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1、1314学年高二课标GDY第2124期参考答Book 7 Unit 1 参考答案及部分解析参考答案1-5 BABDC 6-10ADCAB 11-15 DCABC16. paid 17. collecting 18. by 19. because 20. what 21. to ask 22. disabled 23. myself 24. an 25. but26-30 DBABC 31-35 CADBA 36-40ADBAC41-45ADDBC 46-50 FDBEA基础写作One possible version:Matthew Cowdrey, one of the most succe

2、ssful Australian athletes, was born on 22 December, 1988 with part of his left arm missing.At the age of five, Cowdrey started swimming and was determined not to just be as good as the able-bodied person, but to be better. He showed his talent for swimming when he competed in the Paralympics in Athe

3、ns for the first time, winning three gold medals, two silver and two bronze. To everyones amazement, he broke five world records to win five gold medals in Beijing and added another three gold medals in the 2012 Summer Paralympics in London.Matthew Cowdrey has shown great strength, determination as

4、well as courage to succeed and reach unbelievable heights in the world of swimming.读写任务One possible version:The author shared his experience of studying Chinese in China with us that after years of learning he not only improved his Chinese language skills, but also further understood the Chinese cul

5、ture.The reason why more and more people around the world are learning Chinese is that one fifth of the planet speaks Chinese, making it the most widely spoken first language in the world. Whats more, China is getting stronger and more influential in many aspects such as economy and culture, attract

6、ing more and more foreigners coming to China for further study.Personally, I am for the idea of coming to China to learn Chinese. Foreigners in China will immerse themselves in an environment which will help them bridge the cultural gap and create a platform of knowledge and understanding that is cr

7、ucial for effective communication.For non-native speakers, you need to memorize lots of words and learn about grammar and pronunciation as well. Moreover, you have to be aware of the differences between Chinese and English ways of thinking and organize your thoughts accordingly.基础题. 51. absence 52.

8、accessible 53. resign 54. assistance 55. ambition 56. suitable57. annoyed 58. conducted 59. adapt 60. beneficial. 61. cut out 62. as well as 63. out of breath;made fun of 64. All in all65. have access to 66. as much ; as 67. in many ways 68. meet with69. sit around 70. in other words. 71. Every time

9、 I look at the picture, I think of the unforgettable times I spent in the village school.72. I wonder if we could change the time of our appointment to sometime early next week.73. There was a time when women were not allowed to take part in any meeting which political affairs were discussed at.74.

10、Most citizens feel that it would be more convenient to make an appointment with a doctor online than to queue up to register in the hospital.75. The mayors speech was supposed to arouse much enthusiasm and confidence among the citizens, but most of them still felt disappointed部分解析完形填空话题:自然本文是说明文。介绍了

11、有关鸡的智商的一些新发现。1. B。由下文研究内容可知,一份新报告表明,鸡(chickens)不是愚蠢的动物。2. A。由下文内容可知,实际上它们比四岁大的小孩还聪明(smarter)。3. B。Christine Nicol在她的研究中展示了几项证据(evidences)证明鸡比几岁的小孩还聪明。4. D。由下文研究内容可知,新生的小鸡能数数(count)数到5。5. C。这项研究将小鸡放在(exposed)两组鸡蛋的面前。6. A。它们很明显总是走向数量(number)多的一组。7. D。8. C。9. A。为了证明小鸡的选择不是偶然的(by chance),科学家将两组鸡蛋的数量调换,但

12、还是得出相同的(same)结果。因此科学家得出结论:鸡实际上(actually)知道它们正在做什么。10. B。但是当鸡蛋数量更多时,小鸡则显得失去了它们的数学能力。11. D。由下文可知,和小孩和多数成人不同,小鸡在必要的时候显示出控制(control)能力。12. C。由下文的prevented themselves from rushing over可知,在其中一项研究中,如果小鸡能等(waited)比较长的时间,就能获得更多的食物。13. A。由上文的allowed to have more food可知,小鸡很快认识到这条规律,并能防止自己在食物(meal)一端上来时就快速跑去。14

13、. B。由下文可知,小鸡也似乎明白(understand)物理,尤其是结构工程。15. C。由上文描述的研究结果可推知,我们应该从全新的(new)视角来看待“birdbrain”这个词语,不应再用bird brain这个词语来形容愚蠢的人了。语法填空16. paid。 考查谓语动词。根据上文的I ve seen可知这里要用现在完成时,paid在这里是过去分词。17. collecting。 考查非谓语动词。非谓语动词collecting与它的逻辑主语he是主动关系。18. by。 考查介词。come by意思是 “经过”。19. because。 考查连词。根据上下文的逻辑关系可知该句意为:由

14、于我修理的机器已经坏了好几小时,因此站在身边的经理开始担心。20. what。 考查宾语从句。此处what引导宾语从句,并在从句中作宾语。21. to ask。考查动词不定式。此处用不定式作宾语。22. disabled。考查词形变化。此处用名词disability的形容词形式。23. myself。考查代词。根据句子意思可知:此时此刻我发现自己直直地看着他。24. an。考查冠词。由下文的cap可知此处用不定冠词。因为old是元音音素开头,故用an。25. but。考查连词。根据上下文的逻辑关系可知此处表示转折,故用but。阅读理解A篇(健康)本文是记叙文。Lexi在一次事故中失去了左腿,但

15、是她并没有放弃对美好生活的追求。26. D。细节理解题。由第一段中的The teen boy who had been driving the motorboat stepped on the gas by mistake可知,驾驶汽艇的男孩因为误踩油门而酿成了事故,故责任在他。27. B。细节理解题。由第一段中的she was breathing. However, she was unconscious可知,Lexi在事故中失去了意识,所以她当时什么都感觉不到了。28. A。细节理解题。2009年9月5日,Lexi和朋友在乘船游玩时突发事故,并在事故中失去了一条腿;2009年11月底,Le

16、xi遇到了假肢专家John Hardy医生;2011年春,Lexi加入了校足球队,并于同年秋天上了大学。故选A项。29. B。推理判断题。由最后一段中的内容可知,Lexi后来加入了校足球队,上了大学并且计划参加残奥会,由此可见她尽管身体残疾却是一个意志坚强的女孩。文章最后一句中的Nothing is going to get in her way升华了这一主题。30. C。写作目的题。本文主要向我们讲述了一个女孩尽管身体残疾却奋发拼搏的故事。B篇(体育)本文是说明文。文章主要对箭术的历史进行了简单的介绍。31. C。细节理解题。由第二段中的there is recorded evidence

17、of archery competitions taking place in China more than 3,000 years ago可知,箭术作为一项运动在三千多年前的中国就已经有记载了,故选C项。32. A。词义猜测题。由第二段中的Then the sport began to develop fast可知,现代箭术运动很可能起源于十四世纪的英格兰,随后快速发展并产生了几种类型,故选A项。33. D。细节理解题。由第三段中的arrows were held high into the air with the purpose of hitting a target which wa

18、s laid flat, not vertical可知,选手们所射击的靶子是平放着的,故选D项。34. B。推理判断题。由最后一段中的many years from now archery will continue to be a popular sport可知,作者对于箭术这项运动的未来十分乐观,故选B项。35. A。标题归纳题。本文从箭术的起源、发展以及作为奥运会的参赛项目等几个方面对箭术的历史进行了简单的回顾,故A项作为标题最恰当。C篇(自然)本文是说明文。文章主要讲述了动物之间的交流方式以及噪音污染所带来的影响。36. A。段落大意题。由第二段中的Animals in differe

19、nt places have often been sounding off in different dialects以及后面所给出的蓝鲸和鸣禽的例子可知,作者通过本段主要说明同一种动物因地域差异也会有各自的方言,故选A项。37. D。推理判断题。由第三段中的they share a general habitat以及when an iguana hears watchful for arriving enemies, too可以推知,鬣蜥蜴和霸鹟相处融洽,故选D项。38. B。推理判断题。由最后一段中鲸鱼和鸣禽的例子可知,作者的意思是受噪音污染的影响很多动物之间难以有效地交流了,故选B项。

20、39. A。细节理解题。由最后一段中的Their new voices usually lead to female birds find decidedly less sexy可知,受噪音污染的影响,鸣禽已经很难用自己的歌声来吸引异性了,故选A项。40. C。写作手法题。作者通过介绍一些动物之间的交流方式来展开文章并在最后通过鲸鱼和鸣禽的例子讲述了噪音污染对动物交流所带来的不利影响,故选C项。D篇(科技)本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了一种能将汗液转化为饮用水的机器。41. A。细节理解题。由第三段的内容可知,作者在文中之所以提到UNICEF是因为这台机器是为UNICEF所组织的一个活动而设计制

21、造的。42. D。细节理解题。由第五段中的The amount of water it produces depends on just about a mouthful可知,这台机器的产水量太少了,故选D项。43. D。词义猜测题。由前面的People havent produced as much sweat as we hoped可知,Mattias Ronge会认为现在的天气很“糟糕”。44. B。推理判断题。由最后一段中Mattias Ronge 所说的the machine will never be produced in large numbers可知,他认为这种机器不值得普及

22、。45. C。主旨大意题。由第一段中的A machine that takes sweat-laden clothes and turns the sweat into drinking water is in use in Sweden以及下文的描述可知,作者通过本文主要向我们介绍了一种能够将衣服上的汗液转化为饮用水的机器,故选C项。Book 7 Unit 2 参考答案及部分解析参考答案1-5ADADB 6-10ACDBB 11-15 CDBCB16. a 17. which / that 18. suitable 19. if / when 20. others 21. made 22.

23、to 23. it 24. are put 25. To deal26-30 BACDB 31-35 CCADD 36-40 DADDC 41-45 BADAD 46-50 FAEBC基础写作One possible version:The Robot Group from Dalian No. 8 Middle School won the world championship in Rescue A Program during the RoboCup Junior 2013, which was held from July 27 to 30, 2013, in Eindhoven, H

24、olland.The RoboCup Junior 2013 includes 15 programs in three categories such as rescue, dance and soccer, attracting over 3,000 people from 46 countries and regions to take part.In Rescue A Program the students from Dalian No. 8 Middle School constructed and programmed a robot to follow a predetermi

25、ned path, bypassing obstacles and finding wounded persons. After nine contests in three days, Dalian No. 8 Middle School Delegation won the championship. It is the third time for this school to gain this award in the last three years.读写任务One possible version:On the school open day, parents and child

26、ren step into the school and talk with its teachers and students to get detailed information about it, which helps them decide whether the children can adapt to the surroundings.From the article, its not difficult for us to see that there are some differences between the school open day of China and

27、 foreign countries. Our school open day is to let parents and people outside school get to know more about the school, not for parents and children to choose which school to study in.A school open day is an unforgettable experience for us students. Take a school open day last year in our school for

28、example. On that day, what impressed us most was that all our teachers tried their best to give wonderful lessons and all of us benefited a lot.As far as Im concerned, the school open day is quite beneficial to our students as well as the school itself. On the one hand, the students can enjoy wonder

29、ful classes prepared adequately by their teachers. On the other hand, the school itself is better known to other schools and society.基础题.51. favour 52. would divorce 53. affairs 54. desire 55. accompanied 56. satisfaction57. sympathy 58. obey 59. declare 60. affection.61. has a talent for 62. set as

30、ide 63. are bound to 64. more than 65. so that 66. test out 67. turned; around 68. leaving;alone 69. ring up 70. in all.71. It was Jacks ability rather than his family background that won him the high position.72. Laura was happy to be supported by so many kind-hearted friends when she had a major o

31、peration in hospital.73. She tried her best to wash the old pot thoroughly, even though she could not make it look brand new.74. Being monitor of the class, Mark thinks it his duty to settle his classmatesaffairs.75. The newspaper stories deliberately wrote down the actresss unattractive past, which

32、 made me more amused than shocked.部分解析完形填空话题:自然科学本文是说明文。介绍了有关外星人访问地球的不同理论。1.A。根据下文“have somewhat 2 views on these questions”可知他们也已经问过一个问题(question)为什么智力超强的外星人没有与地球人联系?2.D。根据下文可知两位著名科学家就这一问题提出不同的(different)看法。3.A。根据下文可知Stephen Hawking认为外星人不与地球上的人联系是件好(good)事。4.D。根据下文的conquer and loot可知,他认为外星人用完自己星球上的资源之后,就变得有侵略性(aggressive)。5. B。这种行为就与几个世纪之前的欧洲殖民者征服掠夺美洲的印第安人相似(similar)。6 .A。上文说到这两位科学家有不同的见解。这是另一位科学家的理论(theory)。7. C。他假设外星人已经研究过地球(Ear

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