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1、单词和句型翻译讲解Tip 提示,忠告,指点Shadow vt. 跟踪,尾随 n.阴影,影子Jump off point 起点,出发点Mastery n. 熟练,精通/be proficient in /be skillful in Rate vt. 评定(等级*)Value /prize /treasure vt. 珍视,重视*perspective n. 观点, 意见* Hold/ hatch 舱位Extract 摘要*Achieve/fulfill the goal 实现目标Account for 占Amount to 达到*Be one of the components of 是XXX

2、的组成部分*Per capita 人均Override 不顾,不考虑;超过,胜过(限度);Surpass 超过 / Overrun 超过GNP 国民生产总值GDP 国内生产总值Guidelines 指导方针,原则*Emission 排放Pledge 动/名 诺言,保证*Pledge 抵押(品), (表示爱情、友谊等的)信物Put sth in pledge 以某物做抵押Sth taken out of pledge 赎回的物质Pledge sb sth /pledge to do sth 向某人保证某事,保证做某事Reaffirm 重申*Disaster-prevention headquar

3、ter 防灾指挥部Disaster-hit/striken 受灾Instant noodle 方便面Toll 伤亡人数*Mutually reinforcing 相互支持Interdependent 互相支持的,互相依赖的Concrete action 具体措施Sustainable development 可持续发展Urge 极力主张,敦促 Regularize 使合法化,使系统化,使有规律*Rationalize 使XX合理化Make a bid for 投标Tender (正式)提供,提出; 付款Liquidate vt 偿付*, 赔偿Reckon, liquidate 清算, 结算 t

4、ender money in payment of debt 付款还债Sanitation management 卫生管理Disaster-hit region 受灾地区Red Cross Society 红十字协会Evacuate 疏散Inflict 使遭受,使承受Inflict damage on *使遭受损失Crop land 庄稼地Hectare 公顷Catastrophe 大灾难,大祸,悲剧结局Disaster 天灾,灾难Sb is quoted as saying 引援某人的话说Nationwide 全国范围内的Ministry of Civil Affairs 民政部Target

5、 把XX作为目标Robe 长袍 In bulk 大批,大量,散装Relocate 重新布置, 重新安置新地点*Dispose/disposition (军事)部署; 安置; 处理,处置Leave me alone 别烦我Absurd/absurdity 荒唐的,荒唐Assimilate 吸收,同*化Reject 拒绝,拒绝考虑, 拒绝接受, 驳回,不同意, 不录取Refute 反驳, 驳斥,驳倒State Economic & Trade Commission 国家经贸委Dire/frightful/fearful/terrible 可怕的 Dive 突然下降Influx n. 涌入,注入 I

6、nrush n. 涌入Swarm/pour to / into vi. 蜂拥, 云集Surging 蜂拥的,一浪接一浪*Hearing 听证会Insider 知内情者,内部的人Swamp n. 沼泽Counteract/offset 抵消Resist / reject 抵制Safeguard 动,保护,捍卫名,安全措施,安全装置A step aimed at boosting the 朝着促进XX的一个步骤*In this respect 在这个方面Cope with/tackle/deal with 应付,对付Manipulate 熟练地操纵,巧妙地处理 Access to WTO 加入世贸

7、组织In ones capacity as/in the capacity of 作为,以XX身份,以XX资格*Send ones sincere condolences to sb 向XX表示深切哀悼*Acclaim(欢呼,称赞) sth as 称赞XX是National Peoples Congress 全国人民代表大会Standing committee 常务委员会Appreciate the contribution that sb has made to the development of XX感谢某人对XX的发展所做的贡献*Top legislator 最高议员/最高立法委员To

8、wnship 城镇的Household contract responsibility system 家庭承包责任制*Free from 从XX中解放出来Functionary 公务员Government subsidy 政府津贴Streamline 精简XX使效率更高,使现代化,使合理化*; 流线型的; Thoroughgoing 彻底的,十足的Overheads 管理费*Monetary income 货币收入Village congress 村委会Water works 水利工程Slaughter tax 屠宰税Surtax 附加税Lighten the burden on sb 减轻某

9、人的负担*Alleviate/mitigate 减轻,缓解Add to ones burden 增加某人的负担*Cut the burden 减除负担First and foremost(位置或时间)最先的,最重要的 首先,首要的*Sour 使变酸,使变馊,使恶化,使变坏Sour/worsen the relations between 恶化了XX之间的关系*Put an unbearable yoke on sb 将无法承受的压力压到某人身上*套,束缚 yoke Fund-collecting 集资Exorbitant 过度的/过高的/昂贵的*Extravagant 奢侈的,浪费的Impos

10、e xx on sb 把XX强加给某人Levy tax on tobacco 征收烟税Pay levy on sth 付XX税款Broden 放宽,扩大Sweeping 广泛的,彻底的,规模大的,扫除的Vice-director of state council office 国务院办公室副主任Counsel 商议,劝告Broccoli 花椰菜Aerobics 有氧运动*Oblong/elliptic 椭圆形的*Quadrate 长方形的Hop 蹦Pick up the pace 加快速度Venila 香草Pediatrician 儿科医生*Yam 山药Fitness program 健身计划

11、Cholesterol 胆固醇Oat bran 燕麦Pasta 空心粉Main course 主菜Its a snap(容易的工作和问题) 太简单了,太容易了,毫无问题No sweat 太简单了,太容易了,毫无问题Its a piece of cake 太简单了,太容易了,毫无问题 You are something 你很重要*Be all set 一切安排好了Be on ones way over 正要出发*What do you do by trade(职业)?/for living? 你是做什么工作的?Lodge 山林小屋Thrilled 兴奋的,兴高采烈的*Enough for an

12、army 一大堆, 远超过需要Nothing much/nothing serious 没什么要紧的*Crisp/crispy 脆的,松脆的Not a chance = Its impossible 不可能*No way 没门,决不行*Thats it. 对了,就这样Easy does it 别慌,慢点Ruin ones day / spoil ones fun 扫了兴*What a day! 多忙的一天啊!Gorgeous 灿烂的,漂亮的First/then/after that/later on/finally Cinnamon 桂皮粉Last but not least 最后但是也是最重

13、要的*Come by 串门Grouchy = be in a bad mood 情绪不佳Whats gotten into him? 他怎么了?Whats bothering him?Get over it 情绪恢复平静,过会儿就好的*Balloon 气球In that spirit(情绪) 怀着同样的心情Go along with 同意*Go by (时间)过去 Thoughtful/consideratate 周到的,体贴的French fries 炸薯条Cheer sb up 让XX高兴起来Or else = if not 否则Springer spaniel 长毛垂耳狗Affectio

14、n 关怀,友爱Be off to swh/set out for 出发去XXReference 证明书(人),介绍信(人),证明人所提供的资料Cuddle with 拥抱*Pal 亲密的朋友,伙伴,同事Chefs salad 主橱色拉Well done 很烂的Medium well 偏烂一些Medium 适中Medium rare 偏嫩,偏生Rare 颇生Diet cola 不含糖的可乐Sound system 音响系统Is that it? = Is that all? 就这些吗?Ginger ale 干姜水Ale 淡色啤酒Fountain 饮水机,喷泉Lemonade Pitcher 壶E

15、njoy the simple things in life 享受人生乐趣*Solve the mistery 解开谜*谜语 riddle Whats on ones mind? 你在想什么?*Take ones place/fill in for sb 代替某人/暂时代替某人处理事务A big hit = very popular with sb 巨大的成功/很受欢迎*Ice-coldTake sb for a ride 捎带上某人(搭上车)Boutique 专卖流行服装的小店Collateral 附属的,间接的,第二位的,附属担保品Put up collateral 提供担保物*Freel

16、ance 自由职业者*Garage 车库Guarantor 担保人Ranch 平房Sheets 印刷物,传单Headpiece of lace 头饰Lace 花边,绸带,饰边In ones price range 在支付能力范围内*Medical office 诊所Real estate agent 房地产经纪人Train 长裙拖地部分Rush 仓促行动*A real buy 价格便宜*Mortgage 抵押Bonds 债券Likewise 我们也一样Refinance 把旧贷款还清后重新申请买房贷款An advance 预付款Downpayment 预付定金Well be there for

17、 you. 伸出援助之手*Have extra time on my hands 无法打发的时间*Lamb chops 羊肉切片Mashed potatoes 土豆泥Tossed green salad 蔬菜色拉Put ones mind to good use 施展才能*To use ones intelligence well 施展才能*Personal matter 私事A big deal = something very important 重要的事情*On-the-job train 工作经历*Put ones experience on the line 考验我的阅历*Dues

18、会费,费用Brainpower 智慧*Practically = almost Welcome abroad 欢迎新会员加入Earn ones weight in gold 帮了大忙*Its a deal. 一言为定*Foreman 工头Ice skating rink 溜冰场*Tennis court 网球场Flower bed 花圃Lawn 草坪booming 迅速增加的 Fit in 插入,放入Adorable 可爱的Bassinet /cradle 摇篮*Crib 婴儿床Cuddly 抱着很舒服的Diaper 尿布Motto 格言Washcloth 洗脸毛巾*Baby outfit 婴

19、儿服Great-grand child 曾孙辈Reassemble 与XX相象Take after sb (在外貌、性格方面)与XX相象*, 以XX为榜样Carry on 继承Ive got to go. 我得走了Be very grown up 很成熟*Count on 指望Its the way it shoul be. 事情本该如此*Aquarium 水族馆Inviting, attempting 吸引人的,诱人的Figure out 找到答案*Get points 得分*Get to know each other 彼此间增进了解Scout 童子军Shuffle the deck 洗牌

20、Squeeze a Sunday in 挤出一个星期天Tuna fish 金枪鱼Suburb 郊区Tie 与XX打成平局*Be all tired 得分一样,不分胜负*, 打成平局Bellhop 旅馆服务生*Bouquet 一束(花)Cloves 丁香花*Heavenly 如天堂般的,美好的Hotcake 烤饼Buttermilk biscuit 酸奶饼干Compliments of sb 某人的赠送品*Daily rate 每日租金Maple syrup 枫蜜糖浆,果汁 syrupStick it out 坚持到底*Attempting 诱人的A good sport loser 看得开,输

21、得起的人Youll never guess 你永远也猜不到Take the liberty of doing sth 擅自/未经许可做某事*This is my idea of a good time 这就是我所说的享受*Homemade 自制的,家常的*Suite 套间Class reunions 同学会Renew old friendship 重续旧时友谊Studio 摄影室,照相馆Episode 情节,插曲Patron 赞助人,资助人*Endowment 捐赠基金Amateue业余的Mime artist 哑剧演员Acting academy 戏剧学院A live audience 现场

22、观众Ethnic 少数民族Tap dacing 踢踏舞Breakdancing 霹雳舞Have laws against 法律规定不能*Disruptive 破坏性的,分裂性的*Enforce the law 实施法律Labor union 工会Supreme court 最高法院Be eligible to do sth 符合做某事的条件,有资格做某事*Register /sign up with 在XX处登记签名*Board of election 选举委员会Voter 选民Vote 选票Neighborhood 街区,街道Cast the ballot 投票Polls 投票站To pro

23、ject/forecast winner 预测获胜者Barn 谷仓Rascal 流氓Toast sb 向某人敬酒A letter addressed to 一封寄给XX的信Drama society 话剧社For the world (强调)到底,无论如何*Over yonder 在那头Read my mind 晓得我的想法*Return name 寄信人姓名Sensational 打动人心的,轰动一时的Advance payment 预付款Leave out 漏掉*On such short notice 这样快,不多久Put it all together 安排就绪Ring a bell

24、(头脑中)有印象*Now that 既然*Set up an appointment 安排约会*You bet I do 我当然能You never know (将来的事)你无法预料Sleep over several nights 睡在别人家里几个晚上I mean what I say 说话算数Are you serious? 你当真吗?Flier 传单Hollow 空心的Locker 柜子Appliance store 电器商店*Hot off the press 刚刚印出来Hotly contested race 激烈的竞争*Pick up the story 报道这则故事Stage p

25、resentations 舞台表演Up to it 能做到Run against sb 与某人争竞选*Win the seat 赢得席位Run for office 竞选工职Have a clear choice 做出明确的选择Make a difference 产生影响Be fair enough 很公平*Take my side 支持我Take my side against 支持我反对XX*Powerful 有实力的Open seat 空席位Leave it to me/at ones disposal 由我来处理To cover the news 报道新闻Vote for 投票支持Vo

26、te against 投票反对Hold it 沉住气,坚持住Cool down 冷静些Take an early lead 初步领先 *Lose by only XX votes 仅差XX票失败了Be ahead 领先的Clap ones hands 拍手Stomp ones feet 跺脚Win a victory over sb 打败某人而获胜*Win the attention of XX 赢得XX的关注Hold on to sth 抓住,握住Wedding ring 结婚戒指Tuxedo 小礼服,无尾礼服Rent store 出租商店Bridemaid 伴娘Matron 女总管,女看管

27、*Marriage license 结婚证Be related by birth 有血缘关系 *Minister 牧师Priest 神父,牧师Courthouse 法院大楼Chapel 小教堂,附属教堂Synagogues 犹太教堂Ourdoor settings 室外环境Confetti 五彩碎纸, 抛洒的糖果Holy 神圣的Jitters 紧张不安Wristband 手腕带Best man 男傧相Take ones place 就座Vest power in sb 赋予某人权利*Lawful 法律上的Patio 庭院*Likable 可爱的,值得喜爱的That was too much e

28、ffort 太费事了*对XX表示赞同 to applaud sth, to favor XX享有高度自治 enjoy high autonomy(生产等)放慢速度, 怠工 slowdown加快速度 pick up the pace兴旺的,活跃的 prosperous, thrifty节省的,节俭的 thrifty(通过某种渠道)送到 channel sth into达到最高记录 hit a record high表示反对 express ones opposition/objection to缩小差距 narrow the difference/the gap between表示愿意做某事 e

29、xpress ones willingness to do sth表示渴望想要做某事 express ones desire for sth履行某人的承诺 abide by the committeement言行一致 match ones words with deeds核心问题 a core issue促进、推动XX的关系 advance the relations改善关系 improve the relation实力强 be powerful in strength实力相当 match each other in strengthXX给了某人很大的启发 XX give a great inspiration/enlightment to sb灵感,鼓舞人心的人/物, 启发,启示 inspiration/enlightment从XX中得到很大启示 get a gr

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