略 如:I cant understand why you feel so bitter about her manners. Could you explain what has caused the delay? I wonder how you managed to escape. Ju

17、st tell me which one you prefer. 此类从句的形式颇像问句,但需注意应用陈述句语序,不可倒装 可接此类从句的动词有:ask, say, tell, know, wonder, understand, inform, advise, decide, find, answer, suggest, show, discuss, discover 等 三、whether /if 引导的宾语从句 whether / if 引导的从句,表示“是否.”,whether /if 虽不在从句中担当成分,但因有实际意思,不 可省略,之后的从句必须是完整的主谓结构 如:I wonder

18、 if /whether you are interested in his paintings. I cant decide whether I should go or not. (此时不能用if) 注:有些be+形容词的句式结构类似于宾语从句,可归入此类,如: I am sure that he will come before long. Im afraid (that) you are not allowed to enter without a pass. 例题: (1) Almost all economists agree -by trading with one anothe

19、r. (A) nations that are gained (B) nations they gain (C) gaining nations (D) that nations gain 答案:D 解释:谓语动词agree 的宾语不完整, 因agree 一词不能直接与名词词组搭配, 但可接that 引导的从句, 故D 以外的选项均可排除 (2) Today it is generally recognized as the primary function of the Federal Reserve A B System is to foster the flow of credit an

20、d money that will eventually facilitate a C D balance in international payments. 答案:B 应改为:that. 解释:介词as 无法连接两个主谓句,应用关系连词连接,构成宾语从句 (3) A biologist does not merely describe organisms, but tries to learn -act as they do. (A) what causes them to (B) causes them to what (C) what to cause them (D) what ca

21、use to them 答案:A 解释:空格处需要的是动词learn 的宾语,B 是谓语形式可先排除;因不符合固定词组cause somebody to do, C 和D 均可排除;A 是what 引导的宾语从句,符合题意 满分网托福语法 54 第三节状语从句 状语从句是从句中的一大类,在考题中更是频繁出现,它的主要功能是作主句的状语,由完整的主谓句 构成。状语从句和主句在语法上关系并不紧密,但在逻辑上是不可分割的 考点一分类及主要引导词 1. 时间状语从句 主要引导词:when, whenever, before, after, until, while, since, once, so l

22、ong as, as soon as, the moment, every time, as, next time I will call you after I get to the company. I dont call her until I get to the company. Every time I feel lonely, she comes to talk to me. 2. 地点状语从句 主要引导词:where, wherever Wherever you go, I will be right here waiting for you. 3. 原因状语从句 主要引导词:

23、because, as, since, considering that, now that, not that, seeing that 注意:in that 是书面语中原因状语从句的引导词,相当于because, 在填空题中曾经出现 Now that it is raining, wed better cancal the meeting. 4. 目的状语从句 主要引导词:so that, in order that, for fear that, in case, lest 5. 结果状语从句 主要引导词:sothat, so that, suchthat 注意:sothat 句式和to

24、oto 句式的区别是重要考点之一,sothat 接从句;tooto 接不定式 The old lady is so generous that a lot of people admire her. She is too young to resist it. 6. 条件状语从句 主要引导词:if, unless, in case, so long as, on condition (that), provided (that) 7. 让步状语从句 主要引导词:though, although, no matter, even if, even though, however, whateve

25、r 注意though, although 等都不能够与but 连用 例题: (1) Anthropology is a science -anthropologists use a rigorous set of methods and techniques to document observations that can be checked by others. (A) in that (B) that in (C) that (D) in 答案:A 解释:空白处前后均是完整的主谓句, 意思上后者是对前者的解释说明, 推知需填入从句引导词, in that 是一特殊的状语从句引导词, 表

26、示原因, 与此句意思吻合 (2) Gorillas are quiet animals, -they are able to make about twenty different sounds. 满分网托福语法 55 (A) how (B) in spite of (C) because of (D) even though 答案:D 解释:空白前后都是完整的主谓句,需填的一定是连词,可首先排除BC,A 引导的宾语从句不能接在表语后,只有D 正确,构成状语从句 (3) Pure flint is too hard and even-grained that it chips in smoot

27、h curved flakes. A B C D 答案:B 应改为:so. 解释:so.that 是固定句式,表示如此以至于 考点二状语从句中的省略 部分状语从句可以省略,在填空题中时有出现 如:Although defeated, he did not lose heart. (从句中省略了he was) If informed timely, I wouldnt have missed the meeting. (从句中省略了I were) 例题: (1) -relatively costly, the diesel engine is highly efficient and needs

28、 servicing infrequently (A) Even (B) It is (C) Even though (D) There is 答案:C 解释:逗号后是完整的句子, 缺少的可能是从句或状语的一部分, B、D 是主谓结构, 肯定不对; A 是副词, 为甚至之意, 放在原句中讲不通; C 是尽管的意思, 实际上省略了状语从句的主谓语it is, 符合题意. 还需注意的是costly 是形容词而不是副词 (2) Although - rigid, bones exhibit a degree of elasticity that enables the skeleton to wit

29、hstand considerable impact. (A) apparently (B) are apparently (C) apparently their (D) are they apparently 答案:A 解释:although 是让步状语从句引导词,空格处需要从句的主谓语,B 缺少主语,D 不应倒装,可先排除; their 不能修饰形容词rigid,B 也可排除;A 是从句的省略式,相当于Although they are apparently rigid 第四节同位语从句 句子的同位语多由名词短语充当,但少数词之后可接由that 引导的从句作同位语,此时需和定语从句相区别

30、,同位语从句中that 不在从句中承担成分,而且不可省略 如:I was disillusioned by the fact that he had deserted us for ever. 满分网托福语法 56 The idea that man is inferior to animals is quite unacceptable. 可接同位语从句的名词有:fact, reason, idea, news, hope, doubt, belief, proof 等 例题: (1) Astronomy developed from the observation - through re

31、gular cycles of motion. (A) going to heavenly bodies (B) the heavenly bodies going (C) heavenly bodies that go (D) that the heavenly bodies go 答案:D 解释:空格前是句子的主谓语,之后是介词短语,选项中只有D 可将前后两部分连接起来,构成observation 的同位语从句 (2) Alchemists had the idea which by applying che mical vapors to base metals they A B C could create gold. D 答案:A 应改为:that. 解释:从句表达的

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