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5、18英语比喻性词语中文化内涵及翻译19英语意义否定表现法及其汉译20浅谈新闻标题的翻译The Characteristics of Athletic English and Its Translation体育英语的特点及翻译 翻译 The Semantic Contrast of Color Words between English and Chinese and their Translation中英颜色词的语义对比及翻译 翻译 Chinese Reduplicated Words and their Translation into English汉语叠词及其英译 翻译 Brand Tr

6、anslation商标翻译 翻译 On Translating Methods of Numerals between Chinese and English中英数字的翻译方法 翻译 Literal and Free Translation in the Translation of Advertisement Headlines and Slogans广告用语的直译和意译 翻译 On the Translation of Chinese Trade Mark into English中文商标的英译 翻译 Culture Differences and Translation文化差异和翻译 翻

7、译 Charactecistics and Translation of Adventisement广告英语的特征及其翻译 翻译 Principles and Methods on Brand-Translation商标翻译的原则和方法 翻译 The Study on Features of Advertising and its Translation 广告语的点及其翻译 翻译 Non-Correspondence in English-Chinese Translation of Color Words中英文翻译中颜色词的非对应 翻译 A Study on the Translation

8、of Movie Titles电影片名的翻译 翻译 On the Cultural Signification of Animal Idioms and Translation动物俚语文化含义与翻译 翻译 The Translation of Color Terms试论颜色词的翻译 翻译 A comparative Study of the Old Man and the Sea-Concerning the Perfection in Literary Translation老人与海译文比较谈影响文学翻译完美性的因素 翻译 On the Translation of Advertisemen

9、t From the Perspective Of Functionalist Theory从功能派理论角度看广告翻译 翻译 Influence of Cultural Differences on Translation of Idioms文化差异与习语翻译 翻译 Foreignizing and Domesticating Translations in Cross-cultural Vision跨文化视野中的异化和归化翻译 翻译 The Subject and Topic in Chinese-English Translation Shift汉译英中的主位与话题 翻译 The Loss

10、 of Affective Meaning in Translation from the Perspective of Cultural Differences从文化差异的角度看翻译中情感意义的丢失 翻译 On the Explicitness and Implicitness of Conjunctions in English-Chinese Translation Process论连词再英汉翻译中的显性和隐性存在 翻译 Approaching Domestication and Foreignization in Translation from a Functional Perspe

11、ctive从功能翻译角度看归化与异化 翻译 On Translation of Idioms 论习语的翻译 翻译 Translation of Chinese Receipts and the Differences of Cookery Culture between Chinese and English-speaking Countries中餐菜谱的英译及中西饮食文化差异 翻译 On the Untranslatability due to Cultural Differences不可译现象在中英文化差异中的体现 翻译 Extra-linguistic Context and Trans

12、lation非语言语境与翻译 翻译 Comparison and Translation of Chinese and English Idioms汉英习语对比与翻译 翻译 On Translation of Chinese and English Idioms from Cultural Perceptives从文化的角度谈英汉习语的翻译 翻译 Cultural Differences Between English and Chinese Idioms And Translation中英文习语翻译中的文化差异比较 翻译 Impact of Culture Differences on Br

13、and Translation of Trademarks 文化差异对商标翻译的影响 翻译 Cultural Context and The Translation of Metaphors文化语境和隐喻的翻译 翻译 Conversion of Part of Speech in English-Chinese Translation 英译汉中词类的转换 翻译 Foreignizing and Domesticating strat egies in Cross-cultural Translation 跨文化翻译中的异化与归化策略 翻译 A Study of the Chinese-Engl

14、ish Translation of Trademarks 浅谈商标的汉英翻译 翻译 How To deal with culture-loaded words in idioms translation习语翻译中文化词的处理 翻译 Cultural Connotation and Translation for Color Words颜色词的文化内涵与翻译 翻译 The Translation of English Loanwords into Chinese英语外来词汉化的基本途径 翻译 When in Rome do as the Romans doOn translation of C

15、hinese trademarks into English 入乡随俗论中文商标的英译 翻译 Cultural differences and Translation between Chinese and English Idioms汉英习语的文化差异与翻译 翻译 Foreignization In Translation in the 21st in China21世纪中国的异化翻译 翻译 The Transfer of Culture Image and of English and Chinese Idioms in Translating论英汉习语翻译中的文化意象的转化 翻译 Bas

16、ic Strategy for Advertisement Translation-Target-language Oriented Strategy 广告翻译的基本策略以目的语言为取向的翻译策略 翻译 Lexical Rhetorical Devices in English-Chinese Translation 英汉翻译中的词义修辞格 翻译 The Criteria of the Translation of Computer English计算机英语的翻译标准 翻译 Comprehension: A Very Important Part of Translation理解:翻译中不可或

17、缺的一部分 翻译 The Translation of the Brand Name 商标名称的翻译 翻译 Strategies for Translationg English Slang into Chinese英语俚语汉译的技巧 翻译 Cultural Factors in the Translation of Poems诗歌翻译中的文化因素 翻译 Cultural Differences and the Translation of Brand Names文化差异与商标翻译 翻译 Cultural Differences and Untranslatability文化差异和不可译性 翻

18、译 Cultural Differences and Vocabulary Translation文化差异及词汇翻译 翻译 The Application of Fuzziness in the Translation翻译中的模糊语现象 翻译 Translator as Artist -Translators Individuality in Literary Translation译者作为一位艺术家-论文学翻译中的译者个性 翻译 The Translation of Movie Titles电影名的翻译 翻译 Translating the English Verbs into Chines

19、e 英 语 动 词 的 汉 译 翻译 Colour Words and the Translation颜色词及其翻译 翻译 Domestication and Foreignizationin The Book of Songs诗经翻译的归化和异化 翻译 Cultural Comparison and Idioms Translation文化对比与习语的翻译 翻译 Social-cultural Context and the Translators Choice of Words A Comparison of Two Chinese Versions of Jane Eyre社会文化背景和

20、译者的选词对简爱两种译本的比较 翻译 The Effect That Non-linguistic Context Has on Translation非语言语境在翻译 中的作用 翻译 Cultural Gaps between English and ChineseIdioms and Their Translation英汉习语的文化差异及其翻译 翻译 Words Translation between Different Cultures不同文化中词汇的翻译 翻译 On Cultural Differences and Idiom Translation文化差异与习语翻译 翻译 On Tr

21、anslation of English Trademarks Into Chinese-On Beauty In Sense Sound And Form浅谈英文商标的汉译意美、音美、形美 翻译 Some of the Ways to Idiom Translation 习语翻译法 翻译 Paralanguage and Literature Translation -With Reflections on the Version of Dream of Red Mansions 副语言与文学翻译对红楼梦译本的思考 翻译 Methods of Translating Color Words

22、Based on Cultural Differences between Chinese and English 翻译 Culture-gap Words and the Translation文化空缺词及其翻译 翻译 Understanding-the Key to Translation理解是翻译的关键 翻译 A Brief Talk about Two Approaches to the Translation of Metaphor浅谈隐喻翻译的两种方法 翻译 A Glimpse of English Film Title Translation 英语电影名翻译一瞥 翻译 Socia

23、l-cultural Differences and the Translators Choice of Words社会文化差异与译者的选词 翻译 The Application of Domestication and Foreignization in the Translation of Culture 文化翻译中归化与异化的应用 翻译 Cultural Differences and Untranslatability文化差异与不可译性 翻译 The Context in Relation to Translation语境与翻译 翻译 Female and Translation 女性

24、与翻译 翻译 Effects of Difference between the Chinese and Western Cultures on Translation 中西文化差异对于翻译的影响 翻译 The Cultural Differences and Translation of English and Chinese Idioms 英汉习语的文化差异与翻译 翻译 Cultural Gaps and Translation Limitation文化差异与翻译局限 翻译 The Approaches to Proverb Translation in Cultural Context从

25、文化语境谈谚语翻译 翻译 Allusion Translation in Song Poems宋词典故的翻译 翻译 Blind Spots in English Proverbs Translation英谚汉译中的盲点的探讨 翻译 Advertisement Translation 广告翻译 翻译 Differences Between Chinese Headline and English Headline aswell as Their Translation 论中英文新闻标题的差异与翻译 翻译 On the Mistranslation of Idioms习语的误译 翻译 The in

26、fluence of Culture onthe Translation of Advertisements文化对广告翻译的影响 翻译 On English Idioms and Their Translation英语习用语的翻译 翻译 On the Translation Strategy of Chinese Classics-With Special Reference to Arthur Waleys English Version of THE ANALECTS浅谈中国典籍的翻译策略-从阿瑟威利的论语译本悟其翻译之道 翻译 Cultural Differences and Untra

27、nslatability文化差异与不可译性 翻译 Unveil the Cultural Elements of English -On the Translation of English Idioms揭开英语中文化因子的面纱浅谈英语习语的翻译 翻译 Adaptation And Alienation in Intercultural Translation跨文化翻译中的归化与异化 翻译 Cultural Connotation and Translation of E-C Animal Words 英汉动物词的文化内涵及翻译 翻译 A Brief Talk on Trademarks Tr

28、anslation浅谈商标翻译 翻译 On the Translation of English and Chinese Proverbs from the Perspective of Intercultural Communication从跨文化交际角度谈英汉谚语翻译 翻 译 Cross-cultural Awareness in Translating Tourist Materials from Chinese into English中文旅游资料英译的跨文化意识 翻译 Connotative Comparison and Translation of Chinese “Hong” a

29、nd English “Red” 论中英文红色内涵意义对比及其翻译方法 翻译 On the Principles of Equivalence in the Translation of English Idioms into Chinese and Their Practical Application英语成语翻译中的对等原则及具体应用 翻译 Translation of Animal Words 动物词语的翻译 翻译 On Cultural Factors in English and Chinese Trademark Translation and Four Translation M

30、ethods英汉商标翻译中的文化因素及四种翻译方法 翻译 On the Comprehension and Translation of English Proverbs论英语谚语的理解与翻译 翻译 The Influence of Christian Culture on Translation 基督教文化对翻译的影响 翻译 Cultural Differences and Idiom Translation文化差异和成语翻译 翻译 The Subjectivity of the Translator in Literary Translation 文学翻译中的译者主体性 翻译 How to Teach English in Communicative Way in Middle School 交际法教学在中学英语课堂中的运用 翻译 Cultural Differences and Transplantation in Translation文化差异和翻译中的文化移植 翻译 Translation of English Advertisement

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