1、完整word版语言学复习题及答案I.Choose the best answer.1. Lan guage is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for huma nA.D. com munitycon tact B. com muni cati on C. relati on 2. Study the follow ing dialogue. What fun cti on does it p lay accord ing to the fun cti ons of Ian guage?A nice day, isn t it?Right!
2、I really enjoy the sun light.A. EmotiveB. PhaticC. PerformativeD.3.Interp ers onalrefers to the actual realization of the ideal Ianguageuser ksowledge of the rules of his Ianguage in utterances.4.A. P erforma neeB. Comp ete nee C. Lan gueD. P aroledealswithIanguage application to other fields,p arti
3、cularly educati on.A.Lin guistic theoryB.Practical li nguisticsC. App lied lin guistics5.D. Comp arative lin guisticsanswers such questions as how we as infantsacquire our first language.A.P sycholinguisticsB.Anthr opo logical linguistics6.Pitch variation is known aswhe n its p atter ns areimp osed
4、on senten ces.A.inton ati on B. tone C. pronun ciati onD. voice7.Conven tio nally ais put in slashes (/ /).A.all ophone B. phone C. phon emeD. morp heme8.An aspirated p, an unaspirated p and anunreleased p areof the p phon eme.A. analoguesB. tagmemes C.morp hemes _D.all ophones9. The opening betwee
5、n the vocal cords is sometimes referred to as_ A. glottisB. vocal cavityC. p har ynxD.A. wideB. closi ng C. n arrowD. cen teri nguvula 10. The dip htho ngs that are made with a moveme nt of the ton guedip hth ongs.towards the cen ter are known as11. A phon eme is a group of similar sounds calledA. m
6、inimal pairsB. allomorphs C. phonesD.all ophones 12. Which branch of phonetics concerns the production of speechsounds?A.Acoustic phon eticsB.Articulatory phon etics13.Whichone is differe nt from the others accord ing to p laces ofarticulatio n?14.A. nWhichB. mC. b D. Pvowel is different from the ot
7、hers according to thecharacteristics of vowels?A. i:B. u C. eD. i 15.What kind of sounds can we make when the vocal cords arevibrati ng?A. VoicelessB. VoicedC. Glottal stopD.16.ConsonantNouns, verbs and adjectives can be classified asA. lexical wordsB. grammatical wordsC. fun cti on wordsD. form wor
8、ds17.called18.A. in flecti onalThere areB. freeC. boundD. derivatio nalmorp hemes in the word den ati on alizati on.A. threeB. fourC.fiveD.sixMorp hemes that rep rese nt ten se, nu mber, gen der and case aremorpheme.19.A.p refixesB.suffixesC.in fixesD. stemsIn En glish -se and on are called20.The th
9、ree subt ypes of affixes are: p refix, suffix andB.A. derivational affixinflectional affix C. infix D.back-formatio n21.is a way in which new words may be formed fromalready exist ing words by subtract ing an affix which is thought to be partof the old word.A. affixationB. back-formationC. insertion
10、D.22.additi onThe word TB is formed in the way ofA. acronymyB. clippingC. initialismD.23.ble ndingThe words like comsat and sitcom are formed byA. blendingB. clippingC. back-formationD.acr onymy24.The stem of disagreeme nts isA. agreeme nt B. agreeC. disagree D. disagreeme nt25.All of them are meani
11、n gful exce pt forA. lexeme B. phon eme C. morp hemeD. allom orph26.The sentence structure isA. only linearB. on ly hierarchicalC. comp lexD. both lin ear and hierarchical27. The syn tactic rules of any Ian guage arein nu mber.A.largeB.smallC.finiteD. i nfin ite28. Therules are the rules that group
12、words and p hrases toform grammatical senten ces.A.lexical B. morp hological C. li nguistic D. comb in atio nal29. A senten ceis con sidered when it does not conform to thegrammatical kno wledge in the mind of n ative sp eakers.A. right B. wrongC. grammaticalD.un grammatical30. Ain the embeddedclaus
13、e refers to the in troductoryword that in troduces the embedded clause.A. coord in ator B. p articleC. prepositionD.subord in ator31. Phrase structure rules haveprop erties.A. recursive _ B. grammatical C. socialD. fun cti onal32.Phrase structure rules allow us to better understandA. how words and p
14、 hrases form senten ces.B. what con stitutes the grammaticality of stri ngs of wordsC. how people p roduce and recog nize p ossible senten cesD. all of the above.33. The head of the p hrase“the city Rome ” isA. the cityB. Rome C. cityD. the city Rome34.con structi on.The phrase “ on the shelf ” belo
15、ngs toD.A. en doce ntric B. exoce ntric C. subord in atecoord in ate35.The sentence “ They were wan ted to rema in quiet and not to exposethemselves. ” is asentence.A. simple B. coord in ate C. compoundD. comp lex36.The naming theory is adva need byA. Plato _B. BloomfieldC. Geoffrey LeechD. Firth37.
16、“ Can I borrow your bike?“You have a bike. ”A.is synonym ous withB.is incon siste nt with38.C. en tailsA.Predicati on an alysisB.Componen tial an alysisC.Phon emic an alysisD.Grammatical an alysis39. “Alive ” and “dead”areA.gradable antonymsB.relatio nal antonymsD.presupposesis a way in which the me
17、aning of a word can bedissected into mea ning componen ts, called sema ntic features.C.40.D. None of the abovecomp leme ntary antonymsdeals with the relationship between the linguisticeleme nt and the non-li nguistic world of exp erie nee.A. Refere neeB. ConceptC. Sema ntics D. Sense41.refers to the
18、 phenomenon that words havingdiffere nt mea nings have the same form.D. HyponymyA. Polysemy B. Synonymy C. Homonymy 42. Words that are close in mea ning are calledA. homonyms B. po lysemies C. hyponyms D. synonymsis con sidered.43. What essentially distinguishes semantics and pragmatics iswhether in
19、 the study of mea ningA. refere neeB. speech act C. practical usageD.con text44. A sentence is aconcept, and the mea ning of a sentenceis ofte n studied in isolati on.A. pragmaticB. grammaticalC. mentalD.concep tual 45. If we thi nk of a sentence as what people actually utter in the course of com mu
20、ni cati on, it becomes a (n)D. exp ressiveA. con stative B. directive C. uttera nee 46. Sp eech act theory did not come into being un tilA. in the late 50 s of the 20the centurB. in the early 1950C.in the late 1960sD.in the early 21st47.cen turyis the act performed by or resulting from sayingsomethi
21、 ng; it is the con seque nee of, or the cha nge brought about by theuttera nee.A. A locuti onary actB.An illocutio nary actC.A perlocutionary actD.A performative act48.is a branch of grammar which studies the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed.49. A. SyntaxB. Grammar
22、 C. MorphologyD. Morpheme50.are often thought to be the smallest meaningful units oflanguage by the linguists.A. Words B. Morphemes C. Phonemes D. Sentences51.“-s”in the word “ books ”is52. A. a derivative affixB. a stem C. an inflectional affiD. a root53. Bound morphemes are classified into two typ
23、es: _ affixandbound root54. The theory ofcondition explains the fact that nounphrases appear only in subject and object positions.55.refers to the phenomenon that words having differentmeanings have the same form.A. Polysemy B. Synonymy C. HomonymyD. Hyponymy56. The grammaticality of a sentence is g
24、overned byC. semantic rulesD. semantic features57. What essentially distinguishes semantics and pragmatics is whetherin the study of meaningis considered.A. referenceB. speech act C. practical usageD.context58. A sentence is aconcept, and the meaning of a sentence isoften studied in isolation.A. pra
25、gmaticB. grammaticalC. mentalD.conceptual 59. If we think of a sentence as what people actually utter in the courseof communication, it becomes a (n)A. constative B. directiveC. utteranceD. expressive60. Which of the following is true?A. Utterances usually do not take the form of sentences.B.Some ut
26、terances cannot be restored to complete sentences.C.No utterances can take the form of sentences.D.All utterances can be restored to complete sentences.A. in the late 5065. Speech act theory did not come into being untils of the 20the centurBy . in the early 1950C. in the late 1960sD. in the early 2
27、1stcentury66.is the act performed by or resulting from sayingsomething; it is the consequence of, or the change brought about by theutterance.A. A locutionary actB.An illocutionary actC.A perlocutionary actD.A performative act67. According to Searle, the illocutionary point of the representative isA
28、. to get the hearer to do somethingB. s being the caseto commit the speaker to somethingC.to commit the speaker to some future course of actionD.to express the feelings or attitude towards an existing state of affairs 68. All the acts that belong to the same category share the same purpose,but they
29、differA. in their illocutionary actsB. in their intentions expressedC.in their strength or forceD.in their effect brought about69.A. Cooperative PrincipleB. Politeness Principleis advanced by Paul GriceC.The General Principle of Universal Grammar D. AdjacencyPrinciple70.When any of the maxims under
30、the cooperative principle is flouted,might arise.father of modern linguisticsA. FirthB. Saussure C. HallidayD. Chomsky71.The person who is often described as72.The most important contribution of the Prague School to linguistics isthat it sees language in terms ofA. functionB. meaningC. signsD. system73. The principalrepresentative of American descriptive linguistics isA. BoasB. SapirC. BloomfieldD. Harris74. Generally speaking, thespecifies whether a certaintagmeme is inthe position
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